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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Annual Mahaprayan Observed Yesterday: Speaker Mohammed Salim, Mahaprayana




Yesterday, 26 Sep 2014, was the 99th annual mahaprayan Mahaprayana observance of the death of Shrii Bagha Jatin. Some of the speakers who delivered eulogies were: Muntasir Mamun, Mohammed Selim, Saiyad Belal Hussain, Ziyal Islam, and many more.

The below photo depicts how mahaprayan is done by all kinds of people and communities to observe the death of a human being. And this ceremony is observed annually on the death day of Mr. Bagha Jatin.

See how many have turned out for the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the death of this human being. The photo primarily shows the speakers and noted officials, there are many more persons in the audience who are not shown in this photo. It is clear they are keen to honour the annual death day.

In the accompanying article, the term highlighted in orange is the Bengali spelling of mahaprayan. Mahaprayana

Again, some of the speakers who delivered eulogies were: Muntasir Mamun, Mohammed Selim, Saiyad Belal Hussain, Ziyal Islam, and many more.



Naturally then, when the mahaprayan Mahaprayana function is embraced by all as a death ceremony for human beings, then when it is done in Tiljala every year in October, the all think that a death ceremony is being convened. They think it is in honour of the death of the Marga Guru - and that Marga Guru is also a human being, not Sadguru.



Taken altogether, the situation is quite pitiful. Beloved Baba is the eternal Parama Purusa yet the mahaprayan organisers are treating Him like one mortal who died.

It is just like how Lord Buddha was against caste dogma, but the moment Lord Buddha left his physical body then his own disciples were quarreling over which caste gets to keep his ashes. How ironic.

And now inside a similar thing is unfolding in Ananda Marga. Sadguru Baba is against the annual shraddha dogma:

"The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)

Yet certain Wts have imposed an annual death day anniversary program - i.e. mahaprayan - in Ananda Marga. And what to speak of 12 days, it is 24 years - and counting.

How ironic - what Guru does not what done, yet they are doing that very thing for Him.

This letter is not about groupism; this is a devotional issue. Guru is being abused. Don't you think Guru is with you always? In the tantra of Ananda Marga, sadhana starts with this feeling that, "Guru is with me." One must have this basic feeling. So naturally every Ananda Margii thinks their Sadguru is with them. Then why are we allowing this dogmatic annual death ceremony, i.e. mahaprayan Mahaprayana, which Baba does not approve in Caryacarya.

In Him,
Subhadra Guha

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mahaprayan of Shri K.P. Saxena, Lucknow, Mahaprayana


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Mahaprayan of Old Man Shrii K.P. Saxena
2. Links



Here below is the mahaprayan Mahaprayana  announcement of Shrii K.P. Saxena.

As we know, the concept of "mahaprayan" is something very common; it signifies the death of a mortal being; it is a common phenomenon across the Indian subcontinent.

As evidenced below (see image & caption) and in this series of letters, the program of mahaprayan is everywhere; it is widely observed for the death of mortals. It is not something special, nor unique nor divine. It is not something godly nor lofty, and not for Taraka Brahma.

In this particular mahaprayan announcement, the death of Shrii K.P. Saxena is being observed.

See here how in the below Hindi newspaper the mahaprayan term is highlighted in orange. If you search that word on Google you will certainly come across this article.



All should be aware that the mahaprayan program is not a new phenomenon that started in 1990. For ages and ages, so many humans have had their mahaprayan. This has been going on since the Sanskrit language came into existence - thousands of years ago - the concept of mahaprayan conveys the idea of the death of a human being - not Parama Purusa. The deceased, i.e. Shrii K. P. Saxena is a person - not God.

Sadly, some have been indoctrinated into believing that the mahaprayan program is something divine for Taraka Brahma. They were brainwashed in this way. The truth is that in India and so many lands that use the Sanskrit language, the mahaprayan program has been in vogue - and it means the death of a human being.


Remember the program of mahaprayan Mahaprayana is used to indicate the death of a  human being who has made their departure from this world. That is why such a gathering is not done for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan tradition is for humans, i.e. mortals. And to apply this to that vast, timeless Entity - the Parama Purusa Baba - is sinful.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC-2, Sadhana, pt #1a)



Some think that we should live happily and not care about all these things. That is the wrong approach and defeats the purpose of creating the organisation. All kinds of societal dogmas were in vogue and Baba created Ananda Marga to eradicate those dogmas. Naturally then we must not allow such dogmas in our very own organisation, AMPS. If we ignore those dogmas it defeats the purpose of the formation of Ananda Marga. The use of the mahaprayan program for Taraka Brahma Parama Purusa is a dogma. There no MPD for Lord Shiva nor Lord Krsna. So this mahaprayan dogma is polluting Ananda Marga.

So then why is the mahaprayan program going on? Please read this next section.


Here Baba exposes the mentality behind those organisers of the dogmatic Mahaprayan gathering.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human beings yield to this dogma with the sole intention of attaining selfish pleasures; even educated people knowingly submit to dogma. They know that they are surrendering their intellect to dogma, and that the outcome will be undesirable; they know and understand everything - why, even then, do they knowingly submit to it? They are all deliberate sinners and intentionally accept dogmas as truth. They observe that these dogmas are based on a´tma-sukha tattva; but they think, "I don't care whether it does good or harm to others, because at least I have got some pleasure out of it!" Being motivated by this idea, they enslave themselves to dogmas." (Liberation of Intellect - Noe-Humanism)

Some of the organisers think if they can derive some mundane pleasure from this event then that is enough. Plus by proclaiming that Baba is gone then they can rule as they wish. And that is what we have seen happening since 1990.

In the service of Parama Purusa,
Prahlad Upadhay

Monday, September 22, 2014

212th Mahaprayan Divas Of Shri Bhiksu, Mahaprayana




The below photo depicts how mahaprayan Mahaprayana is done by all kinds of communities to observe the death of a human being.

In the below photo from my area are followers of the Jain religion. Shrii Bhiksu died 212 years ago. And this ceremony is observed annually on the death day of Shrii Bhiksu.

So here we are reviewing how Jains also do mahaprayan.

See how many have turned out for the occasion of the 212th anniversary of the death of Shri Bhiksu. They are keen to honor the annual death day.

As you may have noticed, the very top headline of the article contains the mahaprayan term in Hindi - counting from the right side it is the third word:

If you search for this in Google then you will surely find the article.



Naturally then, when the mahaprayan function is embraced by all as a death ceremony, then when it is done in Tiljala every year in October, the locals think that a death ceremony is being convened. They think it is in honour of the death of the Marga Guru.



Taken altogether, the situation is quite pitiful. Beloved Baba is the eternal Parama Purusa yet the mahaprayan organisers are treating Him like one ordinary mortal who died.

It is just like how Lord Buddha was against caste dogma, but the moment Lord Buddha left his physical body then his own disciples were quarreling over which caste gets to keep his ashes. How ironic.

And now insidea similar thing is unfolding in Ananda Marga. Sadguru Baba is against the annual shraddha dogma, yet certain Wts have imposed this in Ananda Marga.



Baba is the Sadguru - the all-pervasive, timeless Divine Entity. So limiting Him via the dogma of mahaprayan is wrong.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC-2, Sadhana, pt #1a)

The only way to embrace this above eternal truth is by eradicating the mahaprayan Mahaprayana program from Ananda Marga.

In Him,


The motivating factor for creating the dogmatic mahaprayan program was geo-sentiment. That is why one group invented this program. And that is why it is not easy to remove their desire to host this mahaprayan ritual each year. Because geo-sentiment is very binding and it is not easy for people to escape its noose. That is why every year so many oppose this MPD program yet still the organisers continue to host it. Geo-sentiment is the main cause.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Woman’s Mahaprayan Celebration in Farrukhabad, U. P. (India)




Here below is an announcement of the mahaprayan Mahaprayana program in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh (India). The deceased is a mortal being. The news article depicts how this mahaprayan is the  death ceremony of an ordinary person. This is a non-margii death ceremony.

Because the concept of "mahaprayan" means death - i.e. the death of an regular human being. And that is exactly what is displayed in the below scene.

The term mahaprayan is the second word of the second line of the title. If you type this in as a Google search then you will certainly find it.



In this article - as well as in its regular usage - the program of mahaprayan Mahaprayana is used for the death of a human being who has made his departure from this world. So the entire concept of mahaprayan is not some lofty or extraordinary ideal, rather it is something mundane and common. The concept of mahaprayan Mahaprayana  means that person is gone.

As noted, the mahaprayan term is in the heading of the above article. Below is an image - i.e. a copy of the first two words of the second line of that above heading. The second word shown is the mahaprayan term in Hindi:

So see how the mahaprayan term is used in the general society to denote the death of an ordinary person.


Yet, here we are, a quarter of a century later in our AMPS, and still some are befooled and brainwashed by the inventors of mahaprayan. How long shall this be like a stick in the mud. The eyes of our family members must be opened; it is our duty to make everyone aware and help our brothers and sisters. It is my duty, your duty, and every bhakta's duty. How long will we allow Guru to be insulted and put down by declaring His mahaprayan.

In service to Gurudeva,
Ganga Devi

Friday, September 19, 2014

Example: Untrained Wts Misguide Margiis + How Tomb Dogma Came Into Ananda Marga


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Example: Untrained Wts Misguide Margiis
2. End Quote: How Tomb Dogma Came Into Ananda Marga
3. PS #3104: You have taken advent on this dusty Earth
4. Links



Baba's system is that during tandava the dancer must not talk or yell. One is to dance silently. Only the one calling out the dance speaks - and the dancers do tandava accordingly.

Unfortunately, at a recent DMS, the Wt organisers failed to give this basic guideline to sadhakas and new people. That is why during tandava they are all yelling and shouting, thereby going against Guru's rule.

So it is sad that the efforts of those willing and eager sadhakas, who were trying their best to dance, were undermined by in-charge Wts. But they were not the only ones to suffer. Those in attendance also got the wrong teaching about how tandava should be done - as well as all those who heard about it from others etc.

Indeed the problem is multiplying and mushrooming. First off, certain Wts are not aware of this rule. So this teaching is neglected during Wt training, thereby indoctrinating a new class of Wts into the wrong method. Then they graduated from TC and moved around and misguided the margiis on this issue. This is how a simple wrong becomes a systemic problem. All because certain Wts are not aware the one should not speak when dancing tandava.

So it is not surprising that this code was broken durin ag a recent DMS.

Here is one look at that scene where the dancers are yelling during tandava - and again all blame lands squarely on the shoulders of those Wt organisers who were remiss in their responsibilities and failed give the correct teaching.

So there are two points to take away from this:
1. Those dancing tandava must never speak or yell while they are dancing.
2. In-charge Wts should be more keen in giving guidelines, lest they will always fall short in their duty, and adversely affect the growth of sadhakas.

Some may be wondering what Baba has given a mantra or call for tandava. And the answer is that is for the one calling out the dance. The dancers themselves are not to speak. 

All those who are watching the tandava dance - sisters along with brothers who are not dancing etc - are instructed by Guru to call out in unison during the tandava dance. So those who are watching have an important role to play.


Baba says, "The primordial phase of Oriental dance, is táńd́ava. It is not a very easy job either. The knees must cross the navel. When they cross the navel it is called Brahma táńd́ava. When they cross the anáhata [mid-point of the chest] it is called Viśńu táńd́ava. When they cross this portion [indicates the throat], it is called Rudra táńd́ava. It is very difficult to dance Rudra táńd́ava. It requires long practice." (1)



Baba says, "Ta'n'd'ava is a heroic dance, showing the fight between life and death. The knife represents life, represents your vital stamina, and the skull represents the death that wants to destroy you. You are fighting against death with your weapon, be it a knife or a trishula (trident). And as per the rule, during the day, if one so desires, one may use a live snake in place of the skull; and at night one may use a fire masha'la [torch] or a d'ambaru [small drum]. This is the rule. So ta'n'd'ava represents the eternal fight, the fight for survival, the fight to maintain existence, the fight to establish oneself as a man in this world." (2)


   Baba says, "Why is it called táńd́ava? In Sanskrit tańd́ means “to jump”. Tańd́u means “of jumping habit”. Táńd́ava means “having the use of tańd́u, the use of jumping”. But jumping in the proper style, not in a disorderly manner. You should learn it properly in a disciplined way."
   "And táńd́ava represents life; you know Tantra is a cult of life, it is not a cult of death. For Tantra you should be strong physically, mentally and spiritually. First in the present tense; Lord Shiva says all your expressions, all your manifestations, must be based on the present tense. So this táńd́ava is the starting phase of Tantra."
   "This táńd́ava I said represents life, it represents vitality. There are so many forces that want to destroy you, so many forces forces that are inimical to you by nature. Say a snake – a snake is a born enemy. There are many such born enemies. As Tantra represents life, táńd́ava says that one’s spirit should be based on vitality, based on the principle of survival."
   "This human skull represents death. You are surrounded by death, but you must not be defeated, you must not develop the psychology of fear or defeatism. So the knife is with you to fight against death. Yours is a fight for survival. In the daytime one may also use a snake to represent death – not an ordinary snake, but a venomous snake. In India our boys dance with a snake. But at nighttime neither a skull nor a snake will be visible. Here there is light, they will be visible, but in a burial ground, in a cremation ground, where there is darkness, a snake or skull will not be visible. There you may use fire to represent death."
   "This is the spirit of Tantra. To fight, to fight for survival. [[It is the normal wont of all living beings to fight for survival.]]" (3)



Tandava is a very strenuous dance that demands all one's energy. So if one is yelling while dancing, then the result will not be good. Because when one is involved in full physical exertion as in the tandava dance, then one should not talk or yell as that depletes the body of energy and strength. And one will not be able to dance properly.

Top of all, Guru's given guideline is that the dancers do not speak or yell during tandava. Contravening this rule means disobeying Guru.

in Him,

1. AV-12, Dance, Mudrá and Tantra
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility
3. AV-12, Dance, Mudrá and Tantra

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How Tomb Dogma Came Into Ananda Marga

"In the Buddhistic era there was a tradition. It was customary that their religious saints and great personalities' ashes would be collected and kept in one stone pot after their death. And on this pot, the followers used to construct so many Baudh Vihar and Samgha Ram (Buddhist temples)."

Excerpt from Laghu Nirukta (Small Encyclopedia), chapter "ca".

Note 1: Dogmatic followers of Buddha created this aforesaid tradition of keeping the ashes of their deceased saints in a pot and using that as a place of worship. Then, Shankaracarya inherited this dogma from those Buddhist followers who came into Hinduism. And still today this dogma is continuing in various ways, in the Hindu religion.

And ultimately this same Buddhist dogma has reached to our Ananda Marga.

On 26th October 1990, this dogma was adopted in Kolkata. In Tiljala there is one dogmatic, holy land / tomb, i.e. "mahasamadhi", where Parama Purusa has been tied up.

We know that Baba has revealed all the important facets of the lives of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna in various discourses. But He did not mention anywhere, that such mahasamadhi of Lord Krsna and Lord Shiva was erected in the past.

Baba outrightly opposes any such approach which limits the glory, grandeur, and all-pervasiveness of Parama Purusa. Erecting this type of tomb is contrary to Baba's teaching.

This above teaching from Baba's book "Laghu Nirukta" reveals the fact that this very dogma of mahasamadhi has been brought from the Buddhist religion. And now it has entered into Ananda Marga. This is one unfortunate state of affairs. Our duty is not to follow this dogma.
 == Section 3 ==

~ You have taken advent on this dusty Earth ~

"A'loker a'nanda tumi dhara'te nebe esecho..." - P.S. 3104


O' Parama Purusa, the blissful Entity, the embodiment divine effulgence, You have taken advent on this dusty Earth. It is Your grace. You have saturated everything with Your flow of love and sweetness. You have changed the dry and stony heart into something very soft.

O' my Lord, Your sweet smile is unforgettable, Your voice is charming and attractive. Everyone says that they love You - and I also tell like that with my heart. So why are You keeping me away.

O' Divine Entity. O' Baba, whether You like me or not, but please do not continue to ignore and forget me. You are very close. Please make me aware how You are playing Your liila with my mind. Baba, You are bliss Personified. You have taken advent on this earth to inundate all with love and devotion. Please accept my pranam at Your lotus feet...

== Section 4 ==


Two Mahaprayans: North Carolina (USA) & India

This email contains four sections:
1. News: Mahaprayan of Smt Indumati Devi in Delhi
2. Posting: Mahaprayan in North Carolina (USA)
3. Notes & Stories on Mahaprayan
4. Links



On 16th September, senior margi Smt Indumati Devi passed away in Delhi. She and Ac Sujit Kumar were married on 8th July 1960 as per Revolutionary marriage system of Anandamarga in presence of our beloved Baba in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India. Their names entered in History of Anandamarga as first RM couple married in presence of Baba.

Devesh Kumar, Mumbai
(Courtesy from Google Groups)

== Section 2 ==


Here is the mahaprayan Mahaprayana announcement of an aged American couple who were married for sixty five years. They were ordinary folk so when they died the newspaper wrote a story about their mahaprayan. Using "mahaprayan" to signify the death of a human being is a common phenomenon in my Bengal. The mahaprayan program is everywhere; it is widely used for all kinds of people to signify their death. It is not something special or unique. This below person was just a normal human being.

So mahaprayan program exists everywhere and is widely used for all kinds of people to signify their death - just like this aged married couple shown below. Thus the mahaprayan tradition is is not something special or unique or lofty. It has nothing to do with the eternal Entity Taraka Brahma. Rather the mahaprayan ceremony is for mortals, like these two aged Americans who died.

As you may recognise, the mahaprayan Mahaprayana  term is the last word of the title of the below article in Bengali about their mahaprayan. The last word of the title of the below newspaper article are 'mahaprayan' in Bengali script.

Here is the mahaprayan announcement, if you type this in as a Google search and you will see it there printed as well.


In this article - as well as in its regular usage - mahaprayan is used to insinuate the death of ordinary people who made their departure from this world. That is why this program must not be used for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan term is for ordinary humans, i.e. mortals.



Some think that we should live happily and not care about all these things. That is the wrong approach and defeats the purpose of creating the organisation. All kinds of societal dogmas were in vogue and Baba created Ananda Marga to eradicate those dogmas. Naturally then we must not allow such dogmas in our very own organisation, AMPS. If we ignore those dogmas it defeats the purpose of the formation of Ananda Marga.

Here again it should be emphasized that the concept of mahaprayan means the death of an ordinary human - this is the meaning. So it is not something divine, and not meant to be used with Taraka Brahma.


Following is more about the deceased from the New York Daily News:

North Carolina couple dies on same day after 65 years of marriage

Eleanor and Frank Turner were so close their children worried how they would tell their father his wife had died. Frank passed away seven hours later. It was destiny, the children believe.


So two different newspapers delivered the same news in their own language with their own terminology: One used “died” and one used “mahaprayan.” This demonstrates that this mahaprayan concept is not something lofty or divine - and it is not a program for Taraka Brahma.

Some opportunistic people, knowingly or unknowingly, want to ruin Baba's grandeur and soil the greatness of Parama Purusa. That is why they are projecting Baba as an ordinary mortal.


So I ask you: Pause and think. This letter is not about groupism; this is a devotional issue. Guru is being abused. Don't you think Guru is with you always? In the tantra of Ananda Marga, sadhana starts with this feeling that, "Guru is with me." One must have this basic feeling. So naturally every Ananda Margii thinks their Sadguru is with them. Then why are we allowing this dogmatic annual death ceremony, i.e. mahaprayan.

in Him,
Malini Ghosh

== Section 3 ==

Notes & Stories on Mahaprayan


Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa Himself. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa.


* Mahaprayan (Death) Mahaprayana: Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in Bengal to describe the death of an honoured or even ordinary person. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Those who think that Baba is a mortal human being celebrate Mahaprayan on a particular day of the year related with Baba; but, in the true sense, Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary on page 742. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

(contributed by one margii)

Recently after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba.

He said, "After being punished by Baba, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his story, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries.


Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this.

The new sadhaka sensed that something was awry.

He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if all who have died have accumulated there. Many emails have been written this way.


At that moment I thought that everyone, new and old, should be clear about the real and devotional meaning of this phrase, "being on Baba's lap." It should not become stigmatized such that it only means death. Because in its true sense, the phrase "being on Baba's lap" really does carry a highly devotional and sweet feeling.

It is just like how a small child sits on its parent's lap. In a similar way, a spiritual child (human being) sits on the lap of Parama Purusa. By Baba's grace this can happen anytime in one's sadhana, especially in dhyana. Such a phrase then should not become  stigmatized because too many people only use it at the time of death.

We should be careful that we do not relegate "Baba's lap" only to the point of death. All these following terms and phrases also only refer to death:

ve bhagavan ko pya're ho gaye
(he has been loved by God)

ve svarga sidhar gaye
(he has gone to heaven )

ve guzar gaye
(he passed away)

mahaprayan hoyeche
(he died)

We should ensure that the same death connotation does not get attached to, "being on Baba's lap." Because the phrase - "being on Baba's lap" - is a devotional experience that can happen today itself in sadhana, and especially in dhyana. The phrase "being on Baba's lap" should not lose this quality and only mean death. It should not meet the same dark fate as happened with the term harijan.


As we all know, these days in India nobody uses the term harijan to mean "a devotee". Whereas 70 years ago it was used in that way. The term harijan did mean bhakta. But ever since the time of Gandhi when he glued the harijan term to the lowest so-called caste, i.e so-called untouchables, nobody uses the the harijan to mean devotee. Never. Because the term harijan has been stigmatized to mean "untouchable". Nobody uses it to mean "devotee", but that is the original and true meaning of the word.

The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its devotional quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.


There are thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply devotional value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and dhyana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply devotional experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana and especially during dhyana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a devotional practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in dhyana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.


Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "May he rest in HIS loving lap of eternity."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in BÁBÁ'S loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. Of course, it is fine to write like that. Here the point is that this same phrase "in Baba's lap" should also be used when describing one's devotional practices and experiences. But these days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's devotional experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their devotional feeling. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Long-Term Adverse Effects of Circumcision


If you received the email version of this letter and wish to see the video, kindly scroll down half-way on this blog post.


Here is the fourth letter in this series examining the medical complications and dangers associated with circumcision. The prior three titles were:

#1: Circumcision Is Medically Dangerous & Harmful
#2: The Immediate Complications of Circumcision & More
#3: Post-operative Complications of Circumcision

If you do not have or are missing any of the above letters, kindly let us know.

About this email: This email contains an article from a medical journal, a video, graphics on Baba's teachings and more. Please be sure to read to the very bottom.


(This section of the letter contains an article from a medical journal. Some explicit language and anatomical terminology is used.)

Male circumcision has many adverse effects that do not appear until later in life. These effects usually are overlooked and ignored in most discussions of male circumcision.

Emotional Effects

Memory starts before birth1 and newborn infants have fully functioning pain pathways.2 One would expect, therefore, to find psychological effects associated with the painful genital cutting operation.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a normal response to an abnormal event. Neonatal genital cutting is an event in which a newborn infant experiences extreme levels of pain, terror, and helplessness,3 so it fulfills the criteria as a psychogenic for PTSD. Levy (1945) reported that children experience behavior problems, such as night terrors and a fear of nurses and doctors, after surgery, including circumcision.4 Cansever (1965) tested boys before and after circumcison and reported that the ego seeks safety in total withdrawal.5 Levy found their symptoms to be similar to combat neurosis, now known as PTSD.4 Taddio et al. (1997) studied the behavior of babies at first vaccination. They found that circumcised boys have a much stronger reaction to pain of vaccination than do girls and intact non-circumcised boys, which the authors suggested is an “infant analogue” of PTSD.6 Other authors also have reported PTSD in circumcised males. Rhinehart (1999) reported four cases of PTSD secondary to neonatal circumcision in middle-aged men that he encountered in his psychiatric practice.7 Ramos & Boyle (2001) reported PTSD in 70 percent of Philippino boys who experienced ritual circumcision and 51 percent of Philippino boys who experienced medical circumcision.8

Circumcised males often feel great anxiety regarding their circumcision. This manifests itself in a reluctance to talk about circumcision or an assertion that “I’m circumcised and I’m fine.”9 van der Kolk (1989) reports some traumatized males also have a compulsion to reenact or repeat the trauma.10 These feelings emerge as the “adamant father” syndrome. Typically, a circumcised father will irrationally and adamantly insist that a son undergo circumcision, although this is contrary to contemporary medical advice.
Some circumcised doctors also exhibit anxiety by pushing medically unnecessary circumcision on their patients11 or writing medical journal articles to defend the practice.12-14 Such articles are “flawed papers that dismiss the harm and exaggerate alleged benefits.”14 This has caused the medical literature on the subject of male circumcision to become voluminous and polarized because other doctors write letters and articles to refute the false claims of circumcised doctors.13

Circumcision of the newborn usually is performed in the first week of life (the perinatal period), and, as reported above, clearly is traumatic for most boys. Several authors report that perinatal trauma causes self-destructive behavior in adult life.10, 15-18
Circumcision is cyclic trauma. Many males, who were circumcised as infants, grow up to become circumcisers themselves, in an unending repetitive pattern of abuse.10-13,18,19

Sexual Effects

Taylor et al. (1996) report circumcision removes more than 50 percent of the normal skin and mucosa from the penis.20 This skin and mucosa is provided by nature to allow for the expansion of the penis during erection. There may not be enough residual foreskin and mucosal tissue after circumcision to allow the penis to expand during erection. The result not infrequently is painful erection or tearing at the scar site, as the residual tissue is stretched to the limit and beyond.21,22]

Earlier work by Winkelmann (1956,1959) showed the prepuce to be highly innervated and a “specific erogenous zone.”23,24 The foreskin contains the areas of the penis most sensitive to fine-touch.25

Removal of the nerves of the foreskin by circumcision produces a deficit in sensory input into the central, parasympathetic, and sympathetic nervous systems. One, therefore, would expect to find alteration in sexual response. Several recent studies have found this to be the case. Coursey et al. (2001) reported that adult circumcision degrades erectile function.27 Fink et al. (2002) also reported worsened erectile function after adult circumcision and, in addition, a degradation of penile sensitivity.28 Pang & Kim (2002) carried out a survey in South Korea, where many adult males have been circumcised, and report that a man was twice as likely to have experienced diminished sexuality rather than improved sexuality.29 Shen et al. (2004) surveyed 95 circumcised male patients and reported erectile dysfunction in 28, weakened erectile confidence in 33,

Circumcision changes male sexual behavior. Laumann et al. (1997) reports circumcised males have a “more highly elaborated set of sexual practices.” This includes more frequent masturbation and a greater preference for oral sex.37 The British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal 2000) reports that circumcised males were more likely to report homosexual partners and partners from abroad.38 ==

Social Effects

Laumann (1997) reported that 77 percent of the adult males in the National Health and Social Life Survey (1992) were circumcised.37 The effects of this wounding by circumcision have been discussed above. Goldman (1997) argues extensively that the result of having so many emotionally and sexually injured males in a society would produce undesirable social effects.46

Goldman (1997) suggests that men who were neonatally circumcised would be more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, to avoid intimacy in male-female relationships, and a higher incidence of divorce.46 Moreover, he says neonatal circumcision may cause a higher incidence of unnecessary surgery, and of adult violence, including suicide, rape, and murder.46

Baker (1996) argues that men harbor rage toward their mothers for their circumcision. She also identifies a connection between sexual violence, rape, and neonatal circumcision.47 DeMause (1996) connects perinatal circumcision trauma with increases in teenage suicide and social violence.48

Effect on Medical Society Policy Statements

In the United States, where non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision once was a routine practice, a nearly totally circumcised male population was created. Medical doctors in the United States are largely a part of this circumcising culture, in which the abnormal appears to be normal. Circumcised men who become medical doctors have no personal experience of the foreskin and may never have seen a human foreskin. As reported above, if the doctor is circumcised himself, he is more likely to recommend circumcision to his patients.11

Medical societies in the United States are composed of men and women from this circumcising culture. Certain medical societies have issued public statements regarding circumcision. These statements inevitably are drafted by committees composed of persons, whether male or female, who are products of the circumcising culture, and who may feel a need to defend their culture of origin.12

These committees are faced with the challenge of sorting out the medical literature on circumcision, which as indicated above, has numerous papers written by circumcised doctors, who tend to be biased in favor of circumcision.12 Doctors from circumcising cultures may be blinded to the bias of published papers.

Moreover, male members of the committee are faced with the uncomfortable task of challenging their own circumcision.49 Members may be parents who have had a son circumcised and who may feel a need to defend that decision.12 Some members conceivably could even have a compulsion to reenact the trauma of their own circumcision on others!10

Doctors who are appointed to policy committees may have strong opinions on circumcision as a result of their previous experiences in a circumcising culture. Medical doctors, who profit from the performance of circumcision, may be appointed to serve on a policy committee.*49

Conflict-of-interest is inevitable. Such conflicted doctors are unlikely to be able to produce a truly evidence-based statement, even if they are able to sort out the bias in the medical literature.49,50 Fox & Thomson (2005) report that medical societies downplay or minimize the risks associated with male circumcision.51 For example, one law review article has found serious departures from the evidence in two statements produced by the American Academy of Pediatrics.52

American medical societies, thus far, have been unable or unwilling to acknowledge the human rights (see Chapter Nine) and medical ethics (see Chapter Eleven) issues inherent in the non-therapeutic circumcision of children.13 Similarly, they have not recognized the long-term adverse effects reported in this chapter.13

Foley (1966) reports that circumcised doctors are biased in favor of circumcision.53 Circumcision practice of long ago, therefore, has an effect on the policy statements of medical societies today. Such statements are the result of compromises between the bias of the committee members in favor of circumcision and the overwhelming evidence supporting genital integrity as the optimum choice for health and well-being. Such statements tend to perpetuate the status quo.49 The public, therefore, is poorly served by the apparent inability of circumcised doctors to produce a truly evidence-based statement.13

*It is very likely that all of the male members of the three task forces of the American Academy of Pediatrics are circumcised and not one has any personal knowledge of the prepuce. Circumcised doctors frequently need to justify their loss of genital integrity with claims of prophylactic benefits, so their writings tend to be biased against genital integrity.12,13


Several studies report that male circumcision also adversely affects female sexuality.

The experience reported with a circumcised male partner is similar to the symptoms of “female arousal disorder.” Female arousal disorder may be a normal response to sex with a circumcised male partner.43,44 Frisch et al. (2011) report that male circumcision is associated with “orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia. (Courtesy of Doctors Opposing Circumcision)

To read more of this article please visit our blog - link appended below.


Here is an important video focusing on the medical and psychological effects of circumcision.



And here below Baba further classifies circumcision as a dogmatic ritual that has no place in our Ananda Marga this as a dogma:

"Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (PNS-21, How to Unite Human Society)

So circumcision is nothing but a holdover custom from thousands of years; it not based on science or rationality. And it was adopted by the Semitic religions. Thus this harmful tradition has just been blindly passed on from one community to the next.


Here Baba guides us that for health and hygiene, one should pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty - before that age the foreskin can remain as is.

"Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis." (CC-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #1)

"The foreskin should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean." (CC-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #2)

Thus there is no scope for performing circumcision at the time of birth - or at any time. Guru's guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence the foreskin should remain as is, and then at the time of puberty the foreskin should be pulled back.


Following is Baba's guideline from Senior Acarya Diary where He clearly states that circumcision is not done in Ananda Marga. This is not one of our accepted practices. Instead, after reaching puberty the foreskin should be pulled back. If for any reason, the foreskin cannot be pulled back, then the below process should be done. Be aware that from infancy up to puberty, there is no need to pull back the foreskin.


In the Bengali edition of Caryacarya part 2 and point #2 of Sixteen Points, Baba simply gives the instruction to pull back the foreskin. That is point #2 of Sixteen Points - there is no option given for circumcision.

  ​Note: Be aware that from infancy up to puberty there is no need to pull back the foreskin.



By all the above points it is quite clear that circumcision is not accept in our Ananda Marga. Now see how certain publishers maligned the English edition of Caryacarya part 2.

It is sad that those publishers - who themselves may have been circumcised - have distorted Guru's book. Look how they have validated circumcision as a viable option, all done in the name of Guru. It seems they have chosen to justify their own position rather than adhere to Ananda Marga ideological teachings.

Because of this deliberate alteration in Caryacarya, thousands and thousands of male infants born to margii families have been mutilated.

As a disciple you should not keep quiet. Your Guru's writing are altered on a daily basis - in one way or another. How long will you remain silent. Your silence is causing Ananda Margii infant boys to suffer genital mutilation

in Him,
(David Contes)


Some meaningful ways to get involved in this issue is to write to the publishers, raise the matter with your acarya, bhukti pradhan, and relevant postholders, and talk about it with margiis of your bhukti in dharmacakra. This will bring greater awareness to this crucial issue.


Here is link to more info about above medical journal article on circumcision.

Here are links to letters on other topics:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mahaprayan Mahaprayana Industry --Things on Sale


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Things on Sale
2. Links

Mahaprayan Industry --THINGS ON SALE

The Tiljala mahaprayan program is a grand business venture - an industry all to itself.


It is similar to financial empire build upon the dogmatic shraddha ceremonies of Hinduism. In the name of shraddha, so many commodities bought and sold. All kinds of persons profit from this ceremony: Priests, businesses, suppliers, manufacturers, workers etc. Plus there are numerous big and small firms involved in this money-making operation within the Hindu religion. It is a veritable racket.

In the city of Gaya, almost the entire income and profits are generated via the shraddha ceremonies. Priests make enough money in the month of August to support themselves year-round. There are so many exploiters involved in keeping this shraddha industry running. They are all in cahoots with one another and profit off the common people, i.e. those families grieving the loss of their loved one.

Religious trading is common in India - particularly in places like Deoghar, Ayodhya, Varanasi, and Puri. Their economy is wholly dominated by religious trading; by this way those cities make exorbitant sums of money.

Over the generations, so many good people - even saints and rishis - raised their voice against the shraddha dogma & exploitation, but they could not do anything. They could not put a dent in the armour as those exploiters are very powerful.

Now we see the same thing generating in Ananda Marga. The mahaprayan (MPD) industry is a monstrosity where so many wts, vendors, sellers, and merchants reap their profits up to the sky. They want to continue this up to eternity and spend their days validating this dogmatic program in order to keep themselves in business.


Here is one dramatic example. The Ananda Dhiira master unit in California is selling mahaprayan Mahaprayana  on-line via Paypal. Anyone can purchase it. These sales represent a major portion of the annual income for that MU. And there are innumerable other ways that organisers and merchants around the globe are profiteering. Although Tiljala is the epicenter of the money-making, the money is flowing to all parts.

All told, what is happening with mahaprayan is similar to the Haj industry in Islam. Religious traders rally round and invent new and newer ways of generating profits from this pilgrimage. Nowadays it is a multi-billion dollar industry - everything from hotel rooms to taxi cab rides and everything in between. And the ones who make the most are the priests.

The same type of economic structure has been built around the mahaprayan Mahaprayana program in our Ananda Marga.


Remember the program of mahaprayan must not be not done for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan is for regular humans, i.e. mortals. And to apply this to that vast, timeless Entity - the Parama Purusa Baba - is sinful.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC-2, Sadhana, pt #1a)



"Their one intention is to fill their pockets with money, but they publicly pronounce that they want to follow the gospels of Dharma. Oh human beings, beware of these impostors. Try to apply your power of discrimination to know who are your friends and who are your foes. You should never allow yourselves to fall victim to these political and religious traders." (AMIWL-6, Microcosm and Macrocosm)



"In most cases religions took advantage of human weaknesses, crippled the people’s rationality, and sapped their strength, thus facilitating their exploitation by the religious traders. When the vitality and strength of the masses remains unexpressed, the exploiters will be able to exploit them in the economic and other spheres of life for a long time with relative ease. In the annals of human history it can be seen in all ages that the various exploiters were the patrons and the preachers of religion." (AMIWL-7, Form and Formless)


The use of the mahaprayan Mahaprayana program for Taraka Brahma Parama Purusa is a dogma. There no MPD for Lord Shiva nor Lord Krsna. So this mahaprayan dogma and money-making scheme is polluting Ananda Marga.

in Him,
Dipak Ghosal

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Mahaprayan of Muslim Abdul Rajjak + PS #4342 + Misery & Wealth


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Mahaprayan of Muslim Abdul Rajjak
2. End Quote: Why Suffering Of The Rich Is More Than The Poor
3. PS #4342: Parama Purusa Baba Has Come! Don't Miss The Occasion
4. Links


Here below are two public announcements each presenting the mahaprayan of someone who recently died.

The first piece is from a Bangladeshi newspaper about the death of Abdul Rajjak. Mr Rajak was Islamic and a member of the awami league, which is a hardcore Muslim organisation. And the second article is about the death of a common man, Pulin. In both articles the term mahaprayan appears multiple times.

Thus the observance of mahaprayan is not something lofty or great - it is done to denote the death of any human being. That mahaprayan Mahaprayana function is not limited to a particular caste or religion etc. When anyone dies, then throughout the entire Indian subcontinent, the mahaprayan program is done - regardless of whether the person was a Muslim, a Jew etc. Because mahaprayan is death ceremony - anyone who dies is thus qualified to have a mahaprayan.

The purpose of this letter is to help all understand that mahaprayan is a common phenomenon, just like how in the west people say "passed away" and "died" etc. Similarly, in Bengal & other Indian states, mahaprayan is commonly used for the deceased. So the concept of mahaprayan is not something grand or lofty. Rather it is quite mundane - i.e. just part of daily street talk etc.

So no one should naively think that the mahaprayan program is something glorious only to be used in a very special manner - for Taraka Brahma. The mahaprayan program is for the death of any common or unknown person who has made his departure from this world. That is why this mahaprayan is not used for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan program is just for ordinary humans, i.e. mortals. About this there should not be any confusion.

So, as stated, the reality is that mahaprayan is a pedestrian observance used for everyday people. These below articles stand as testimony to this.

#1: This below piece is about the mahaprayan of Mr Abdul Rajjak, who was an active Muslim etc. The mahaprayan term appears as the 9th word of the title.

If you type this in as a Google search then you will see it there printed as well.

#2: This below article is of the mahaprayan of a regular person, Pulin. The mahaprayan Mahaprayana  term is the third word of the title of the below article.

The mahaprayan observance is never done for Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna - because this is not a program for Taraka Brahma. It is a function for deceased human beings.

Awake, arise, and fight against dogma. That is our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji’s message.

in Him,
(Khalil Hazi)

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Why Suffering Of The Rich Is More Than The Poor

Baba says, "If money or wealth would have been the solution of all the problems then in that case rich persons would have always enjoyed being in a state of bliss. But in society it is not like that. The suffering of the rich is more than the poor." (Allahabad, DMC 1984)

Baba says, "Human desire knows no end. Millionaires want to become multimillionaires, because they are not satisfied with their million. Ask the millionaires if they are happy with their money. They will say, “Where is the money? I am somehow pulling on.” This answer indicates their ignorance of aparigraha. But such feelings have another adverse effect on body and mind. Out of excessive fondness for physical or mental pleasures people become mad to earn money and amass wealth. As money becomes the be-all and end-all of life, the mind gets crudified. Constant hankering after money results in negligence of one's health, and this makes the body unfit. Therefore, santośa sádhaná lies in being contented with the earnings of normal labour, without any undue pressure on the body and mind. To remain contented, one has to make a special type of mental effort to keep aloof from external allurements." (Guide to Human Conduct, Santosa)

Note: In our western countries nowadays, where money is more free-flowing, the number of psychic diseases is multiplying day by day. The "haves" are coming under the grip of depression, frustration, hopeless, and overall melancholia. In that state they are always conflicted by a degrading psychic flow. This is rampant. That is why so many westerners like those in the USA go to psychiatrists and other psychic counselors in order to feel good. Because otherwise they succumb to depression. So they go see their chosen psychiatrist etc. But those sessions are often a band-aid approach. Because most of the time those very psychiatrists and psychologists are themselves depressed - in that case what kind of guideline are they going to give. The only way out is to develop a balanced mind through the practice of sadhana. Then alone one can escape the horrors and terrors of materialism.
== Section 3 ==

~ Parama Purusa Baba Has Come! Don't Miss The Occasion ~

"Aja'na' Pathik a'j eseche, ta're ghare d'eke na'o..."  P.S. 4342


Today the Ajana Pathik Parama Purusa Baba has come! Don't miss the occasion. Receive Him and bring Him in your home - in your heart - without delay. Let your heart be saturated with His divine love and cosmic effulgence which He is spreading all around. This is not the time to waste in dogma, drowsiness, and slumber.    

Baba has come for you, for me. He loves everyone - each and every place, each and every country, all. He feels pain and cries when seeing others' pain. And He smiles when He sees others smile. He loves all.

This is the time to surrender everything at His lotus feet. Missing the opportunity is not intelligent. Baba has come! Receive Him and bring Him close...

== Section 4 ==


Extortion in the Name of DMS


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Extortion in the Name of DMS
2. End Quote: Science Behind Ghost
3. Links


Soon there will be DMS in Purnea, Bihar. The organisers are allegedly seeking RS 50,000 from donors & attendees etc. Even though the rainy season is over in that area, the organising are demanding a rain-proof tent / pandal be made. That will be of prohibitive cost. But in that way, those in Centre can more easily "skim off the top" and divert funds to themselves. This is their alleged plan.

In turn, margiis are lodging complaint after complaint how those in Centre do not do any social service - of any kind. Neither are they preaching Ananda Marga ideology, nor are they creating marvelous hospitals, schools, or colleges that can compete with and outdo today’s public institutions. In the name of such projects Central dadas collect money and spend it somewhere else. Such central Wts just wish to lead a luxurious life. They talk about various projects, but, in earnest, they do not do an iota of social service.



This same type of extortion and "thuggery" happens across India at the time of puja. It seems our Central Dadas copied them. Because at the time of puja, criminals, thieves, and thugs strong-arm the common people and force them to give donations - lest they suffer the consequences.

Here below is one such report from a Jharkhand Daily:

Extortion in the name of “chanda” (donations) for puja celebrations in the city gives nightmare to businessmen, bus owners and even poor autorickshaw operators who suffer alike every year during durga puja.

This year organisers associated with Durga puja committees in different parts of the city have especially been asked to ensure that there are no forcible donations.

Ram Babu Singh, general secretary of JKDPS said that all the puja committees have been ordered not to force people to donate for the festival. If any committee indulges in such act people must report and the license of the erring Durga puja committee will be cancelled. “We have decided to ensure that no forcible donations are taken from the people. If we receive any complains we would definitely act against that particular puja committee,” noted Singh.

Meanwhile businessmen in the city though have welcomed the step but are still a worried lot. “We have no other option but to pay whatever amount is written on the chanda receipt.” according to other businessmen, local goons in almost every locality have got printed receipts in the name of fake puja committees. These members of various small gangs collect donations by terrorising businessmen using the names of notorious criminals.

A number of committees also collect donations in the name of organising cultural programmes, promising to bring big names in the field of music. But in practice they save money by engaging local artists every year,” said a businessman. (Courtesy of: The Avenue Mail of Jharkhand)

Indeed, it seems our Central Dadas have adopted these same methods - it is sad to say.



To increase their membership, both groups, H and B, employ similar techniques. Earlier, B group was doing Prabhat Samgiita / Rawa programs all across the land. By that way they could generate an in-flow of cash and donations, and heighten membership. Then, they started doing the same things in the name of DMS - for the very same purpose: Grab other groups’ members and procure a lot of donations (cash & kind) and put away funds in their personal accounts. Because when organising such programs, all monies and gifts went into the hands of the organisers, and not with the local unit hosting the gathering.

Actually both groups do this. When organising any event, they allegedly skim 25% - 35% off the top and put that directly into their own personal accounts. That is a given.

That is why the various groups organise so many programs like sadhana shivir, DMS, PS, and other events. By this way, they can ask for big donations from margiis. In the name of these local programs, they pull on the heart-strings of margiis for financial gain. It is a sad showing. The margiis are feeling sentimental and devotional, and the organisers are steeped in greed ready to exploit the margiis sentiment.



So then what do the these Wts do with those funds? Often they allegedly send that money back to their laokik families, or they finance their own private business; and, finally, some give up their dress and leave their Wt ship with those funds. And there are many other alleged underground types of things they may do, which need not be mentioned here.

In contrast, if local margiis were in charge and had control over the funds, then there would be proper accountability and transparency. That is the way it should be done. But when organising Dadas take the reins, then money goes directly into their own hand. So there is zero accountability.

Now there is clash going on because H group is organising a DMS on the same dates that B group traditionally has their Prabhat Samgiita Day events. So there is a competition for membership and monies.



But really, this is not a new technique. Always these groups are in competition in this way - whether at Ananda Nagar or at some local place. They are always fighting over margiis participation and money. So always they are trying to sabotage each other’s events and programs.

At the same time, no matter how much B group makes their plea, their PS programs are not about the dignity and sanctity of Prabhat Samgiita. They organise these events to grab new members + money. If they were truly interested in Prabhat Samgiita, then why did they introduce the use of filmy singer, filmy tunes for recording Prabhat Samgiita, why do they sell and encourage PS to be used for worldly love songs, and why did they change the tune of the songs etc. All these things go against Baba’s guidelines about the singing and distribution of Prabhat Samgiita. B group has effectively turned Sadguru Baba’s devotional gift of Prabhat Samgiita into a pseudo-culture venture.

in Him,
Hareram Yadav

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Science Behind Ghost

Baba says, "I had a certain acquaintance whose garden was quite large. One night his wife thought she saw a ghost in a corner of the garden. In Bihar, a female ghost is called `chudel' in Hindi. At the sight of the imagined ghost she cried out in fear, and fainted. She never regained consciousness and died some time later. The next night the same gentleman came out of his house at the same time. He also thought he saw the ghost. `Why should people have to die one after the other in this way?' he thought. Stepping forward to strike at the imaginary ghost with a stick, he suddenly saw that it was nothing but a bush which, in the moonlight, looked just like a human being. His wife had died for nothing, terrified by the deceptive image of a bush. Most so-called ghosts are like this. Towards the end of the rainy season rotting vegetation often gives out a gas, called marsh gas or will-o'-the-wisp, which bursts into flame when it comes in contact with oxygen. This burning gas may easily be taken to be a ghost. This is how a fear complex can develop." (AV-7, p. 32)

Note: In His various discoures, Baba clearly states that there is no such thing as ghosts; ghosts do not exist. Most often, people in their mind imagine that there is a ghost, as is the case in the above example. When in fact there is a perfectly rational and logical explanation. We can see this applies to each and every fear complex. People imagine it and become convinced that it is real.

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