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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Romeo Wts + 3 more


Romeo Wts


Now and then we hear the news that Dada X was sleeping with some Margii sister Y. Or Dada Z has an illicit relation with Didi H. This type of news we hear  going on in our organization, unfortunately. It is also the case that some Wts leave their dress and go and sleep with some girl for 5 - 10 years, produce a few children, then come back again and use the saffron garb to find out another relation. This has been hanging on like a contagious disease or plague; it is a very sad situation. 

Such types of people are suffering from a serious mental defect; their mind is flowing toward negative propensities which they cannot control. Their situation is just like one billy goat, or one bull, which a farmer has dedicated for several hundred goats or cows to maintain procreation. The situation is quite disheartening and sad. Worst of all is that our in-charges indirectly encourage such people in their negative ways by rewarding them with a high post.

To control this weakness, Baba has given a unique system which is well described in the Senior Acarya Diary. Those suffering in this way should read Senior Acarya Diary and go through the chapter on dhyána. In that section, Baba has given that if such people do 3rd and 5th lessons on úrdhva kamal, on related cakras, their flow of mind will be completely changed. Now the flow of such people’s mind is going from ájiṋá cakra to svádhiśťhána cakra. But, after practicing 3rd and 5th lessons on úrdhva kamal, their mental flow will change and those negative ideas will never arise in the mind. And the result will be that their promiscuous life will end. Due to this shift of mind, they will be able to lead a proper Wt life. By that way, they, and the entire society, will be benefited. 


Baba guides us that practicing 3rd and 5th lessons on úrdhva kamal transforms one’s mental flow. The result is that worldly chronic compulsive attractions disappear from the mind. Although Baba says that anybody can follow this practice, He adds that this system is especially for wts. Those who have a sincere desire can also practice it.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Technique to overcome engrossing allurements

Ananda Marga sádhaná provides techniques using which one can make one’s mind one-pointed towards Parama Purusa and overcome mundane distractions. In spite of practicing cakra shodhana if the mind is still attracted towards the mundane chronic compulsive attractions then one should consult one’s a’ca’rya and learn about concentrating on úrdhva kamal rather than jiivan kamal. To understand the concept of úrdhva and jiivan kamal, one can consider each cakra as a kamal (lotus). The lotus has petals and the cakra has vrttis. Thus, the vrttis are likened with the petals of the corresponding kamal. For example, the kamal corresponding to múládhára cakra has four petals as it controls four vrttis. Likewise svádhiśt́hána  has six petals. Often a’ca’ryas teach jiivan kamal to the sa’dhakas. But if the mind is entangled with mundane longings then one can learn úrdhva kamal and most definitely the mind will lose chronic compulsive attraction towards mundane longings.

Due to the extreme materialistic surroundings, the sa’dhakas often experience difficulties in sádhaná. Their minds are drawn towards mundane chronic compulsive attraction. To solve this problem one can learn the technique of 3rd and 5th lessons on úrdhva kamal and cakra niyantrańa [the purification and control, respectively, of the cakra] from their a’ca’rya which can pull the mind away from the mundane chronic compulsive attractions and respective vrttis and channelize towards the supreme.

If dirty thoughts disturb sádhaná

Picture the situation. At your regular sádhaná time you sit in your meditation seat in the prescribed ásana, close your eyes, and begin the prescribed steps of sádhaná. But, after a while you realize that you are thinking about a mundane object such as a nice pair of shoes that was put up on sale in the shop on your way back home. You realize this and try to draw your attention again towards the sádhaná steps. But again after a while you are thinking about the promotion interview that you have to face next month. Worldly chronic compulsive desires draw our mind outwards while sádhaná is an inward journey. The two voyages cannot be taken simultaneously and because of that the sádhaka feels a tension—a tug-of-war like situation in which, unfortunately, the outward materialistic forces often win. In this letter, the reasons behind the chronic compulsive attraction towards the mundane, and the techniques to overcome the same in order to be successful in one’s spiritual endeavors, have been presented.

Reasons behind crude riveting desires

The common theme in today’s society is that of materialism. Money is the fundamental metric to measure everything. For example, it is very commonly seen that a rich person, regardless of his moral standards, is respected and is viewed as a role model in the society. The power of money is driving a widespread praca’r of materialism. Every street and every crossing there are large glossy billboards trying to sell us one thing or other. Every commercial on TV and internet is constantly trying hard to make us believe that purchasing such and such thing will make us happy. Rich people can buy more and thus buying / consuming more has become a sign of one’s sophistication. Consequently, most people are drawn towards materialistic pleasures and then try to spend all their life energy to acquire those very objects that are wrongly promised by the marketers to be a source of happiness. In such a world, wherein materialism is constantly projected as the summum bonum of our lives, there is no wonder that the mind gets drawn towards mundane objects during and after sadhana.

Fifty vrttis of mind, cakras, & importunate seductions

Human mind has fifty vrittis (propensities). Only one of those fifty is the Para’ or the one that takes the mind in the direction of spiritual knowledge. At any specific time only one vrtti is dominant and the mind flows in that direction. If the mind is always in an environment wherein vrttis other than Para’ is dominant then the result is the mental flow away from spirituality. The fifty vrittis are controlled by the six cakras, namely, múládhára, svádhiśt́hána, mańipura, anáhata, vishuddha, and ájiṋá. Múládhára cakra controls four vrttis, svádhiśt́hána controls six vrttis, mańipura controls ten vrttis, anáhata controls twelve vrttis, vishuddha controls sixteen vrttis and ájiṋá controls two vrttis. More details about the cakras and their corresponding vrttis have been provided in note-1 below. In order to pull the mind away from the mundane chronic compulsive attractions and respective vrttis and channelize towards the supreme, one needs to manage the working of cakras to regulate mental vrttis.

Baba says, “For spiritual advancement spiritual practices are a must, and in spiritual practices the role of the cakras [plexi] is immense. In fact, the most important aspect of spiritual practice is cakra shodhana and cakra niyantrańa [the purification and control, respectively, of the cakras].” (1)

(1) Yoga Psychology, Plexi and microvita
Note 1. For further reading




4 vrittis - dharma [psycho-spiritual longing], artha [psychic longing], káma [physical longing] and mokśa [spiritual longing].


6 vrittis – avajiṋá [belittlement of others], múrcchá [psychic stupor, lack of common sense], prashraya [indulgence], avishvása [lack of confidence], sarvanásha [thought of sure annihilation] and kruratá [cruelty].


10 vriittis – lajjá [shyness, shame], pishunatá [sadistic tendency], iirśá [envy], suśupti [staticity, sleepiness], viśáda [melancholia], kaśáya [peevishness], trśńá [yearning for acquisition], moha [infatuation], ghrńá [hatred, revulsion] and bhaya [fear].


12 vrittis – áshá [hope], cintá [worry], ceśt́á [effort], mamatá [attachment], dambha [vanity], viveka [conscience], vikalatá [mental numbness due to fear], ahaḿkára [ego], lolatá [avarice], kapat́atá [hypocrisy], vitarka [argumentativeness to point of wild exaggeration] and anutápa [repentance].


16 vrittis - śad́aja [sound of peacock], rśabha [sound of bull or ox], gándhára [sound of goat], madhyama [sound of deer], paiṋcama [sound of cuckoo], dhaevata [sound of donkey], niśáda [sound of elephant], oṋm [acoustic root of creation, preservation, dissolution], hummm [sound of arousing kulakuńd́alinii], phat́ [practication, i.e., putting a theory into practice], vaośat́ [expression of mundane knowledge], vaśat́ [welfare in the subtler sphere], sváhá [performing noble actions], namah [surrender to the Supreme], viśa [repulsive expression] and amrta [sweet expression].


2 vrittis - apará [mundane knowledge] and pará [spiritual knowledge].

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Positive & Negative of Buddhism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Buddha clearly and firmly supported the doctrine of rebirth. In fact, no doctrine before him had placed as much stress on the theory of rebirth as his did. One who accepts the theory of rebirth is bound to accept the existence of átman also. If the átman is non-existent, then who will take rebirth? Although there is a controversy about Buddha’s theistic or atheistic beliefs, there is no doubt about his concept of morality. In fact, in every sentence of Buddha’s teachings, in every rhythm of his vibrations, his moralism radiates unblemished light, pure effulgence. Before him, no one had tried to illumine the minds of people with the brilliant rays of this kind of moralism. He advocated the Eight-Fold Path [Aśt́a Shiila] as a path of human progress, to lead people from animality to humanity. This Eight-Fold Path consists of (1) Proper Philosophy, (2) Proper Determination, (3) Proper Speech, (4) Proper Occupation, (5) Proper Exercise, (6) Proper Work, (7) Proper Memory [i.e., meditation] and (8) Proper Attainment of Samádhi. He exhorted people to follow these progressive steps, and his teachings without doubt laid a solid base for human morality.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva in the Light of Philosophy

== Section: News from 2019 ==

Devil Vimalananda killing Prout: news


Ranchi AMPS has been supporting the ruling BJP for last 5 years. Many confused Wts feel that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is gradually implementing Prout. But that is a foolish assessment and 100% wrong. RSS supporter Vimalananda is sympathetic to the interests of RSS - a Hindu fundamentalist wing that is the base of the BJP party.

During a recent WhatsApp debate, when margiis wrote that Modi is supporter of capitalism and he has been supporting many capitalists, then some confused margiis got very angry. One or two ignorant people became quite furious.

The blame however goes to top WTs of Ranchi AMPS and Vimalananda as well. RSS supporter Vimalananda is the main culprit for removing the word "PROUT" from PSS, i.e. as "Proutist Sarva Samaj" is full form of PSS. The truth is that the word PSS was decided by Ac Raghunath ji in 1992 or  93. But he wrote "Proutist Sarva Samaj". After the death of Raghunath ji, Vimalananda & other RSS supporters took over PSS. And RSS supporter Vimalananda convinced all and removed the term “Prout” and replaced it with "Progressive". A few years ago, he even got PSS registered with the election commission of India without the word Prout. Vimalananda is chiefly a supporter for RSS / BJP Hindu party, not AMPS.

In Him,

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