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Monday, July 20, 2020

Ananda Nagar & religious sites + 2 more


Ananda Nagar & religious cheats


Although in Ananda Marga there is no so-called holy place, tiirtha, or pilgrimage like the dogmatic religions, but the following things were going on in previous DMS’s. Every true sadhaka knows that Parama Purusa is in their heart. Yet here at these so-called holy sites, innocent margiis were waiting in line in hopes of seeing Parama Purusa at some external venue, i.e in that Baba Quarter, Memorial etc.

In previous years, during DMS, in Ananda Nagar Baba Quarter every morning from 8 am to 11 am there was a long queue of margiis and Wts waiting to enter Baba's Quarters in order to get His blessing. They were holding garlands in their hand thinking that it is most meaningful to garland Parama Purusa in Baba's Quarter via the AMPS priest. And while on line they were talking again and again about how they were going "to see Parama Purusa Baba in the room."

Suitable match for their daughter

So simple sadhakas were giving more importance to Baba's room where one can get His blessing and have Parama Purusa’s divine communication.

I even heard one wife telling her husband that when they get inside then they must not forget to ask one boon of Parama Purusa: Namely, He should find one suitable match for their daughter—because she is of the marriageable age and it is very difficult to find a proper husband of good means. So they were waiting in line to request this of Parama Purusa.

And others who had already been through the line moving here and there trying to convince others that they must go inside to get Baba's blessing—otherwise they would miss out. Still others were proclaiming how fortunate they were to garland the photo in the Baba's Quarter or go to the tomb / Memorial because that is the so-called sanctified holy place and now surely they will get success. Plus one person—upon hearing that his friend would be going to a memorial site—told his friend to, "Please convey my pranam to Parama Purusa." And like that the scene was going on. Even worse is that those not initially attracted became convinced by those actively proclaiming that going into the Baba's Quarter (Ananda Nagar etc) is the best opportunity to see Parama Purusa.

It was all quite tragic and shocking because here in our AMPS every true sadhaka knows that Parama Purusa is in their heart. Yet here at these so-called holy sites, innocent margiis were waiting in line in hopes of seeing Parama Purusa in some external venue, i.e. in that Baba Quarter, Memorial etc. As if that is the exclusive place where they can convey their message to Parama Purusa and get His grace. At the same time, most margiis understand that Parama Purusa resides in their heart.

Poisonous seed planted by S & followed by R

For years now, unfortunately, Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda have been involved in turning buildings like the (a) memorials in Kolkata and Ananda Nagar and (b) the Baba's Quarter in Tiljala and Jamalpur into "holy places"—for purposes of money, prestige, and control etc.

Yet such types of memorials used as tiirtha sites or "holy lands" run 100% contrary to Baba's teachings. Bhakti starts with the idea that Parama Purusa is with you, inside. And the defective "holy land" mentality dictates that you have to go somewhere to find the Supreme Entity and get His grace.

Over the years, some in our AMPS have been affected by the "holy land" propaganda of these Dadas. Since 1990, the sad fact is that some selected so-called top Dadas have turned Baba's room, Tiljala memorial, and many such places like the Tiger's grave in Jamalpur, into something "extra divine". They proclaim that this place holds very special attention and that Parama Purusa Baba's presence is much more there than in other places. This very preaching goes against the fundamentals of dharma shastra where it is taught that Parama Purusa is ever-present everywhere beyond time, space, and person.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "How strange! All countries have been created by the Supreme Consciousness, so all countries are equal. The universal concept of dharma that God is all-pervasive-- this essence of dharma has been forgotten. Ultimately dharma has been reduced to a geo-sentiment centering around Benares." (1)

Here, in the case of our Ananda Marga society, 'Benares' means Ananda Nagar, Memorial, Jamalpur, Baba's quarters etc. Before saying more about our AMPS, in this regard so many examples of history can be given.

Degeneration in our AMPS

Baba's teachings about the universal presence of Parama Purusa have gotten tainted by the propaganda of the importance of Baba's room etc. Parama Purusa has been limited to that particular place.

So, knowingly or unknowingly, simple margii sadhakas are taught to believe that Parama Purusa's presence is more in those special places like Baba's room, memorial etc than in other places—and certainly He is not in your heart. This is the dogma they are propagating.

Generally the common public searches God externally and they inspire others, friends, relatives, and their known people also to move from this place to that place to search Parama Purusa outside, externally. And that undermines the whole spiritual progress of common innocent people. Because bhakti is the inner link with Parama Purusa and the perennial source of inspiration.

In our Ananda Marga, we are to pay no attention and give no credence to the existence of any such "holy land", whether it be memorial, Jamalpur, Baba's Quarter, Tiljala or any other place. Parama Purusa resides in our heart and He wants that we should find Him there through our spiritual longing and meditation.

This following Ananda Vanii gives a strong force of hope and inspiration that our future is bright.

Ananda Vanii guides us, "Human civilization now faces the final moment of a critical juncture. The dawn of a glorious new era is on its one side and the worn-out skeletons of the past on the other. People have to adopt either of these two. You are the spiritual soldiers, you are the worshipers of Life Divine, hence I call you to adorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light. Victory is surely yours." (1)

In Him

~ In-depth study ~

Lullaby of PP Vishvadevananda

By the command of Rudrananda, throughout every Jamalpur DMS , PP Vishvadevananda was repeating the dogmatic message that "Jamalpur is a tiirtha (holy land)...Jamalpur is a tiirtha (holy land)..."—he was repeating this like a parrot during his every lecture. PP infused this idea upon innocent people and new and ignorant margiis believed this also.

Sadguru Baba graciously created AMPS to remove all these dogmas like tiirtha etc, but now these people are imposing these very same dogmas. That is the tragedy that is going on. Rudrananda's other stooges were also parroting this same idea, whenever they got the opportunity. It is obvious that they are aiming for their own economic benefit, short and long-term.

In a giddy and unguarded moment, while discussing the immense popularity of the Islamic tiirtha Haj (Mecca), one stooge even told that, "It will be the best news when so many people come to Jamalpur tiirtha that there will be a huge stampede. Then there will be a news flash around the world announcing the immense scene in Jamalpur." Later on this stooge Dada corrected himself saying, "Of course there will be security so nobody will die."

Lazy people run for so-called holy places

Ananda Marga philosophy explains, “People have been feeling this irresistible attraction towards pilgrimage since the time when the idea of God first sprouted in their minds."
"People generally want to live without intense sádhaná in the spiritual sphere and without much effort in the mundane sphere. When people seek to acquire fortune or attain salvation without proper effort, then they try to remove their sins by visiting the so-called holy places of pilgrimage – they try to escape across the Baetarańii [a horrible mythological river of blood and filth] by holding the tails of calves! The merchants in those holy places understand this mental weakness of the people, and by taking advantage of it, exploit them to the utmost. As a result, the pilgrims are unable to worship as they should, and are misguided into moving from one place to another by these exploiters. But this does not satisfy their spiritual hunger, and they feel they have not at all been relieved of their sins. Thus people of static mentality waste their valuable time, energy and money rushing from one place of pilgrimage to another.”

"Those who forget the Lord of the holy place, that ever-wakeful One in perpetual tranquillity like an eternal, unflickering flame of light in the deepest recesses of their hearts – those who wander here and there in the mundane world in search of a holy place – can they attain salvation? Shiva answers Párvatii, “No, this type of person cannot attain salvation.” (2)

AMPS copied holy land dogma from dogmatic religions

Buddhism, Mahavira, Kabir, Islam, Judaism, Christianity: Take the example of Lord Buddha. Buddha got enlightenment through deep meditation but nowadays in place of doing meditation Buddhist monks or followers mostly do idol worship of Lord Buddha.

Ironically, the statue of Lord Buddha that those disciples worship is in a meditative pose. That itself demonstrates that Lord Buddha was doing sadhana. But Buddha's followers do not bother to practice sadhana. Instead, they created their own rituals and started worshiping that idol by lighting lamps etc. Lord Buddha's teachings became diluted and polluted by such Buddhist monks and followers. This is the well-known historical fact.

All around the globe wherever Buddhism is propagated one can find huge idols. In the name of the propagation of Buddha's teachings Buddhists did only this: Created huge, very tall high idols. So the point is that Lord Buddha taught meditation, but instead his dogmatic disciples started their own dogma.  Some followers of Buddha do atheistic meditation wherein they meditate on nothingness, i.e. a vacuum. So Lord Buddha’s meditation was God-centered, but now his followers are doing atheistic meditation, unfortunately.

What various religions do

* See also the case of the propounder of the Jain religion: Lord Mahaviira. Lord Mahaviira also got realisation through deep meditation, but immediately after his death many dogmas were started. And now his disciples—i.e.  followers of the Jain religion- worship the idol of Lord Mahaviira. They do not care about any type of meditation.

* In the case of Kabir Dasji, we see the same story. Saint Kabir never believed in or propagated idol worship but now his followers only indulge in worshiping the idol of Saint Kabir. They do not believe in any other idol. But they are engaged in idol worship of Saint Kabir. What a peculiar history has been made. That very theory of idol worship which Saint Kabir strongly opposed, his chief disciples implemented after his passing.

So this is the short history. The whole idea is that the teachings of those gurus were distorted and ruined by their so-called top disciples. And those disciples started practising the very dogmas which their preceptors condemned. So the chief disciples are the cause: They ruined Guru's teaching and misled the entire society.

Unfortunately, it looks like the same style of degeneration is going on in our Ananda Marga society these days.

* Islam, Judaism, Christianity also have their tiirthas in Mecca, Jerusalem etc. They do and die to get there but in Ananda Marga there is no such thing. Of course the presiding priest of Ananda Marga dreams that one day AMPS will become that type of dogma where all Ananda Margiis reach to have gate pass of heaven by those AMPS priests.

Prostrating position: Religious worshipers of Lord Shiva do sastaunga pranam on the muddy road and extend their hand and place one stone. And then they get up and move one step and then just before the stone they again prostrate and in that lying position they go another 5 feet and put that stone / rock. By this very slow torturous process they cross 80 miles. It takes several weeks. This they do to please Lord Shiva. Of course in our Ananda Marga such penance is not accepted rather it is treated negatively.

Crawling bhaktas in "holy places"

A similar scene is available when you go to visit various religious temples. There is a huge long queue of followers anxiously waiting to go inside to see the idol of a certain deity. This is very common in India—at so many renowned temples.

For example, there is Lord Shiva's temple in Deoghar. Those followers of the Hindu religion carry water from the Ganges to this Lord Shiva temple in Deoghar which is 80 miles away. So they start in Sultan Ganj and proceed onwards in their dogmatic holy journey to the temple in Deoghar.

Either they walk to the temple. Or those who are called great followers do one marathon run. And some who are still greater make their journey several weeks ahead of time by going into their full prostrating position. They proceed by lying down in prostration, getting up, bringing their feet forward to where their hands are, and then lying down in prostration. In that manner dogmatic people journey to the temple. This example shows that in that Deoghar temple, a crowd of followers gather in order to see Lord Shiva externally and ask boons of Shiva. These Hindu followers go to see Lord Shiva in Deoghar. This is dogma.

By this way religious followers of various grades reach to temple during certain fixed days of tiirtha (pilgrimage) program which is allotted beforehand. A huge crowd pours the water on the idol of Lord Shiva. And by that they think that Lord Shiva will grant them various types of boons, and relieve them from all the sins they committed.

In theory uch followers believe in leading a virtuous life and exercising restraint. But they feel that is too difficult or beyond their ability etc. So once in a year on certain occasions or holy dates they foolishly think that if one does penance for a certain limited period then the heavy load of one's sins will get washed away. So this is working as a quick fix type.

In place of doing sadhana, these religious believers are engaged in external paraphernalia by this way wasting their time, money, and energy.

The ignorant run here & there for God

Ananda Marga ideology explains, "He is everywhere, but that vibration originates from that place where His nucleus is. He seats that nucleus at that place where devotees sing His name. What can be a better place than that." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "The secret of a devotee’s heart is known to Parama Puruśa. In Jamalpur I told you that Parama Puruśa does not reside in Vaekuńt́ha [the mythological abode of Lord Viśńu], nor on the throne, nor in the heart of the dry yogi. He actually resides in the heart of a devotee. A devotee is always bound to think of Parama Puruśa at heart, because their mutual relation is one of love and devotion. That is why Parama Puruśa clearly proclaims, Madbhaktáh yatra gáyanti tatra tiśt́hámi Nárada – that is, “I reside, O Nárada, wherever my devotees are singing.”" (4)

1. Ananda Vanii #26
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivopadesha 11
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Opening, Not Closing, the Heart With Kiirtana
4. Discourses on Tantra - 2, Yoga and Tantra, 26 October 1979 DMC, Gaddopur

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

When mind is weak

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Let me give another example of what happens when one loses control over the nerve fibres. Some people are so crazy about football that they dream of the game while sleeping. What is a dream? When we think during the wakeful state our conscious mind operates and we understand that we are thinking inwardly. But when we think during the state of sleep, the conscious mind does not work and we wrongly think the objects thought of are real. So a football fan who dreams about the game while sleeping may shout, “Gooaal! Gooaal!” and start kicking left and right with his legs. Clearly, his nerve cells have lost control of the nerve fibres.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamratm - 8, Bad Habits Which Should Be Given Up

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मेरे जीवन के अन्तिम क्षण तक वे ही मेरे साथ रहेंगे।

प्रभात संगीत 1103  धर्मो आमारी साथी धर्मो आमारी प्राण...


धर्म मेरा आन्तरिक साथी और धर्म ही मेरा प्राण है | मैं केवल परम पुरुष को स्वीकार करता हॅूं और उन्हीं का अनुसरण करता हॅूं क्यों कि मैं उनकी कृपा से हॅूं। केवल उन्होंने ही दया करके मुझे मानव जीवन दिया है। उन्होंने ही मेरा अस्तित्व निर्धारित किया है।

मेरे जीवन के उषाकाल से ही परम पुरुष मेरे साथ हैं, वे हर पल, हर पग पर मेरे साथ हैं, हर क्षण वे मुझे देखते, मार्गदर्शन  करते और रक्षा करते हैं। और मेरे जीवन के अन्तिम क्षण तक वे ही मेरे साथ रहेंगे। मैं हमेशा  उनका रास्ता अपनाता हॅूं उनकी शिक्षायें और आशीष कभी नहीं भूलूँगा।

हे तीनों लोकों के निवासियो! आप लोग जहाॅं कहीं भी हों, परम पुरुष के दिव्य नाम में डूबकर नाचते गाते रहो। उनके चिंतन में डूबे  हुये, उनके दिव्य गीतों को गाते हुये, उनके मधुर प्रवाह में बहते रहो।

हे बाबा! तुम तो मेरे अलौकिक अंतरंग साथी हो, मेरे साथ हमेशा  रहा करते हो, हे मेरे परमपूज्य! मैं तुम्हें चाहता हॅूं।

इस गीत में धर्म का अर्थ परम पुरुष है। परम पुरुष के अनन्त नामों और गुणों में से एक धर्म भी है जो उनसे अभिन्न है। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section: Prout ==

Prout: Why unity is so difficult in Ananda Marga (AMPS)

  Prout philosophy states, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society. And to ensure this we have to start a new order to safeguard the interests of the exploited masses."
  "So for a proper social synthesis what we require is a common philosophy of life; that is, ideological unity. But to check exploitation in the physical sphere requires something more than this, and this something more comprises a common constitutional system, a common penal code, and the availability of the minimum essentialities of life." (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==
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