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Friday, September 8, 2017

Didi celebrates donkey birthday


Didi celebrates donkey birthday

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga ideology highlights the importance of one’s spiritual initiation as a time of birth.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The first birth was the physical birth, and the second birth was the spiritual birth, during initiation.” (1)

Hence, one should not think that the physical birth which results from the spermatozoa fertilising the egg is one grand birthday event. Life should be spiritually oriented, not goaded toward the mundane.

Thus, every Wt in our Marga should think twice about how far they should celebrate their “birthday”. For avadhutas / avadhutikas there is no question of celebrating as they have given up everything of their unit existence for Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. At each and every juncture or stage of an avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s training they are given a new name because each stage itself represents a new birth – a new beginning, all the while leaving behind their old life. In which case, where is the scope for an avadhuta / avadhutika to celebrate their own worldly birthday.

The spirit of being an avadhuta / avadhutika is to dedicate everything to Marga Gurudev. By getting avadhuta / avadhutika diiksa and by getting their new avadhuta / avadhutika name, they no longer have anything of their own. In that blessed state, everything belongs to Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. And Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is their mother, father, & everything. That is the oath they have taken.

They surrender their all – their entire I-feeling – at His lotus feet. Their name has changed; their address has changed; their identity has changed. They have no past connection with their worldly life, nor their worldly birth. Avadhutas / avadhutikas give everything to Parama Purusa – they have nothing left to call their own.

That is why in the conduct rules of the avadhuta / avadhutika, there is no such thing as the observance of one’s own donkey birthday or any form of celebration or glorification of one’s own unit existence. Rather the avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s goal of life and the be-all end-all of their existence is to glorify Parama Purusa. They are to be established solely in Marga’s Guru’s glory.

In which case, where is the scope for an avadhuta / avadhutika to celebrate their own worldly birthday.


As you think so shall you become. This is the fundamental characteristic of Ananda Marga sadhana. Ideate on Brahma and then one can become Brahma. If one thinks about oneself then the mind becomes smaller, smaller, and smaller. That mind will be degenerated and unfit to get human life - what to say about liberation.

Celebrating the birthday is entirely ego-centric. All come to praise that individual. It is antithetical to common ethics of Ananda Marga and very detrimental for spiritual progress. It is common sense that not only avadhutas & avadhutikas, even general margiis constantly think of their ista mantra, and not about their own self. That is why in Ananda Marga no sincere sadhaka / Wt etc celebrates donkey birthday.

in Him,

Why it is called donkey birthday

In Ananda Marga, if anything is done for superficial show or in an insincere manner then that is not at all good. And if kiirtan is sung with the primary motive as a display of one’s musical talent instead of spreading the glory of the Supreme Entity, then that is donkey kiirtan.

Likewise, when any Wt or avadhutika celebrates their own birthday in their honour instead of spreading the glory of Parama Purusa, then their celebration is a donkey birthday.

One should not think that when the spermatozoa fertilises the egg—and a baby is born—that this particular human life is a piece in the long chain of life and death. In the course of the day, on average one breathes 22,00 - 24,000 times. And those who repeat their ista mantra and coordinate it with the breath experience a rebirth each and every breath. Of course, when you get initiation that is another birth. And when you become a Wt that is another birth. And when you become an avadhuta that is another birth. So sadhakas have so many births and after all one should not be glorying oneself. So talking about birthday is a waste of time.

Pashvacariis are half-margiis

Some naive persons may raise the question that when Baba has given the birthday celebration chapter in Caryacarya, then what is wrong if our avadhutas / avadhutikas celebrate their birthday? The answer is quite clear. In Caryacarya, Baba also explains what type of meat a person should eat if they cannot resist eating meat. But that does not mean sincere sadhakas and avadhutas / avadhutikas should also eat meat or that we should appreciate meat eating.

Remember, Caryacayra is our smrti shastra – our social code – which is not eternal. It depends upon time, space, and person. All kinds of people are coming into Ananda Marga. For some, Baba has given such rules for periods of transition onto the path of dharma.

In Ananda Marga there are three types of sadhakas: pashvacariis (pashvácára: “Animal Way”, the first level of Tantra practice in which the aspirant struggles against animal instincts), viiracariis (heros), and divyacariis (divine). Pashvacariis are half-margiis; viiracariis are mediocre sadhakas, and those who are very strict and do not compromise on points of dharma are divyacariis. There will always be a mixture of all three grades of sadhakas. Always, new people are coming into human life and they will enter onto the path of pashvacara. After many lives and with the grace of Parama Purusa, they will one day become viiracariis.

This point of eating meat in Caryacarya is for pashvacariis. They compromise on various aspects of 16 points, but they are also margiis. They live amongst us—we all know this and recognize who is who. A person may not openly declare, “I am a pashvcarii; I am a half-margii”, but everyone knows.

When such pashvacariis become strong, established margiis, their manner will be different. Then they will not do such things like eating meat and celebrating their birthday.

Just as meat-eating is a hindrance to those on that path of sadhana; similarly, indulging in self-glorification—such as celebrating a donkey birthday—is not conducive to one’s spiritual progress. Rather it is antithetical. AM spiritual philosophy condemns all forms of self-glorification.

What is the harm of self-propaganda and celebrating birthday

Here the point is not about eating cake. All know that our Wts are free to eat all kinds of tasty delicacies and sweets that are sentient. So cake is not the issue here. The reason why it is a donkey birthday is because such occasions are all self-centeredness and self-glorification. That is the root cause of the problem.

Baba's strict guidelines against self-praise

बिल्ली करती है

छोटा-सा काम कर दिए, और कहते हो—“मैंने किया, मैंने किया |” “मैंने यह किया, मैंने वह किया |” “मैं, मैं” करके मनुष्य परेशान हो जाते हैं | अरे ! तुम उतना “मैं, मैं,” क्यों करोगे ? “मैं-मैं, मैं-मैं” करेगी तो बिल्ली |


क्या जी ? “मैं, मैं” कौन करती है ? बिल्ली करती है | हाँ | तो, मनुष्य इतना करता है—

[बाबा ने हाथ की दोनों अङ्गुलियों को नज़दीक लाकर इशारे से बताया कि मनुष्य छोटा-सा काम करता है |]

छोटा-सा किया | इतना बोलता है |

[बाबा ने अपने दोनों हाथों को दूर तक फैलाते हुए बताया कि मनुष्य अपने छोटे काम को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर बताता है |] |

सो नहीं, काम करते रहो | और उनको सोचते रहो | बोलने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है | परमपुरुष विश्व-ब्रह्माण्ड का हर काम करते हैं | बोलते हैं ? नहीं बोलते हैं | नीरव कर्मी बनो | Be silent worker | (2)

Here is the English translation of above conversation:-

Who does "Meow, meow"?

"You did a little work and propagate; 'I have done , I have done .'  "I have done this, I have done that". People praise themselves too much saying 'I', 'I'. Oh, why would you say that much I, I.

Oh, why would you say "Meow, meow"? If anyone does "Meow, meow, meow" it is a cat.(*)


What do you think? Who does "Meow, meow"? The cat. Yes.

Man does a little, (showing with the two fingers and thumb of His hand) this much, and expresses (showing by expanding both the hands to max) this much.

Don't do like this. Continue to do work with His thought in mind. No need to tell anybody about it. Parama Purusa is doing every work of the entire universe; does He talk about it? No He does not. Niirav karmi bano, Be a silent worker." (3)

(*) The cat makes the sound “meow, meow”, and that sound is very similar to the Hindi word for “I” or “oneself.” So according to Hindi, it sounds like the cat just moves around all day glorifying itself - meow meow. So Baba is making a joke that human beings should not glorify themselves all day long (“I did this”, “I did that”) like the cat - meow, meow.

Watch out - you may come across some Wts whose behaviour is similar - they praise themselves and say, “I did this and I did that.” As they are our family members, we should politely tell them not to praise themselves but sing the glory of Parama Purusa - not self-glorification.

Perpetually fed by praise

Here we see how selfishness leads to so many psychic maladies.

When people are solely focused on their own ego-satisfaction, then frustration is always side-by side. Because the moment they do not get what they want, then frustration arises. And this condition is accompanied by other psychic afflictions as well.

On the occasions they are praised by others they either feel arrogant or become dependent on that praise. For instance, they may not do anything other than for the desire to be praised. And when they are not praised, they are crushed and prone to despair - and may give up that work entirely.

The worst outcome is that people foolishly forget that whatever little strength they have is just the gift of Parama Purusa. Devoid of this thinking they become egotistical and full of vanity. And in result they invite their ruination.

"Aham'ka'rah patanasya mu'lam" (4)

Meaning: Pride goeth before a fall

So this malady has come from the offshoot of materialism. Mostly materialistic minded people, those whose be-all and end-all of life is matter, suffer from such types of diseases. And they need day-long appreciation by others. Otherwise frustration and depression engulfs them. Such an unfortunate episode has become the norm.

Now is the time we should analyse how far Baba appreciates this self-praise - or the habit of enjoying self-praise. How far does this selfishness have any value in the life of true human beings. We should see carefully whether this self-aggrandizement is something meaningful or detrimental.

Wt Conduct Rules

Wt conduct rule -- “Avadhuta / avadhutika shall always keep himself engaged in the service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion, in thought, words and deed, in subtle and in crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (5)

Wt conduct rule --  "We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family." (6)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should make others good by becoming an ideal person." (7)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should follow discipline very strictly." (8)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should be ready always to accept all suffering as rewards and become an ideal son / daughter of the Cosmic Father." (9)

This is the Didi who

The name of the Didi is Didi Ananda Giita who is very senior and well known to all - indeed everyone is aware that she has created her own faction and that is called the Giita Group. Didiji is well known for celebrating donkey birthday.

1. Ananda Vacnamrtam - 30
2. DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu
3. Trans Dr. T.R.S.
4. NSS, Shivokti no. 6
5. Rule no. 28 of 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas
6. Fourteen Points, point #13
7. 37 Workers Rules, point #22
8. 37 Workers Rules, point #24
9. 37 Workers Rules, point #31

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