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Saturday, July 27, 2019

See harmful story


See harmful story


As every sadhaka and bhakta understands well, our Baba stories are educational and meant to uplift humanity; a story should be wholly consistent with the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology. Any story that fails in this regard is a so-called story and very harmful.

#1: Unfortunately, in this below story, the storyteller projects Guru as being extremely selfish.

#2: So this below story goes against the fundamentals of bhakti and AM philosophy.

#3: In this below story Guru is wrongly and unfortunately equated as a dogmatic Hindu god / goddess especially Shani god; those mythological gods proclaim, "If you do not please me I will destroy you."

#4: Not only Hindu gods but most religious conceptions of god are like that: "If you do not do something for that god they will curse and harm you."

#5: In the same vein, this below story gives a similar message with a fictitious example.

#6: The below story writer - knowingly or unknowingly - tried to prove Guru as selfish, narcissistic, and greedy - unfortunately.

#7: The duty of all Wts and mariis is to uphold the tenets of dharma, and not propagate such detrimental imaginary things that are against universal dharma.

#8: Baba's relation with His disciples is a loving one - thousands and millions times more loving than mother and child. The mother does not anticipate anything from the infant; the mother has no selfish interest. Even then over time, the mother's love slowly fades and ultimately extinguishes, whereas the love from Parama Purusa is infinite and eternal. Even after your death and into your next life His love for you continues. The love of Parama Purusa has no comparison.

#9: Those with a little awareness of Baba know that He is love-personified and fully saturated in prema, divine love, which has no parallel.

#10: Baba has unilateral divine love for all His disciples and does not anticipate anything.

In Him,

Bad story starts

The following is the bad story that was circulated on Facebook by Mohamuktananda. Unfortunately, it seems Mohamuktananda Avt does not have reverence for Parama Purusa Baba, otherwise he would never have posted this false story.
DMC in Tiljala, Kolkata.
First time DMC was organized at our newly purchased land for building our head quarter in Tiljala, Kolkata. We were very excited. We are were working day and night for fixing the place for DMC. At that time there was no building, only empty land.We were putting up a Pandel (a big tent) for margiis to stay and a stage for Baba’s Darshana/ lecturer as well. There was a small house for the security people in Tiljala. We were planning to fix that house with a toilet and bath (attached to Baba’s room) to accommodate Baba for three days during DMC time .

Our (organizers) planed to fix the place for margiis first because it was a big area to cover and more work would be needed. Many margiis would come from all over the world. So naturally we thought that we must finish first margiis place for their accommodation. After finish margiis accommodation then we shall work on fixing Baba’s room two days before DMC. Fixing Baba’ quarter won’t take much time because the room is already there. So we just need to build attached bathrooms and toilets for Baba and installed air condition unit. One evening before the DMC Baba was inquiring from GS about the update/preparations for DMC. GS reported “ Margiis place for accommodation is ready and many Margiis have already arrived. Margiis are happy with their accommodation because DMC is taking place first time in our own place in Tiljala. GS kept on saying about margiis”.

Then Baba was was upset and asked “what’s the update of my accommodation”. Then GS said “yes baba your accommodation would be ready just before the DMC”. Then on that night heavy rain started pouring on Tiljala/ Kolkata. ....

The place became flooded. Margiis have no place to stay. Baba: I asked you to give me the update last night, you were thinking about Margiis comfort but not about my comfort. When I asked you about the arrangement for my accommodation then only you updated me that my accommodation will be finished after margiis. Now you see heavy rain washed away your place and your margiis have no place to stay....your all are fools. Always GURU should be SERVED FIRST because when Guru is happy he will then protect/ take care of his disciples. You haven’t taken care of me/Guru first. I wasn’t happy about it. …. Dadas realized their mistakes. So immediately they started working day and night in the middle of the heavy rain to complete Baba’s house first. After completion Baba’s house GS and senior dadas went to Baba’s quarter in lake garden in the evening and asked forgiveness for their foolishness and promised that they would make Him happy.

Dadas: “Baba, we are very sorry, we have made a big mistake. Your accommodation is’s READY now with all the facilities. Pls forgive us. It won’t happen again”. ….When Guru is happy with you your service then He will shower his blessing on you”. So disciples should always serve their Guru First and make Him happy because when Guru is happy He will take care of/protect His disciples”....

- If you would like the story in its entirety kindly write us. 

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

PS for C-grade sadhakas

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

This song is for 3rd class bhaktas that call Him “Master” and refer to themselves as banda’, or servant. Prabhat Samgiita is the heart expression of all kinds bhaktas, low or high. Whatever the bhakta thinks and is the proper expression of bhakti is in Prabhat Samgiita.

Prabhat Samgiita is the inner feeling, and emotional and loving expression of the bhakta - i.e. the voice of the bhakta to Parama Purusa. Third grade bhaktas have a master-servant relation with Parama Purusa. They feel very natural relating with Him as Master and their own self as banda’ i.e. servant. They feel uncomfortable thinking of Parama Purusa as their own family member. That is why 3rd grade bhaktas see themselves as banda’ (servant).

So in Prabhat Samgiita the bhakta is talking with Parama Purusa. In lower class bhakti, they see Parama Purusa as their Master and they are His banda’. They feel very natural relating with Him as Master. If they were barred from addressing Parama Purusa as Master, they would not like to sing or associate with Prabhat Samgiita. Because they would not be able to express their feeling.

Over time, naturally by practicing sadhana, asana and Sixteen Points their mind becomes more elevated and they gain a higher relation. And they will no longer like to have a banda & Master relation with Parama Purusa.

"Jamin ásamán tumhárá, tumhárá jahán sárá..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4335)


My Parama Purusa, Baba this earth and this vast blue sky, this entire universe belongs to You. Everything is Yours. You are my most reverential Master, and I am Your banda’ (servant); You are my Owner, and I am your attendant; You are my Master, and I am Your slave, and You are my ma’lik. You are the “Conqueror of the universe.” You are my everything. My Master, I will obey Your order always.

Supreme Entity, my Master, You are the source of all energy. Whatever radiance shines from the sun is coming from You. Whatever fragrance emanates from the flower garden is coming from You. You are the divine Entity which resides in my heart. You are that star. Baba You are my Owner, I am your slave.

Baba, my Master, You are always with me - in my sorrow as well as in my happiness, equally. You are situated on the holy altar of my unit consciousness my a’tma’; in Your longing my eyes are showering tears with bhakti. Baba, my Master, You are the controller of everything. This entire created - and uncreated - world belongs to You. You are my Owner. I am your slave. My Master, You are mine and I am Yours. Please be ever-gracious...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4335

[1] Alamgir means “conqueror of the world”. It is made up from Alam (Arabic for “world”) and the Persian suffix -gir (“conqueror”).

कोई बन्दा-वन्दा नहीं है
Here below is the definition of an A-grade bhakta.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि “जीव, परमात्मा का बन्दा है |” बन्दा-वन्दा नहीं है | बन्दा क्या है ? यह पारिवारिक सम्पर्क है | कोई कहते हैं कि—”परमपुरुष का मैं तो दास हूँ |” दास-वास तो नहीं है | दास काहे ? पारिवारिक सम्पर्क है | दास काहे ? दास-मालिक का सम्पर्क नहीं है | गुलाम-मालिक का सम्पर्क नहीं है | विश्व ब्रह्माण्ड की सृष्टि उन्हीं से हुई है | सब उनका है | सब उनके मन में है | तो, तुम जिनके मन के भीतर में हो, तुम तो उन्हीं के हो | और, वे तो तुम्हारे सबसे निकट हैं | एकदम अपने हैं |” (1) (Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 9 )

Ananda Marga ideology states, “One then feels that since Parama Puruśa is so great and loves one so much, it is one’s duty to serve Him and fulfil His desire in every possible way. One feels, “Since He is earnestly seeking human welfare it is my duty to do His work.” This is the spirit of dásya bháva. “He is my Master, my Lord – I am His servant.”” (2)

1. 11/24/79, Delhi, V16-16
2. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 9

== Section 3: Margii Letters ==

Question about AMPS 

Margii #1 wrote:


"Do not indulge yourself in criticizing others faults and defects".

I do believe that you are not following Baba's Social Norms. I understand that you are trying to expose wrongdoing with regards to people in high posts in AM.

Of what benefit is it to you or to anyone to draw attention to a few acaryas playing MONOPOLY. Everything is Brahma, You are not to know what preceded this game and why. It really is irrelevant to most people.

In Him,
Sister T.


Margii #2 replied:


By His grace you are well. Thank you for writing.

Question: If someone were to break into your home, knock you down, and try to set your house on fire, would you choose to not call the police because "calling the police" is against Baba's social norms?

In Him,
Sister N.

== Section 4: Links ==

Legal Notice: ©2019 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: See harmful story
2. PS #4335: 
PS for C-grade sadhakas
3. Margii Letters


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