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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Savitananda: Poor show + Example of weak mind


Savitananda: Poor show

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed...The propensity of greed increases." (1)

Self-propaganda & fake service

See below how Savitananda is completely enamoured with self-publicity - just he is looking at the camera. Although outwardly it looks like he is doing service work / food distribution, but inwardly he is doing business. This is all being done to get prestige: self-publicity is the gain.

Whereas service is something completely different. When you serve by giving to the beggar then you do not take anything in return. You are not  concerned about any prestige etc. Because your service work is due to the inspiration and energy of Parama Purusa.

But this fake Wt is doing so-called service. Just he is posing to have an excellent photo for the newspaper. After the photoshoot, he walked away and others took over the job. But this fake Wt put his photo up all over town, i.e. the internet. And when his grand photo appeared and everyone had seen it on Facebook, then he showed everyone, "Look, I did a great job." But that is just his hypocrisy.

All along Savitananda’s mind was wholly focused and involved in self-propaganda. The proof is that he is not even looking towards the person he is helping. Just he is fully engulfed in getting his face in the photo. Take a look below.

~ Savitananda (left) doing show of service ~

Doing for self-satisfaction means that the mind is wrapped around its own ego and it is getting smaller and smaller as one thinks only about their own petty self. It is very constricting and goes directly against the entire ethic of Ananda Marga  which stands for psychic expansion.

In the above photo this Savitananda is completely enamoured with self-publicity - just he is looking at the camera. Although he is showing to others that he is doing service work, but his mind is wholly focused and involved in self-propaganda. The proof is that he is not even looking at the person he is supposedly serving.

In Him,

Self-praise is bad for sadhakas - 1

Here is an English summary of Baba’s original teaching given in Hindi.
Who does "Meow, meow"? "You did a little work and propagate; 'I have done , I have done .'  "I have done this, I have done that". People praise themselves too much saying 'I', 'I'. Oh, why would you say that much I, I. Oh, why would you say "Meow, meow"? If anyone does "Meow, meow, meow" it is a cat. (*) (Laughter) What do you think? Who does "Meow, meow"? The cat. Yes.

Man does a little, (showing with the two fingers and thumb of His hand) this much, and expresses (showing by expanding both the hands to max) this much. Don't do like this. Continue to do work with His thought in mind. No need to tell anybody about it. Parama Purusa is doing every work of the entire universe; does He talk about it? No He does not. Niirav karmi bano, Be a silent worker. (Trans Dr. TRS)
(*) The cat makes the sound “meow, meow”, and that sound is very similar to the Hindi word for “I” or “oneself.” So according to Hindi, it sounds like the cat just moves around all day glorifying itself - meow meow. So Baba is making a joke that human beings should not glorify themselves all day long (“I did this”, “I did that”) like the cat - meow, meow.

Watch out - you may come across some Wts whose behaviour is similar - they praise themselves and say, “I did this and I did that.” As they are our family members, we should politely tell them not to praise themselves but sing the glory of Parama Purusa - not self-glorification.

Poster-boy Savitananda

Savitanana is the poster boy for Baba’s below teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Fifteenth January nineteen thirty-four में जमालपुर मुंगेर में ज़बर्दस्त earthquake-भूकम्प हुआ था | तो, उस वक्त तो बहुत, मकान के नीचे,  dead body क्या, Wounded persons, जो कि मरे नहीं थे---तो, कुछ लोग कुदाली लेकर ईंटा हटाना शुरू कर दिए | और कुछ दो-चार leader आए, तो एक-दो minute कुदाली लेकर, बस photo के इन्तज़ार में थे | उसके बाद ही चले गए, और सके नहीं | हम देखे थे | तो, ठीक वैसे ही मध्यम group के मनुष्य ऐसे ही होते हैं | काम start करते हैं, देखते हैं बहुत मुश्किल | तब तक करते हैं जब तक उनका [photo]  फोटो  नहीं लिया जाएगा |” (2)  ज़िद चाहिए, Zid Ca'hiye, V24-07

Note: In the above quote, Baba is giving the example of a few hypocritical political leaders. In particular, Baba is recounting the tragedy of the Jamalpur earthquake of 15 January 1934. So many people were buried under the debris and rubble of collapsed houses. Some were dead and some were alive, crying out for help. Sincere local volunteers and neighbors were trying hard to remove the debris and rescue the victims / survivors. In the meantime, a few political leaders came with a cameraman. Those politicians borrowed spades and shovels from volunteers and posed for photos as if they were trying to dig out survivors etc. Immediately after the photo was taken they walked away. That is the eyewitness account Baba is giving in this above Hindi quote.

Only hypocrites make this type of fake show; Ananda Margiis should never conduct themselves in this way. In the life of an Ananda Margii, sincerity is the beginning, sincerity is the middle, and sincerity is the end. The main quality of a sadhaka is sincerity - no hypocrisy.

Self-propaganda is antithetical to spirituality

Here below Baba clearly demonstrates the mindset of such fake wts who perform actions solely for their own name and fame, not to selflessly serve others.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose a certain man donates one thousand rupees to a particular institution. The next day he looks anxiously for his name in the newspaper. If his name does not appear in the paper, then with an air of conceit he brags amongst his kith and kin. “I have donated a thousand rupees, but I do not desire recognition and therefore I have not published my name in the paper.” The desire for fame exists in a concealed form in that man’s mind. Clearly, he did not make the donation with the spirit of service." (3)

Baba clearly guides us that this approach is devoid of the real spirit of service. Unfortunately, that is the overall approach nowadays. People are dominated by ego satisfaction, tragically. And it looks like some this Wt has adopted this very tactic.

~ In-depth study ~

Is reborn as a cat

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Which animal is the greediest among the animals with which we are all very familiar? It does not like to give up greed in spite of ill treatment and humiliations. It is the cat. Yes, after moving a few steps ahead, the cat forgets that it was beaten. So, that particular person is reborn as a cat after death, because that body affords an opportunity for the satiation of their greed. When the housewife looks around inattentively, the cat sneaks into the kitchen through the small opening in order to reach the milk or fish in the kitchen. So in order to exhaust the saḿskáras one needs an appropriate body. Some people obtain a new body immediately after death and others obtain it later. But one has to obtain it somehow." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One who is doing philanthropic work today, tries to find out tomorrow whether or not their name appeared in the newspaper. They have no desire to read the other news. They read the news that relates to themselves twenty times but do not go through the other news with much enthusiasm. If someone asks they might say that today there was only one important piece of news, nothing else. That is how a person comes under the sway of a propensity and remains subject to the cycle of birth and rebirth." (5)

Due to the mass propagation of the self-centered philosophy of materialism, there is an increase in an ego-oriented outlook. This is evident with so-called Wts. Fake wts often act out of extreme self-satisfaction - for the sake of boosting their own ego.

Afterwards they may brag about their own "greatness". They announce to others about how they did top-level social service. But that is their hypocrisy. They did solely for their own self-propaganda and getting their face in the newspaper. This is the on-going dirty trend amongst fake Wts.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed. Now if this act is encouraged by the society, that is, if the newspapers dedicate a lot of attention to such news, or if people in general say, “Sir, whatever you are doing is unparalleled in history. Sir, we are not eulogizing you. We are simply telling the truth” – if they praise such a person in this way and then try to extract some money from them (there are such intelligent people around) – then what does it amount to indirectly? The propensity of greed increases." (6)

Self-praise is bad for sadhakas - 2

बिल्ली करती है

छोटा-सा काम कर दिए, और कहते हो—“मैंने किया, मैंने किया |” “मैंने यह किया, मैंने वह किया |” “मैं, मैं” करके मनुष्य परेशान हो जाते हैं | अरे ! तुम उतना “मैं, मैं,” क्यों करोगे ? “मैं-मैं, मैं-मैं” करेगी तो बिल्ली | [हँसी]

क्या जी ? “मैं, मैं” कौन करती है ? बिल्ली करती है | हाँ | तो, मनुष्य इतना करता है—

[बाबा ने हाथ की दोनों अङ्गुलियों को नज़दीक लाकर इशारे से बताया कि मनुष्य छोटा-सा काम करता है |]

छोटा-सा किया | इतना बोलता है |

[बाबा ने अपने दोनों हाथों को दूर तक फैलाते हुए बताया कि मनुष्य अपने छोटे काम को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर बताता है |] |

सो नहीं, काम करते रहो | और उनको सोचते रहो | बोलने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है | परमपुरुष विश्व-ब्रह्माण्ड का हर काम करते हैं | बोलते हैं ? नहीं बोलते हैं | नीरव कर्मी बनो | Be silent worker | (7)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
2. ज़िद चाहिए, Zid Ca'hiye, V24-0763. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
7. DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Example of very weak mind


Whatever may be the reason, but there are many Wts who have captured a significant post in AMPS, yet they have a very weak mind. And this is due to neglect of sadhana. Here is further evidence of this: In reportings, RDS, and IRSS meetings etc, these Wts argue on meaningless points, and in knee-jerk reaction yell, threaten, verbally abuse, and even worse; they may try to physically attack their subordinates. And while doing so, their face becomes red, their hands tremble, and their blood pressure goes up, and from their mouth spews extremely dirty language.

This type of scene is not hidden in their inner chamber only. Near Ananda Marga jagritis where non-Margiis are living, they know very well. Because they see and hear this type of filth often. This is unfortunate, but it is happening. And the reason is, lack of sadhana. You can also see practically; put some cameras around your nearby Ananda Marga jagrti.


Those who are weak cannot control their organs. Whatever emotion arises gets executed by the organs and later on that person repents when they reflect on and analyse the situation. But those who are ideal sadhakas, their organs are controlled by their mind. When the mind approves, their organs will act, otherwise not.

In Him

Baba says, "यह बात सोचनी है कि---"जितना जो कुछ भी word मेरे मुँह से निकल रहा है, वह परमपुरुष का मन्त्र है |" तब क्या होगा ? मनुष्य कुभाषा से मुँह को अपवित्र नहीं करेंगे, शरमाएँगे | मुँह से गाली निकालना उनके लिए सम्भव नहीं होगा | इसलिए मैंने कहा कि....गाली मत दो | उससे तुम्हारा मुँह अपवित्र हो जाएगा |" ["मन पर नियन्त्रण कैसे", V28-04, V32-05, V24-09, GD 3 January, 1971 Patna]

Now kindly see the below exchange on WhatsApp and see for yourself whose mind is weak due to a lack of sadhana.

Now kindly review the below exchange on WhatsApp. You will note that “Margi Sidhil Canada” is using profane language. This type of expression is of a weak mind. Indeed, this is a classic example of one whose mind is not in control of their motor organs. The philosophy has been explained above. Now please see for yourself if Sidhil’s writing in the below scan is indicative of one whose mind is weak due to a lack of proper sadhana. Kindly beware of profane language in the following scan.

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Savitananda: Poor show
2. IT: Example of very weak mind
3. Links

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