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Friday, January 29, 2021

Tiljala sin poisoning everywhere + 3 more


Tiljala sin poisoning everywhere


Here is one key pitfall / dogma to be aware of when performing a shra’ddha ceremony / death ceremony. But first let us review the real import of our AM shra'ddha ceremony as per Caryacarya. Here below Baba clearly states that it is forbidden to serve food at a shra'ddha ceremony. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (1)

Unfortunately, now, by copying the MPD dogma, various margiis are serving food at shra'ddha ceremonies to poor villagers etc. But this food is inedible, and it is sinful to engage in this type of contravention of Caryacarya. In sum: Never serve any food to anyone at a shra'ddha ceremony.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “So what can we do? We can say “O Parama Puruśa, while that man was with us we tried our best to do whatever we could do. But now they are beyond our scope, they are beyond our jurisdiction, so please do take care of them.” This much of a request can be made by us, and nothing more than that. And the Ananda Marga shra'ddha is just like that. Here we require no edibles, no clothes or anything else. We offer our shraddhá, and we do nothing else, and we can do nothing else.” (2)

Following Tiljala MPD dogma of distributing food & blankets etc

During the death ceremony and dogmatic annual death ceremony, some are distributing food and blankets to villagers etc just as Tiljala does during their annual MPD gathering. Look what recently happened in Bokaro at a recent shra'ddha ceremony: 

So this recent incident of food and blanket distribution at a death / shra'ddha ceremony is a direct result of copying the dogma that is done each year at MPD. Naturally, this should be strictly avoided as it is a direct contravention of AM teachings. 

Sadly though, this has become a growing trend. Some confused Wts and margiis follow the “October dogma” that happens each year in Kolkata of distributing food, blankets, and clothing. They think that by following this Tiljala MPD dogma of food, clothing, and blanket distribution with their own deceased family member, then their deceased loved one will acquire virtue. If anyone reads Caryacarya (AM social code) they will see that Caryacarya clearly forbids all these dogmas like food and blanket distribution at shra'ddha / death ceremonies etc. Unfortunately, this is just one more of the many dogmas they are inculcating after seeing that ritual performed each year in October at the Tiljala compound.

More about case incident: food & blankets to heaven

These days several dogmatic trends have slipped into our AMPS shra'ddha (death) ceremonies by copying the dogmas that occur annually in Tiljala, including doing kiirtana facing the photo of the deceased among others. But here we are focusing on the mass distribution of blankets and clothing - as well as food distribution (narayan seva) - that is done. Confused and misguided family members think their offerings will actually reach to their dear one in so-called heaven. In this way, their deceased relative will not suffer from the cold or become hungry. Again, their defective outlook has been given birth and shaped by the annual Tiljala MPD dogma. 

Yet we should beware that Baba has strictly forbidden such things in our Ananda Marga system. Our shra'ddha ceremony is to be performed in a simple, dignified, and respectful manner, without any ostentatious, pompous display or costly arrangements, as if the deceased is benefited by that display. In our Ananda Marga philosophy and way of life, there is no scope in the ceremony to offer material goods (food, clothing, blankets etc) to the deceased.


As sadhakas, we all know that the way to please Him and honour our deceased family member is by adhering to His teachings and guidelines and not getting caught up in various dogmas like food, clothing, and blanket distribution that occur at MPD.

in Him,
Ketaki ganguli

Here below Baba clearly states that it is forbidden to serve food at a shra'ddha ceremony. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (3)

Unfortunately, now, by copying the MPD dogma, various margiis are serving food at shra'ddha ceremonies to poor villagers etc. But this food is inedible, and it is sinful to engage in this type of contravention of Caryacarya. In sum: Never serve any food to anyone at a shra'ddha ceremony.

~ In-depth study ~

In their innocence, margiis are emulating what they see happening in Kolkata each year. There are a growing number of margii families involved in this annual death day dogma of their relatives. If we do not discourage this ritual, this dogma will spread. 

Sending deceased in "heaven"

During their shra'ddha ceremony or special annual death day ceremony of the deceased margii family member, they are distributing blankets, sweets, delicacies, and biscuit packages as part of the yearly death ritual. Or if the annual death day ceremony of that margii falls on a Sunday, then they are making those offerings before, during, and after dharmacakra.

However, as Ananda Margiis, we should not give an ounce of credence to such ritualistic dogmas. Ours is a rational approach. In the case of deceased margiis, we should know that those sadhakas are under the care of Parama Purusa and have been blessed with the ultimate salvation, i.e. they have become one with Him. In the case of ordinary persons, after death they are reborn to continue their journey along the path of pratisaincara.

All family margiis should be aware that the so-called MPD program / “October dogma” is not a guiding light for making annual death day observations for their deceased margii family members. This is not the way of dharma and benefits no one - rather the organisers will incur negative samskaras.

A drunkard offers alcohol to all they meet because the drunkard thinks since he likes alcohol then all must like it. Similarly dogmatic people think that their dogma will be pleasing to others. So they indulge in ritualistic death ceremonies of margiis. But such antics are not supported by Ananda Marga teachings.

Inventors of MPD want to see their dogma spread

In their own manner, the founders of so-called mahaprayan become happy by watching others by inculcating the annual death day ceremony of margiis into their family’s annual death observations. Baba describes this defective mentality in His below teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Even educated people knowingly submit to dogma. They know that they are surrendering their intellect to dogma, and that the outcome will be undesirable; they know and understand everything. Why, even then, do they knowingly submit to it? They are all deliberate sinners and intentionally accept dogmas as truth. They observe that these dogmas are based on A'tma-Sukha Tattva; but they think, "I don't care whether it does good or harm to others, because at last I have enjoyed some pleasure!" Being motivated by this idea, they enslave themselves to dogmas." (4)

Beware: they may do this for you too

I know some very good margiis who fought against all kinds of social and religious dogmas, yet when they themselves died, a yearly death ritual ceremony was conducted per those very same religious dogmas. Essentially, at the time of their death, their own laokik family members argued and debated. Some of those family members and relatives told that the deceased wanted the annual MPD death ritual ceremony, while various margiis said that there should not be a yearly death ritual as that runs contrary to the Ananda Marga system. On many of those occasions, those dogmatic relatives won out as they were misguided by the Tiljala MPD dogma. So ultimately the very person who fought against this MPD dogma dogma was himself a victim of that same annual death day ritual. Such is the irony. To avoid this many margiis have made a will indicating their wishes for how their death should be handled.

So if you notice that your own family members are not strict in following Ananda Marga principles, then they may do the same thing for you. They might observe your yearly death-day ritual ceremony per local religious custom etc, and celebrate your death day on a yearly basis. Or they may distribute food and blankets during your initial shra'ddha ceremony. The only way to prevent this dogma from happening is to prepare your will accordingly.

Death comes suddenly. Even in this materialistic era, all around the globe organisations and institutions have protocol regarding death. They have members and key people designate what happens if and when they are no more. Regardless of the age of the prime minister, that leader must write a will.

This is a practical matter and we must tell family members about our feeling. That will help in eliminating this dogma, otherwise even our own family members may succumb to the altar of MPD dogma and distribute blankets and tasty edibles or observe a yearly death ritual program on the anniversary of that margii’s death.

Externally, some margiis outrightly proclaim that they are observing the death day of their loved one because that is done annually at MPD.

Annual death day for everyone?

It is sad that by witnessing the dogma of MPD in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, some family margiis are inculcating this same dogma with their deceased family members. But remember if your uncle is eating mud that does not mean that you should also start eating mud thinking that it is healthy.

Just because one group invented their so-called mahaprayan program based on Islamic dogma does not then mean that all AM family members should create similar programs for their deceased loved one. Doing so invites the unhappiness of Parama Purusa, not His favour. So it is a loss in so many ways.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Shráddha
3. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
4. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Sama-Samája Tattva (Discourse 6)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I accept only You

"Saba'ka'r ati priyo a'daran'iiyo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0307)


Parama Purusa, You are the Dearmost of all and the most revered and most loved One. In all the hearts, You are the most precious kaustbha jewel. Baba, everyone is in You; outside of You, nothing exists. Even without realising You fully, I feel that only You are mine - my eternal shelter. Nought in this world will stay forever with me - only You.

My everlasting Bandhu, in all the flowers, You are the fragrance; in this creation, You are the Hub. You are the best and sweetest part of each and every thing. Living among all the unknown entities, I know only You with Your touch, shape, and flow.

My Nearmost, You are the refulgence of the diamond of spirituality, the glow of stars, and the nectar of the universe. I always salute only You and do sastaunga pranam to You again and again. Baba You are that Divine Entity who remains always. You do not come and go. In each and every moment, Your liila is ever-new. O' the Vast Entity, who has taken form as Taraka Brahma. I accept only You. Baba, I surrender everything at Your altar. You are my all...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Key points about falling asleep

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Yes, we were discussing sleep. After labouring beyond a certain point in the wakeful state, one's nerve fibres become exhausted and one feels the need to rest. In the wakeful state, as the nerve cells are constantly performing the functions of thinking and recollecting, they become fatigued. Thus for psychic and physical health, one needs to sleep – the exhausted nerve cells and fibres will fall into sleep of their own accord. The nerve cells of those who do physical labour become extremely exhausted, and that is why the moment they go to bed they immediately fall asleep.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya: Disc: 16

== Section 4: Links ==
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