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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Negative way to bring unity + 4 more


Negative way to bring unity


The Britishers, as outsiders, injected the communal award within India to break Her back. In contrast, group leaders within AMPS have incited their own quest for power along factional lines and destroyed AMPS. Beyond operating from the outside verses from the inside, the two scenarios are exactly the same. Before 1947 in India and after 1990 in AMPS, there was an undercurrent brewing of communal and group sentiment as well as an unleashing of fury and fighting that divided both India and AMPS into various pieces.

An anti-exploitation-cum-ideological movement must be started in order to bring forth the righteous forces. Asking all the agents of groupism to come on-site is merely adding fuel to the fire of factional infighting. Yet that is what has been happening in AMPS nowadays, time and again.

Issues for anti-exploitation movement

Baba’s pointed directive is to launch an anti-exploitation movement. At present the various central Wts are exploiting margiis on numerous fronts and so many dogmas have been imposed. They have:

(a) curtailed Bhukti Pradhan rights,
(b) manipulated the voter lists for BP elections,
(c) continually forced margiis to be subservient to Wts,
(d) ruined the ACB (Advisory Committee & Boards),
(e) invented the Fake BP Manual,
(f) taken advantage of margiis financially, and
(g) victimised countless innocent margiis who expressed concern about unjust organisational dealings.

For a full list of injustices, see link appended below the signature.

So an anti-exploitation movement must be formed based on margii rights and other common issues founded on the Ananda Marga teachings of universal welfare. This will summon many committed Ananda Margiis – family persons and wholetimers – and that will be real unity.

Cowards don't have courage to condemn groupism

Carefully please read this below neo-humanism quote as it is directly related with the ongoing there where margiis and wts keep their group affiliation and attend AM functions. That means they come not as humans but as groupists. It shows they are unwilling to discard groupism. It also signifies they are unable to embrace the ideals of neo-humanism. Baba condemns such an approach in the below quote.

   Neo-humanism preaches, “You may have observed many people in the world who delivered long lectures against caste discrimination and untouchability, saying, “No, all are equal. I will take food touched by any caste. If you give me filtered water in a clean glass I will not hesitate to swallow it – just watch me drink!” And the audience applauded, “Very good! Very good!” These people are called reformists; but their inner intention was to maintain the caste system. Had they really wanted to remove caste discrimination, they would have declared, “The cause of this untouchability is the caste system. Because of the caste system, discriminations have emerged between high and low, touchable and untouchable, one caste and another. So let us first of all break the bondage of caste!” If they had had the courage to proclaim this directly, they would have become revolutionaries. But they lacked such boldness, and thus they did enormous harm to humanity by delaying revolution.”
   “The reformists of any age are not the real well-wishers of society. Rather they seek to preserve the defects of society by any means. They are motivated either by a fear complex or by a despicable cunning. And when awareness finally dawns on those who were so long exploited in the politico-economic field, the reformists lose their prestige, and also their popular support.” (2)

In the above highlighted yellow section Baba is depicting the mentality of a few Wts etc who do not have the courage to discard groupism. That is why they are propagating that, “All groups are united”, as opposed to condemning groupism on the whole. It is the same as the above yellow sections whereby certain political leaders refrain from saying that the caste system itself should be eliminated; rather, they say that all the various castes should be united. Such persons are not heroes - they are cowards.

In contrast, those political leaders who proclaim that, “The caste system should be eradicated - all are human” - such leaders are the real heroes. Similarly, those margiis who discard groupism entirely and  treat all as human are heroes. That is what Baba says in the above guideline from neo-humanism.

Farce unfolding in AMPS

It is an absolute farce when Wts attend any function not as wholetimers of Ananda Marga, and not as adherents of neo-humanism and bhagavad dharma, but rather as members of a particular group or faction. They attend Ananda Marga programmes while maintaining their own separate group identity. That is the telltale sign of an organisation or community riddled by factionalism.

We should not forget that Baba says that Ananda Marga scripture should not be read literally, rather the spirit of His teachings should be embraced. And in His above guideline about caste distinctions, Baba warns us that one should never give in to any sectarianism or groupism. Rather groupism must be rooted out entirely.


In AMPS some are embracing the bogus concept of uniting all the groups, thereby contravening Baba's divine teachings and undermining human unity. All the while some are standing and proclaiming that those who welcome all the groups are divine. This is the confusion going on nowadays.

In Him,

Full list of injustices ==>

Just like heralded for being gay

Those indulging in homosexual relations are animalistic, stuck in subhuman dealing, and contravening the code of bhagavad dharma. They are undermining their own humanity. Yet nowadays in places where materialism reigns supreme, people are being heralded as heroes for openly proclaiming themselves as being gay. The irony is that in our AMPS a related situation is unfolding where those openly announcing themselves as groupists are being serenaded and celebrated as veritable demigods. How sad and tragic it is that some have wholly forgotten Sadguru Baba’s universal teachings of neo-humanism which outrightly condemn all forms of groupism and provincialism.

1. Prout in a Nutshell-18, The Dangers of Communalism
2. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Disc: 7 - “Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture”

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have done so much for me

"Ámáy keno bhálobásile, guń nái, guń nái jinánao nái..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2283)


My Parama Purusa, You are so loving and gracious; why do You love me so much. I do not have any quality or merit; nor do I have any knowledge or learning. What then did You observe in me that made You pour Your karuna on me.

Baba, You have given me a healthy physical body, a sound mind, and a heart filled with bhakti, and saturated my core with a strong feeling for realisation of the Supreme. You have bestowed upon me an awakened intellect to serve the society. Knowing that I am helpless and have no one besides You as my own, You have granted me everything, above and beyond - more than what was needed - in all realms. It is Your causeless grace.

Parama Purusa Baba, You brought me onto this earth by providing me with a human form. You filled my mind with spiritual yearning and infused a strong longing of paramartha for You. Even then, such is my miserable condition: I always remain forgetful about You and Your grace. Baba, why do You love me so much...

== Section: Comment ==

Sign of fake margiis / wts


I have observed that a few enthusiastic bhaktas:
1. Present BABA's words as their own; and,
2. Present their own realisation in the name of BABA.
Regarding the above point #1, those sadhakas must realise the core meaning of Baba's teaching and then reproduce that in their own words. It is against all the codes of discipline and reverence to present Guru's words as one's own.

Regarding the above point #2, it is important to qualify when one is giving their own personal perspective and not place that in the name of Guru.

Sadly, the distortion of BABA's scriptures is rampant. This group's venture is most dangerous.

in Him,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When most powerful weapons become impotent

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Yes, it is true that all weapons can destroy a certain number of people – some kill a hundred, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand. That is how the lethal capacity of a weapon is measured. But however terrible a weapon might be, one day all its might will vanish into the void. There was a time when human beings were frightened by bows and arrows; today’s humans, when they hear of battles with bows and arrows, simply laugh. This shows that however great might be the strength of weapons in a war of any age, or however powerful their controllers might be, their grip will one day be loosened, and the structure will decay into dust – just as the plaster on the wall gradually crumbles into the ground." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section 3: Links ==
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