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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Abortion in AM + 3 more


Abortion in AM


These days, in the general society, the argument between supporters and opponents of abortion is endless. And both are myopic. They only see half of the story. Those who support the right to an abortion are very careful that after the baby is born it should get full opportunity to thrive, but while the baby is still in the womb they are willing to kill it. The opponents of abortion want to save the babe while it is in the womb, but once the babe is born they are willing to let it starve etc. So both sides of the debate are short-sighted in their outlook.
The stand of Ananda Marga philosophy is perfectly balanced. Ananda Marga cares for the welfare of the person from conception up to the funeral ceremony. At no step in the journey is anyone overlooked.

Making abortion illegal is not a good idea

At the same time, Ananda Marga philosophy does not encourage imposing an opinion by making abortion illegal or by police coercion etc. Baba teaches us that if the public is not educated about a particular issue like abortion, and legislation is passed banning that practice, then that is useless. Because people will resort to all kinds of illegal and dangerous pathways to get an abortion done. So the main strategy is to teach the public about the reasons why they should not have abortions. They should understand from the depths of their heart, and then they will follow. So there should not be any anger or fear that we are going to coerce others to follow a particular piece of legislation etc. It is just like the food rules in Ananda Marga. Eating meat and drinking alcohol are not allowed, but nor should we make those items illegal. Same is the case with abortion also. Rather public education is the answer.
This letter deals with the views of Ananda Marga philosophy on this critical and sensitive issue of abortion. Every sincere sadhaka should be keen to understand and follow Guru’s guidelines on this key topic. As Ananda Margiis, our view has nothing to do with the contemporary, heated debate between the feuding camps about abortion and its place in society. Here we are strictly examining Guru's teachings so we are clear about our stand on abortion according to the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology.
Human life starts in the womb

Regarding abortion, the question arises, “When does human life begin?” Here Baba provides the answer. Baba describes the process of breathing and how it relates with life and death. Baba tells that when an old person dies upon their final exhalation, then their next life begins when they are conceived as an embryo in the mother's womb.
The key point is that Baba is defining that life begins inside the mother's womb. That developing embryo, that unborn babe, is indeed alive. That human embryo is a living being. In that case, we have no right to curtail or destroy the life of that unborn child, regardless of the circumstances. Every abortion is a direct contravention of Baba's divine teaching. The only exception is if the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy.
There is no escape for those involved in aborting babes. The termination of that human life carries a dark samskara. It is the equivalent of murder, and one will have to undergo that reaction.
Not swayed by contemporary trends
In today's society, abortions are performed on a daily basis in some countries. Many have embraced this approach simply because they are opposed to organised religion. In numerous communities, religion is looked upon as archaic, and when religious bodies hold anti-abortion policies, then many choose to support abortion in reaction to the church, temple etc.
Ananda Marga philosophy does not give an ounce of credence to contemporary trends and labels. We do not think in terms of being aligned with any particular religion or against. Our only allegiance is to dharma: To follow Baba's teachings of Prout and neo-humanism, i.e. to follow Ananda Marga ideology.
And when Ananda Marga ideology directly states that human life begins in the mother's womb, and it is a violation of the code of ahimsa to abort that babe, then that is our standard. Just we hold firm to our ideological fundamentals: Abortion is a sinful deed and those who abort - whether they be expecting parent or medical professionals working in an abortion clinic - must face the grave consequences per Cosmic law. There is no escape.
What about developmentally disabled babies

Some may wonder if they can abort their unborn child if that child is found to be developmentally disabled or deformed. Here we have to think carefully as it is a sensitive matter. Baba's main guideline is that of social responsibility: People should first ensure that they are able to produce healthy babies. In this age of science and genetic testing, prospective parents can find out ahead of time if they are compatible for producing healthy offspring. That is the first step.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by the society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children." (1)
So again, here the chief point is that in this modern era where genetic testing is becoming more and more common and accessible, married couples should test themselves ahead of time to ensure that they are genetically compatible to produce healthy offspring.
We can understand then that alcoholics, smokers, diseased, and genetically compromised couples should not take the risk of pregnancy. Because there is a strong possibility that the child will not be healthy and may even be deformed or developmentally disabled. And aborting a healthy or disabled or deformed child is a terrible sin.
Abortion: only if the mother's life is threatened

Doing an abortion is sinful. In many places it is not illegal, but according to the view of Ananda Marga, it is certainly sinful. Because each and every human being has the right to live, and to prematurely end that life, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, is most definitely a sin. It is a contravention of yama and niyama, i.e. the point of ahimsa. The only time when it is acceptable to perform an abortion is if medical professionals deem the mother's life to be threatened by carrying on with the pregnancy.
In our Ananda Marga, human life is regarded as sacred and precious. That is why when, around the globe, unborn babes are aborted each and every day, then as Ananda Margiis we should have our definite stance. We should know Baba's viewpoint and follow it, lest we fall into the pseudo-philosophies and quagmires of the day. To abort a baby and steal away another's life carries a severe consequence, regardless whether abortion is legal or not.
Although this issue of abortion is a hot topic, we should approach it with equanimity and rationality. Any margii doctor who may have performed abortions, and any Ananda Margii who may have chosen, directly or indirectly, to abort an unborn child, should distance themselves from their own views and actions, and grab onto Baba's lotus feet and adopt His guideline.
According to Ananda Marga philosophy, those involved in harming - nay killing - the unborn babe via abortion do not escape the grasp of Cosmic law. Rather they have to face the harsh realities of their horrible sin and undergo the severe reaction by nature. This applies both to the mother and father who choose to abort, as well as to the medical professional(s) involved in the abortion procedure. All are held accountable for this horrible sin. None are exempt by nature. Thus everyone should be very clear and aware about the inescapable negative consequences associated with abortion.
In Him,
(Ingrid Jalton)

~ In-depth study ~
If one breaks the law, one may be able to hide from the sheriff, the police, and the courts etc, but when one commits a sin, a distinct samskara is formed, and one can never escape. It is impossible.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "You are free to act, but you are bound to undergo the reaction. The moment you do an act you acquire the possibility of its reaction. Simultaneously with the performance of an act is being done, the seed for its reaction is also sown and its consequences have to be undergone. There is no escape from it. It is not within your right to get rid of it or to escape its fruits and consequences." (2)
Most on the path of Ananda Marga understand that every action begets a reaction. One has to face the consequences for the degree of pain incurred upon others plus interest. That is cosmic law. For instance, in many areas hunting is legal but those hunters most certainly undergo the consequences of their negative deeds. Cosmic law does not overlook the harm and pain those hunters inflict on animals.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, 'Yajina and Karmaphala'

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Half-naked development

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It can be said that ordinary people, like teachers, face many types of problem in their lives; in fact teachers’ problems are only a reflection of larger social problems. It is quite true that in the modern material world strenuous efforts to conquer the limitations of time, place and person are apparent everywhere. It is as if human beings are being forcibly dragged forward by the hair of their heads. Speed is the main consideration; whether any good is accomplished or not is a secondary factor. Thus different social trends are unable to maintain a harmonious pace in their forward movement. Some trends are far advanced in their development while others lag behind. This causes some parts of the social structure which were close together to move apart, and other parts which were once apart to come together, leading to the collapse of the entire structure. The thatched hut is still the same, but electrical wiring has been strung through it. The only food available is salt and boiled rice, but the ordinary old clay stove has been replaced by an electric “heater” [hotplate]. Such incongruities are now common in society.” (1)

Note: In the above teaching Baba is describing how incongruities have become prevalent in society. Here are a few more examples for us to ponder:

(a) In some so-called "3rd world" countries people have smartphones yet they are still living under a tree and do not have running water in their home. Not only that, their own children are deprived of the basic necessities – wandering around naked, collecting wood or recyclable materials etc when they should be properly fed and in school.

(b) In so-called 1st world countries, there are some kids who have access to huge material wealth yet lack parental love. Without that special bond and emotional support, such children become islands of desperation. They feel alienated from their family and society and suffer terribly.

(c) In other places within so-called “1st world nations”, kids go to school where they see fancy computers throughout the classrooms etc, yet when they return home they have no food to eat and must get their food from homeless shelters or soup kitchens.

These types of incongruities must be addressed. At present, such disparities are prevalent both in individual life and collective life in various parts of the globe. This situation must be put to a halt, and prama (balance) must be restored.

1. Human Society – 1, Education

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The height of hypocrisy

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states “One night a certain inveterate drunkard who had finished off an enormous kutú [bottle] fell in the gutter and was rolling around until he became senseless, exactly when no one knows. This memorable event of that night is not today a part of recorded history. Then dawn broke. The touch of the cold morning breeze and the cold water of the gutter sobered him. He opened his eyes and saw a large gathering of people around him. Someone was saying, “Oh, the fellow is dead!” Someone else was saying, “He drank so heavily that he passed out.” Yet another person was saying, “The fellow may not be drunk at all; it might be some other malady.” The drunkard was listening to everything, but out of shame he kept his eyes closed. Still, how long can one remain like that? One has to shake it off and get up. And so he had to open his eyes. As chance would have it, the moment he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd, he saw his son’s father-in-law standing directly in front of him. Then without any embarrassment at all, he said [to son’s father-in-law]: “Brother, it is not that what you think. It is my epilepsy.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 30

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