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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Didi's deception tricks


Didi’s deception tricks


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

This below letter addresses the issue of money laundering and theft amongst our Wt cadres in AMPS. Unfortunately, a similar thing is going on these days in an accelerated manner in Rudrananda’s & Sarvatmananda’s kingdoms. Donors should watch out and not give money to such Wts until they show you a certified financial report from a chartered accountant.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network in June 2012.



Following is the detailed report how all over the globe margiis donate to the Bangalore Training Centre [TC], and the Trainer Didi [TD] who is posted there allegedly embezzles money for her laokik relations. To learn more about this, go on reading below.

Margii donations to TC are rerouted

In particular, margiis from all over donate money that is specially allotted for food, clothing, medicine, expenses, maintenance and more for the WT Training Centre (TC). But trainees are forced to beg for food and chop trees from the local military forest for fuel. Those margiis want to sincerely support the Didis WT training center in Bangalore in order to create the highest standard of wt didis. So margii supporters generously donate to the institution with the idea that the trainees should be well-fed, healthy, and properly cared for; plus those margiis donate with the idea that all monies are going to improve the facilities by enhancing the library, improving educational opportunities, making a sentient kitchen, and ensuring that the TC is proper in all respects. With this feeling in mind, margiis generously support the Bangalore TC - so that trainees can study Ananda Marga ideology and not have to worry about mundane requirements. But instead, unbeknownst to them, the donations sincere margiis give are re-routed, and our trainees are verily forced to beg for food and chop and steal trees from the military forest for fuel. That is what this report is about.

Nepotism: plunders & sends it to her kin

Thus Trainer Didiji receives a "healthy" sum of contributions on a regular basis from around the globe - all of which is designated for the use and upkeep of the AMPS Didis WT Training Centre. At present she has only a few trainees. Yet by her talks Trainer Didi (TD) gives the impression that she has countless people in training and it is a huge endeavour. So people open their wallets and purses for her and the money rolls in. But the fact is she has only a few trainees. There are countless laokik families that have a similar number of members and they manage just fine without collecting donations from all over the globe. But Didiji has her own agenda so she talks as if she has innumerable mouths to feed etc.

In addition, Didiji runs a large school and the parents of those children pay tuition on regular basis. The school generates a large income and instead of re-investing or saving those funds, Didiji loots that income and sends it to her laokik family. And the lion’s share of booty goes to Rudrananda.

Fake sannyasin - her laokik family also thief

By her actions of siphoning organisational funds to her laokik family, trainer didi is breaking all kinds of dharmic codes. Apparently her laokik family is fully aware about this wrongdoing, yet they gladly accept those “gifts.” So it is that her laokik family members are also thieves. They are also accountable. See here how this all began because Didi broke this fundamental conduct rule.

Wt conduct rule: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (1)

Baba's directive is that no worker should have contact with their worldly family so it is 100% evident that it is wrong for Didi to be communicating with her laokik family and diverting organisational funds to them. Taking organisational money for such purposes amounts to cheating and theft. In this particular case, both parties - the Wt & the laokik family - are involved in thievery, directly and indirectly.

Baba guides us that Wts are only to look after the AMPS projects. They are not to engage in the affairs of their mundane worldly family. By involving in the affairs of her small family, Didi is going against her code of being a wholetime worker of the Marga. So from start to finish the whole situation is very bad. Anyone indulging in this manner is a fake sannyasin - a dyed jackal - a wolf in a sheep's dress. Such a person is not a true sannyasin.

Margii donations not reaching their target

So all those monies - school income, donations, and other revenue sources - are not going towards improving the integrity and standard of the WT Didi TC. Rather, Trainer Didi keeps a high percentage of all donations as well as large sums of money for herself which she uses in two fundamental ways: making backdoor payoffs to Rudrananda and sending funds to her laokik family. That is the sad reality. In turn, her laokik family has built a large, large house for their own personal use - more about that below. At the same time remember that the lion’s share of booty goes to Rudrananda.

The Wts know about this situation but their hands are tied and they never raise their voice about it. Good wts who are frustrated and suffocated by what is going on fear retribution so they dare not speak out. And bad Wts play “copy cat” and emulate what Didi is doing. So this situation is spreading everywhere. The absolutely worst part is that mostly all Wt’s stitch their mouth shut when around margiis. They refuse to give margiis a glimpse of what is occurring.

Never tell margiis the truth for fear it will ruin respect of all

The operative theory amongst Wts is that: All thieves are related. Just as thieves have an inner pact and never rat each other out, similarly, regardless of what is going on, Wts never tell margiis the truth for fear that that will ruin the respect of all. So no matter what transgressions are going on, they do not tell the family margiis. That is the unwritten law of the Wt cadre. It is similar to the mafia rule of omerta - stone silence. Thus, if any margii asks a Wt, that worker will merely say that everything is rosy. So it is a vicious cycle. The organisation is riddled with corruption within and Wts are unwilling to talk about it. This perpetuates the problem as uninformed margiis give money to corrupt purodhas thereby feeding the cycle of corruption - unknowingly.

Not only that if any margii finds out that some workers are looting organisational money, then even honest Wts will tell them that, “Everything is fine.” They promise and swear that they are telling the truth and they convince those margiis that there is nothing wrong going on. Why do they cover up the scene in that way? Because those Wts fear that that would hurt their own prestige and respect. So it is a nasty and deadly cycle. Only margiis can break this cycle - wts are not going to stop it due to fear of losing money and respect; plus workers are scared of being blackballed by the organisation. If they “betray” the Wt class, that individual worker will be harassed, terrorised, and looked upon as some disease like ebola. And the one at the top of this messy pyramid is Rudrananda as he takes a massive cut - a huge portion of the stolen wealth.

AMPS Wts are dedicated - not paid employees

Just in case anyone is confused, our Wts are not paid a salary - that is not the system in AMPS. So no new or naive margii should think that our workers are like corporate employees who receive paychecks, bonuses and big salaries.

One more thing that need be mentioned here is that this Wt Trainer Didi is herself the daughter of a pseudo-margii family. And that family resides in one village. The local villagers know that the family was financially poor, but suddenly these days they’ve become rich by accumulating big money from their Wt daughter. So those villagers think that being a Wt in AMPS means having a high-paying job and getting a lucrative salary. They think the two daughters of that family are CEOs of the AM industry.

When any worker like the aforementioned Didi is funneling organisational money to their worldly family it means they are taking your own money and giving it to their laokik relations. Because organisational money is raised by your donations and your hard efforts and that money is to be used for AMPS projects - that are your projects. And now some Wts are taking that money - i.e. margiis money - and siphoning that money to their kith and kin. That is how your money is being stolen.

Didi built two mansions for her kin

Verily, this Bangalore WT Trainer Didi Ananda Madhurima (TD) and her laokik sister Didi Ananda Anupama have allegedly stolen and diverted so much organisational money that their financially poor worldly family built a multi-multi-million rupee house in Vaishali district in Bihar. The neighboring margiis were wonderstruck by what happened. Many margiis complained to Centre but nothing happened. Centre did not take action.

Now that the aforementioned village mansion is completed TD is busy funding the construction of a mansion in Ranchi for her laokik sister who has a husband and family. The house is mostly built and TD is sending funds to furnish the house, pay for hired help, and buy a new luxury car.

Note: There should not be any confusion. The WT trainer Didi is Ananda Madhuriima and she has multiple siblings. One of her laokik sisters is also an avadhutika - i.e. Didi Ananda Anupama. And together, the two of them are funneling huge monies to their other laokik relations (i.e. worldly sisters and brothers) who are leading family life etc.

The circumstances are that, for some time now, Trainer Didi Ananda Madhurima has been sending a large percentage of all her collected donations to her laokik family. Such is her thievery - and still this is going on. Thus the margiis generously donate thinking that they are helping build a model institution for training new candidates for becoming wholetime workers, yet the Trainer Didi is plundering the bulk of those funds and sending huge monies to her laokik family. Plus as noted above, one of her laokik sisters - Didi Ananda Anupama - is also a thief and sends a similar amount.


Now we have to watch out and not donate until we see the money is being used in the right way. We should see first-hand with our own eyes. Our duty is to spread this type of news and inform donors. Such things should not fester in the dark. Rather, these wrongdoings need to be highlighted and stopped.

Plus donors should not give funds in the future without getting an exact report of how the money is spent. Otherwise, money will get mishandled and used in the wrong way. We will have a repeat situation. It is like feeding the devil.

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hand.

in Him,
Rashmi Yadav

~ How they force trainees to work like indentured servants ~

Who is that didi + her Wt sister is also involved

The didi in the above report is Ananda Madhurima Acarya. She is the Trainer Didi in Bangalore who sends so much organizational money to her laokik family. At the same time, as remarked above, it cannot be overlooked that this Didi has other inclinations as well. Actually this Didi wants to keep her post as trainer didi (TD) as she understands well its inherent value - she recognises that it is an important post. She receives financial donations from around the globe to support her “work” with the trainees. So Didi engages in all sorts of maneuvers in order to keep the donations rolling in. And not only her, but her laokik sister who is also a WT - i.e. Didi Ananda Anupama is also allegedly embezzling money from AMPS and diverting that to her laokik family. I know their laokik family as they reside in - Biddu Pur (Vaishali district) in the state of Bihar, India. I actually went there to see for myself as I live nearby.

Now I leave you with this final thought: None of this alleged thievery could occur without the “blessings” and approval of Rudrananda. In turn, Rudrananda gets a huge pile of cash on a regular basis. That is what perpetuates this process.

1. 32 Rules for Avadhutikas, Point #9

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