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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Folly of Delhi Prout


Folly of Delhi Prout


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). In particular, this piece explores the Delhi Prout (E) magazine failed to properly convey the teachings of Prout. Please read this below letter historical account which was first posted in May 2017 on this very network.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted in May 2017.



A display of support to the divisive idea of communalism has been printed and circulated by the editors of the Delhi English Prout magazine. On the cover of the Delhi English Prout magazine, a communal message “All vested interests are aligned against the Dalits and lower caste Muslims who constitute a majority” has been shamelessly propagated by the editors (see the red box at the bottom of the cover image below).

The editors took a communist essay and highlighted it on the cover of the magazine and printed it for a feature article. They divided the exploited mass into various groups: dalits, and lower caste Muslims etc. But dividing the exploited mass along communal sentiments into various groups is against the fundamentals of Prout. Prout does not support such dissections of the society. But look here see what Delhi English Prout has done. They have divided the exploited masses along communal lines. That is disgraceful.

Understanding communalism

Division of people on the basis of caste or communities is called communalism. Often politicians use communalism as a tactic to weaken the solidarity among people in order to rule without any hindrance. This principle is commonly known as ‘divide and rule’ in politics.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, “There is a theory of politics called ‘divide and rule’. Just to undermine the independence of India, the British government started a programme to encourage communal division amongst the people based on caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, Muslim and non-Muslim. They wanted to encourage divisions between Muslims and non-Muslims. General people, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes – these were the divisions.” (1)

Harms of communalism

The very idea of dividing people on the basis of caste, creed, color, etc. sows the seeds of narrow sentiments. The history is replete with the gory details of bloodshed among people due to communalism.  Take the case of communal riots that took place during the post-independence partition of India in which millions of humans were killed and raped.  

AM philosophy is against communalism

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - the Propounder of Prout philosophy - has spoken at length against the divisive ideas such as communalism, regionalism, and nationalism. All humans are brothers and sisters and there is no ism that should divide them into groups.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, “Our leaders should not have accepted such divisions. Rather, at that time they should have said that preference should be given on the basis of socio-economic backwardness, not on the basis of castes or creeds. But certain political parties were based on caste prejudices or communal sentiments, which is why they supported the British government.” (2)

Exploitation must be opposed but not via communalism

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, there must be a ceaseless struggle against the vicious forces of exploitation. However, the basis of collecting strength against exploitation should be based on economic disparity and inequity and not communalism.

Prout magazine’s blunder

Instead of propagating AM philosophy, the Delhi English Prout magazine is printing communalistic ideals. People read Prout magazine thinking that they will be learning Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings. However, in place of that what is offered to people are the poisonous ideas of communalism. It is similar to administering poison in a bottle labeled as an elixir.

It is time to speak up

Not speaking against the misdeeds of the editors is, in fact, offering a tacit support to to them. The society is in dire need of the elixir of Proutist teachings yet the very people entrusted with that work are offering the poison of  communalism. Keeping mum in this matter will be a repetition of the colossal mistake that Gandhi ji committed.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “During the struggle for independence, a great blunder was committed by Mahatma Gandhi. In order to show his innocence, he said that he would not support the communal award, but nor would he vote against it. That is, indirectly he supported it. What happened to the country after this was due to the himalayan blunder committed by Mahatma Gandhi. At that time he should have said, “No. I do not support the communal award.” He did not say this because his party workers and party leaders were eager to become ministers, so they pressed him for provincial autonomy. But Mahatma Gandhi neither supported it nor opposed it. He committed a great blunder. What has happened in the country after this is the result of what Mahatma Gandhi did. At that time he should have said that we can neither split the country nor disintegrate it. As a result of the communal award, the country was trifurcated into Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. This was the result of the blunder of Mahatma Gandhi, and he did it under the pressure of his party leaders. They wanted to become ministers, as there was scope in the government of India at that time for wresting provincial autonomy, attaining ministership, creating two new provinces – Orissa and Sind – and separating Ceylon and Burma from India.” (3)


Prout magazine is spreading the poisonous ideas of communalism instead of offering an elixir of Proutist teachings. We should wake the editors up and tell them to stop this eyewash in the name of Prout. Dividing the exploited mass along communal sentiments into various groups: dalits, and lower caste Muslims etc is against the fundamentals of Prout.

At His Lotus Feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Prout editors are committing the same folly that the Government of India is involved in by dividing the country into the lines of communalism. The present approach of the Government of India is to have communalism as the basis for the representation of people. This approach forces an uunnatural order into the system thatdistinctions between people, which results in a system eventually that suffocates the true sense of one human society. In the below teaching Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is pointing out the communal approach of the Government of India, and exposing its resultant harm.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As an example of the communal approach of the Government of India, take the case of Bengal. At that time reservation in the Bengal assembly was for 250 seats. 250 seats were created as part of provincial autonomy. Of these 250 seats, 120 were for Muslims, 80 were for non-Muslims, 25 were for British merchants – for the British businessmen of Calcutta to contest elections – a few were for Zaminders, a few were for universities, and a few were for labour leaders. The total: 250. In Bengal at that time, 45% of the population was Muslim and 55% was non-Muslim. That is, the land of Bengal was not only physically divided but also mentally divided, as a result of which Bengal was divided on the basis of communal consciousness, which is unnatural. Communalism is unnatural."  (4)

Prout magazine is printing communalistic ideals

Yet our Prout Editors have followed the very same system of recognizing distinctions based on castes and communities, which Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar condemns.

Instead of propagating AM philosophy, Prout magazine is printing communalistic ideals. By printing, “All vested interests are aligned against the Dalits and lower caste Muslims who constitute a majority”, our Prout Editors are recognizing false distinctions-- “Dalits and lower caste Muslims”-- between people. This is completely against Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings, which state that as children of Parama Purusa, all human beings are one human society, brothers and sisters.

Look above and below, see what Delhi English Prout has done. They have divided the exploited masses along communal lines. That is disgraceful.

Prout English 2016 English, p.13 w-red marking.jpg

In the above image of the cover page of English Prout magazine’s November 2016 issue,  the communal message “All vested interests are aligned against Dalits and lower caste Muslims who constitute a majority” has been printed.

Main culprits
  • Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta
  • Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta
  • Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta
  • Sohail Inayatullah

The name of Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Santośánanda, Dádá Santoshananda, Santosánanda Dada, Santoshananda Dada. Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta, Acyutánand, Acyutananda, Acyutananda Dada, Dada, Acyutananda, Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta, Vedaprajinanand, Vedaprajiṋánanda, Vedaprajiṋánand.

1. The Dangers of Communalism, Prout in a Nutshell Part 18
2. The Dangers of Communalism, Prout in a Nutshell Part 18
3. The Dangers of Communalism, Prout in a Nutshell Part 18
4. The Dangers of Communalism, Prout in a Nutshell Part 18

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You have come to me

Note: Only those bhaktas who have a deep feeling of bhakti in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Tumi esecho man je keŕe cho, bhuláye diyecho shatek jválá..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0200)


My Parama Purusa, Baba, You have come to me, and by seeing Your unending charm I am so much captivated. My mind is no longer my own. You have stolen it as I cannot think of anything other than You. You made me forget countless burning pains and all sorts of suffering and trauma which I had undergone. Now I am floating in Your infinite bliss. All the 24 hours, in the panorama of ideation, varieties of loving thoughts and feelings about Your various liilas float in my mind. In the flow of Your conation, day and night, with heavenly melody You have woven a garland of songs.

Baba, due to Your august presence and spiritual touch, the flaming fire of the meteor and lightning have turned into cool, fragrant sandalwood paste. My life was like a burning desert. The thirst that I had due to the extreme heat has been satiated. It has lost its way under Your cool green shade. Who knows where it has gone - disappeared forever. It was Your exquisite mercy. Today all my suffering and torments turned into a basket of flower bouquets and garlands. It is Your grace. You are bliss personified. You transform my life from severe suffering to unending joy.

Now quietly looking within, and meditating and thinking / contemplating about You, this much I understood and accepted that You love me wholeheartedly. Your care has no parallel. Nobody has bestowed such compassion on me as You have…

== Section 3: Links ==

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