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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine + 4 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine
2. PS #2246: हे मेरे प्रभु! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं
3. Important Teaching: Duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects
4. Important Teaching: What ignorant do
5. Links

Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine

Note: Please excuse me as this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular wt.

We know that Sadguru Baba has blessed us with tantrika diiksa and bestowed upon us the highest system of meditation. Ananda Marga sadhana is the gold standard.

Sadguru Baba says, “You have learnt a well-ordered system of meditation and other spiritual practices based on dharma.” (1)

“Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (2)

So Ananda Marga sadhana is unparalleled and represents the highest values and attainment in spirituality. And our Ananda Marga magazines are designed to highlight the purity and authenticity of our meditation system. Unfortunately, one magazine failed horribly to live up to this standard. Instead of showing the greatness of Ananda Marga meditation, they have presented Ananda Marga sadhana as just being one more bogus form of fake yoga fashion.

In so many teachings Baba has guided us to never compromise on ideological matters - never.

"Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (3)

"Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology." (4)

"Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for Ideology." (5)

Here below is the photo that a recent Bhakta Samaj magazine selected to epitomise our Ananda Marga sadhana system. Please continue reading to see how problematic this is. Points are enlisted below the photo.

Once again the above fake photo was prominently in a recent edition of the Bhakta Samaj magazine, i.e. the Dada Santoshananda magazine. These following points clearly depict how this bogus photo epitomises fake yoga and not the dharma of Ananda Marga sadhana.

Dada Santoshananda spreads garbage

Always stick to ideology, do not be swayed

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "We should always respect our ideology if we are to become true human beings. The ideologist is a man who always acts according to his ideology. If by following the ideology, the older people become unhappy or condemn me, I will not care. If by following an ideology I die and die again, let it be. I will not care. I will stick to my ideology." (6)

#1: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is not wearing a pratik; instead he is wearing something else. So this goes directly against our Ananda Marga system. Sadguru Baba guides us that every sadhaka must wear the pratik. But Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana etc. Sadly the fake yoga display in the Dada Santoshananda magazine magazine does not end there. There are more ways that Dada Santoshananda is spreading his garbage. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#2: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is wearing sneakers while trying to do meditation; this shows they are are completely ignorant and a product of the fake yoga movement etc. As we know our Ananda Marga sadhana is ideally done without wearing any shoes. But the Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo of the guy wearing sneakers as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. And actually, the fake yoga display in the Dada Santoshananda magazine does not end there. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#3: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is seated in the position intended for eating, i.e. bhojanasana. When the standard seated posture for meditation in Ananda Marga is padmasana, or lotus position. But the Santoshananda magazine editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Bhakta Samaj magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#4: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is touching the thumb and index finger on both hands. This is a dead giveaway that this is fake yoga. In our Ananda Marga system of tantric meditation we never put out fingers in that type of position. But the Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Dada Santoshananda magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

Sadhakas are betrayed

#5: The Bhakta Samaj magazine is in Hindi only so most readers will be from the Indian subcontinent. Yet the editors selected a person with lily white skin to put on display - further infusing a cultural inferiority complex upon Hindi speakers etc. Already, since the British rule, India has surrendered itself to European dominance and western values. And this photo further cements this idea in the minds of Hindi readers.

#6: And verily if one looks at this photo more minutely, they will see countless flaws / dogmas - but I am stopping here...

So for all of the above reasons and more, the above bogus photo which the Dada Santoshananda magazine chose is just fake yoga, not Ananda Marga sadhana.

And the astonishing thing is that it is so easy to get a photo of any Dada, Didi or margii performing tantric meditation. There is no shortage of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga family. And these days it is so easy to take a picture. In that case those Bhakta Samaj editors could have easily created a proper visual representation of Ananda Marga meditation. But this they did not do.

Propagation of false things in the name of AM philosophy

Instead he Dada Santoshananda magazine editors chose this bogus, fake yoga photo. Those editors can best explain why they did like this. But the truth is that the damage is already done. These magazines are a vital component of our Ananda Marga pracara program. Yet the sincere seeker who sees this fake yoga photo will think that our Ananda Marga is just one more brand in the scrapheap of the fake yoga movement. All because this bogus photo completely betrays our authentic Ananda Marga system of tantra yoga / meditation. So it is a real shame. We have something dharmic and meaningful to share with sincere aspirants yet this fake yoga photo shows us as being something else - i.e. something superficial and fake.

When I first saw this done in the name of Marga Guru then at first my heart sank - I thought how these editors could have done like this. They will destroy Ananda Marga. People will think we are just a fake yoga outfit - not a true tantrika movement. Then after a few moments idea came that there are many right thinking margiis & wts who will properly convey the authenticity of our Ananda Marga sadhana system. But such blunders with this Bhakta Samaj magazines should end - we have to save Baba's teachings.

Seeing this photo, how will the common people will think that Ananda Marga is not revolution; rather they will think it is a fake yoga outfit.

In Him,
Ratnesh Singh

Note: (a) Everybody knows, according to Ananda Marga standard and Caryacarya, the bogus image displayed above is a depiction of fake yoga. (b) If you are interested to see the aforesaid magazine page, please write us. (c) By the way, some naive persons claim that Dada Santoshananda is not the real doer and that the real culprits are his staff. Whatever may be, but as long as his name is still listed as the magazine editor, then he will be held responsible.

Fake Yoga Photo: Bhakta Samaj magazine (Jan 2016, p.5)

Ac Santoshananda Avt - Editor - As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

Partially Responsible Parties

These following post-holders are partially responsible:

Shrii Madhava Pandey - Co-Editor
Shrii Vikesh Beniwal - Associate Editor
Shrii Arjun Narayan Choudhary - Working Editor
Shrii Madhavi Dani - Organising Editor
Shrii Hariprasad Vishwash - Sub-Editor

Shrii Nishant Ketu - Advisor

Editorial Board:
Ac Susmitananda
Shrii Ramlal Dani
Shrii Trilok Singh

Strange - why these sincere margiis are supporting this fake yoga display

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. This magazine is presenting

So if any margiis supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Shrii Ramkesh Choudhary
Shrii Kumar Akhilesh
Shrii Jagadiish Bhala - Kanpur
Shrii Rajiiv -
Shrii Suman Kumar Jha
Shrii Yashpal Singh Chauhan - Uttarakhand
Shrii Tulsi Ram Patel - Chattisgarh
Shrii Shantaram Choudhary - Lucknow
Dr Rakesh - Sahajanavan (Gorakhpur)
Dr Chandreshvar Prasad (Patna)
Shrii Piyusa (Bettiah)
Shrii Praveen (Samastipur)
Shrii Guru Prasad (Banka)
Shrii Ravi Shankar (Bhagalpur)

A call to all margiis: Please ask these above margiis to think twice before supporting this anti-dharmic work, i.e. propagating pseudo-culture which is against Ananda Marga.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Ananda Vanii #14
4. NSS, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
5. Ananda Vanii #15
6. Supreme Expression - 1, Ideology, Goal and Devotion

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे मेरे प्रभु! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं

प्रभात संगीत 2246  तुमि पथ भूले जदि एले, जेनेशुने नाइ वा एले.....नाइ वा एले

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! तुम मेरे सब कुछ हो, मेरा संपूर्ण जीवन तुम्हारे चारों ओर घूम रहा है। पर मेरी अपनी योग्यता के आधार पर मैं तुम्हें अपने पास बुला सकने का सामर्थ्य  नहीं जुटा पा रहा हॅूं। इसलिये राह भूल कर भी यदि मेरे तुम पास आ जाओ तो अच्छा होगा ।  इसे मैं तुम्हारी अनंत  करुणा ही समझूंगा।  हे प्रभु ! मेरी प्रबल सोच है कि तुम भूल से ही मेरे पास आओगे, क्योंकि अभी तक तुम जानबूझकर तो कभी भी नहीं आये। मेरे पास आने की कृपा करो ।

मेरे प्रभु! मैं बहुत भव्य समारोह आयोजित कर तुम्हारा स्वागत करना चाहता हॅूं, पर मेरे पास स्वर्णजटित सिंह-आसन नहीं है, जिस पर तुम्हें राजाधिराज की भाॅंति बैठा सकूॅं, और न ही मेरे पास सुन्दर  रेशमी सज्जा से सजाया गया  मंच ही है। मैंने तुम्हारे आगमन का रास्ता, अल्पना से भी नहीं सजा सका,  पर मेरा हृदय तुम्हें चाहता  रखता है। मुझे बस एक ही आशा  है कि तुम भूलवश  ही मेरे पास आओगे, जिसे मैं तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा ही समझूंगा।

 हे परम पुरुष! तुम तो जानते ही हो कि मेरी इस फूस की कुटिया  में प्रचुर धन नहीं है, तुम्हारे शुभागमन के समय लोक दिखावा करने के लिये मेरे पास कीमती रत्न भी नहीं हैं, और न ही मेरे पास  प्रथम श्रेणी का भक्ति-भाव ही है। परंतु बाबा! मेरे हृदय में यह आशा  भरी भावना अवश्य  है की तुम आओ  । हे मेरे प्रभु!, यदि  तुम्हारी यहाॅं आने की योजना न हो, तो भी  तुम भूल से ही सही, मेरे घर अवश्य  ही आने की कृपा करोगे। बाबा, तुम सदा ही कृपालु हो, मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं , कृपा करो ।

1. अल्पना- जिन्होंने डीएमसी के समय स्टेज से डायस तक जाने वाले रास्ते का अवलोकन किया है वे जानते हैं कि उसमें रंगीन कलात्मकता , फूलों की सुगंध , फूलों की पंखुडि़यों और गुलदस्तों की  सजावट कितनी आकर्षक होती थी। इस सजावट को अल्पना कहते हैं। इसका अर्थ है अपने आदरणीय और पूज्य के आगमन के समय प्रेमपूर्ण स्वागत करने का एक तरीका। विभिन्न अवसरों पर सामान्य जन भी घरों व मंदिरों के सामने इस प्रकार अल्पना या रंगोली की सजावट करते हैं।

2. इस प्रभात संगीत में उस भक्त की भावना को व्यक्त किया है जिसके पास भौतिक और आध्यात्मिक जगत की कोई उपलब्धियाॅं नहीं हैं, जैसे स्वागत के लिये स्वर्ण का आसन, रेशमी सज्जा, रत्न आभूषण ( वास्तव में  आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धियाॅं ) अथवा कोई विशेष योग्यता, शिक्षा उत्तम आचरण या समाज सेवा, या पराभक्ति आदि। चूंकि यह सब उसके पास नहीं है इसलिये संकोचवश  वह सोचता है कि मै परमपुरुष को इनके बिना कैसे आमंत्रित करूं, पर फिर भी उसे आशा  और विश्वास है कि, बाबा भूले से ही सही उसकी कुटिया में आयेंगे अवश्य । (1)

1. Trans. Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings neglect many things in this world without any plausible reason. They forget that Parama Puruśa resides in every object, even the most neglected one. They fail to look at the world with proper social benevolence. Suppose a pig is writhing in pain. The onlookers casually say, “Well, it's only a pig – let it die,” and thus neglect Parama Puruśa in the form of a pig. Such an error will result in their overall progress being retarded. One should not detest anything as everything is a manifestation of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa cannot hate anyone or anything in this world – how can He, all are His manifestations – so on what grounds can humans hate anyone or anything. If one hates His manifestation it means that one hates Parama Puruśa Himself. Let no human being be so arrogant.

It has been said, “Amáninam mánadeyam” – “respect the disrespected.” Those who are disrespected and rejected by society should also be recognized by us as manifestations of Parama Puruśa. We must respect them with due honour as Parama Puruśa has chosen to manifest them in that particular way. We should always be very courteous to them. Hence the third duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects. We must approach those who are unloved, ridiculed, and in need of affection, and tell them we care for them. By honouring them and restoring their dignity we will make them happy; their minds will become filled with joy." (1)

1. Anadna Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

What ignorant do

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Very often, ignorant of real spirituality and goaded by religious dogam, people undertake long and hazardous journeys to places of pilgrimage, sometimes even selling their earthly possessions such as houses and cultivable land to make the trip possible. They hope to attain virtue by taking a holy dip in sacred rivers. Needless to say this not only causes a loss of energy, time and money, but also causes much trouble and brings no spiritual gain." (1)

1. Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise

== Section 5: Links ==

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