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Monday, October 18, 2021

How wts mock + 3 more


How wts mock

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


When a person is working very hard and it is apparent that he may get success, then others may try to pull that individual down to prevent him from marching ahead. They sabotage his efforts. Lowly people commonly do this. This might happen in the form of teasing, distracting, discouraging, harassing, and it might even escalate to attacking those individuals who are strict in Sixteen Points.

For instance: Suppose one young / old acarya is very sincere in sadhana. Then some senior avadhutas may discourage or interfere with his sadhana routine. Because they themselves are not interested in or able to do sadhana, and they cannot digest the idea that this acarya will make great progress in sadhana and be held in high regard. So they try to discourage, undermine, and interrupt his dharmic efforts. Or they may even do worse than that. They may threaten him and harass him etc.

Ananda Marga ideology says: "Suppose someone is doing some good work but others cannot tolerate him; they try to pull him down. This should not be done; rather you should encourage such people by saying, “Keep up the good work! I fully support you.” This is muditá (encouragement)." (1)

In AMPS: some seniors mock juniors for deeper sadhana

Guru’s guideline is to wholly support those involved in dharmic pursuits, i.e. good work. Unfortunately, not all in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha live up to this standard. Not all adhere to Baba's guideline. Here is one case study.

As many know, for avadhutas, it is mandatory to do night sadhana one time per month. And actually, for tantrikas - i.e. for all Ananda Margiis - night sadhana is a very special practice. But, if any inspired Wt, whether they be young or old, shows a strong inclination and deep interest in night sadhana, and they try to be regular in this practice, then certain top Wts harass and abuse that worker.

They say things like:
(a) "This is not good - if you do more night sadhana then you will not be able to adjust. You will become a lunatic!", or
(b) "In the burial ground at midnight, a ghost, goblin, or devil will attack you, and you will become mad!", or
(c) "You will turn into a lunatic or meet your death; you will degenerate and ultimately destroy yourself! so reduce kapalik sadhana to one time only."

Not only that, they may try and tear down that person’s character as well. In sum, they do everything and anything they can to discourage and mock those interested in deeper sadhana. What to speak of sadhana, even if one Wt is very regular and extremely sincere (and never miss) in any type of dharmic practice like kaoshikii and tandava, half-bath, asana, sentient food by not eating hot spices or not taking food in a restaurant / hotel, then they will face abuse and ridicule from their seniors and supervisors - unfortunately. Such is the "nastiness" that has developed in our organization.

List of avadhutas suffering from envy vrtti - 1

Those inclined toward spiritual practice are sidelined, abused, and alienated. Here is a listing of some of the key Wts who bully and malign sincere sadhakas, and unfortunately suffer from this ailment of envy. The below list starts with those most egregious and horrendous in this regard. But one theme colours them all - all of the below Wts suffer from the same psychic disease: They themselves cannot do sadhana, and they do not want to see others progress in their mediation. Herein is that list starting with the worst offenders.

How these pseudo-saints create their facade

These below Wts attend various sadhana shivir programs as the “great ambassadors of bhakti.” Naive margiis who are not aware about the true colour of these Wts extend a warm-hearted invitation to them. Due to their hypocritical behaviour these Wts have created a facade to befool others. And those who cannot see through this disguise view them as being above human. In this way these Wts are successful in deceiving others by their hypocrisy. 

Baba has described such persons in His neo-humanistic philosophy very well. Such persons are gilded chameleons; they can befool millions of people and that is what they are doing. To know their true colour then talk to those who are around them on a daily basis then you will hear how awful these people really are. 

So these below Wts arrive as honoured guests and give long lectures and espouse the virtues of spiritual life and doing deep dhyana etc. They do all this to keep their own pseudo-sainthood thriving. In short, they pose as great sadhus to enhance their prestige, but when they see that someone is really involved in doing sadhana then they sabotage that individual and mock and torture them.

#1A: Wt Sarvatmananda: Although he is bedridden, he is the most harsh, vocal, and violent. He abuses, threatens, and employs his thugs to physically attack those sincere in sadhana. He will do everything in his power to inject terror in the lives of sincere Wts. The situation is so bad and so horrible that most cannot conceive of how bad it is until they experience it themselves. It is just like those who have never faced a wild raccoon or skunk cannot imagine what it is like, and those who have never eaten the hottest Mexican chili peppers cannot imagine what it is like. Similarly, no one can imagine how one monk clad in saffron garb can be so notorious in threatening and abusing those deeply involved in sadhana. It is just beyond anyone’s imagination until they experience it themselves.

#1B: The late Wt Nigamananda: Although he is now dead, Sadguru Baba guides us that we must not ignore history. Otherwise how can society grow. For this reason the name Ac Nigamananda Avt must take its proper place near the very top of this list as he too was notorious in this regard. If he saw anyone sincerely involved in sadhana then he would start roaring like a wild, mad elephant in order to disturb that Wt. Wt was ruthless and unparalleled in spreading poison when others did sadhana and he would harass them afterwards as well. 

#1C: Wt Parameshvarananda: He too is in a class by himself. And his “specialty” was absolute jealousy. Because first and foremost he always wanted to be looked upon as the greatest sadhaka in the land. He would live and die to garner this pseudo reputation, even though he himself was a complete fake. And if anyone was sincere in sadhana - especially another Wt - then Wt’s blood would boil. He would take vengeful swipes at that worker, spread false rumours about them, and do anything he could to ruin that person’s image. All because he was intoxicated with the need to show himself as the top-most sadhu and a saintly person, even though he himself could never do proper sadhana. Such was the extent of his hypocrisy, malevolence, and deceit.

List of avadhutas suffering from envy vrtti-2

The above top three Wts each fall in their own separate category as they are particularly extreme. Now we come to the second tier. They are all mostly on par with one another. For more on this topic, kindly also refer to the list below the signature.

Biggest phoneys

Here is another point that is related directly with Sarvatmananda, Parmeshvarananda, Madhuvartananda, Vandanananda, and Rudrananda etc. To befool others that they are spiritual, they deliver grandiose lectures about the importance of sadhana to show others that they are great sadhakas. But when they see that someone is really sincere in sadhana then they feel threatened and work to disparage and undermine that Wt. By this way their true colour shines forth. In this hypocritical display, Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda are the worst and biggest hypocrites.

According to Baba's guideline all such persons discourage others are the doer of ku.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose someone is urged on by a noble idea. In that case, if innumerable hindrances are created on some pretext or the other, or the person is discouraged, or vigorous efforts are made to turn that person into a materialist with a misleading philosophy, or the benevolent spirit is suppressed, then all such deceitful deeds are called ku." (2)

Such persons do not care about Guru's guideline.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We should develop our character in such a way that we encourage people to express their latent genius, rather than pulling them down by creating obstacles in their path. One of the main defects of people is jealousy. Let us all remain free from this defect. If someone prospers in life, others always seek to pull them down saying, “Why do you rise so high above us? Sit down! Don’t rise up, we cannot tolerate it!” If we encourage a genius to unfold his or her potentialities, then the whole human society will be benefited." (3)


The basic disease in all these circumstances is that one person or one body sees another working sincerely and diligently. So they try to hinder and block their success. To this end, they dive head first into a campaign of discouragement to sidetrack and minimise that person's outcome.

Such manipulators know that they themselves are too lazy or undisciplined, and they feel worried or threatened by the next person's forthcoming triumph, so they choose to sabotage the efforts of others. This might happen in the form of teasing, distracting, discouraging, harassing, and it might even escalate to attacking that individual, and finally expelling them from the organisation (AMPS).

In that situation, how can anyone who has this disease do sadhana or think about Parama Purusa - they cannot. That is why in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, discouraging others from doing good work is classified as a psychic disease. It is one of those degrading vrttis that only invites bad samskaras and ruins one's spiritual flow.

at His feet,

List of avadhutas suffering from envy vrtti - 2

Level #2 Wts: These below Wts are devious and aggressive in threatening and publicly humiliating those sincere in sadhana. They accuse Wts of wasting their time by sitting in meditation and being a burden on this earth. And they will maliciously use the power of their post to malign those interested in sadhana.
  • Wt Rudrananda
  • Wt Vratiishvarananda aka Vicitrananda aka Vikashananda
  • Wt Bhaveshananda
  • Wt Raviishananda
  • Wt Madhuvratananda
  • Wt Hariishananda

Level #3 Wts: These below Wts are notorious but more mild in their ways. They strongly discourage and mock those doing sadhana.
  • Wt Vandanananda
  • Wt Viitamohananda

And one thing that is common amongst all is that they all suffer from the same psychic disease. Envy and jealousy leads them to abuse and harass sincere Wts.

~ In-depth study ~

How some Wts behave

Unfortunately, as noted above, not all in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha live up to the right standard. They do not all adhere to Baba's guideline. Here is another case study.

(1) One Wt becomes angry when anyone sings during paincajanya. They bitterly complain, "What are you doing! This is my time to sleep - do not make such noise! If you must sing then do it in a whisper - this is my time to sleep!" Then that Wt promptly goes back to bed.
(2) Not only that, this same Wt then wakes up at 7am - if they see that others are still doing their sadhana lessons, they cry out, "Stop your sadhana, breakfast is needed, I have to be out by 8am - quick quick." That Wt skips sadhana and asanas entirely and takes bath and then directly goes to take food - which others have prepared.

(3) And, unfortunately, these Wts are also same or more: Ananda Nitimaya, Ananda Dyotona, Ananda Piyusha.

Baba’s teachings on jealousy

Here are more of Baba's special guidelines on this topic.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neither should one be jealous of a person who performs many virtuous deeds and charitable actions. Rather one should think well of the person since he or she is doing good work. “Let his intellect continue to inspire him to perform such virtuous actions. I fully support him.”" (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You are all sádhakas, you must remember that you are to discourage those forty-nine propensities and you are to encourage that subtlest propensity. To encourage that subtlest propensity is your ádhyátmá sádhaná." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If one sees someone doing noble work, as a result of which the progress of the world is accelerated and the path of human welfare is widened, then one should think: “The noble work of this person will remain written in letters of gold in human history. I shall give my full support to this person in their noble endeavours ... I shall help them in every possible way.”" (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some people who, on seeing someone engaged in noble work, try to stop that person; for example, when someone belonging to the opposite camp is trying to help the neglected, downtrodden, people badly hit by famine or flood, they think that [through their philanthropic acts] their adversaries may become popular, and so they must be opposed. There are people who, on seeing someone engaged in harmful activity or malevolent endeavours, encourage them in crude, bestial activities so that they can directly exploit the opportunity for their own benefit." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Once a child named Dhruva started doing sádhaná and singing bhajanas at the early age of five. This scared the eminent rśis and munis. They thought that this young boy would surpass them in spiritual excellence….So Nárada came to the boy Dhruva and tried to allure him with toys, sweets, a kingdom, and things of that sort. He inquired why the boy was so enthusiastic about sádhaná and bhajanas at such an early age.” (8)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11
2. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc 27
3. A Few Problems Solved Part 3, Genius & Technician
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 8
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, The Subtlest Propensity
6. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)
7. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná

Dada Sarvatmananda

Dada Sarvatmananda

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Steps to samadhi

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “As a result of sádhaná all three organs, i.e., motor, sensory and práńa, gradually attain composure. When all the organs attain steadiness and composure and are absorbed in the bearing of the Supreme Being, we call it the state of samádhi or trance or absorption. Without this attainment of steadiness samádhi is impossible, for without steadiness meditation (dhyána) is not possible and without meditation samádhi is not possible. The practice of meditation is nothing but the proper control over the mind-like rein with the help of a super-knowing charioteer. In the human body there are approximately fifty vrttis or propensities of minds. The degree of intensity of these fifty vrttis depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body. Thus proper functioning of the mind depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body, upon the afferent power of the nerve-fibres and upon the capacity of the nerve cells to vibrate thought. In other words, with the acceptance or rejection of any of the sentiments, both the human body and mind are influenced.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

 मैं तो पूर्णतः उन्हीं पर आश्रित हॅूं

प्रभात संगीत 4912 बलिर इ बाँधा दिए की, बान्धवे तुमि ...

परिचय- इस पूरे गीत में भक्त सीधे ही अपने आप से बात करता है।
(जो मन लगाकर साधना का 6th पाठ नहीं करता, वह यह प्रभात संगीत नहीं समझ सकता )
ए मेरे मन! यह समझ लो कि, विभिन्न कर्मकाॅंडों और सतही साधना से  परम पुरुष को  नहीं बाॅंधा जा सकता, और न ही उनका प्यार पाया जा सकता हेैं । क्या तुम रेत का बाॅंध बनाकर परमपुरुष के असीम प्यार को बाॅंध सकते  हो? तुम्हें  यह जान लेना होगा कि बाहरी कर्मकाॅंडीय विधियों और दिखावटी साधना से  उनकी अलौकिक कृपा तुम कभी नहीं पा सकते । यही कारण है कि मैं अपनी सब जड़ता और पशुता को नष्ट कर  एक बड़े वेग के साथ उनकी ओर बढ़ता जा रहा हॅूं। उनकी मधुर कृपा और असीम प्यार पाने के लिये मैं पूरी तरह उन्हीं पर आश्रित हॅूं। केवल यही तरीका है उनकी कृपा पाने का।

यदि खूब घना कुहरा आ जाये कोई बात नहीं । मेरा मन चकरा जाये, कोई  बात नहीं, कितनी ही निराशा  जागे और  मुझे लपेट ले, और मेरे आगे के रास्ते को  बादलों की तरह ढंक ले तो भी  कोई  बात नहीं  ।  मेरी तो एक मात्र यही इच्छा है कि मेरी चाह उन्हें पाने के लिए,  उनकी ओर ही बनी रहे। उनकी कृपा से ही मैं अपनी आकुति को अपने प्रियतम की ओर पहुंचाने में सफल हो सकॅूंगा।

मेरे परमप्रिय बाबा, हमेशा  नित्यानित्य विवेक में रहते हैं वे  मेरे हृदय में रहते हैं, वे  मेरे ज्ञान, कर्म और भक्ति को अपनी शुद्ध चेतना के  संवित से जाग्रत बनाये रखते हैं । मेरे परमप्रिय बाबा मेरे हृदय में रहते हैं , मैं तो पूर्णतः उन्हीं पर आश्रित हॅूं उनकी कृपा के विना कुछ भी संभव नहीं।

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Feasting on dead body

I never touch food after a funeral. Why? I can eat at home? Why create an extra burden on top of grief? We should comfort those who grieve.....we should think if service not feeding our faces.
I have some Irish blood. In Ireland there used to be people called Sin eaters. They would attend a wake or funeral and food would be placed in the dead body for the is eater to eat ...he then thereby ate the sins of the deceased. This of course is not possible...BUT can it be argued this is a sentient custom?
I once saw a television show called the Twilight Zone in the 60 s. It was about the Sin eater..and the sin eaters son.
The sin eaters son was encouraged by his mother when the sin eater died to eat the wins of his father. At the end if the presentation the sin eaters son ..screams punctuated the end if the TV show.
In short..don't eat tamasic  food. We are not to eat at restaurants even . Why? Because the preparers of that food...their minds are not elevated ....and that food is renders rajasic or tamasic .
At a retreat  here in the US in wife Sumitra Ma insisted that the yo go boys turn off the rick n roll and ding kiirtana when ore preparing  the food. Also we encouraged them to clean the kitchen. After that meal so many margins asked who prepared it!
They could feel the difference.
So it's a no brainer..DONT EAT AT A FUNERAL. and she. In doubt don't eat the food. It's simple.
govinda usa
PS even the utensils you use carry negatives..if that pot or pan carried rajasic or tamasuc food you cannot wash it must use a new pot or pan or skillet!

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Feasting on dead body

== Section 3: Links ==

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Loud Wailing + 2 more

Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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