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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Margii rights snatched + 2 more


Margii rights snatched

Note: The term Wt has been used in this letter to refer to those in Central Office and many sectorial level Wts as well etc, yet does not refer to all Wts per se.


This letter is an overview of margii rights and the import of the bhukti pradhan manual.

Example of margii slavery

The image appended at the bottom of this letter is proof of how Wts control the bhukti committee. In the past this type of Wt manipulation was not in vogue before 1990. These days the bhukti committee must be approved by Wts. This was unheard of before 1990. As bestowed by Baba, margiis have the full right to elect their leader as bhukti pradhan and the elected bhukti pradhan should be free to form his cabinet, ie. bhukti committee, without outside interference. What is going on now is akin to the era of pre-Independence in India. In that era of old, India had its government, but it was just a namesake as it was controlled entirely by the Britishers. Without the approval from England, nothing was done. By signing this paper (see image appended below), margiis became 2nd class citizens.

First the BP was ordered against his will to fill the bhukti committee with stooges and then submit the list to Wts for approval. Then if so-called top Wts decided that a given margii on the list was not a certified stooge that person was crossed off the list and those sectorial and so-called top Wts inserted a different name which the BP had to accept. By this way so-called central Wts completely control who is on the bhukti committee and gain full command over the unit. Sadly, the entire bhukti pradhan and bhukti committee were forced to capitulate to so-called top Wts.


Listing of key issues related with BP / margii rights

PREVIEW: Points addressed in previous letters on this topic:
  • After 1990, exploitative WT group leaders & their stooges curtailed margii rights by manipulating the BP post and the bhukti committee;
  • Key factors to recognise if margii rights have been wiped out in your area;
  • Those factors include flatterer Wts campaigning for a particular BP candidate, sincere margiis being stripped of their voting privileges, sycophant Wts imposing the Fake BP Manual-- which Baba forbids, and more;
  • Importance of a strong bhukti pradhan (BP).
  • How exploitative WT group leaders & their sycophants turned the ACB into a "yes men" committee for ruling faction;
  • How some imposed the fake SPB in SUVA in order to suppress  the margii voice;
  • How exploitative WT group leaders & their bootlickers made the margii post of PKB defunct.
  • How the exploitative WT group leaders recruit members into their fold;
  • How exploitative WT group leaders & their lackeys use the tactic of 'divide and rule' to control a bhukti;
  • On the aforementioned basis, exploitative WT group leaders & their doormats exploit more;
  • Baba has formally given family margiis a voice in the organisation through the post of bhukti pradhan;
  • Wts are bound to follow Baba's guidelines - being in control of the organisation means following Guru's order;
  • Exploitative WT group leaders cannot go against Guru's mandates, impose their own rules, and tear down margii rights bestowed by Baba.

How & why this happened

The reason why all this occurred is because a few power-seeking Wts wanted all the reins of the organisation in their own hand so they could control and manipulate everything. And there were a few ways and reasons how they were able to achieve this. Here are some of the key factors:

(a) Unawareness: In certain cases, family margiis were simply not aware of their organisational status and related structural guidelines. Thus when exploitative WT group leaders forcefully intruded on Guru's given systems, margiis were not prepared to stand their ground. Or they simply trusted that, "Whatever exploitative WT group leaders is doing will be alright."

(b) Passivity: In other cases, margiis clearly recognised that what exploitative WT group leaders were doing was against the Baba’s systems: It is sinful to encroach on BP rights etc. Yet when push came to shove and in the heat of the battle, margiis sat back and remained passive and thought that, "Baba will save the situation." But Sadguru Baba guides us time and again that we are to stand for dharma, and then when needed He will certainly do, but first He wants us to fight for what is right according to our capacity. After all, Baba wishes to form a society of sadvipras not otherwise. Unfortunately, due to a passive mentality, margiis lost their ground to exploitative WT group leaders.

(c) Priest Dogma: In various instances, people were affected by the local or long-standing dogma that the priests / fake wts are meant to control and exploit. Wherever this dogma was present, then without any second thought, margiis relinquished their BP rights given by Baba when exploitative WT group leaders extended their fangs.

(d) Caged Bird Syndrome: We all know that once caged, a bird becomes hesitant and fearful to leave the confines of that cage. It considers that cage to be its shelter and loses confidence in using its own wings to fly. Similarly, over the years, some margiis have become comfortable living under the shelter of exploitative WT group leaders. They feel it is easier and less risky to have exploitative WT group leaders control everything. They become conditioned in this way until finally they relinquish all their rights to those very exploitative Wt group leaders. This defective, caged-bird mentality is also at work in the eradication of margii rights.

Thus, slowly yet systematically over the last 29 years, margiis have lost their BP rights. The ideal margii role in the organisation has been completely diminished. The rights Baba has graciously given for the present & future humanity have been lost before our very eyes. Now stooges are selected for the post of bhukti pradhan as per the Fake BP Manual (1997).


The time has come for all margiis to make a united stand and implement the original BP Manual given by Baba. The only way forward is to take Baba's name and work to establish His ideals. If we take this approach then surely Baba will be gracious and quickly lead us to victory. And we will be able to implement the original BP Manual as bestowed by Baba. Now is the time to reverse this trend and implement Baba’s original BP Manual for all upcoming BP elections.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

A look back at history

There was once a day on this earth when women had full rights of participation in society. Yet over time those rights were gradually taken away from them. Their role in society diminished with each successive generation until finally they just became the servant and tools of the dominant males. Only in very recent times have females been regaining some of their rights but that is only after centuries steeped in severe exploitation; and still in many communities women remain completely oppressed by their male counterparts.

Sadly we see a similar trend unfolding in our AMPS between margiis and exploitative WT group leaders. Step-by-step such exploitative WT group leaders are taking away all the rights that margiis once had. Every passing year means more dominance by exploitative WT group leaders over margiis.

Proof of how BP made into slave

In this below scan, the paper is of the bhukti committee approval process. The bhukti pradhan (BP) is elected by margiis and after that the BP has to form a bhukti committee to run his office etc. But now the BP is forced to abide by the command of Centre and accept the stooges chosen by Centre. The below image is the proof. By this way the bhukti pradhan became a 2nd class citizen. Before 1990, this was not going on. This is a new way to subjugate BPs and margiis.

Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 12.28.24 PM.png

Note: If you would view a copy of the Sadguru Baba’s original BP manual, click here....

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Essence of the breath

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The process of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul. Suppose a person is running: his or her breathing immediately becomes heavy. In that condition he or she cannot think properly; the sensory organs such as the tongue, nose, etc., cannot function properly, and as a result one's perception is impaired. Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways..."

"When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps ones limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka, or púrńa kumbhaka [with the lungs full], one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shúnya kumbhaka [with the lungs empty] one might even die."

"Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shúnya kumbhaka, you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If, on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in púrńa kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijiṋána. You might have read in the Rámáyańa that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijiṋána." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything

== Section 3: Links ==

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