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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Unity + 5 more




Groupism means harbouring a narrow agenda for one’s own personal material gain, i.e. for their particular region, caste, community etc. This type of special self-interest is the defining point of being a group.

Battling for dharma or cause of a group

Groupism has nothing to do with how big or small it is in number, i.e. size of their membership; it is only related with harbouring a narrow mentality or group feeling. There may be 1 million people in a group, 100 people, or 1 person. That is all negligible. What makes a group a group is their narrow-minded interests.

In contrast, if a fight is going on for the cause of universal welfare, i.e. for everyone’s physical, psychic, and spiritual development and one is battling against all sorts of exploitation, then irrespective of the number of people involved, it is not a group.

Today, the various factions are busy trying to grab the power and injecting dogmas like the supremacy of their language, land, community, or tiirtha. Or they just squabble over who can get more purodhaships in their camp etc. None of these “causes” are ideological. That is why the current group struggle is a factional feud – nothing more.

All the groups rally around their chosen dogmas and they all want to exploit margiis. That is why they never raise the slogan of margii rights or common issues. When not in power they cry out about their own injustices in front of margiis and exploit their sentiment, but when in power the situation is different. Then those groups rule with an iron fist.

Sane people understand this quite well. If anyone is emotionally attached to certain friendships or a particular language or any other narrow cause, then they should not befool themselves into thinking that they are fighting for Ananda Marga ideology. All in all, the entire present-day group fight has nothing to do with Ananda Marga ideology – rather it runs counter to our ideological standards.

Factional power fight not dharmic

The present group fight in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is not an ideological fight. Here ideological means Baba’s divine teachings, not any group agenda. This fight is all about their own selfish group interest. Since 1990, so many injustices have been committed that contravene ideology, yet none of these following points are ever raised by these group leaders – rather they are the perpetrators.

Indeed, no group ever raises any of these universal points related with Ananda Marga teachings / ideology. They only raise their own selfish claims based on their group agenda for post and power. So all this infighting is only about factional power fight. In that case why should margiis quarrel, give their resources and time, and do and die in such a fight when it is all about selfishness and grabbing the post.

The factions never support ideological issues related with margii rights or scripture distortion etc. They only raise points of personal lust for post and power. Then why should any sincere bhakta sacrifice themselves for this cause of infighting and group agenda. There is no ideology on either side. 

Citing the history with Buddhism, here below Baba highlights how factional feuds arise when both camps forget their ideology.
Baba says, “About thirty-five years ago [in 1936], a war was going on between two countries, the citizens of which have the same religion (Buddhist). When the soldiers went to war, their mothers used to pray to Lord Buddha to save the lives of their respective sons. What will Lord Buddha do? Save this man or that man? Both have the same “Is’t’a,” but both parties have totally forgotten their ideology. If they were established in the ideology, they would not have gone to war.” (1)

Baba says, “Many of the ills of society develop because people do not care to know other members of society. This may not only mean ignorance of the condition and difficulties of others, but also leads to intolerance and a lack of interest in the affairs of the other members of society. Common social functions bring different members of society together and are therefore a great unifying force. By performing certain functions collectively, all the members are engaged in doing the same thing for some time, and this brings about a feeling of unity and interest in others.” (2)

Solution: how to bring unity

Here the point is that unity can never be based in groupist hypocrisy. All factions have their self-interest in mind. Those who are victims in one sector are the power mongers in another. Such persons can never bring unity.

The only solution is unity based on ideology – not any group agenda. Thus when one group is preaching unity on one side of the planet and carrying out factional feuds on the other side of the globe, even the simplest of observers can understand what is going on.

To solve this matter we have to uncover all shades of hypocrisy and rally around Ananda Marga ideology, not any group camp. So-called unity based on groupist sentiment is fragile and can explode at any moment whereas real unity based on ideology is the true foundation of our Ananda Marga and human society.

Unity is ideological unity

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society. And to ensure this we have to start a new order to safeguard the interests of the exploited masses. So for a proper social synthesis what we require is a common philosophy of life; that is, ideological unity.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Lack of unity among the members of society because of too much self-interest in the individual members, the formation of groups for economic or social advantage, and the lack of understanding of others, act not only to bring about the downfall of society, but also can wipe it out completely from the face of the earth. Instances of many groups and empires disappearing altogether are not rare in the little-known history of this world.” (4)


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Never do anything only to serve the interest of the party. Whatever you do should be for the benefit of the mass, for the welfare of the people in general.” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Where there is no propagation of satya people indulge in individual selfishness or group selfishness. The aim or object there is not enlivened with the idea of collective welfare. The only object of the party concerned is how to establish oneself in this material world by means of the use of well-knit language and cunningness.” (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “It is necessary to mention that although through the path of analysis one’s self-interest may be served, and even the group interest may be temporarily served, but the path of analysis cannot be conducive to human welfare on a permanent and comprehensive basis.” (7)

The “unity” of those rallying around their own group’s agenda and quest for power is based on unholy ground - sin. Those persons will never be able to bring unity for our entire Ananda Marga society. Only those who follow Ananda Marga ideology are moralists. Their singular motive is to establish Ananda Marga ideology. And, regardless of what language they speak, when moralists unite on the point of Ananda Marga ideology that creates a mighty force and they will bring the unity of our greater AMPS.
In Him,

Margii rights snatched away with stooge PP Dada’s approval
1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual.
2. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post.
3. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc.
4. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right.
5. Elimination of freedom of speech to control and manipulate margiis and Wts.

==> To read more about the contravention of margii rights and who was involved - please click here....

Here is a list of injustices and contraventions of margii rights carried out by the various top group leaders including:

  • Avadhutas: Sarvatmananda, Shraddhananda, Rudrananda, Nigmananda, Keshavananda, Ramananda, Vijayananda, Mantreshvarananda, Tadbhavananda, Sambhutyananda,Viitamoha, Samanvayananda, Shambhushivananda, Cidananda, Dhruvananda, Jagadishvarananda, Citkrsnananda, Tiirthananda, Vimalananda, Nirmohananda, Pranavananda, Pranavatmakananda, Citsvarupananda, Vicitrananda, Vratiishvarananda, Sarveshvarananda, Kalyaneshvarananda, Parmeshvarananda, Shraddhananda, Vandanananda, and all central workers and others including:
  • Avadhutikas: Ananda Giita, Ananda Sampurna, Ananda Karuna.
  • Family Acaryas: Raghunath, Candranath.

6. In Suva sector, Manavendrananda created the fake SPB and got rid of the ACB.
7. The PKB (Purna Kalika Bandhu) system was exploited and rendered defunct.
8. The victimisation of countless whistleblowers - i.e. Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out.
9. Inimical expulsion of innocent margiis and wts.

Scripture distortion:
10. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were not given by Baba in Bangla.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages.
11. The insertion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas as the Caryacarya part 1 Appendix.
12. Removal of the paragraph on margii rights from Ananda Marga: A Revolution discourse.
13. Invention of Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Imposition of dogma
14. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing dogmatic pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, and Jamalpur.
15. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan, i.e. the yearly death day celebration and feast that is held annually on the death day 21 Oct. This is against Caryacarya.
16. Recitation of the shraddha mantra for the eternal Parama Purusa Baba during the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas gathering.
17. The propaganda of making Purodha Pramukha dada into a Holy, Divine Being in order to magnify and exploit the power of the PP post.
(a) The propaganda that PP Dada need not sing Prabhat Samgiita or kiirtana because PP dada is divine and far above the level of mortal humans.
(b) Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra in order to show that PP is great and spiritually exalted. Only mortal humans have to attend, and PP is above. This is the dogma they propagated and which was approved by PP dada.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma)

But Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra

(c) Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend paincajanya because he is spiritually elevated and far above. Only mortal humans have to attend, not  PP. This is the dogma they propagated.
(d) Sarvatmananda imposed the practice at DMS etc that PP does Guru puja while sitting up on his dais, not on equal seats.
18. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba and tie Him to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar.

Miscellaneous wrongdoings
19. Group leaders allegedly ordering vicious, even deadly, physical attacks on innocent Wts who were not in their group.
20. Sarvatmananda made the rule that Wts are forbidden to write to other Wts if not in their direct chain of command. This was approved by PP Dada
21. Sarvatmananda made the rule of not sharing archive materials with sincere margiis, and taking the spiritual treasures from margiis such as discourse cassettes and letters from Baba etc.
22. Changing the names of roads in Ananda Nagar. AMIT Road was changed to Memorial Road.
23. Sale of Ananda Marga properties and land holdings around the globe & pocketing the profits in their personal bank accounts etc.
24. Raising the Jai slogan, and salute to the Divine Father for PP Dada. (Note: In India, all monks are commonly known as Baba. So when the Jai slogan is raised then PP just keeps mum, smiles, and brings his hands to his heart. By this way, the general populace and naive margiis think that the Jai slogan is raised in PP Dada’s honour. Whereas if PP raises the slogan then people will not think that PP is being revered. They will think that Baba must be someone else. So for the sake of his prestige PP does not raise the slogan. They also implemented the bogus system that the jai slogan should be at the railway platform when PP Dada’s train arrives. They gather all sorts of stooges and sycophants to stand on the platform to raise jai slogan for PP - but good mariis would never do this.)
25. Turning the treasure of Prabhat Samgiita into a money-making venture where for the sake of profits Prabhat Samgiita is placed in the hands of the degraded film industry. This was done in the 1990’s.

List of injustices by so-called big Dadas

1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual by Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda, supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada  Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc.
2. Political expulsion invented and used by Dadas Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda.

3. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post by both Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda.

4. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc. This was first enacted by Dada Sarvatmananda and later by Dada Rudrananda. Plus this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc.

5. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing dogmatic pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, & Jamalpur. Once again, this was invented by Dada Sarvatmananda and quickly emulated by Dada Rudrananda - and supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda, and Dada Vandanananda etc.

6. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan of Sadguru Baba. This was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

7. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses spearheaded by Dada Sarvatmananda.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were given by Baba in English or Hindi.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages; this was ordered by Dada Sarvatmananda.
(c) H group prints and sells those defective books that were ruined by Bangalisation - by the order of Dada Rudrananda.
All these points A, B, C have been supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

8. The victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out. This was standard protocol by Dada Sarvatmananda and Dada Rudrananda, and this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda, and Dada Vandanananda etc.

9. The physical attacks of Wts ordered by Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda.

10. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right. This was enacted by both Dadas Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda. And this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

11. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar. This was done by both Dadas  Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda. This was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc

12. The installing of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas into Caryacarya part 1 Appendix - approved of by all Central Committee purodhas - under the terror and threat of gang leader, Dada Sarvatmananda. This was and supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha like Dada Ramananda , Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda, and Didi Ananda Giita  etc.

Note: Please do write us if you wish more information on any of the above points.

1. SE, Ideology, Goal and Devotion
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Social Psychology
3. Prout in a Nutshell Part 15, Talks on Prout
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Social Psychology
5. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)
6. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Service Psychology and Group Psychology

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Giving sadhana its proper place

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whatever a man is to do in his spiritual life he is to do - why? Because he is in love with the Supreme Entity. Love is the first word, love is the starting point, and love is the last point." (1)

Note: Baba's above guideline is very beneficial for sadhana. However, these days some innocent or simple people just do meditation for "mental peace". And even worse, some Wts do sadhana for show - to pose as someone great. Such Wts hardly do sadhana when they are alone; but when they go to margiis' houses then in grand style they sit in meditation for a long time. All done in order to put themselves on display and create one show that they are highly elevated sadhakas. A few margiis do a similar thing when they attend retreats. Only by evaluating the ongoing conduct can one understand how far they are really doing sadhana or not. It is just like if you are approaching one animal at night. At first you may think that it is a tiger or a lion, but when that animal makes its weird 'Huan, Huan' sound, then you know that it is just a jackal. Same is the case when being around those types who put on a show of sadhana. By their conduct and dealing they just expose themselves etc.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Starting Point and the Last Point

== Section: Important Teaching ==

About land inheritance

Prout philosophy states, “It may be asked, how should the property of a father be distributed among his children? While the Dáyábhága system should be adopted everywhere, the rights of female children have to be safeguarded by giving them equal shares with their brothers so that they may not have to lead a life in penury if they become widowed. However, daughters may only enjoy this property during their lifetimes and they should not have the right of ownership. If they have no children they die after the property should revert back to their brothers or their brothers’ children.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Quiz: how many wts?

Cordial Namaskar

My personal observation is- WTs are systematically trying to infuse WT / Sanyasi superiority complex. Vimlanandji, Nabhatitanandji, Raganuganandji, Satyashryanandji and Parmanandji are instructing Margiis  to receive them with garlands and fanfare. Second thing, personally I have reservations with PP sitting on an elevated seat, so coming to Purnadevanandji a strict NO.


- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Quiz: how many Wts

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

सद्गुरु शिष्य से पूछ रहे हैं, हे, शिष्य

प्रभात संगीत 2182: केनो बोसे आछो ,काज कि सेरेछो....

हे साधक ! तुम आलस में  अपना समय नष्ट क्यों कर रहे हो? तुम ने कौन सा काम पूरा कर लिया है? क्या तुम मुझे अपने किये गये कार्यों का हिसाब  दोगे? उन कामों के करने से  तुमने क्या पाया और क्या खोया? इन सबका  “लेखा  जोखा ”  मुझे दिखाओ? तुमने कितनी साधना की और कितने संस्कारों को समाप्त  किया और कितने भोगने के लिए  रह गये हैं, बताओ? मुझे बिलकुल सही सही  लेखा बताओ।

हे साधक !  तुम्हारे जीवन का सबेरा  चला गया है और शाम हो चली  है। तुम बहुत लंबे समय  से इस धरती पर रह हो और अनेक अवसर पा चुके हो। अनगिनत सांसें  पा चुके हो और तुम्हें हर साॅंस में भागवद् धर्म का अभ्यास करने का अवसर दिया गया । अब, गहरी  काली रात आने वाली है। इस घड़ी में तुम हिसाब दो कि अपने जीवन के शुरू होने  से आज तक तुमने अपना समय किस किस प्रकार खर्च  किया है ?

हे साधक ! जीवन की शरुआत  में तुमने अपना समय बच्चों के खेल में नाश  किया।  इसके बाद का समय पढ़ने लिखने  में नष्ट किया।  फिर रोजी रोटी के चक्कर में उलझे रहे।  इस प्रकार तुम्हारा पूरा जीवन बेकार के कामों में  ही चला गया। अब, इस बुढ़ापे में तारे गिन गिन कर अपना समय नष्ट कर रहे हो? अब तुम ही बताओ तुम्हारा मन क्या करना चाहता है ? अभी तक तो तुमने अपना पूरा जीवन व्यर्थ ही नष्ट किया है।

मनुष्य का  जीवन  बहुत कीमती  है, इसलिये पशुओं की तरह केवल खाने पीने और सोने में जीवन नष्ट कर देना बिलकुल भी उचित नहीं है। इसलिये, ए मेरे शिष्य ! अब जो कुछ थोड़ा सा भी समय बचा है उसे सच्चे कार्यों  में लगाकर सदुपयोग करो। 

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abortion (4) ACB (5) action-reaction theory (1) After Capitalism (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Ananda Sutram (4) Ananda Vanii (10) Ananda Yuga (6) animal rights (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) archive (3) Artists (3) ASANAS (14) astrology (2) avadhuta (81) Baba Story (32) Baba's praise (1) Bait kiirtan (4) Bait Kiirtana (2) balkanisation (1) Bangalisation (22) barter-trade (2) begging (1) bhakta (19) Bhakta Samaj (9) bhakti-dry (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) Bhukti Pradhan (20) bigots (2) birthday (8) Blaming Baba (11) capitalism (6) caste (15) censorship (1) Childrens Home (16) circumcision (5) civilisation (1) co-ed education (3) communism (12) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) Court Case (9) culture (1) Dada's hair (2) Dadas Books (76) Dadhiici Divas (2) Death (17) demons (2) devotion (31) dharma (14) dharmashastra (1) Dharmavedananda (2) Didi's Hair (3) diorama (1) disease (4) dms (21) dogma (26) Donations (5) donkey birthday (12) doomsday (2) dowry (6) Dyeing Hair (2) East-West (1) education (4) eulogy (2) expulsion (11) extravaganza-jinanii (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) fake yoga (15) fasting (4) fear (1) female exploitation (9) fight (11) Fireworks (1) Fishing (3) food disparity (7) forgiveness (4) Gay (9) gay marriage (4) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) Glossary (2) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) groupism (138) Guru's Perspective (7) gut-feeling (1) Health of Wts (29) history (5) homosexuality (17) Human Society (2) human trafficking (1) Hypocrisy (10) Illicit Affairs (2) immigration (1) Islam (1) ista (7) Jai Slogan (3) Jamalpur DMS (13) Janmastamii (1) junior workers (2) justice (2) Kanyadana (2) kaosikii (3) Kiirtan (13) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Land Sale (47) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) LFT (3) liberation (2) libertine (1) lust (2) mahaprayan (124) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) Maheshvarananda (1) Mandela (4) margii rights (54) marriage (29) marriage tax (2) materialism (9) memorial (4) memory (1) merge in mission (6) microvita (2) mind (5) moment of silence (1) Money to Laokik Family (12) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) neo-humanism (6) Nillkantha Divas (1) NYSO (2) opposite sex (46) palmistry (4) Peeping Tom (1) pen name (1) photo (17) pisiculture (2) plagiarism (14) Pointing Out (12) poverty (2) PP Dada (60) Prabhat Samgiita (24) pracara (8) Prajina Bharatii (23) Prakrti (1) pranayama (5) protest (4) Prout (46) pseudo-culture (10) publications (100) race relations (5) religious dogma (157) religious traders (24) religoius dogma (2) Retreat (5) Reverence to Guru (82) sadhana (53) sadvipra (5) Salutations (1) samaj (1) Samanvayananda (4) Sanskrit (1) scaring children (2) scripture (115) self-praise (36) Semitic Religions (8) service (18) Sex Scandals (32) shraddha (10) shraddha ceremony (21) shraddhainjali (15) shravanii purnima (2) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) silent action (4) simple morality (3) sin (8) six spokes (1) sixteen points (5) sleep (3) socialism (2) society (8) stampede (1) tandava (3) teacher (3) tiirtha (26) tips (3) Tomb (3) Touching Feet (1) Training Centre (18) unity (14) urs (1) vishesha yoga (4) Visit with Laokik Family (11) wasted life (2) water bottle (3) writers (5) WT Conduct (364) Yes man (20)


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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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