Dada became Didi?
In our Ananda Marga, the system is that Wt Dadas are to teach males and Wt Didis are to teach females. Our male Wts are not to teach the opposite sex.
But look at what this Dada is doing. He is going against the ethic of Ananda Marga & Sadguru's teaching by doing the work of Didis.
In Him,
~ In-depth study ~
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "It should be remembered that a woman's friend is a woman and a man's friend is a man." (1)
Everything is separate in Ananda Marga
We have to remember that Baba has arranged life in Ananda Marga where we we maintain our sanctity by adhering to certain codes of conduct, not by compromising with our values. In the realm of male-female relations, our proper standard is separation, not free and sensuous mixing of the sexes. Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. There are all separate along gender lines. Here is a more complete list:
1. Jagrtis are not shared between males and females for staying over or for office work.When our entire Ananda Marga way of life is separated along gender lines, it is obvious that our Ananda Marga schools must reflect this same standard
2. Co-education is not practiced with students above 8 or 10 years of age, i.e. or above the age of puberty.
3. During dharmacakra, seminar, and classes, sadhana is done in distinctly different rows.
4. The organisation itself has an entire separate wing for females, WWD or Women’s Welfare Department.
5. Prout, AMURT, VSS etc also have separate sections for males and females.
6. Reporting is done separately.
7. LFT, Tattvika, and Acarya training is separate for males and females.
8. In-Charges are not mixed. Males are in-charges of males and females of females.
Note: Only in Central Office will the head of WWD be controlled by the General Secretary.
9. During DMS, kaoshikii was also performed separately. And still this practice is maintained for DMS.
10. Females do guard duty for females, and males for males; it is not mixed.
11. Akhanda kiirtana is done in a separate manner.
12. Madhur Sadhana is done according to gender, not with the opposite sex.
13. In any gathering, females & males do not participate together for games and sports.
14. All public processions are organised keeping males and females separate
15. And there are so many systems in place that ensure strict separation of the sexes.
Procedural Order:
Ananda Marga schools must not be co-ed
Here following is Baba own Procedural Order which states that our Ananda Marga schools must not be co-ed once children have reached the age of puberty.
PLO no. 1A/4.2.1969
As per rules, co-education is allowed in our Schools up to Standard V. but boys who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed twelve years of age will not be permitted to study in any of our lady managed Schools. Similarly girls who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed 12 years of age, shall not be allowed to study in our Schools (for boys).
Feb 4, 1969
Note: Standard V is the equivalent of 5th grade or 5th class in the western system.
Baba’s given conduct rule for Ananda Marga male / female Wts
Here is Sadguru Baba’s guidelines for all wholetimer Dadas and Didis of the Marga.
- "You will protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury." (WT Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, pt #12)
Who is this Dada
The above Dada who became a Didi is Ac Virjananda. He is posted in Manila Sector, working in Vietnam.
1. Caryacarya part 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women
== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
You pour Your love upon all incessantly
"Bhálobese chile tumi ámáy, vinimaye kichu cáo ni..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3811)
O' Parama Purusa, You are so kind. Since ages You have loved me, but in return You have never accepted anything. You do not wish to receive anything from me, only You want to go on pouring Your divine compassion on me. Whatever I have offered unto You, You have politely refused to take - You only shower Your affection.
Baba, O' Supreme Entity, Your compassion knows no limit. It is just like the moon which showers its sweetness by pouring its soft moonlight on everything. The moon does not consider the good or bad quality of those entities, just the moon goes on showering its effulgence. In the same way, You pour Your karun’a’ upon all incessantly, everywhere. You never consider or look into who is high, or who is mean and low. You lovingly see everyone as Yours - worthy of Your infinite compassion.
O' Supreme Entity, O' Baba, in the pouring rain of the pitch dark night, the smiling fragrance of the ketaki flower permeates the entire atmosphere all the 24 hrs, regardless whether there is darkness or light. Similarly, You also do not care about the proper or improper time, or who is qualified for Your mercy or not. Your affection never ceases. Even in the wake of meteor strikes in Your beautiful sky, still Your prema shines forth on all. You are most gracious to everyone - all the time. Your blessing is like the brilliant effulgence which removes all the darkness in the blink of an eye.
Baba, You are the most compassionate One. I surrender everything at Your altar, accept me and keep me under Your shelter...
== Section 3: Important Teaching ==
Answer comes from unconscious mind, not gods or goddesses
Ananda Marga ideology states, “The remedies for illnesses or answers to questions that a person receives at the shrine of different gods and goddesses is not due to the greatness of those gods and goddesses. As a result of sincere longing a state of one-pointedness arises in the mind and if, at that time, that person falls into deep sleep because of physical tiredness then the answers to his or her questions may descend from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind. There the person receives the answers to his or her questions about illness or other questions according to his or her mental conceptions and beliefs. The person thinks that he or she has perhaps received these answers due to the grace of such-and-such god or goddess. Actually, thanks to the grace of the Supreme Consciousness, his or her unconscious mind is the hidden repository of infinite knowledge. Due to one-pointedness, the person has been able to temporarily submerge part of his mind within the boundaries of that profound knowledge.” (1)
1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7))
== Section 4: Important Teaching ==
Brain & intellect develop from spiritual practice
Ananda Marga ideology states, "When a man, a devotee, a spiritual aspirant moves towards the Supreme Self, his body, that is his brain and intellect increases. And when he moves further, close to the Supreme Being, his spirit, that is his a’tman is also developed. His a’tman becomes more reflecting and more soothing to other existential vibrations because it comes closer to the emanating point of the Supreme Spirit." (1)
1. Importance of Sa'dhana' and its Goal,V21-02, 30 Dec, 1980, Ananda Nagar
== Section 5: Links ==
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This email contains five sections:1. Posting: Dada became Didi?
2. PS #3811: You pour Your love upon all incessantly
3. IT: Answer comes from unconscious mind, not gods or goddesses
4. IT: Brain & intellect develop from spiritual practice
5. Links
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This email contains five sections:1. Posting: Dada became Didi?
2. PS #3811: You pour Your love upon all incessantly
3. IT: Answer comes from unconscious mind, not gods or goddesses
4. IT: Brain & intellect develop from spiritual practice
5. Links