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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Nasty deeds of Avadhuta + 4 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: See how one avadhuta is destroying Ananda Marga
2. Hindi Quote: कुत्ते, गाय, और बन्दर साधना
3. PS #777: Depending on You alone, the boat of my life is floating
4. Important Teaching: Incantation and mantra not the same thing
5. Links

See how one avadhuta is destroying Ananda Marga

Baba took great efforts to give dictation on thousand of pages of Ananda Marga philosophy and now, one after another, certain dirty people are destroying His divine teachings.

Please carefully see the photo. On this Fake Lord Shiva photo, one lady has made her home in the matted locks of Lord Shiva's hair. Those matted locks are so large they became the home of one lady. And her name is Gaunga. That is Hindu mythology.

Unfortunately, in the above image the avadhuta is promoting this bogus Hindu dogma in the name of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. If this avadhuta had done this in his own name that would have been less devious. But he chose the worst way - he implicated Sadguru Baba in this scandalous affair - and by this way this avadhuta is trying to destroy Ananda Marga teachings in the mind of the general public. The avadhuta who did like this has inserted his name (Hindi) in the lower left corner of the above image.

Hinduism is just a bag of rotten outdated dogmas

Those educated people who think that Hinduism is just a bag of rotten outdated dogmas will think that Ananda Marga is the same. This whole affair is unfortunate. Here is a point by point listing and analysis.

#1: The lady (Gaunga) in Lord Shiva’s matted locks is a prevalent Hindu dogma. But the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#2: The above photo shows a crescent moon on the left temple of fake Lord Shiva. This is also one dogma according to Baba. Because the real Lord Shiva does not have a crescent moon on His temple. Yet the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#3: On fake Lord Shiva's right palm, there is a tattoo of omnkara in Devanagari script. That is another dogma this avadhuta is imposing on the entire society. But as we know during Lord Shiva’s time, 7000 years ago, there was no script. Script had not yet been invented so the people did not know how to write. It is just Hindu dogma to place omnkara in devanagari script on fake Lord Shiva’s palm.

Baba took great efforts to give dictation on thousand of pages of Ananda Marga philosophy and now, one after another, certain dirty people are destroying His divine teachings.

#4: Next, see how the photo portrays a birth defect where there is a third eye which runs vertically on the forehead of the fake Lord Shiva. This is also one Hindu dogma. Ananda Marga philosophy rejects portraying Lord Shiva in this way. Even then the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#5: There are three white horizontal marks on across the forehead of the fake Lord Shiva. This stands as another dogma as it represents the joining of two Hindu sects - Shaevism and Vashnavism.  This also Baba condemns. On the real historical Shiva nothing was there - there were no such marks.

#6: Plus the photo depicts the tone of the fake Lord Shiva’s skin is the wrong colour. And the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#7: Warning below is not for all: graphic terms

Warning: This next section contains graphic terms and descriptions. This is only for those dharmikas with a keen interest to eradicate the dogma of phallus worship. 

The fake Lord Shiva is doing idol worship. In this photo, the idol is on his chest. It is a stone phallus which is fixed on top of the female genitalia. The male symbol is vertical and the female symbol is horizontal. In the Hindu religion it is called the Lord Shiva phallus.

It is hypocritical and ludicrous that Lord Shiva is worshiping Lord Shiva’s phallus. On the phallus there two marks and on top there is a flower to show that Lord Shiva is worshiping the phallus. And on the genitalia there are four white coloured flowers and other pink flowers.

Together it is the idol of phallus. Dogmatic people call it Shivalingua. So it is obvious that the whole thing is preposterous - can you imagine Lord Shiva worshiping Lord Shiva’s phallus. Yet that is exactly what this avadhuta is glorifying.

#8: And verily if one looks at this photo more minutely, they will see countless flaws / dogmas - but I am stopping here...


This is all rotten Hindu dogma. When I see this done in the name of Marga Guru then at first my heart sank - I thought how these worthless and monstrous avadhutas will destroy Ananda Marga. Then after a few moments I got assurance from Baba that there are many right thinking margiis & wts who will give a good lesson to this sinner who is moving around in the garb of an avadhuta. This must end - we have to save Baba's teachings.

See this, how will the common people will think that Ananda Marga is not revolution; rather they will think it is a bogus collection of Hindu dogma.

The name of the Dada who is responsible for all of this has been enlisted below.

In Him,
Amiy Basu

Who is behind this

This entire scene was printed in a leading Hindi newspaper published in Delhi on 01 March 2016 - just a few days ago in commemoration for the dogmatic festival Maha Shivratri - the night of Shiva - on March 7.  The avadhuta who did this is Ac Divyacetanananda // Divyachetanananda. By his approach he was signaling to dogmatic Hindu worshipers that, “We in Ananda Marga are with you in this dogma.” This was done with a specific intention to show allegiance to Hindus. This proves that Dada Divyacetanananda is an infiltrator from the Hindu religion to destroy Ananda Marga. And he is playing his role beautifully - befooling margiis and doing the work of Hindu fundamentalists.

In-depth study

By using Devanagari script to write omnkara is a kind of  Hindi imperialism as that can be written in any language. Why only Hindi?

Omnkara cannot be pronounced and this symbol is not meant to be worshipped but Dadaji is promoting this as a form of worship of omnkara.

By the above photo the fake Lord Shiva is showing omnkara as an ista mantra, but in Ananda Marga omnkara is not one of the ista mantras.

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== Section 2: Hindi Quote ==

कुत्ते, गाय, और बन्दर साधना

“आलोच्य विषय है---"साधना मार्ग, तन्मात्र, और संवृत्ति” | यह साधना, micrivitum नहीं करता है | साधना करता है मनुष्य का अहंतत्त्व | इसलिए कहा गया है, कि यद्यपि अहंतत्त्व और जीवों में भी है, मगर उनमें यह अहंतत्त्व अविकशित है | अविकशित होने की वज़ह, वह अपनी प्रधानता स्थापित नहीं कर सकता है | कुत्ते, गाय, और बन्दर, ऐसे कुछ जीव-जन्तु हैं, जिनमें अहंतत्त्व कुछ विकशित हैं, और-जीवों के बनिस्बत; मगर अधिक नहीं | हमें उम्मीद है कि निकट भविष्य में वे साधनामार्ग को अपना सकेंगे |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  
1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित 4 June 1989 DMC Ananda Nagar

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Depending on You alone, the boat of my life is floating 

(Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.)   

"Toma'ri bharasa'y ma'jh-dariya'y, bhese ja'y jiivanatarii a'ma'r..." (Prabhat Samgiit #777)


O' Parama Purusa, depending on You alone, the boat of my life is floating along in the midst of the stormy sea, by Your grace. With Your care, I am carrying on with my life in stormy days. My boat floats on. Even while surrounded by hurricanes and confronted with high tidal waves, the boat of my life never stops nor do I cry loudly in fear or become panicked. Because You are with me to save me. So why should I be scared or nervous about the calamity and horrifying conditions on my path. Everything is in Your hand. You are the Saviour.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with full trust on You alone, the boat of my life is floating along safely in the midst of the stormy sea, by Your grace.

O' Parama Purusa, You are grace personified and the abode of compassion. You are the solution to every problem. I always remember You - You are always in my thoughts. It is Your grace that I do pranam again and again at Your rosy feet and surrender myself completely.  With Your blessings I move ahead smiling, carrying the particles of Your grace with me. Your blessings and Your grace propel me onwards in my journey.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with full trust on You alone, the boat of my life is floating along safely in the midst of the stormy sea, by Your grace.

O' Parama Purusa, by Your melody, rhythm, and love, the divine sweetness is collected in the pollen of my heart. Meditating on You, my existence becomes full of bliss. By always chanting Your name and constantly singing Your song, I realized that You are the Essence of essence. You are my Dearmost. It is Your grace

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with full trust on You alone, the boat of my life is floating along safely in the midst of the stormy sea, by Your grace.

Baba, I surrender at Your feet...

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Incantation & mantra not the same thing

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The English term incantation just means 'repeating something again and again'. That is incantation. So incantation does not lead to liberation. Whereas the repetition of mantra leads to liberation. So incantation and mantra are not the same thing. There is no proper English word for the Sanskrit word mantra. Although we use the word 'incantation' for mantra but it is not the proper word for the Sanskrit term ‘mantra.’” (1)

"In Sanskrit the term Mantra means Manana't talrayet yastu sah mantra parikiirttiah-- 'Manan means 'inner suggestion', 'repetition within'. And Tarayet yastu - 'after this manan, when that entity liberates you from all metaphysical, all psychic and suprapsychic and also from all spiritual bondages, then it is known as mantra: Manana't ta'rayet yastu sa mantrah parikiirtitah." (2)

Note: As explained in Guru’s above teaching, the term “incantation” simply means to repeat a word or phrase over and over again. For instance, if one repeats, 'Tom, Dick, and Harry', 'Tom, Dick, and Harry' again and again, then that very repetition is an incantation. Because incantation just refers to saying or chanting the same words in a repetitive style, again and again. There is no requisite for spiritual growth per se and an incantation does not lead to one’s liberation.

Whereas when a mantra is repeated with proper ideation, then the aspirant will progress along the path of spirituality and be granted liberation. The repetition of a mantra brings about that particular result. And that is the essential difference between incantation and mantra. The repetition of a mantra leads to liberation, while an incantation does not. That is why we say that the English term incantation does not accurately represent the term mantra.

1. This first paragraph in English is a summary of Guru’s teaching given in Bangla.
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Oṋḿkára and Iśt́a Mantra

== Section 5: Links ==

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