Obese Guniindrananda: why kids are smiling
Asanas are an integral aspect of our AM yogic way of life. So teaching others this practice is very important. Yet, to be a proper guide, first and foremost the person conveying that knowledge must be a practitioner of asanas.
That is why it is impractical and uninspiring for Guniindrananda to be leading an asana class. By the mere looks of his grossly obese body it is self-evident that Dada is not adhering to our yogic lifestyle. Seeing Dada ji’s fatness, the students will immediately understand that Dada ji does not do asanas, or other yogic practices like a sentient diet, or fasting etc. Because of his poor showing, Dada will be unable to speak in a moving, inspiring, and convincing way about our AM yogic way of life. In result those students will not be keen to learn or take Dada ji’s words seriously. Rather, in their eyes, he will be the laughingstock.
For all these reasons, the kid are sitting and smiling at Dadaji as they are wondering:
(a) How can he do asanas with that big belly and huge backside;
(b) Since he cannot do that is why he is telling us to do;
(c) How hilarious it is that he walks around talking yoga when he himself does not do those postures / asanas etc.
In order to be effective in any pracara program, one should abide by these following AM principles. Unfortunately, Guniindrananda Dada is not up to the mark.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Setting an example by individual conduct before asking anybody to do the same.” (1)
Ananda Marga ideology states, “Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.”” (2)
In Him,
1. Fifteen Shiilas, Point #8
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
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