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Saturday, September 26, 2020

AMPS history: who is who + 2 more


AMPS history: who is who


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history,  people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society. Further down in this email are more of Baba’s teachings on the great importance of history and writing the historical record.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Here is a photo of some of our old purodhas, as well as a short bio of each purodha. 

~ From left to right: Ac Dasarath ji, Ac PK Chatterjee, Ac. Raghunath ji, Ac Candranath ji ~

Who is who

Ac Pranay Kumar Chatterjee (2nd from the left):
(a) he disobeyed Sadguru Baba and left AMPS before 1967.

Ac Raghunath ji (3rd from the left):
(a) Ac Raghunath ji was a longtime stooge of both Sarvatmananda and H group before the division of AMPS.
(b) Ac Raghunath ji voted in support of adding the dogmatic mahaprayan appendix to Caryacarya part 1 in 1990.
(c) Acaryaji supported the use of wrongful expulsion on innocent margiis, the curtailment of margii rights, and the Fake BP Manual (1997).
(d) Up to his death Raghunath ji was privy to and an accomplice in 100% sins committed by Sarvatmananda, Rudrananda, Nigamananda, & all Wts of that time.

Ac Candranath ji (far right):
(a) Ac Candranath ji was a longtime stooge of both Sarvatmananda and H group up to 2003.
(b) Ac Candranath ji voted in support of adding the dogmatic mahaprayan appendix to Caryacarya part 1 in 1990.
(c) He supported the use of wrongful expulsion on innocent margiis, the curtailment of margii rights, and the Fake BP Manual (1997).
(d) Up to his death Candranath ji was in full 100% support of the sins committed by Sarvatmananda, Rudrananda, Nigamananda, and all Wts up to 2003.

In the in-depth study section below there is a full review of the curtailment of margii rights and exploitation in our AMPS.


The only way to bring our AMPS out of its current state of darkness and into the light is to understand how it came under the clutches of dogma and exploitation in the first place during this post-1990 era. That means we should know and portray the historical record in the proper manner, including the veracity of the above family acaryas. The tendency is to paint and place them in glorified air, yet when they were instrumental in the demise of our AMPS and the loss of margii rights etc, that cannot and should not be overlooked. The real history must be known lest it recur in the future.

In Him,

Ac. Dasarath ji (far left):
(a) he was non-player after 1990 due to physical blindness.

~ In-depth study ~

Injustices and contraventions of margii rights

Here is a list of injustices and contraventions of margii rights carried out by the various top group leaders including:
  • Avadhutas: Sarvatmananda, Shraddhananda, Rudrananda, Nigmananda, Keshavananda, Ramananda, Vijayananda, Mantreshvarananda, Tadbhavananda, Ravishananda, Vicitrananda, Jagadiishvarananda, Sambhutyananda, Viitamohananda, Shambhushivananda, Cidananda, Aksaraananda, Parameshvarananda, Samanvayananda, Yatiishvarananda, Svarupananda, Bhaveshananda, Nityashuddhananda, Dhruvananda, Jagadishvarananda, Tiirthananda, Vimalananda, Nirmohananda, Pranavananda, Pranavatmakananda, Tiirthananda, Citsvarupananda, Vratiishvarananda, Sarveshvarananda, Kalyaneshvarananda, Parameshvarananda, Vandanananda, and all central workers and others.
  • Avadhutikas: Ananda Giita, Ananda Sampurna, Ananda Karuna.
  • Family Acaryas: Raghunath, Candranath, Pratapaditya, KS Sood
  • Margii stooges like Sarva Shrii, AR Sanangii, Mangal Bihari, Shudhanshu, SS Goyanka, Vishvadeva (NY), Dhruva (NY), Narada (Suva)

Margii rights snatched away:
1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual.
2. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post.
3. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc.
4. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right.
5. Elimination of freedom of speech to control and manipulate margiis and Wts.
6. In Suva sector, Manavendrananda, by order of Sarvatmanana, created the fake SPB and got rid of the ACB.
7. The PKB (Purna Kalika Bandhu) system was exploited and rendered defunct.
8. The victimisation of countless whistleblowers - i.e. Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out.
9. Inimical expulsion of innocent margiis and wts.

Scripture distortion:
10. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were not given by Baba in Bangla.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages.
11. The insertion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas as the Caryacarya part 1 Appendix.
12. Removal of the paragraph on margii rights from Ananda Marga: A Revolution discourse.
13. Invention of Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Injunction of dogma
14. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing so-called pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, and Jamalpur.
15. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan, i.e. the yearly death day celebration and feast that is held annually on the death day 21 Oct. This is against Caryacarya.
16. Recitation of the shraddha mantra for the eternal Parama Purusa Baba during the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas gathering.
17. The propaganda of making Purodha Pramukha dada into a Holy, Divine Being in order to magnify and exploit the power of the PP post.
(a) The propaganda that PP Dada need not sing Prabhat Samgiita or kiirtana because PP dada is divine and far above the level of mortal humans.
(b) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra in order to show that PP is great and spiritually exalted. Only mortal humans have to attend, and PP is above. This is the dogma they propagated and which was followed by their stooge PP.

(c) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend paincajanya because he is spiritually elevated and far above. Only mortal humans have to attend, not  PP. This is the dogma they propagated.
(d) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda imposed the practice at DMS etc that PP does Guru puja while sitting up on his dais, not on equal seats.
18. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba and tie Him to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar.

Miscellaneous wrongdoings
19. Group leaders allegedly ordering vicious, even deadly, physical attacks on innocent Wts who were not in their group.
20. Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that Wts are forbidden to write to other Wts if not in their direct chain of command. This was  followed by their stooge PP.
21. Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule of not sharing archive materials with sincere margiis, and taking the spiritual treasures from margiis such as discourse cassettes and letters from Baba etc.
22. Changing the names of roads in Ananda Nagar. AMIT Road was changed to Memorial Road.
23. Sale of Ananda Marga properties and land holdings around the globe & pocketing the profits in their personal bank accounts etc.
24. Raising the Jai slogan, and salute to the Divine Father for PP Dada. (Note: In India, all monks are commonly known as Baba. So when the Jai slogan is raised then PP just keeps mum, smiles, and brings his hands to his heart. By this way, the general populace and naive margiis think that the Jai slogan is raised in PP Dada’s honour. Whereas if PP raises the slogan then people will not think that PP is being revered. They will think that Baba must be someone else. So for the sake of his prestige PP does not raise the slogan. They also implemented the bogus system that the jai slogan should be at the railway platform when PP Dada’s train arrives. They gather all sorts of stooges and sycophants to stand on the platform to raise jai slogan for PP - but good mariis would never do this.)
25. Turning the treasure of Prabhat Samgiita into a money-making venture where for the sake of profits Prabhat Samgiita is placed in the hands of the degraded film industry. This was done in the 1990’s.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (1)

But Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra.

How history was wrongly written

In reading the above letter, we should examine and embrace the spirit of Baba's guideline about how history should be written.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Let us see how people write history or get it written. In most cases history is written in the interest of a particular vested interest. History books are selected in order to establish the glory of a particular era. For example, the heroic tales of the chivalry of the Kśatriyas era, their war-strategies, etc., form the main basis for the writing of the history of the Kśatriya era. History books are filled with eulogies of the bravery and chivalry of the Kśatriyan rulers. Similarly, the history of the Vipra era is full of praises for the glorious deeds of the Vipra leaders, and the history of the Vaeshya era contains an abundance of stories about the glories of the Vaeshyas. While studying such biased history, the readers lose both interest and patience. Besides that, the study of this sort of so-called history injects some kind of dogma in the readers mind, and consequently chokes the development of a spontaneous human intellect." (2)

History should depict lives of the common people

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "I suggest that in the writing of history there should be a radical change. The history written so far is a history of kings and monarchs. It should be thoroughly overhauled and completely rewritten – rewritten in the interest of humanity and the universal well-being of the human race. If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses."
   "The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribulations which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race." (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
2. A Few Problems Solved - 4, What Should History Be Like?
3. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I cannot remember You 24 hrs 

"Ámi ár kono kichu bhúli ná, shudhu bhúle tháki tava nám..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0838)


My Parama Purusa, I never forget anything mundane; but, it is so unfortunate and painful that I cannot remember Your divine name. I cannot keep You in my mind or  recall my Ista mantra and guru mantra for 24 hours, without a break. Whereas those worldly dealings always hover in my mental plate. Please grace me. I want to call You all the time - within each and every breath and respiration, but alas it escapes me. O' Supreme Entity, although I fail to ideate on You, even then I can see that You love me. I always feel Your love, especially when I look towards You. It is Your mercy. 

Parama Purusa, the star which came down from the heavenly, spiritual, radiant bosom of Taraka Brahma, a particle of that star’s supreme refulgence filled my mind  with spiritual ecstasy. It has inundated my existence in unending bliss.
Baba, the Parama Purusa, the immense love which You have poured in my heart and affection that You saturated in my mind always vibrates my being and brings me to the sublime world. The melody that You played within my mind, today with that tune I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again. O’ Prabhu, You are the most compassionate One.

Baba, kindly bless me so that I always remember my Ist’a mantra...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Origins of racism & now spread all over

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As human beings were not able to unravel the mystery of this diversity, they wrongly preached the doctrine of racial supremacy, resulting in hated of their fellow human beings and heartless cruelty, and indulged in savagery and bloody warfare - these were the darkest and the most lamented chapters in human history."

"Sometimes people are wrongly led to believe that the white people are perhaps superior to the black population, and that the blacks are only a little higher than our animal ancestors on the scale of evolution."

"Even today in Europe, particularly in Spain and Portugal, and in the U.S.A., South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), one unmistakably notices the curse of this ignorance. But is racial supremacy." (1)

Note: The same disease is working with caste dogma.  

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1

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