Nefarious ways of Rudrananda: NY & Berlin News
Rudrananda’s “sick-leave” or “medical-leave” tour of NY sector has concluded as he left NY sector on 24 July and flew to Berlin sector to attend the retreat at Madhu Karuna which started on 28 July. Here then are a few “highlights” of mafia Rudrananda’s stay in NY sector, as well as what those in Berlin sector can expect to see.
Retreat attendance suffered
The attendance at the summer retreat at Ananda Kanan (Missouri, USA) was particularly low this year. Only about 35 family margiis in total attended. One of the dominant reasons for the low attendance was that people keep away if they know mafia Rudrananda will be attending. Certainly the Wts are suffocated by his presence but family margiis are also not eager to see the thug Rudrananda. So instead of traveling to the sectorial retreat they stay home.
And this is not just limited to certain overseas sectors. Across Delhi sector, no one wants to see Rudrananda. For instance, at the Jamalpur 2018 DMS in March, for six days during the entire course of the DMS and RDS, mafia Rudrananda just sat closed up in one room. He did not even leave his room for a few minutes and never even visited the pandal. All because due to his nefarious ways, no disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji wants to lay eyes on arsonist Rudrananda’s face. And same thing was the case at the Kota DMS last October. Mafia Rudrananda was literally afraid to go out in public - maybe he put his big toe out to take a quick peek, but beyond that never.
Just Rudrananda sits alone in his own world like bin Laden used to do and controls mafia Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha through his degraded stooges like Madhuvratananda, Hariishananda, and Satyashrayananda. Thug Rudrananda allows them to keep their lady friends and in exchange they give him their undying loyalty. In this crackpot method the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha is being run.
Rudrananda: “The Fire-Brigadier”
As noted above, mafia Rudrananda is on “medical-leave” and has no posting in the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha. This has created quite a stir amongst margiis and Wts. Because instead of seeking medical care or taking bed-rest as is normally done when one is on sick-leave, instead gang leader Rudrananda is jet-setting around the globe and treating the entire planet as his playground. This has many quite irked as all other Wts have to abide by the structural code by holding a particular post.
At the Ananda Kanan NY sector retreat this issue was coming to a boil amongst the Wts though no one wanted to speak outright about it. To quell the frustration of general Wts etc, a meeting was held and Rudrananda’s stooges came up with a plan to appease everyone. Top stooges like Abhiramananda and sidekick Dhruva made the plot that when arsonist Rudrananda comes in for the meeting then chief stooge Dhruva (Clark Forden) will pose the question and Rudrananda will give his prepared response.
So in front of everyone, the sycophant Dhruva performed his allotted task and asked thug Rudrananda, “Dada ji, what is your posting?”
Thug Rudrananda responded, “I am a fire-brigadier.”
Then thug Rudrananda went on to explain that he goes wherever there are problems and difficulties in order to bring solutions. So he travels around and “puts out all the fires.” Rudrananda also told that he does this as per PP’s request, yet we all know that PP himself is in the pocket of thug Rudrananda. So that was Rudrananda’s response as to why he does not have a posting and what his role is while on “medical-leave.”
Verily mafia Rudrananda commits arson and is an arsonist, not a fire-brigadier. However, no Wt present in the meeting dared challenge him on this as that would be their death knell. Rudrananda would isolate and bury them. At the same time, the day of reckoning is not far when heightened consciousness will enable Wts to stand unitedly in which case Rudrananda and his pet stooges at the top will have no option but to surrender the power or run far away to save themselves.
"Fire-Brigadier" Note: Of course, thug Rudrananda’s response of being a “fire-brigadier” is completely bogus - on multiple levels. Not the least of which is that there are numerous problems or fires in various sectors like Qahira sector, Nairobi sector, GT sector, and Suva sector etc, but Rudrananda never visits those places to solve the issues and put out the fires. This is enough to prove that he is not a “fire-brigadier”. Thug Rudrananda just goes to those places where he has a good stooge to serve as his host and give him money. All in all, instead of glorifying himself as a “fire-brigadier”, the mafia-minded Rudrananda should call himself: arsonist. Because instead of putting out the fires, mafia Rudrananda is the cause of the huge blazes and burning in the organisation;he himself intentionally lights the fire.
TP Drama
During the NY sectorial retreat at Ananda Kanan, the lackey Abhiramananda announced, mafia “Rudrananda is PP’s representative at this retreat so all Wts have to get their TP (tour program) signed by thug Rudrananda.” The irony of this request was on display front and center. That means everyone understood the blatant hypocrisy. Mafia Rudrananda has no posting or TP and in the name of medical-leave he flies the skies going wherever he pleases, yet now he is demanding to review, approve, and sign everyone’s TP. People did it but who can respect such a request. That is a small glimpse into why things are so sour in the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha these days. The first step of true leadership is to lead by one’s own conduct and sterling example.
Sadguru Baba says, "Setting an example by individual conduct before asking anybody to do the same." (1)
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one's conduct is an ácárya.” If one's conduct is not exemplary, he or she is not an ácárya/á." (2)
So-called PC with Rudrananda
Rudrananda is always on the lookout for new minions or puppets. So he told his hand-picked SS Abhiramananda, who himself is no slouch in Rudrananda’s stooge kingdom, to send him (Rudrananda) worthy candidates.
So in the name of holding some type of special one-on-one meeting like PC, arsonist Rudrananda sat with various lackey margiis of NY sector, most notably Dhruva / Clark Forden (Washington D.C.), Yogendra (Mexico), Dharmapala, Vikash, and a few others.
Here Rudrananda’s entire agenda was to “size them up” and see how far he can use them as his pawns to push through his narrow and greedy agenda. For example, Yogendra’s chief duty is illicit land sales of AMPS properties in Mexico and give a percentage of the bounty to thug Rudrananda. And Dhruva’s main duty is to pose as a dumb bureaucrat and give bogus answers to quell margiis’ concerns. That is why no sane person in NY trusts Dhruva - he sold out long ago. That is how he got his fake family acaryaship. He will always sign as Ac Dhruva and he even got a gmail address to show off his so-called acarya title. But that family acaryaship is just fake. It is given based on his spinelessness and goody-goody and obsequious nature, and is not a measure of any dharmic quality. And Dharmapala, Vikash, and others also went for PC before Rudrananda for similar reasons: to prove their loyalty in response for some petty, mundane gain, while thug Rudrananda took their measurements to outfit in their paid stooge attire.
Rudrananda’s six dens & top tail-waggers
And verily Rudrananda just visits six places where he convenes one-on-one PC-like meetings and aims to make stooges for his selfish agenda. The grand formula is that thug Rudrananda only does this when he has a tried and true sycophant firmly in place as an authority figure to bring pawn-like candidates before Rudrananda. Here are those six places:
All the above six top-stooges have some key points in common. The main
thread is that they are all characterless and have a history of alleged
illicit affairs. Plus some have some other special qualifications.
Mantrajapananda financed Rudrananda’s new palace by selling AM
properties in the Philippines. And Abhiramananda is a so-called harijan
by birth so he is a chosen one in thug Rudrananda’s eyes. Of course in
our Ananda Marga we do not give any value to caste etc, that is why it
is written as so-called harijan, but for mafia Rudrananda casteism, i.e.
being a “harijan”, is everything. So this is the tale how and why these
above six people are Rudrananda’s stooges for arranging one-on-one
encounters with new, potential pawns. And verily those are the main
places, that thug Rudrananda goes for any length of time.
Meetings around NY
Rudrananda also held meetings with Sandiip in Virginia and with Sanjay in Dallas. Both are monied people who paid for mafia Rudrananda and his entourage of lackeys like Abhiramananda to come visit. Sanjay and Rudrananda go back years to their days together in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on the India / Nepal border. Essentially, arsonist Rudrananda followed the money trail and visited to these select margiis house to keep the finances flowing. So whatever else might have been talked about or whatever music they might have heard, it was all about the money. If money was not involved mafia Rudrananda would not have wasted his time visiting them.
So that is the overview of mafia Rudrananda ’s stay in NY sector. Stay tuned for the upcoming report after his Berlin sector tour.
These days moral margiis and wts are completely disunited. In contrast, anti-social elements and characterless people are united and bound together by their unholy alliance - intertwined by their negative affairs. And because these negative parties are united they are creating terror amongst genuine wts and margiis. The solution is Baba’s slogan: the unity of moralists - i.e. margiis, wts, everyone. If moralists are united then immoralists will leave the stage and run away. The day is not far when such moralists wts and margiis will bring the golden age in AMPS.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.” (3)
In Him,
Kripal Singh
1. Fifteen Shiilas, Point #8
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
We are neo-humanists
"Tomákei bhálobási ámrá, tomár pathe cali tomár kathá boli..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3821)
O' Parama Purusa, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You. We are moving ceaselessly along Your effulgent path; we are treading on that very path which You have graciously shown to us. O' All-Pervading One, day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your sweet rhythms. We always propagate Your grand ideals. O' Cosmic Entity, You have created us: We are Your thought projection; we are Your progeny. Baba, You are our Father - Our Ista. We love only You.
O' Supreme Entity, we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big, rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and illiterate etc. All are kith and kin - all are family members. All are part of that indivisible humanity. We are all bound together by Your immortal love. With Your infinite compassion You always draw us near with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. We hear Your sound and move towards You. You are the Goal. Our each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance - toward reaching up to You. You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life.
O' Parama Purusa Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. First, You have granted us individual freedom; second, You have infused us with universal spirit; and third, You have spiritualised our minds with the dhyana of the Supreme One. With these three attributions one other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils and sin. And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of neo-humanism - individual freedom, universal spirit, dhyana of the Omnipotent entity, and the fight against evil forces - we have created a potent, bitter medicine that cures all sorts of ailments like dogma, infighting, and narrow-mindedness. O' Ever gracious Entity, With this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden paradise, by Your causeless blessing.
Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...
Note about Prabhat Samgiita #3821
[1] "vyaśt́i...amara'r": In the third and final stanza of the above song, Ananda Marga philosophy presents 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, (d) the fight against injustices and sin. All are four are needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the real sense of the term.
Spirituality is an essential aspect of neo-humanism. Without proper dhyana, individual freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. People just equate individual freedom with selfish pleasure and degrading activities. Communism does not allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism. Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists.
Then in the dogma-centered philosophy such as in the various religions, individual freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. The religions are ritualistic and dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why even followers of same religion can kill each other - what to speak of harming members of other religions. History has witnessed this again and again. So the religious society is also defective.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices and sin. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden paradise. In the absence of any of these aforementioned principles, groupism and factionalism will erupt.
So our neo-humanistic approach is wholly revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal that is being propagated in this above song.
In our present day AMPS, these qualities are missing: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices.
अपना आदमी है तो क्या है
Baba says, “अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (1) (Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai)
1. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai
If one is going to ask for something…
Baba says, “Suppose a man wants to be a king. In the next life he may be born into the household of a poor man whose surname is 'Raja' (king). He wanted to be a raja (king) and he became one! One must be very cautious before wishing for anything. In this regard there is a nice story. Once a certain person asked Shiva to grant him the boon of immortality. Shiva told him, 'It's impossible to become immortal. You should think more intelligently before asking anything.' So the man said, 'Alright, please grant me the boon that I will never die at night or during the day.' He died in the evening! In fact, the best thing is not to ask Parama Purus'a for anything." (1)
Note: First thing is that it is best not to ask mundane things from Parama Purusa because one does not know what is going to happen even after one second - whether one will survive or die. In that case, asking for something will be useless as we ourselves do not know our future needs. That is why one should say, "O' Parama Purusa, please act according to Your wish." Finally, if one has so much desire to ask something from Parama Purusa, then the only thing one should ask for is parabhakti - the highest devotion.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”
Recent postings
Other topics of interest
Meetings around NY
Rudrananda also held meetings with Sandiip in Virginia and with Sanjay in Dallas. Both are monied people who paid for mafia Rudrananda and his entourage of lackeys like Abhiramananda to come visit. Sanjay and Rudrananda go back years to their days together in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on the India / Nepal border. Essentially, arsonist Rudrananda followed the money trail and visited to these select margiis house to keep the finances flowing. So whatever else might have been talked about or whatever music they might have heard, it was all about the money. If money was not involved mafia Rudrananda would not have wasted his time visiting them.
So that is the overview of mafia Rudrananda ’s stay in NY sector. Stay tuned for the upcoming report after his Berlin sector tour.
These days moral margiis and wts are completely disunited. In contrast, anti-social elements and characterless people are united and bound together by their unholy alliance - intertwined by their negative affairs. And because these negative parties are united they are creating terror amongst genuine wts and margiis. The solution is Baba’s slogan: the unity of moralists - i.e. margiis, wts, everyone. If moralists are united then immoralists will leave the stage and run away. The day is not far when such moralists wts and margiis will bring the golden age in AMPS.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.” (3)
In Him,
Kripal Singh
1. Fifteen Shiilas, Point #8
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission
* *
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
We are neo-humanists
"Tomákei bhálobási ámrá, tomár pathe cali tomár kathá boli..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3821)
O' Parama Purusa, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You. We are moving ceaselessly along Your effulgent path; we are treading on that very path which You have graciously shown to us. O' All-Pervading One, day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your sweet rhythms. We always propagate Your grand ideals. O' Cosmic Entity, You have created us: We are Your thought projection; we are Your progeny. Baba, You are our Father - Our Ista. We love only You.
O' Supreme Entity, we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big, rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and illiterate etc. All are kith and kin - all are family members. All are part of that indivisible humanity. We are all bound together by Your immortal love. With Your infinite compassion You always draw us near with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. We hear Your sound and move towards You. You are the Goal. Our each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance - toward reaching up to You. You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life.
O' Parama Purusa Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. First, You have granted us individual freedom; second, You have infused us with universal spirit; and third, You have spiritualised our minds with the dhyana of the Supreme One. With these three attributions one other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils and sin. And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of neo-humanism - individual freedom, universal spirit, dhyana of the Omnipotent entity, and the fight against evil forces - we have created a potent, bitter medicine that cures all sorts of ailments like dogma, infighting, and narrow-mindedness. O' Ever gracious Entity, With this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden paradise, by Your causeless blessing.
Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...
Note about Prabhat Samgiita #3821
[1] "vyaśt́i...amara'r": In the third and final stanza of the above song, Ananda Marga philosophy presents 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, (d) the fight against injustices and sin. All are four are needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the real sense of the term.
Spirituality is an essential aspect of neo-humanism. Without proper dhyana, individual freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. People just equate individual freedom with selfish pleasure and degrading activities. Communism does not allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism. Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists.
Then in the dogma-centered philosophy such as in the various religions, individual freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. The religions are ritualistic and dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why even followers of same religion can kill each other - what to speak of harming members of other religions. History has witnessed this again and again. So the religious society is also defective.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices and sin. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden paradise. In the absence of any of these aforementioned principles, groupism and factionalism will erupt.
So our neo-humanistic approach is wholly revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal that is being propagated in this above song.
In our present day AMPS, these qualities are missing: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices.
== Section 3: Hindi Quote ==
अपना आदमी है तो क्या है
Baba says, “अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (1) (Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai)
1. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai
== Section 4: Important Teaching ==
If one is going to ask for something…
Baba says, “Suppose a man wants to be a king. In the next life he may be born into the household of a poor man whose surname is 'Raja' (king). He wanted to be a raja (king) and he became one! One must be very cautious before wishing for anything. In this regard there is a nice story. Once a certain person asked Shiva to grant him the boon of immortality. Shiva told him, 'It's impossible to become immortal. You should think more intelligently before asking anything.' So the man said, 'Alright, please grant me the boon that I will never die at night or during the day.' He died in the evening! In fact, the best thing is not to ask Parama Purus'a for anything." (1)
Note: First thing is that it is best not to ask mundane things from Parama Purusa because one does not know what is going to happen even after one second - whether one will survive or die. In that case, asking for something will be useless as we ourselves do not know our future needs. That is why one should say, "O' Parama Purusa, please act according to Your wish." Finally, if one has so much desire to ask something from Parama Purusa, then the only thing one should ask for is parabhakti - the highest devotion.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”
== Section 5: Links ==
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Shravanii Purnima (26 Aug 2018) & cemetery
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This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Nefarious ways of Rudrananda: NY & Berlin News
2. PS #3821: We are neo-humanists3: H Qt: अपना आदमी है तो क्या है
4. TQ: If one is going to ask for something…
5. Links