Pashupati wants your attention
Please pay attention to the person in the front without the certificate - he is the clown Pashupati (Steven Landau) from NY sector. He always travels with yoga certificates in his bag. His chief goal is to put his name everywhere on this earth. This type of mentality you must have seen where people write their names on the toilet stalls, trees, walls, caves, mountains, buildings, and on the roads around the globe. And when they go sightseeing they take their photo next to any grand monument or ruin etc. Such persons write their names everywhere - this mostly happens with teenagers and gradually everyone gets cured.
But this so-called margii Pashupati was never cured, and he remains as an adolescent teenager. This may stay up to his death - he is always starving for attention. It is like the mentality that some pets have - such pets come and lick you and twist their tail in order to get your attention. This all happens because the mind is not fully mature.
Look here at this photo. Pashupati has printed the yoga certificate and dignified his name in gold letters. Because of this disease Ac Pashupati paid a lot of money to purchase his acarayaship from group leaders. So he got his fake acaryaship. For that he pays $1000 per month to one beggar stooge by the order of Rudrananda. He has no time to do any job other than massage the feet of Centre, and calm down the outrage of margiis of the US. All this is happening because Pashupati’s mind is not fully mature.
Now here is the main point. In this photo they are all holding the certificate. Pashupati (Steven Landau) invited all these people for breakfast and he gave out these certificates and took their photo. They were astonished and shocked, and some were smiling as they knew he was not fully mature. Anyone who come across him for a few minutes understands that he is immature. Any psychologist can easily gauge this. All you have to do is see his face and you will instantly recognise his mental deficiency. It is completely visible.
My request is that if you happen to interact with Pashupati (Steven Landau) then there is no need to take him seriously. Again, I will say, please pay attention to the person in the front without the certificate; that is the clown Pashupati. He has come on this earth to make others laugh; he is a clown due to his psychic deficiency not due to his skill. We should all have sympathy for him.
In AMPS, there are all kinds of tensions and difficulties, and such type of people like Pashupati (Steven Landau) relieve those anxieties. By seeing him we feel proud knowing that whatever exists in this universe also exists in AMPS. The whole universe is here. We should all laugh together - along with Pashupati. Parama Pita Baba Ki - Jai!!
In Him,
(Lisa Rosen)
This is a satirical letter.
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