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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Wt's donkey birthday


Wt’s donkey birthday


This letter looks at the phenomenon of various avadhutas / avadhutikas who are celebrating their worldly birthday and glorifying themselves. Such a birthday celebration is called a donkey birthday party. We have to seriously consider the appropriateness of this. Is it consistent with Ananda Marga ideological teachings - or not.

What is spiritual birth

Baba’s teaching is that during initiation one gets rebirth. Keeping this in mind, it is important to consider and rethink the notion of celebrating one’s physical birth and boosting one’s image.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “With an initiated person the first birth was the physical birth and the second birth was the spiritual birth, during initiation. Such a person is dvija, born twice: First, you are simply born as an animal being. But this second time, as a human being. So unless and until one is initiated one is not, one cannot be, treated as a human being.” (1)

One’s physical birth does not hold much value in the life of a spiritual aspirant. When a person gets initiated into the path of dharma sadhana, that is their real birth – i.e. getting tantric diiksa and taking shelter at Sadguru Baba’s feet.

Sadhaka life starts where?

Regarding worldly birthdays, it also has to be mentioned that our present life is a part life. It is not a full life. Our life began when our consciousness first emanated from the Cosmic Hub. Since that time we have undergone incarnation after incarnation.

Ananda Vanii states, “After millions of animal lives, a created being attains the human form...” (2)

Next Baba highlights the importance of one’s spiritual initiation as a time of birth.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In Sanskrit, dvi means “two” and ja means “born”, so dvija means “twice born”…the first birth was the physical birth, and the second birth was the spiritual birth, during initiation.” (3)

One should not think that when the spermatozoa fertilises the egg and ensuing birth is one grand birthday event. Life should be spiritually oriented, not goaded toward the mundane. Every sadhaka in the Marga should reconsider how far they should celebrate their “birthday”. For workers, there is no question of celebrating as they have given up everything of their unit existence for Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. At each and every juncture or stage of an avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s training they are given a new name because each stage itself represents a new birth – a new beginning, all the while leaving behind their old life. In which case, where is the scope for an avadhuta / avadhutika to celebrate their own worldly birthday and sing their own glory.

Indeed, all sadhakas in the Marga should take a moment and consider the points in this letter and see if really they feel it appropriate and beneficial to celebrate their own birthday and glorify their unit self.

Donkey birthday & spirit of avadhuta / avadhutika

The spirit of being an avadhuta / avadhutika is to dedicate everything to Marga Gurudev. By getting avadhuta / avadhutika diiksa and their new avadhuta / avadhutika name, they no longer have anything of their own. In that blessed state, everything belongs to Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. And Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is their mother, father, and everything. That is the oath they have taken.

They surrender their all – their entire I-feeling – at His lotus feet. Their name has changed; their address has changed; their identity has changed. They have no past connection with their worldly life, nor their worldly birth. Avadhutas / avadhutikas give everything to Parama Purusa – they have nothing left to call their own.

That is why in the conduct rules of the avadhuta / avadhutika, there is no such thing as the observance of one’s own donkey birthday or any form of celebration or glorification of one’s own unit existence. Rather the avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s goal of life and the be-all end-all of their existence is to glorify Baba’s image. They are to be established solely in Marga’s Guru’s glory.

Wt Conduct Rule states: “Avadhuta / avadhutika shall always keep himself engaged in the service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion, in thought, words and deed, in subtle and in crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (4)

In that case, there is not an iota of scope to celebrate one’s own unit birthday, and pump up their unit ego. Our wholetimers are to think and focus on Parama Purusa.

Tadekam’ smara’mah…Tadekam’ nidha’nam’

Ananda Marga ideology states, “That Cosmic Entity alone should be created in your mind and no other object…He is the terminating point. He is the Supreme Desideratum.” (5)

How donkey birthday celebration brings degeneration

Celebrating one's own birthday leads to the degeneration of mind. Because by thinking of oneself, highlighting the unit ego, the mind gets smaller and smaller.

And when thinking of oneself in a glorified way by allowing an entire gathering of people to hold a party in your honour and sing happy birthday to you by distorting Baba's compositions of Prabhat Samgiita - which is what some of our acaryas are doing - then this goes against all codes of Wt conduct, etiquette, and spiritual life. Verily this runs contrary to being an Ananda Margii and disciple of the Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Such a scene will certainly lead to one's degeneration.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Vanity harms the mind in three ways...The second [way] is gaorava, self-aggrandizement or boasting – projecting oneself as a great personality...Is this really something great of which human beings can feel proud? And what is the result of this self-glorification? Raorava means the seventh hell." (6)

Glorifying the unit self is path to degeneration

Some Wts are having the entire room sing happy birthday to them - by manipulating Baba's Prabhat Samgiita which is meant for the arrival of Parama Purusa. In that case, those acaryas themselves are the guest of honour, and everyone is there to celebrate them and jack up their prestige. That makes the entire donkey birthday event just about their own petty I-feeling. Those who are fallen like to do this otherwise true sadhakas sing the glory of Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga sadhana diminishes the petty ego, enlarges one’s I-feeling, and imposes a universal ideal with the help of the ista mantra: “I am Brahma.” By regular practice, then one golden dawn, one will realise that, “Really, I am Brahma.” But celebrating their own birthday moves in the opposite direction by glorifying the unit self - “I am great.” Just thinking about one’s petty I-feeling the mind becomes smaller and smaller. Then one day such a person will be unfit to even have a human body. That state is negative pratisaincara. That is why Ananda Marga philosophy condemns self-glorification. Because that invites their degeneration. Celebrating one’s own birthday is the equivalent of self-glorification and that is why it is prohibited for Wts and true sadhakas. Baba forbids this.


For every aspirant, their first birth is the biological birth; and their second birth is initiation. For a Wt, their third birth is the name given to become a brahamacarii, and their fourth birth is becoming an avadhuta. Materialists think that their body is everything and life starts when coming from the mother’s womb. But, according to Ananda Marga philosophy, this life is a part-life. Before this life, there have been so many births and deaths, and births and deaths, and births and deaths etc. So why should one, especially a sadhaka, look upon the biological birth in this particular life as “the birthday.” Top of all, birthday celebrations are nothing more than self-glorification. Trying to establish oneself - ie. one pratiśt́há - is like the feces of swine. True sadhakas do not like to glorify themselves rather they venerate Parama Purusa. For all these aforesaid reasons only fake people celebrate their biological birthday and pump up their unit ego. Bhaktas never celebrate their birthday.

in Him,

Shambhushivananda basks in donkey birthday

Acarya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta was celebrating his own birthday as he was accepting birthday wishes from margiis and Wts all over the world on Facebook. Ac Vedaprajinananda Avt was also wishing Shambhushivananda happy birthday.

And this is not a one-time deal, rather this happens every year. Ac Iishvarakrsnananda Avt regularly wishes Shambhushivananda happy birthday. Sadly the whole affair is quite laughable, and a pitiful reflection on what it means to be an avadhuta.

Shambhushivananda never corrected them

And so many passed their wishes to Shambhushivananda in honour of his worldly / donkey birthday. Often Shambhushivananda openly appreciated their birthday salutations, and never once did Shambhushivananda correct them by stating that, “As an avadhuta I do not recognise my worldly birthday so please do not honour this occasion.” Shambhushivananda never said like that. Rather Shambhushivananda basked in all the selfish glory and attention by accepting donkey birthday wishes from so many margiis / wts from around the globe. Here below is one such example where Shambhushivananda is publicly thanking those who wish him a happy birthday, i.e. donkey birthday. By doing this publicly on Facebook, then others get inspired to also wish Shambhushivananda and other avadhutas happy birthday. So it is a negative teaching that just gets multiplied. It is degrading for those in avadhuta dress who are honouring themselves and it gives margiis the wrong teaching.

Shambhushivananda publicly welcomed their birthday wishes. The whole occasion is a disaster and a black spot on what it means to be a true renunciate / avadhuta. In the past Shambhushivananda was honest enough to come forward and accept his mistakes on other matters. Perhaps this time also, Shambhushivananda will rectify himself by publicly condemning his donkey birthday celebration and asking for steps for shásti (corrective punishment).

Till that time, kindly write to these Wts and remind them that celebrating their donkey birthday is contrary to being an avadhuta:


~ In-depth study ~

Three grades of monks

Some persons may raise the question that when Baba has given the birthday celebration chapter in Caryacarya, then what is wrong if our avadhutas / avadhutikas celebrate their birthday? The answer is quite clear. In Caryacarya, Baba also explains what type of meat a person should eat if they cannot resist eating meat. But that does not mean sincere sadhakas and avadhutas / avadhutikas should also eat meat or that we should appreciate meat eating.

Remember, Caryacayra is our smrti shastra – our social code – which is not eternal. It depends upon time, space, and person. All kinds of people are coming onto the path Ananda Marga. For some, Baba has given such rules for periods of transition onto the path of dharma.

Everyone knows that in Ananda Marga there are three types of sadhakas: pashvacariis (Pashvácára: “Animal Way”, the first level of Tantra practice in which the aspirant struggles against animal instincts), viiracariis (heroes), and divyacariis (divine). Pashvacariis are half-margiis; viiracariis are mediocre sadhakas, and those who are very strict and do not compromise on points of dharma are divyacariis. There will always be a mixture of all three grades of sadhakas. Always, new people are coming into human life and they will enter onto the path of pashvacara. After many lives and with the grace of Parama Purusa, they will one day become viiracariis.

This point of eating meat in Caryacarya is for pashvaraiis. They compromise on various aspects of 16 points, but they are also margiis. They live amongst us – we all know this and recognize who is who. A person may not openly declare, “I am a pashvcarii; I am a half-margii”, but everyone knows. When such pashvacariis become strong, established margiis, their manner will be different. Then they will not do such things like eating meat and celebrating their birthday.

Just as meat-eating is a hindrance to those on that path of sadhana. Similarly, indulging in self-glorification – such as celebrating a donkey birthday is not conducive to one’s spiritual progress. Rather it is antithetical. Our spiritual philosophy condemns all forms of self-glorification.

No donkey birthday celebration for Wts

It is very well-known that no Wt or avadhuta / avadhutika should be involved in celebrating their own donkey birthday, boosting their little ego.

Many may recall how in the early 1970's when Ac. Nirmohananda Avt celebrated his own donkey birthday in Daltonganj, then Baba reprimanded him. With His great love, Baba wanted to (a) see Nirmohananda become a sterling example and (b) set the record straight regarding proper WT conduct. So Baba sent a strong message by rebuking Nirmohananda in front of everyone. Seeing this, all workers immediately understood that they have not come on this earth to party and celebrate their own unit birthday and honour themselves. That is not what Baba wants.

Since then nobody asked permission from Baba to arrange the birthday celebration of any avadhuta / avadhutika. Nor did any acarya dare do so. In that case, their degeneration is sure. As Baba warns, their destiny is the depths of hell.

Just donkey’s birthday

In Ananda Marga, if anything is done for superficial show or in an insincere manner then that is not at all acceptable. For instance, if someone serves you food only to show how great they are then Baba terms that food as: donkey food.

In Shabda Cayanika it is described how if food is not offered with proper heartfelt feeling then that food is donkey food, gardabha’nna. So one must not eat that food. (English summary of Shabda Cayanika - 20, p.163-64 [Bangla])

Similarly sadhana done with the primary motive of showing one’s greatness instead of pleasing Parama Purusa is donkey sadhana. And if kiirtan is sung with the primary motive as a display of one’s musical talent and instead of to spread the glory of the Lord, then that is donkey kiirtan. Likewise, when any Wt or avadhuta celebrated their own birthday in their honour instead of spreading the glory of Parama Purusa, then their celebration is a donkey birthday.

Shambhushivananda basks in donkey birthday

Just a short time ago, Acarya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta was celebrating his own birthday as he was accepting birthday wishes from margiis and Wts all over the world on Facebook. Below Ac Vedaprajinananda Avt is wishing Shambhushivananda happy birthday.

And this is not a one-time deal, rather this happens every year. Below Ac Iishvarakrsnananda Avt is wishing Shambhushivananda happy birthday. Sadly the whole affair is quite laughable, and a pitiful reflection on what it means to be an avadhuta.

Shambhushivananda never corrected situation

And so many passed their wishes to Shambhushivananda in honour of his worldly / donkey birthday. Often Shambhushivananda openly appreciated their birthday salutations, and never once did Shambhushivananda correct them by stating that, “As an avadhuta I do not recognise my worldly birthday so please do not honour this occasion.” Shambhushivananda never said like that. Rather Shambhushivananda basked in all the selfish glory and attention by accepting donkey birthday wishes from so many margiis / wts from around the globe. Here below is one such example where Shambhushivananda is publicly thanking those who wish him a happy birthday, i.e. donkey birthday. By doing this publicly on Facebook, then others get inspired to also wish Shambhushivananda and other avadhutas happy birthday. So it is a negative teaching that just gets multiplied. It is degrading for those in avadhuta dress who are honouring themselves and it gives margiis the wrong teaching.

Here below Dada Shambhushivananda is publicly appreciating all the birthday wishes that he received.

Here above is one example of many where Shambhushivananda is publicly welcoming birthday wishes. The whole occasion is a disaster and a black spot on what it means to be a true renunciate / avadhuta. In the past Shambhushivananda was honest enough to come forward and accept his mistakes on other matters. Perhaps this time also, Shambhushivananda will rectify himself by publicly condemning his donkey birthday celebration and asking for steps for shásti (corrective punishment).

Please remind these Wts

Till that time, kindly write to these Wts and remind them that celebrating their donkey birthday is contrary to being an avadhuta:

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Twice Born
2. Ananda Va'nii #33
3. Ananda Vacnamrtam - 30, Twice Born
4. Rule no. 28 of 32 Rules for Avadhutas
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Bhavámbodhipotam
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section 2: Links ==

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