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Monday, April 13, 2015

Akola Story: Evil Deeds of H & Giita Group Wts


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Baba Story:

If monk commits sin, prakrti’s whipping increases exponentially

(Akola Story: Evil Deeds of H & Giita Group Wts)

Note: Those who are weak-minded or have attachment towards a particular group should not read this letter.

There is a myth amongst Wts that they are above and beyond any sin; they think, "They can do no wrong."

Such blind wts forget and overlook what is happening before their very eyes. They see other Wts facing and undergoing their own samskaras - like accidents, diseases, trauma, loss, and death etc. No Wt is immune to this. Verily no one can escape from their sins.

Committing sin: mind clouded by avidya maya

But blinded by ego and their superiority complex, many Wts commit sin after sin and do not view that as sin. They think they are immune to sin and have "carte blanche" to do whatever they want without any repercussions because they are purodhas, avadhutas, avadhutikas, Wts etc. In their blindness, they think that the sins they are committing is for dharma. But in reality it is their ignorance. Yet, with their mind clouded by avidya maya, they cannot see the situation for what it is - i.e. sinful.

In this email we examine a few such cases - complete with names and full details etc.

WTs will face a much tougher phalabhoga

All must know that when it comes to the cosmic operative principle - i.e. prakrti - there is no partiality; prakrti does not differentiate between a family person and a monk. Whoever you are, if you have committed a sin then you are going to face the consequences, sooner or later. There is no escape.

At the same time, we must be aware of one special condition. Namely, if someone is elevated or holds greater responsibility in society, then prakrti punishes that individual comparatively more. So if a 12-year-old kid and the town mayor commit the same wrong, the mayor will face a much tougher reaction, i.e. punishment. And if the Wt is the wrongdoer then the punishment will be much more - exponentially more.

Baba gives demonstration:

"Dasarath, go back in time 300 years"

To clearly exemplify this point, during general darshan in the Jamalpur days during the year 1966, Baba gave one demonstration.

One margii from Nalanda, Bihar named Yadunandan came to Baba for general darshan at the Jamalpur jagrti. In that general darshan, Baba asked Dasarath and Yadunanda to sit face-to-face. Then Baba ordered, "Dasarath, go back in time 300 years. What do you see? What is Yadunandan doing?"

Dasarathji saw that in his previous life Yadunandan was a famous monk in Kerala with tens of thousands of disciples.

Baba asked, "Dasarath, continue telling what you see."

Stealing: "we are are monks so it is ok"

Dasarathji added, "One day, thieves stole a cow from an innocent, local farmer in Kerala. Disciples of that famed monk confronted those thieves and got the cow from them. Then those disciples promptly took that cow to their ashram and informed the top monk. That monk approved of the situation and told them that it was ok to keep the stolen cow at the ashram. He reasoned that, "We are monks so it is ok." The monk then drank a glass of milk that was milched from that stolen cow. One single glass - that was all he drank."

Dasarathji recounted, "Months later, local farmers arrived at the ashram to retrieve their cow. Then to save the situation that monk returned the cow to those farmers."

Then all-knowing, omniscient Baba looked at Yadunandan and said, "Yadunandan was that great monk."

Then Baba asked Yadunandan, "Nowadays, are you facing any problems of theft in your shop?"

Yadunandan was shocked that Baba knew as he had not told anyone about the problems he was facing.

Yadunandan then recounted how his shop had been ransacked again and again by thieves. It happened at least ten times.

Completely frustrated and fed-up and went to see Baba

Ultimately, that renowned monk (Yadunandan) who drank the milk of the stolen cow had to face the consequences. Verily he was punished severely by prakrti for drinking a single cup of milk from that stolen cow. The punishment: That monk (Yadunandan) was reborn as an ordinary, common farmer, who soon left his work on the farm and opened a watch repair business in a small town. He laboured hard year after year, but his shop was ransacked again and again by thieves. It happened at least ten times. And each time he lost all his life’s savings. Finally, that shopkeeper, i.e. Yadunandan, became completely frustrated and fed-up and went to see Baba in order to ask Him to do something.

But before Yadunandan could even raise his query, during general darshan all-knowing Baba called upon and empowered Dasarathji to reveal the scene. Then, as described above, in this cosmic liila, Sadguru Baba had Dasarath recount step-by-step how there was a famous monk in Kerala, who had an ashram etc. Dasarathji continued on and revealed the entire scene including how that monk drank the milk of a stolen cow.

Then Baba told that Yadunandan was suffering because he was that monk who stole that milk.

The margii Yadunandan exclaimed, "Baba, what I am going through now is very harsh punishment for stealing just a single glass of milk. Ten times my shop has been ransacked and ten times I lost all my savings - completely gone."

Then Baba told that if an ordinary person commits a sin that is not so severe, whereas if an elevated soul does some misdeed it is vastly different matter. It is the difference from falling while standing on the ground versus falling from an edge of a cliff. The result is very different. Many die from falling from the cliff but no one dies when falling from an ordinary standing position.

Wt has to face greater consequences

Here the point is that if any margii does anything then the punishment is not nearly as severe as if a monk or Wt does something. For instance, if a margii leaves the path of Sixteen Points and returns back then there is not so much at stake. Whereas if a Wt leaves their Wt-ship and then returns back in hopes of becoming a Wt then they must face severe punishment and rectification. The Wt has to face greater consequences.

"Theft, sexual crimes, child abuse, murder, anything I can do"

Keeping this in mind, see these tragic events that are taking place nowadays in our Ananda Marga. And these are not isolated events. The dogma is deeply ingrained wherein Wts think, "I am a monk / wt so I can do anything and everything without any consequence: stealing, theft, sexual crimes, child abuse, murder. Anything I can do and it will be alright because I am a Wt. I can do whatever misdeeds I wish and it will not be sinful." This is their defective outlook.

And verily if you keep your eyes open and see how some of our Wts behave, you will see the truth for what it is.

Here then are two events surrounding some of our Wts.

Entangled in one room in Central Office (Ananda Nagar) with...

Ac Hariishananda Avt was allegedly caught red-handed in broad daylight in Ananda Nagar - Dadaji was found in a compromised situation where he was entangled in one room in central office (Ananda Nagar) with Didi Ananda Anupama. This was known to all and a complaint was lodged. But Rudranandji overlooked the matter and protected this allegedly characterless Dada and even kept Hariishananda ji as a key purodha. And still today these two remain involved in their illicit affair. Sadly, they suffer from the very defective psychology outlined above. They feel they can do no wrong. For Dada Hariishanandji, the incident with this Didi is not an isolated circumstance. Allegedly, he has relations with numerous other female Wts as well. Yet he remains in fine organisational standing and Didi Ananda Anupama received a promotion as she how works overseas.

Began torturing and harassing one home girl

Recently after the death of Didi Ananda Mandakini on 03 Nov 2014, Didi Ananda Manjari captured the children’s home in Akola which Didi Ananda Mandakini had been running for twenty years. Allegedly, Didi Ananda Manjari immediately began torturing and harassing one home girl - Sonu. Didi along with with other Wts like Didi Ananda Shuchilekha / Suchilekha, took Sonu’s phone, beat Sonu, and then locked her in the room and allegedly burned part of her body - they branded her. Not only that, they forcibly removed her from her college studies and cut her ties to the outside world. This was all done to capture the bank account that Didi Ananda Mandakini had in Sonu’s name.

After facing so much torture, the girl Sonu ran to the train tracks to commit suicide. She was absolutely distraught and horrified. Fortunately, some sympathizers rescued her from the tracks. (The details of this will be given in future installments.)

Home girls remain in crisis

Everyone knows that Sonu was the right-hand helper of Didi Ananda Mandakini. Sonu was also part of the children’s home board. Didi Ananda Manjari and Didi Ananda Suchilekha tried to capture that board and that is why this entire quarrel started.

To cover everything up, Didi Ananda Manjari gave the false story that Sonu had an illicit relation. Didi Ananda Manjari thought that, "Since I am a Wt, I can falsely blame anyone and do anything." So she beat and punished this girl more and tried to prove that girl as characterless. When margiis confronted her then Didi Ananda Manjari changed her statement about blaming Sonu for her characterlessness.

Still today, as we speak, this situation is worsening - still going on. That home girl Sonu remains in crisis.

I am raising this matter with the single purpose of saving the home girl Sonu and the many other girls from the children’s home in Akola. Concerned margiis should come forward and try to dig deep into the matter. An inquiry commission must be formed to talk with the victim and eye-witnesses and find out what is going on.

The code of dharma: prakrti will not spare such Wts of their ill dealings and sinful actions. They will reap what they sow. That is the inexorable law of nature.

In Him,
Laxmi Puradupadhye

Note 1: Fake WT stays in their laokik home

Didi Ananda Manjari. As everyone knows, the rule is that Wts should not go and stay in their laokik (worldly) home. Yet this Didi regularly goes and stays with her laokik family in Akola - the very place where she was raised. She returns and stays for days, weeks, or months. And if anyone objects then she gives her justification that she is a sectorial worker and not posted there per se.

Note 2: This note is for story thieves only

We kindly request you not to steal stories from this forum and publish them in your own way. That is what is known as plagiarism and it is against the ethics of Ananda Marga and Guru’s teaching. Unfortunately there is one thief running an AM cemetery website and in the past he has stolen stories from this network. Plus there are others who have stolen stories. To all such thieves, we request you to please follow the codes of yama and niyama. Such theft is against the moral code and Sixteen Points.


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