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Monday, August 16, 2021

Sign of lowly Wt + 2 more


Sign of lowly Wt


Bábá teaches us that the only praiseworthy entity in this Universe is Parama Purus’a. One should not be praising oneself or any other human being. 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done." (1)

Horrors of self-praise

Moreover, Bábá warns us against gaorava or self-pride.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In fact the inculcation of gaorava leads one to the worst hell. Just as there are six layers, or lokas, of the Cosmic Mind above the crude world, so are there six types of hell, six narakas, below the physical world. The names of these hells are tala, atala, tala'tala, pa'ta'la, atipa'ta'la and rasa'tala. Another term for rasa'tala is raorava naraka – and a person indulging in gaorava will certainly go to raorava [crudest state of mind]." (2)

Dada ji will become kinnara / Neg MV

Please warn Dada ji that this pursuit of self-indulgence leads one to become kiinnara, i.e. negative microvita

Ánanda Márga philosophy says, "Kinnara microvita is that category of microvita which creates a thirst for beauty – a strong desire for beautification and decoration. The word kinnara means ‘receptacle of beauty’ or ‘a beautiful and graceful structure’. This category of microvita creates a tendency in the human mind to make the human body as beautiful as the many forms and figures it observes in the external world. This tendency or propensity is called ‘kinnari vrtti’. If the kinnaras direct the mind towards crude matter instead of leading it towards the subtler layers, they are considered to be enemy microvita or negative microvita." (3)

Lost the path

Sadly, one Wt is propagating his picture on Facebook. As an avadhuta he should be spending his time and energy doing Bábá’s work, i.e. ideological awakening of the masses. Instead, by getting swayed by the pseudo-culture of self-aggrandizement, this Wt is showing that he himself is afflicted with the same slumber that he needs to awaken people from. This Wt should not be abusing his time and energy in self-praise. He has a great task on his hands given by Bábá and should embrace it wholeheartedly.

The path of the avadhuta is to propagate and glorify Ananda Marga ideology and Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. But, unfortunately, this avadhuta has lost the path. Instead, he is dedicated to his own self-glorification.


Dadaji going against Wt conduct rules

Here following is a teaching from Sadguru Baba.

“A’loker path cha’r’ibo na’...A’mi nijere praca’r koribo na’…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0337)

Purport of Prabhat Samgiita, the sadhaka says:

Parama Purusa, by Your grace, I will not leave the path of sadhana, bhakti, or the path of refulgence. I will tread on the path which You have shown me. By Your mercy and guidance, I will mold myself according to Your desire and make my mind straight and simple. My thoughts, speech, and actions will be one, not three….I will not extol myself in front of anyone, nor eulogize my own existence, nor propagate my own personality on any occasion. I will never promote myself or invite acclaim. My Lord, You have taught me to propagate the glories of the Supreme. I will sing the grandeur of Parama Purusa - not anyone else - andl refrain from praising myself.

प्रभात संगीत #0337 --- “हे  परमपुरुष, बाबा! मैं कभी भी किसी के सामने अपना प्रचार, अपनी प्रशंसा नहीं करूंगा। मैं किसी के सामने स्वयं की तारीफ करने जैसा गन्दा काम नहीं करूंगा। मैं  अपना नहीं, सिर्फ तुम्हारा  यशोगान करते हुए तुम्हारे आदर्श  का प्रचार करूंगा । तुम्हारे द्वारा बताये गये रास्ते को मैं कभी नहीं छोडू़ॅॅगा।”

Wt conduct rule states "Avadhuta will always keep himself engaged in service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion in thought, word and deed, in subtle and crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life." (4)


It is most unfortunate that XYZ Avt has fallen in this way.  Dada’s glorified image in the above photo provides a look into his poor conduct in all realms of life - as he has utterly forgotten his conduct rules. So it is sad and tragic to see this happen with one of our avadhutas.

In Him,

About avadhuta’s self-glorification photo

XYZ Avt posted on Facebook his photo in some luxurious restaurant or bar. One can see the comments of this Wt’s friends adoring his physical handsomeness below the posted photograph on Facebook. The act of glorifying oneself is self-praise. It is clear that this Wt is involved in self-praise based on his photograph in front of a luxurious restaurant and has become successful to some extent in this endeavor.

The picture shows a screenshot of this Wt’s Facebook handle. In this picture this Wt is getting his picture taken in-front of some bar or restaurant. This Wt is intoxicated with the idea of physical beauty and showing that off to the world. Verily, the Wt is broadcasting his own picture via the medium of Facebook. This Wt’s objective is to popularize himself rather than Sadguru Baba and Ánanda Márga ideology. In Ánanda Márga it is not the system to take a photo of oneself and post it in a public place. Especially a WT must not take one’s own photo and highlight that. Only Parama Purusa is to be highlighted.

As an avadhuta, a high standard of conduct is expected from this Wt. However, his behavior is at best juvenile. He is no different from a teenager induced by pseudo-culture who gets his “selfie” taken at various mundane places like restaurants, bars, and tourist spots and then broadcasts those pictures on social networking websites. This is a meaningless waste of time, which certainly does not befit a trained Ánanda Márga sannyási on whose shoulders Bábá has entrusted a lot of ideological work. Instead of spending his days and nights doing the ideological work of Bábá and the pracára of Ánanda Márga teachings, this Wt is broadcasting his own picture on Facebook to get praise from his friends.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23
3. Microvita in a Nutshell, Crude and Subtle Microvita
4. 32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #28

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

How to ruin bhakti
PS Intro: This Prabhat Samgiita is for non-margii bhaktas who have bhakti for Lord Krsna. So we Ananda Margiis should learn these types of songs so that we can present and teach them to non-Ananda Marga sadhakas, i.e. bhaktas of Lord Krsna.

"A'ma'r ka'n'u kotha' gelo, kotha'y luka'l, khunjiya' hayechi sa'ra'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4113)

For more about this topic kindly read:


Where has my Lord Krsna gone. Where is He hiding? I have been looking for Him all day long. And now it is almost nightfall; from morning to evening I have been seeking Him. In His longing, my eyes are showering tears.

I am wandering around in desperation for Him. In this deep yearning, my eyes are raining tears. My beloved Lord Krsna is neither in Vrindaban, nor in Gokul, nor is He in Mathura. Where has He gone? From which astral world is He playing His flute and herding his cows.

What type of bond of bhakti has tied me up. My heart is aching. I am completely restless in His love. Where is my dear-most Lord Krsna. What kind of love is this. He has taken away my heart and mind. Yet in return He has given nothing.

What is this liila - in a flash I lost everything. I will not be deterred by any obstacles. I will continue looking high and low for Him non-stop. I will go on searching for my most loving Lord Krsna - my Life of life and Polestar...

Shiva & Krsna PS songs are not for Ananda Margiis

Note: This above Prabhat Samgiita composition is for non-margiis. So we Ananda Margiis should learn these types of songs so that we can present and teach them to non-margiis. The Ista of Ananda Margiis is neither Krsna nor Shiva. So committed and dedicated Ananda Margiis know that using these Krsna / Shiva Prabhat Samgiita compositions for their own personal, spiritual practices is very detrimental and harmful.

In multiple discourses, Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that Ista should be one not many, and that is what He is teaching in this following analogy about the mythological bhakta Hanuman. Ananda Marga philosophy conveys the story of the mythological bhakta Hanuman who would only worship Rama - not . When in problem, Hanuman could have repeated the names of so many other gods like Narayan, Krsna, Shiva, Vishnu etc, but he only repeated the name of Rama - not any other. In the same way, a sadhaka of Ananda Marga should only repeat and call the name of Sadguru Baba, not any other entity. That is what is meant by strictness in Ista, i.e. never waver in one's faith towards the Parama Purusa, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Regardless of whether one appeals to the Semitic faiths, prays to nature, or any other kind of worship, if one surrenders to any other conception of the Divine - other than Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji - then one is lacking on the point of Ista. Keeping photos of other so-called gods and goddesses on the puja table or in the house, singing Prabhat Samgiita to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna during one's own spiritual practices, or honouring other Deities in any way undermines one's ability to observe non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista. Everyone knows that Ista is the point #10 of Sixteen Points and Sixteen Points is the backbone of spiritual life. Those chanting the names of multiple entities are trying to stand on two boats at the same time. They will surely drown.

Of course, everybody knows that Parama Purusa is one.

== Section 3: Links ==

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