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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tips in AMPS + 2 more


Tips in AMPS


Ananda Marga philosophy does not support or appreciate the tipping system as it undermines the fabric of society, or any community or organisation. In essence, tips are no different from bribes, whereby preferential treatment is given, or a particular work is done in exchange for money etc. That is what bribes are all about.

Unfortunately, practically speaking, bribes have become a way of life for certain central workers and some other wholetime workers in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Here are a few ways tipping / offering bribes has come to the fore in AMPS organisational life.
(a) To become a tattvika or family acarya, one must give a tip;
(b) To get a high posting, one must give a tip;
(c) To get a so-called marriage blessing from PP dada, one must give a tip;
(d) To get a "spiritual boon" from dadas, then one must give a tip;
(e) To be received honourably at a gathering or event, one must give a tip etc.

Why tip & not donation

How do we know these tips are actually bribes and not donations? A bribe is when preferential treatment is given in exchange of money. A financial donation is when there is no play of favouritism, and when the money given is not "attached" with a particular work. In each of the below case examples, it will be shown how certain Wts are taking bribes, not donations. Read the following and the matter will be perfectly clear. Here is a semi-exhaustive list of things in AMPS that have demanded a bribe.

Case examples: tips / bribes in AMPS

1. Arranging Marriage: Some degraded Wts will only help families in arranging a marriage if they are handsomely tipped for their efforts. In fact for some workers, they have turned this into a full-time business. That is how lucrative it has become. In contrast, if there is a poor family that does not have money to give then those Wts will not help them in arranging a marriage. That is how we know the money those degraded Wts are accepting is a bribe and not a donation.

The money received would be a donation if such Wts were helping all - regardless of whether they had money or not. But as soon as the pattern is established that those who give money receive help in arranging marriages while those who are unable to give money do not receive help, then it is a clear-cut case of a bribe. Those Wts are doing this in exchange of money, whereas a service mentality is needed to accept a donation. In the case of donations, those Wts will do the requisite work for all marriageable parties independent of receiving money or not.

2. PP Marriage “Blessing”: Most understand that the post of PP is a social post and that PP Dada cannot bless anyone; even then degraded Wts have created tremendous hype over getting PP's so-called marriage blessing and they charge huge monies for this. Without giving a big bribe, one will never get his so-called blessing. If this "blessing" by PP Dada was given to all who had revolutionary marriages then there would be no question of tipping. But since only those who pay can receive PP Dada's so-called-blessing then it is clear that it is based on the tipping system, i.e. bribery.

3. Lesson Revision / Giving Next Lesson: Baba has strictly mandated that there is no charge for initiation / sadhana lessons on the path of Ananda Marga. Yet some workers have abused their position whereby without bribing them they will not do lesson reviews or give them the next lesson etc. For instance, if a sincere sadhaka does not have the requisite funds then that Wt will overlook their lesson review, whereas if a fat-cat, pseudo-margii wants a lesson review then it will be done because the Wt knows he will get some money. If a wt were to do lesson reviews for all based on their level of interest in sadhana etc, then all funds received would be donations not tips. But the moment money dictates who gets a lesson review and who does not then it is a bribe. In such cases, there is a mutual understanding between the giver and the receiver that this money is associated with the granting of a particular favour, i.e. lesson review and giving the next lesson etc.

4. Shraddha Ceremony: At this very emotional and sentimental time when a family is mourning the loss of a loved one, certain Wts expect to be given a bribe for doing this ceremony. If they do not think that the family can afford to give them money then they will not come and perform the shraddha ceremony. Rather they will give some excuse and remain away. That is why the money they receive is a bribe and not a donation. Because there is partiality involved.

5. Kiirtan Attendance: There are some workers who will not come on-site for akhanda kiirtan if they are not ensured a generous bribe. And that is exactly why it is a bribe. If a comparatively smaller or less financially solvent unit requests Dadas to come then those workers will not attend - may or may not. But if a big, well-financed unit is holding a kiirtan program then degraded Wts will be eager to attend because they know they will be bribed handsomely.

More examples of bribes in AMPS life

And there are many more arenas that are governed by the tipping system nowadays. Such is the unfortunate state of affairs. Here are some further examples.

6. Bhukti Pradhan / Bhukti Committee: In some cases, central workers and influential dadas campaign for and advocate their tippers for getting the post of bhukti pradhan. Ultimately there is a margii election, but central workers have been known to dispose of elected BPs and pressurise units into putting a particular person - i.e. monied person - into the chair. There are many recent cases of this where those giving funds (i.e. bribes) to central workers get to become BP, or members of the bhukti committee.

7. Bribing for all occasions: Having baby naming ceremonies performed, getting special or even normal accommodations in AMPS gatherings, attaining acaryaship, avadhutaship, and purodhaship and much more. Nearly every spectrum of life has been affected in this way.

8. Being a stooge is a form of bribery: By buttering up central workers, falsely praising them in public, and becoming a stooge, one can "get things done" in AMPS, i.e. have a marriage arranged, get a VIP pass, or earn their favour. So a bribe needn't always be money. False praise in public can also be a type of bribe and in return one may get special respect, or receive certain privileges like getting a particular post etc.

Mostly central Wts operate off of bribes

Here it should be noted that some so-called Wts are plunged in receiving bribes. Here we are only talking about a prevalent trend related with central workers and some other Wts. By their behaviour one can tell. If they are not giving proper care and regard to all margiis - but giving extra respect to wealthy margiis - then it is sure they are operating based on tips. At the same time, there are many sincere workers who do not not consider taking money in this way. They are inspired by their own inner-heart feeling of wanting to serve humanity. They are not motivated by money like those central dadas. In that case, they do not operate within the tipping system. They are goaded by a service mentality wherein the money they receive is a donation. Unfortunately the modus operandi of those degraded Wts in powerful posts is bribes.


Indeed, to receive any kind of special services, prestige, support, or regard, then one must bribe. That is the unwritten rule these days in AMPS. If you bribe dadas, then all kinds of doors will be opened for you and you will be able to receive whatever you wish. That is why nowadays one's "merit" is based on the size of the tip.

Merit is no longer based on sadhana, service, or sacrifice; nor is it based on following yama and niyama or 16 Points. The all-important tip or financial offering / bribe is what allows one to receive favours, gain recognition, or walk in the upper echelons of AMPS society.

Thus, in theory our Ananda Marga is wholly against the notion of giving a bribe; tragically, bribing has become the operative factor in getting whatever you want these days in AMPS.

Whatever you call it - tip or bribe - it is rampant now in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha life. To get anything done, or gain prestige, or get a post like family acaryahip or tattvika, or so many things, it all depends upon the bribe, or financial offering. This is the very unfortunate state of affairs. And it is this trend which must be halted and ultimately reversed.

in Him,

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Feeling of great bhakta

“Shunechi tumi dayálu, káje keno anya dekhi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2125)


O’ my Parama Purusa, I have heard that You are the merciful One. Why then by Your actions and by Your dealings do I see something different. For You, my eyes are showering; my days are passing in calling and longing for You. But I am not seeing You anywhere.  

O’ Supreme One, You know that I love You and that although I am meagre, but even then I am Your tiny particle. The agony of the unit is the pain of the Cosmic; the suffering of this small living being is rooted in the anguish of the vast Parama Purusa. Don't You understand this simple truth?

O’ loving One, go on doing whatever You wish. My only request is that You keep me along with You. The sorrow and grief of my heart and the torment of my mind cannot be healed or forgotten by Your various justifications and lame excuses. They cannot be appeased or consoled merely by Your sympathetic words from a distance. Now I want Your proximity and closeness.
O’ Baba, I heard from other bhaktas that You are love-personified and all-merciful. I heard that You are caring towards others. But when dealing with me I see something different. Please come before me...

== Section 3: Links ==

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