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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Worshipers of opposite sex + 2 more


Worshipers of opposite sex


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes and sins of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand on key events. Please read this below piece that clearly highlights how the superficial and degrading beauty tips that some Wts are using are against AM ideology and not part of our AM way of life. This piece was first posted in 2013 on this network, yet this degenerating and indulgent behaviours is still prevalent amongst some Wts in our AMPS.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: this letter was initially posted on 26 April 2013.


Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


In the past, long ago, our wholetimers were ensconced in the ideals of sadhana, service, and sacrifice. Our Wt monks were glorified in this way - that was their beauty and charm. Unfortunately, now many workers have turned to cosmetics and beauty parlors to shine themselves. This is the height of superficiality. This is a shocking state of degeneration. Such is the dominance and allurement of materialism that even our Wts have gotten involved in this way. Their dharmic role is to bring others onto the path of spirituality, but instead the opposite has occurred.

In India and in many nations, a few decades back, gray hair was looked upon as being very respectful. People were respected for their longevity and knowledge. But now the era has changed; everything has been turned upside-down. In so many places, hair dying has become common - even a national trend due to the extreme rise of materialism. It seems that the samaj gurus have become blind; then how can they help others from falling in the ditch of materialism. It is our duty to save them and show the right path that superficial beauty is not everything - only Parama Purusa is everything.

Trim beard to attract opposite sex

Tragically, many of our Wts are just projecting themselves as something they are not. They are 40 to 90 years old with gray or even white hair, yet they are dyeing their hair to make themselves look like they are 20 or 30. This is the sad and hypocritical display going on. And on those days when they forget or do not have time to dye their hair, then at the root where new hair grows it is completely gray or even white. That is how it peeps out. This is the proof of their hypocritical dealing.

So many came onto the path of Ananda Marga with great aspirations to serve, and do something for humanity etc, but some got involved in something else. Instead of self-sacrifice, they became embroiled in self-indulgence. They want to look young to attract the opposite sex. Most often if someone is colouring and dyeing their hair, and / or trimming their beard, or if didis are keeping long hair, the motivating reason is to look good for the opposite sex. That is the idea hovering in their mind. Otherwise what is the need to dye one’s hair. Altogether it is sad and degenerating what is going on with some of our Wts. They will degenerate into various types of microvita.

Some get gray hair and become mortified. But that should not be the approach for sadhakas of Ananda Marga, and especially not our wholetimer male Wts and female Wts.

Gray hair is helpful reminder of my mortality

When the topic of having gray hair arises, people should think in this way:

I am not worried about my gray hair; I am concerned about my entire existence. This world is temporary - those who have been born are going to die. Life is short. Everyone will die and one day I too will die - that day can come at any time. I have no control over this.

Although I am in good health, by Baba's grace, even then this body is temporary - anytime I can die. That my hair is gray is a helpful reminder to me that this life is ephemeral - this body is very temporary. I may not see tomorrow's sunrise. Yet I have many works to complete before I die. That is my main concern - not whether my hair is gray or not. Rather this gray hair helps me in my endeavor as it reminds me that I am not going to remain here permanently, forever.

Those ignorant people who give so much importance to the external colours are preya + ashreyii (worshipers of preya). With our wholetimer workers, there should not be any complex about having gray hair. They should not waste their valuable time worrying about this when they can instead vigorously involve themselves in dharmic work.

Foolish remain awe-struck at sight of sanyásii's saffron garb

Muŕmuŕháye jat́á báŕáye mast phire jaesá bhaesá
Upar Khák lágáye man jyaesá ká taesá.

[Some people shave their heads, wear long beards, and move like big buffaloes; they smear their bodies with ashes, but internally their minds remain unchanged.]

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Man ná ráuṋáiyá, ráuṋáile yogi kápŕá [“Instead of colouring your mind you simply dyed your cloth, O yogi!”]. These are useless pursuits." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Attraction of an “endearing features” or a pleasing form confuses the general mass even more. The attraction of a pleasing form cannot be so easily eradicated by discriminating judgment as the “affectional attraction.” It is for this reason that many knaves in the gard of sádhus are being worshipped in today's society. Their bestial mentality that is well-hidden behind their ashes, matted locks, tiger-skin and kuańdala, the common people cannot and do not want to discern. They merely remain awe-struck at the sight of a sanyásii's saffron garb. When to speak of ignorant people – even so-called intellectual and refined people under the spell of superficial charm, very often become involved in crude, antisocial activities." (2)

In Him,

Trimming beard: This applies to Wts working in India; they have no need to trim the beard.

~ In-depth study ~

Why Wts do like this

The basic motivation behind dyeing one's hair etc is to highlight and show oneself in a manner based on superficial beauty. But one should not forget that the mind is one. If anyone is highlighting themselves then their entire existence is focused on their own petty I-feeling and not Parama Purusa. By that way, their mind becomes smaller and smaller. That will lead them along the path of negative pratisaincara - i.e. the path of degeneration.

As one thinks, so one becomes. If one indulges in their own petty I-feeling, their mind will become narrower and still more narrow. That is the practical science and that is what happens to those engrossed in their own superficial beauty. Giving importance to one's own self on the path of spirituality is very bad. That is why such types of activities that make the mind self-engrossed are antithetical for spiritual progress. No right-minded person - let alone one of our Wts - should destroy their future in this way.

How opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting

Every Ananda Margii should be keenly aware. Many Wts are resorting to cosmetic beauty treatments nowadays. In that case, do not give financial donations to those Wts as they may misuse your money for their superficial beauty.

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). The donor will incur negative samskara - that is Baba's strict warning. Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hands.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused. The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service...Therefore, you will have to ascertain with discrimination where your responsibility lies and to what extent; otherwise all your time, energy and labour employed in tapah will be in vain...because in such cases you do not make the proper use of objects." (3)

We should all pay heed to Baba's above guideline about tapah and serving others. If our donations do not reach the right person or party, and instead some Dada or Didi is using those funds for superficial beauty appointments etc, then we ourselves are to be held accountable. If we fail to ensure that our donation is used to serve those in need, then that service or donation is meaningless. With a good heart many in Ananda Marga wish to serve those in need, but unfortunately their efforts will be in vain if their donations do not reach suffering humanity. Verily those kind-hearted donors are responsible - in part - for this impropriety. That is Baba's warning. 

Wts means both male wts & female Wts

All should bear in mind that this letter is directed towards both male wts and female Wts. The term wholetimers or WTs is common gender. So just because this topic deals with cosmetic beauty etc, one should not draw the wrong conclusion and think only our female Wts are involved in these unfortunate activities - male wts are also involved.

Here I am giving just one example in hopes that by this way others will stop dyeing their hair. Otherwise, more names will be given in the future.

Ac Rudrayamalananda Avt used to dye his hair in hopes of attracting someone from the opposite sex. And that is exactly what happened. At the age of 59+ he left his wt ship, turned in his clothes, and employed himself in the redlight area as a pimp. So Rudrayamalanandji dug his grave, and it all began with colouring hair for superficial reasons.

More names released in next letter

There are dozens and dozens of Wts who colour their hair - there are so many tales - who, why, what. In the future the names of female Wts will be given - along with the names of more male wts. Because there are numerous Dada who dye both their beard and hair. The benefit for them is that if they rectify themselves of this problem beforehand they can regain their dharmic footing and their name will not be included for public distribution. So they can still mend their ways. That would be the best outcome.

Saving that, if anyone sees one of our Wts dyeing their hair, please take a photo of them and submit it here. That will help rid the problem permanently from our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

What will be next? lips? body piercing? ka’jal, lipstick, tattoos?

Seeing wts colouring their hair, I become surprised and think, when will the day come when they colour their nails, lips, eyes, or other body parts. Or when will they pierce their nose, ears, or other parts and use ring ornaments to beautify themselves; or when will they get a tattoo? These are the types of thoughts that arise by seeing our Wts succumb to the materialistic temptation of colouring their hair. Not only that, when will they get a facelift, or start using botox, or resort to other types of cosmetic surgery and procedures to "beautify" themselves.

These wts degrade into microvita

Again, there are some Wts who are indulged dyeing their hair. And in future letters, we will post the names of other wts who are indulged in this way - some of these Wts are male and some are female. Regardless of the gender, any Wt involved in this way sadly degrade and and forced to suffer as microvita:

(Note: Devayonis are microvita; they are not something great, rather degraded.)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "They prayed to Parama Puruśa for beauty instead of for Parama Puruśa Himself. Such people, after their demise, attain the status of kinnara devayonis." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The third category of devayoni is called kinnara. People who have an extraordinary fascination for beauty become kinnaras after death. They have an immense weakness for fashionable clothes, expensive ornaments and so on for they believe that if they are well dressed they will be treated as gods." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Kinnara. “Bábá has given me everything, but I am not good-looking. I want to be very good-looking, so that people will say – No, no, no, it is very bad.” Such good persons, good souls (and they are good people, not ordinary people) after death also acquire this type of three-elemented body. They are called kinnara." (6)

Why not waiting until old age

Neohumanism states, “An honest person should never resort to hypocrisy in any sphere of life.” (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “There is no place in a devotee’s life for hypocrisy – the devotee’s thoughts, words and actions will never be contradictory. These simple and straightforward people will say what they think and do what they say.” (8)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The human body is the rarest of all, and thus the most difficult to acquire. Only after passing through millions of lives, through constant clash and cohesion, does one attain a human body. Human life is rare, but rarer still is the person who has realized the meaning of life through spiritual practice. Thus, Narada, human beings should start spiritual practices as early as possible in their lives. They should not waste time by waiting until old age. That would not be wise. Hence it has been said, “Durlabham' mánuśam' janma tadapyadhruamurthadam”." (9)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Path of Salvation
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Tapah Chapter
4. Microvita in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
5. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 6, Ekendriya – 1
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Ghosts & Evil Spirits
7. Liberation of Intellect – Neo-Humanism, Disc: 7
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Earlier One Starts Dharma Sádhaná the Better

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What about offering sweets

“Prárthanárcaná mátraeva bhramamúlam.” (1)

Note: If one makes an external offering (fruit, garland, sweets etc) to Parama Purusa with the hope or expectation of getting something mundane in return, then that is the dogma of arcana. Arcana Is forbidden in AM.

Whereas, when someone offers something material (fruit, garland, sweets etc) to Parama Purusa with love and affection and does not desire anything in return then it is not arcana. Rather, that is in accordance with AM teachings. And indeed, this type of offering is quite common and natural in mundane relations as well.

1. Ananda Sutram, 3-11

== Section 2: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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