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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Covert way to self-glorify + 3 more


Covert way to self-glorify


The "Bhagavan Anandamurti" book is the book Narada wrote while in jail. Now, years after the publication of this book, margiis are able to perceive, understand, and recognise Narada's blunder, as well as the distinct danger of jumping into writing a book before a person has matured in their knowledge and spiritual realisation.

Mistakes apparent in the book

While many people may have gotten the wrong understanding about Baba from Narada’s book, but all of the more intelligent margiis I spoke with in my unit understood all the errors. They did not get led astray by Narada's erroneous publication.

This book has always given me an uncomfortable feeling for several reasons. Firstly, I felt that in the guise of writing about Guru, this book was written primarily so Narada could talk about himself. That is very discernible and apparent to any reader. Many have mentioned this when speaking about this book.

Next, Narada wrote this book to share how Guru is a great yogi. But due to Narada's own limited understanding, he defines our Sadguru as being merely a bhagavan, as he felt that this was the highest way to describe a spiritually realised being. Narada clearly did not take the advice or guidance from any senior acarya with more understanding of Baba as Sadguru and the spiritual realm. Nor had he grasped from his svadyaya of Baba's books the distinctions regarding the absolute and infinite nature of Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We see that Parama Puruśa is both Iishvara and Bhagaván, and something more than that.” (1)

To use "Bhagavan Anandamurti" as the title of a book - published for both the public as well as margiis - was his own ignorance and his arrogance. He defied the saying of “going where 'angels' fear to tread”, or where those wiser than he would not want to venture. To attempt to define Baba, in this limited way, is clearly giving the wrong idea to readers, and influencing their minds in the wrong direction.

Dog analogy

If a dog started talking about its master it cannot say that its master is a great dog. That is not the right way to describe the master. But the dog cannot say more than that due to his own limitation. This we all understand.

But in the case of Narada, his intention was not even like that of the dog. The dog's pure intention was to glorify its master; but Narada's intention was to glorify himself. It is the same as when people give money to a temple with the sole motive of getting their name engraved into one of the stones in the main hall of the temple for being "a great benefactor."

Is the book garbage?

Should we think that this book is complete garbage? No, the book was certainly a vehicle for Narada to describe his spiritual experiences while in jail on false charges, when he was suffering extreme frustration and desperation - which was natural.

It is true that those days Baba did grace him with some special experiences to help sustain him and his sadhana. The changes in his mind and the renewal of his energy for enduring the injustices felt by Narada were not his own strength of mind. Rather they were the result of Baba's extraordinary compassion for His beloved disciple. It is Baba's Greatness, not ours.

I do not think Narada gets this important distinction across in the book. Rather on this critical matter he lost the sincerity of a humble bhakta. Instead he brags as if because of his greatness all this happened - not because of the greatness of Parama Purusa. That mind-set is a degenerated state according to AM philosophy.

Any feelings and experiences we get in sadhana are exclusively the grace of Baba - not our greatness. That is why one does not have the right to brag about their sadhana and spiritual dreams. The moment you brag degeneration occurs. This all happens because one does not have feelings of surrender to Guru; instead, their mind is busy thinking about their own greatness and not that of Parama Purusa.

Make a favourable impression on readers

By his writing, one person commented to me that readers could get the impression that Narada had these spiritual experiences because he is a very high spiritual being. Many people would think he was a saint and that they, being ordinary, could never get such experiences.

Verily this assessment is true. Many people who have read this book have said that Narada must be very high and special.  And I personally know that on the strength of having this book published in his name, Narada's reputation has been greatly enhanced in the eyes of many people in AMPS, which gives him a lot of prestige. If this was the motive then it proves that the name and title is just bogus camouflage.

My objection here is that the emphasis and importance of writing a book about one's spiritual experiences must be on the grace of Baba, Parama Purusa. Being His child, such a book is for my own encouragement and upliftment, and for facilitating my spiritual progress.

If one is to write at all about these things, that are very personal, one has to take care that the emphasis is on Baba's mercy, His Love, His sweet care. That should be the core idea, not praising oneself.

Will Narada realise his mistake

In writing such a book, if one does not glorify Parama Purua then they are a cheat. They are being duplicitous. When the goal is to write and spread one's own greatness, then planning to write a Baba's book on His magnificence is hypocrisy because one is just doing this to earn money and garner praise. All done by exploiting sentiment of simple margiis.

With any attempt to describe Parama Purusa Baba, one has to be conscious of the inherent problem.

Vyasa Deva felt after writing the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Giita, that he had committed a huge blunder for even attempting to describe Krsna and His powers and attibute. Vyasa Deva was remorseful for attempting to describe, portray, the indescribable - the Infinite One.

Maybe by the end of his life Narada will realise his mistake of undermining Baba's greatness by calling Him just bhagavan, and maybe Narada will repent his big mistake.

Concluding words

Every Ananda Margii I am sure has had the realisation from their own Baba dreams or spiritual experiences, that such experiences are certainly 100% His causeless grace.

"I feel so uplifted and inspired and full of light and blissful energy, after such an occurrence and it was really nothing I did."

This is the feeling of any sadhaka because bhaktas feel everything is entirely Baba's divine krpa', and due to His grace their love for Him increases and one is blessed with the longing to come closer to Him. On His loving lap He makes one feel that He is with them in all their difficulties and all their joys.

With this feeling, we feel we can handle anything so long as we feel His closeness, His presence in everything. By this way, with His infinite grace, our longing for Him is growing stronger.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We see that Parama Puruśa is both Iishvara and Bhagaván, and something more than that.” (2)

And this same idea is expressed in greater detail in the below Hindi teaching.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “अब देखो, कहा गया था पहले कि ईश्वर, भगवान, परमपुरुष ये सब हैं, इसमें ईश्वर में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में उतने तो अवश्य ही हैं; भगवान में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में तो उतना तो अवश्य ही हैं, मगर उसके अतिरिक्त भी हैं | तो, परमपुरुष, ईश्वर भी हैं, भगवान भी हैं, और उसके अतिरिक्त और भी कुछ हैं |” (3) (S10-06 (incomplete)DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur)

Ananda Mayii

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life -11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life -11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
3. S10-06 (incomplete) DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Still fresh in my mind

"Shrávańii purńimár kathá, áj mane paŕe…”  (Prabhat Samgiita #4954)


My Parama Purusa, today, the great tale of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is coming in my mind, in my heart. My Bandhu, the memory of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is floating in my mental plate. The glorious charm of that auspicious occasion is still fresh in my psychic temple when the grand play between staticity and divinity began.

That time, the sweet, fragrant air was saturated with the aroma of the night jasmine flower. It was permeating the entire atmosphere, and the sky was enveloped by clouds. This yuthika' blossom was full of nectar and supreme love. A gentle, mild breeze was blowing and various creatures like frogs were happily singing the chorus with great joy.

The grace of Supreme Consciousness acted upon the debased mind with the spiritual force of the ista mantra. On that very day of Shravanii Purnima, new sentient vibrations were created on this earth as the radiant effulgence pierced through the fog and the static darkness. The memory of that Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is still fresh in my mind, by Your grace.

Baba, on this observance of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima', I want only one thing from You - please bless me with parabhakti...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4954:

[1] The first stanza poetically narrates how when Kaliicharanji was blessed by receiving initiation then he started repeating his Ista mantra, and with the incantative power of the mantra his sleeping divinity was aroused.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to help those with eating disorders

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So, the psychological approach to the Ripus is to keep them under control and not allow them under any circumstances to go against a recognized code of social conduct. Some persons may be very greedy for food. It is just possible that they may die prematurely due to over-eating or indulging in prohibited foods. Intelligent people will keep the instinct of greed under control in such a way that they avoid getting any disease. Take the case of an alcoholic. Under the spell of liquor people become helpless victims to their habit. If they channelize their addiction into the ardent love of music, painting or any of the fine arts, the instinct of addiction will be gratified to some extent, and they will prevent any further harm to themselves." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Sin, Crime and Law

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Covert way to self-glorify
2. PS #4954: Still fresh in my mind
3. IT: 
How to help those with eating disorders

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