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Monday, July 29, 2019

Jackal's cry



Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand on key events. Please read this below letter as an historical account which was first posted just about twelve years ago on one of our related networks.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators


Jackal’s cry

Note 1: The following is a very important document about Ananda Marga scripture, i.e. Sadguru Baba’s discourses and audios, and the publication of Ananda Marga books. This document stands as a short history how the dogmas of (a) Bangalisation and (b) “Translated from original Bengali” started in 1991. And it also investigates what was behind this devious plan to distort Baba’s teaching. This letter furthermore explores how margiis started opposing these distortions, how false stories were created about those whistleblowers, and how those margii and Wt whistleblowers were attacked, humiliated, and expelled, etc. This document is very important for those interested in this very vital point of saving the discourses of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Note 2: Bear in mind that sometimes the truth is bitter. The tone and language of the below letter has been kept as is to preserve its original presentation. This letter contains highly sensitive material. Those who do not want to know the truth should not read; and, if you are blindly supporting any group then also do not read it.


Recently one jinani mouthpiece has been slinging outlandish lies through his tinsel teeth and jackal-like cry in order to save his groupist bosses and show himself as being the "savior of Baba's scriptures". But with even a wee-bit of oxygen in the brain, anyone can see that what this jinani is proclaiming is just a bunch of manipulative falsehoods-- all done to cover up his favoured group camp's agenda to permanently ruin Baba's scripture.

So this jinani's tirade is nothing but one conspiracy to mislead margiis and cover-up groupist wrongdoing and distortions done to our AM scripture. And from the backside, this jinani puppet is being propped up by a notorious groupist kingpin who pays for this jinani's each and every aspect of his existence in exchange for such puppet-like displays.

Just one groupist conspiracy (part 1)

At present-- as in the past-- this group is proving that they will falsely target anyone and everyone who tries to expose their own wrongdoing and misdeeds concerning Baba's scripture.

Because it is this group-- led by Sarvatmananda-- that is infamous and notorious for deleting Baba's precious words from our AM books, and it is this group that is infamous and notorious for falsely writing, 'Translating from the original Bengali' on the cover page of all our AM publications, and it is this group that still today is executing their deceitful plan (see note 1) to have all Baba's words translated from Bengali instead of using the original language in which Baba spoke. All this nonsense and harm is being done by one particular factional camp.

Plus this is also the same camp that single-handedly destroyed Baba's original BP manual; this is also the same camp that first invented expulsion as a weapon; this is also the same camp that has sidelined and victimised countless innocent margiis; this is also the same camp that first invented Fake Ananda Vaniis; this is also the same camp that has ripped margii rights to shreds; and verily so many nonsense things this same vile camp has done, as these are also the very murderers who brutally beat and killed our dear Dada Abhipremananda in Ananda Nagar in broad daylight.

So now, (a) sunk in their own misdeeds that include widespread, intentional scriptural distortions to our AM books, and (b) in a reckless attempt to redeem themselves, this factional army has ordered their purchased jinani to publicly cry out loudly like one jackal. And what is it that this jinani is howling about. Specifically, this purchased man-- ie. this bought-out jinani-- is falsely howling how 'Maniishananda Dada stole from 1970-1990 all of the original discourse cassettes from PA'. This is the ridiculous and foolish yelp that is emanating from one of this jinani's orifice-- who just seems to have awakened now, 26 years later.

And again this is all being put forth because one group wants to divert public attention away from the real sins & distortions which they themselves have done to Baba's holy scripture. So their entire scheme is just one ploy to save themselves from their dreadful past as well as to pave the way to do more distortions in the future.

Just one groupist conspiracy (part 2)

Because for years and years this groupist camp has been up to their ears in doing scriptural distortions to Baba's divine books in order to put forth their false claim that Bengal is #1-- and towers above all others. That is why it is their on-going crooked agenda to again and again repeat that all Baba's discourses come from the original Bangla. That is the cry of such hooligans. They printed such falsehoods in the past and they are doing so at present.

And whenever anyone has come forward to expose their misdeeds and protest their unrighteous methods-- as Dada M has done-- then this group's planned response is to conspire against that person. Just like how in the past they expelled Dada M for nothing more than writing a circular about scriptural distortions which B group did. That is their tactic-- to gangpile and abuse those who raise valid points. And this same thing they doing now. And they do so by purchasing one jinani to put forth the false claim that the original cassettes were stolen.

And this is exactly why this whole conspiracy has come to the surface now. Just because recently brother Devesh ji of Mumbai raised the issue of scriptural distortion on one network and then one jinani and some others quickly wrote to shut him down etc. All done on the orders and wishes of Sarvatmananda.

This they do in order to divert margiis' attention from the real problem at hand-- i.e. the scriptural distortions which they themselves are committing. And by this tricky method, whenever anyone makes a claim that any book is incorrect, then they have their ready-made plan to attack that person.

All in all this is nothing but the height of hypocrisy. Because these groupist pranksters are keeping the original cassettes, they are printing the books, and they are infusing also sorts of manipulations and distortions etc. So they are criminals and are liars. Because they publish AM books according to their lowly groupist standard, and then when any offers a rational query about the way it was done, then those groupists hoo, howl, and cry how all the cassettes were stolen. This they do in order divert from the main issue of scriptural distortion.

Same type of conspiracy the communists were doing

And this same type of manipulative trick the communists have done countless times against our Marga.

Example #1

1. For example, in 1982, the communists were well aware the we had our AM children homes so they made a big public brouhaha about how Ananda Margiis are child-lifters and by that way they duped the public and murdered 18 of our revered avadhutas in the street in broad daylight. So the communists twisted and turned the situation in such a way with their concocted lies that the public became confused and then those communists unleashed their horrendous and villainous attack on our Dadas.

Likewise, nowadays if any margii has any cassette cassette then points out discrepancies between Baba's spoken words and the printed book, then those ranking groupists say that the margii stole the original cassette. All done to make them look like a thief and divert the issue.

Ultimately, when Devesh ji type of margiis from Mumbai or other similar types of margiis from around the globe raise any issue about scriptural distortion, then they should be encouraged for raising this matter as it is an attempt to make things better. This is the way they should be treated. But instead those top dogs just push him down in the mud and accuse him of being  one member of the thief's party. Naturally then, those margiis watching from behind their computer screens become scared to say anything lest they also be branded as a thief.

But such groupists will not get success with their dastardly technique for long because the standard of margiis is much, much higher than the general public. So although the communists could dupe the general public, the groupists who are distorting Baba's books will not be able to hoodwink or scare the margii public for very long.

Example #2

2. Here is another instance of how the communists used ploys to turn people against the Marga and ravage our AMPS. In Ananda Nagar, the dirty communists spread lies and rumours how AMPS is just a bunch of land-grabbers and by that way they mobilised so many villagers against us. When in reality our Marga was building hospitals and schools for the welfare of the local people. But the communists twisted things in their favour by scaring the villagers into thinking we were going to take their land.

Similarly those margiis reading the books and comparing what they have with those cassettes in their possession do not want to write anything lest they be openly attacked and abused of being a thief.

When truth be known, any sincere margii will invariably have various articles of Baba including copies of His darshan cassettes which they carefully collected & preserved over the years because of their great love for Guru. And they collected and purchased these from Centre as well. But now because of fear, margiis are not writing because they see that when Devesh ji courageously came forward then he got viciously attacked and the whole matter got diverted.

Example #3

3. And one third incident of false communist propaganda against our Marga occurred when Mrs Indira Gandhi put all margiis in jail because she said 'margiis are criminals & killers as they keep skulls'. This is was yet another fabricated account that had no sense but she duped the gullible public and by that way launched a terrible onslaught against AM. When in fact, those skulls are used for the practice of dharma sadhana. So see how Mrs Gandhi falsely created a scene.

So then guess where Sarvatmananda learned how to hatch one conspiracy after another. That's right you guessed it. He was a member of the communist party and that is where he got such grand ideas. And this is not the first time he is engaged in such type of conspiracy theories. Who can forget how in those days of 1970 how Sarvatmananda conspired against our Baba by joining the ranks of the CBI.

Thus this groupist kingpin has a storied and colourful past so it comes as no surprise when he has unleashed this latest conspiracy by employing one howling jinani to put forth false and fake propaganda that someone stole the original cassettes.

So now when any margii sincerely writes about improving the quality and accuracy of our AM books, then that sincere margiis gets accused of being a party of the thief. In that way they are told to shut their mouth and hide in fear so that the top groupists can move ahead in the fake Bengalisation of Baba's authentic discourses which He has graciously given in so many languages.

Innocent teamsters created

It is unfortunate that 22 or 24 helpers in Tiljala's newly restructured publications team are convinced that Bangla should be treated as the master transcription irregardless of what language Baba original spoke. This is the way they have hoodwinked certain innocent and naive margiis who in their heart want to do something great for Baba.

So again this type of confusion will not last long. Margiis are sharp and want to do what is right for Baba and not get duped into any groupist powerplay.

A point of dharma: print Baba's discourses "as is"

Those who are diverting the issue of scriptural distortions and accusing others of stealing the cassettes are adharmikas and have the negative intention to destroy Baba things.

But we will not allow them to move ahead with their deranged plan. Our goal is to bring Baba's discourses "as is" in the original language in which they were given and not allow any camp to say that they all come from "original Bangla".

Baba's blessing

By Baba's grace, in the very near future all our AM scriptures will come in proper form due to the untiring efforts and courage of so many margiis and wts.

Baba says, "Thus the scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (NSS, Disc: 14)

Note: After this letter was posted on Dec 2, 2007, brother Devesh ji wrote a letter to Dada Ramananda ji about the validity of B group’s claims and Dada Ramananda ji outrightly rejected B group's allegations as patently false.


End Note 1: Still pushing to railroad that it is really Bengali

Just the other day, one naive member of the B group publications team innocently wrote these following lines after getting confused & misguided by Sarvatmananda and Co that everything must come from the original Bengali. I do not think this person truly believes in their heart that it should be like this, but for the time being they are following along. See for yourself.

"the other thing that i was told is that BABA wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other languages. this is what i have been told again by some old WTs."

(Note: The above was written by Gayattrii, i.e. Garda Ghista, who was part of B group's overseas publications team those days. She used to receive material direct from Dada Sarvatmanandji., the Publications Secy (Tiljala).)

So this is what one member of the B group publications (Gayattrii Didi) team innocently wrote.

But which rational person can really think that all the words which Baba spoke in any language-- whether it be Hindi, English, German, Spanish, Bhojpuri, Oriya, etc-- should then be translated into Bengali and then be re-translated back into that original language from Bangla. This is just pure foolishness to do like this. Yet that is exactly what the B group teamsters are preaching day and night-- and along the way some of their innocent helpers have been duped.

When really our approach should be to transcribe Hindi discourses directly into Hindi, and English discourses directly into English. And so on and so on. What is the need to translate into Bengali and then translated back into the original language from the Bengali. This will only be one false show that will invariably led to innumerable errors. And that is what we are seeing today.

All in all, this fight  has been going on for 26 yrs - since 1990 the Tiljala crew has been arguing that all Guru's words must come from the so-called "original Bengali". And verily Dada Maniishananda was expelled over this very point because he was protesting this falsehood in his circulars. But it is still a sore issue. Because today Dada M is nowhere to be seen yet still his ghost is lingering as one phobia in the mind of those top B group Dadas such that if an innocent or dharmic margii questions the matter about translating from the original Bengali, then that dharmic margii is automatically branded as being a disciple of Dada M and attacked and vilified to the bone as being a member of the thief's party.

So see how B group has brainwashed people into ganging up on and attacking anyone who accuses them of scriptural distortion. Without investigating the veracity of the distortion, innocent B group followers accuse the dharmic margii of having stolen cassettes, directly or indirectly.

But in a short while, all margiis in all corners of the globe will come to know the truth and they will not be duped by Sarvatmananda's silly play of false logic. They will see those distortions for what they are and come forward to make Baba's scripture perfect.

End Note 2: Who is that mouthpiece jinani

By now many of you may know that the jinani mouthpiece who is the tool of the mastermind Sarvatmananda and who eats breadcrumbs out of the hand of Pranavatmakananda is none other than Bhaskarananda. He is the fellow they have brought forward to create this messy ordeal and protect B group's interests.

== Section 2: Links ==

Poor way to do pracara + 2 more

Poor way to do pracara


Baba guides us to bring the native-born youths of a given land onto the path of AM ideology. Teaching AM ideology to aged, dogmatic idol worshipers is a tall task. Such elderly, Indian immigrants of Holland (the Netherlands) are steeped in their dogmas of old. The odds of any type of success are remote. That is why Baba guides us to bring the native-born youths of a given land onto the path of AM ideology.

In the below image, one Wt Dada is sitting in a hall in the Netherlands surrounded by dogmatic Hindu deities / idols and ritualistic worshipers.

Baba guides us to bring the local, native-born youths of a given land onto the path of AM ideology. In the above image, Dada Gatimayananda is sitting in a hall in the Netherlands surrounded by dogmatic Hindu deities / idols and ritualistic worshipers.

Baba guides us to target the idealistic youths and bring them onto the path of AM because their minds are not polluted by dogma. Old people cannot give up their dogma and wholly embrace the dharmic ideals of Ananda Marga.

In Him,
Shuddha Deva

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Way to avoid constipation

Ananda Marga health guideline: “Straining at stool often aggravates the disease. Remember that without constipation and defective functioning of the liver one can never suffer from piles.” (1)

Ananda Marga health guideline: “A hernia patient should also remember to maintain a slight but continuous feeling of hunger. Hernia patients should get out of the habit of straining while defecating.” (2)

Ananda Marga health guideline: ​”​Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a tridośaja disease [involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha]. This disease is a combined effect of many different factors. It is ordinarily observed that persons who suffer from constipation as a result of violating the health rules, and who likewise are lazy, lack self-restraint, sleep during the day and keep late nights, are most likely to be attacked by cancer.” (3)

In most western countries a type of toilet seat  is widely used where one sits on it like a chair at the desk, but that causes constipation and related diseases. If you see animals, you will notice that they defecate in a half-seated / squatting postures. The best natural and anatomical position for humans is to defecate in a squatting postures. That is the natural position and will ward off constipation.

Those using an Indian sanitary pan - as displayed below on the right are already doing from a squatting position. And on the left is how to do using a western style toilet.

1. Yogic Treatments, Haemorrhoids
2. Yogic Treatments, Hernia
3. Yogic Treatments, Cancer

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. News: 
Poor way to do pracara
IT: Way to avoid constipation

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