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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Didis "drowned" in Hollywood


Note: If you arrived here from the email, kindly scroll all the way down to view the full-length marriage dance hall videos.

Didis "drowned" in Hollywood


At this marriage festivities, one of the absolutely worst things was that the other children from our children’s home were indulged in pseudo-culture dancing to cinema music. It is shocking that our in-charge Didis could never guide those home girls how to grow up according to the ethics of tantra. Here the children are not to be blamed; full responsibility lands on the head of those Wt Didis who could not fulfil their duties properly. Top billing goes to Ananda Dyotona as she is a veritable tyrant and dictator of the children’s home as this didi (Ananda Dyotona) is a purodha and has been global children’s home secretary for years and years. So full responsibility for this mess lands squarely on Ananda Dyotona. Those Didis themselves are debauched and hence they allowed our children’s homes to become the nesting ground of pseudo-culture. At this pseudo-culture dance, children home girls, a few women, some men and, boys shaking their hips, rear, and top on the dance floor in Hollywood fashion.

Video clips: pseudo-culture marriage dance scene

Attached please find three videos that show the type of sensual, degraded, hip-shaking, filmy dance antics that were rampant at then this marriage festivities. Here it should be noted that this all occurred under the watch and purview of Ananda Dyotona. It is so sad how our home girls have become adjusted and indoctrinated into this trashy, pseudo-culture dance - through no fault of their own. The kids are innocent, while purodha and children's home secretary Ananda Dyotona is the one whose feet need to be held to the fire on this.

Sadguru Baba strictly warns not to get caught up in the whirlpool of animalistic, pseudo-culture song and dance.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "“ra, ra, ra – cha, cha, cha,”...Let us sing and dance our way to hell.”" (1)
  • Filmy Dance Clip #1 (23 sec): This clip from the wedding festivities shows the young girls shaking and dancing. In particular the young woman in red begins gyrating her hips and rear at the four-second mark, and then the female in black with a tan scarf begins hip-hop dancing with her arms. This is all Hollywood.

  • Filmy Dance Clip #2 (28 sec): This clip features raucous co-ed dancing, culminating the man in yellow making blatant sexual innuendos to the females starting at 25-second mark.

  • Filmy Dance Clip #3 (19 sec): This clip shows lots and lots of whirling and twirling and rah-rah, showy movements, and then the young woman in the center back starts swiveling her hips and midsection - just like perverted disco dancing - at the 16-second mark.

And sadly, the whole dance hall like scene at this wedding is a page right out of Hollywood. The music is filmy and hip-hop style, not classical. And from the music, all become eager to show off their full sensuality as they have practiced and watched on countless youtube videos. Here the children and home girls are not at fault. Full blame is born on those Didis who allegedly orchestrated this entire event and watched it unfold. Not to mention, those top childrens home Didis utterly failed to impart dharmic teachings to the home girls. Rather those Didis themselves became the agents of spreading pseudo-culture. More about this is written below.

Kindly know the full filmy, sensual dance clips can be seen on the blog. A link has been appended further down in this email.

Sadguru Baba strictly warns not to get caught up in the whirlpool of animalistic, pseudo-culture song and dance.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "“ra, ra, ra – cha, cha, cha,”...Let us sing and dance our way to hell,”" (1)

This degenerated Didi Ananda Dyotona keeps adult boy and girls together in her children’s home in Kolkata. But no one in Ranchi administration dares say anything to her about this because Ananda Dyotona has the full support of Rudrananda in all these nasty activities.


This entire marriage gathering provides insight into how our top Wts are ruining our children home. As Baba guides us, our children’s homes are meant to be the tantric breeding grounds for creating dharmic sadhakas who grow up to become Wts for our Marga. Yet with Rudrananda and his stooge Madhuvratnanda at the helm, the exact opposite is going on. Our home girls and boys are led unto the cesspool of degenerated materialism.

Ananda Dyotana is global children home secretary and purodha, and she also is to be blamed for all these horrible things. Because of  their pseudo-culture upbrining, our home girls are running away with boys. In last few years, some girls from Ananda Dyotana children home ran away with street vendors. And lacking the proper leadership and guidance from our in-charge Didis, what the older girls do the younger ones follow. So our children home are in a dangerous situation. Instead of being taught the tantra of Ananda Marga and becoming dharmikas and Wts, they are drowning in the quagmire of degrading materialism and pseudo-culture.

In Him,
Anura’dha’ Singh

When all our home girls are indulged in filmy dancing and watching their fellow home girl get married, then how will those younger home girls become Wt? Sadly, this entire pseudo-culture scene unfolded under the nose of purodha and global secretary Ananda Dyotana, who was present at the marriage ceremony / festivities.

Long, dark shadow of Ananda Dyotona

 Since Didi Ananda Dyotona is the main in-charge we should explore what kind of shadow she casts over the children’s home. Firstly the whole world knows that Ananda Dyotona was the alleged sweetheart of Nigamananda. So her whole life Ananda Dyotona lived in that debauched manner and Ananda Dyotona trained the children in her mirror image. Ananda Dyotona encourages those lewd propensities and that is on display here at this marriage festivities.

To hide her weakness Ananda Dyotona tortures her juniors. Those who are sexually weak become more irritable. Ananda Dyotona hates her own gender and exploits those young home girls whereas Ananda Dyotona has special preference for her home boy alpha male, Shubham. The home girls do all house chores and act as servants for the alpha dog, i.e. Shubham, the veritable crowned king.

I do not want to go on further about all this as I do not want to take your precious time. Suffice to say you can imagine what low-grade, debased individuals do and don’t do. Ananda Dyotona knows how to befool others and earns money from around the globe in the name of her children’s home, but Ananda Dyotona allegedly keeps the money for her personal use / account. In that vain, at this recent marriage, Ananda Dyotona most probably garnered donations from both sides - the bride’s and the groom’s guardians and families etc. Didi Ananda Giita also indulged in this type of marriage-arranging business. But if you confront and challenge either Ananda Dyotona or Ananda Giita, then of course they are going to lie to you about this. In that case the way to catch them (Dyotona & Giita)  is to put a hidden camera for a sting operation. And then in follow-up, request reports the company / utility for copies of their phone records. Then you can see the myriad of text messages and phone calls for their marriage business dealings etc. Verily, you will be surprised that what we are writing here is just the tip of the iceberg. All in all, these malignant problems are rampant as they have has metastasized all over as Didi and Dada Wts are themselves allegedly debauched.

~ In-depth study ~

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Seduced by the bestial instincts hidden in the secret recesses of their minds, people surrender to base propensities. But improvements in education and the social environment can help to bring this beast under control and make it obey their commands. To achieve this the first thing people have to do is to wage war against their animal propensities, which is no easy task. So cunning exploiters, by encouraging animality, are able to bring people under their sway."
   "The cinema industry suffers from this malady. This industry is controlled by a handful of business persons who make films according to popular taste and demand. While ordinary people naturally run after those films which in their ideas, language or visual images cater to their base propensities, such ideas, language or images instantly distort the ideals of the idealist beyond recognition." (Human Society - 1, Education)

Home girl marriage: 10th October, 2018

One children’s home girl named Monika got married on 10th October 2018 in Bikaner, Rajsthan, India. Tragically, this marriage set a new low in AMPS.

Firstly, our home girls are to be goaded towards Wt life, but when in-charge Didis are themselves the agents of pseudo-culture then our home girls do not have a chance.

At this home girl wedding, the ceremony turned into a veritable, degrading, sensual, filmy dance hall. All done under the auspices of these Wt didis. Please read further for the details and video clips - only by knowing the problem can we hope to solve it, by His grace.

The following Didis were present at the marriage:

(a) The global children home secretory Ananda Dyotana,
(b) RSL Jaipur Ananda Utirna', DSL Bikaner Ananda Chitashrii,
(c) Allahabad RSL Ananda Jyasmita' (went there without TP)

Home boys and girls should be guided to be Wts

As per Sadguru Baba’s guideline, first and foremost our children home boys and girls should be inspired to become wholetimer workers of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. But sadly, nowadays that is not happening.

Rather, one child after another from our children’s homes is getting marriage. And the worst point is that these degenerated Didis are arranging those marriages.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C
2. Human Society - 1, Education

Full-length, lewd dance hall marriage videos

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C
2. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C
3. Human Society - 1, Education

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