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Monday, May 2, 2022

Mocking: asana + 5 more


Mocking: asana


Nowadays, some Wts do not do asanas. By seeing their obesity and fatty tissue, it is quite clear. Yet when they entered the Marga they were quite slim and healthy. Gradually though, over the years, they grew in the midsection. Part of the cause was not doing asanas. That is the sad news.

Some Wts: make taunting remarks

When some Wts are at a margii's house they often practice asanas to impress that host margii family. But when they are alone or in the jagrti with other Wts then they do not practice. Nor do they practice when traveling on the train etc. This is the case with some Wts. Also during reporting or in camps, then some may practice and many not.

Even worse is that those not practicing will often make sarcastic, taunting remarks to those who do practice asanas. Because those Wts feel threatened that if more workers doing asanas then they also may have to do them as well, to save their own prestige.

That is the astonishing aspect: If they see any WT practicing asanas then they harass that sincere worker and make them the butt end of their jokes. Such is the toxic atmosphere in the organisation these days. Those strict in 16 Points are mocked by seniors.

Double hypocrisy

There are those Wt workers who move around and mock other wts who are sincere in their practices. They just taunt others for following Sixteen Points, and make callous, sarcastic comments like, “Look at the great-yogii, he came from caves of the Himalayas and is ensconced in meditation, not opening his eyes - he is going to get liberation today!” Their chief intent is to ridicule and deter others from doing practices etc so that they themselves are not looked upon unfavourably for not doing them.

Such types of scornful Wt workers suffer from double hypocrisy. First, they themselves do not want to give up their bad habits of indolence and indulgence etc; and secondly, they spend their time harassing others who are sincere in Sixteen Points. Verily, they are like thugs who bully others and colour their own beard and moustache to look young and attract the opposite sex. They suffer from numerous vices. Sadly, some of these types of C-grade Wts are purodhas.

Certain host workers do a show of asanas and sadhana lessons for a few days—as if they are very sincere. Yet if you inquire with them about the most basic asanas, often such Wts are not aware. Many do not even know which asanas are for their gender.

If any Dada is doing tandava or kaoshikii, then sometimes other workers tell them to stop because they are making noise and creating a disturbance. In their own campus, such things are happening with some wts. In-charge Wts make jokes about those workers who are strict in Sixteen Points. This is the shocking scene. Certain wts feel irritated if another is sincere in following daily dharmic practices like asanas, kaoshikii and tandava etc, so they become a vocal opponent to save their prestige.

Envy: People suffer at the progress of others

When people, driven by instincts, direct their mental stuff blindly towards the objects of pleasure without taking any help from their conscience—or when mind ultimately gets crudified by being constantly goaded by selfish motives—whether or not they think of doing harm to others, their minds get distorted. The complexes by which this distortion occurs are the dirt of the mind.

For example, if any acquaintance suddenly earns much name, fame or knowledge, many will develop a feeling of jealousy towards him. People suffer from mental trouble at the prosperity of others; they do not give the least thought as to how much potentiality they themselves possess to earn those things or to acquire those qualities. Though that fortunate person did no harm to them, yet being overpowered by jealousy they create trouble for, or think ill of, him.

They will become NMV

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Kabandha. People who commit suicide due to humiliation, psychic distortion, frustration, or the overpowering influence of excessive attachment, anger, greed, vanity, jealousy, etc. get the status of kabandha yoni after death. Wherever these entities happen to see other human beings under the spell of psychic derangement, they incite them to commit suicide." (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

So duty of right people

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There is a popular saying, Shreyáḿsi bahuvighnáni [“The path of spiritual excellence is strewn with numerous obstacles”]. When one sets out to complete a great task, innumerable difficulties must be confronted. The greater the task, the mightier the obstacles. That is why the person who wants to perform noble deeds must be ready to face opposition from the very outset. Those who are not prepared for these mighty obstacles begin to falter and ultimately surrender in the face of opposition. Thus it is aptly said:"

“Let those well-versed in ethics criticize me or praise me, as they so desire; let Lakśmii, the goddess of wealth, either be gracious enough (because of my activities) to reside in my house, or, if she prefers, go elsewhere; let death visit me today or decades later. It makes little difference to me. Wise people will never withdraw from the path of ideology, the path which they accept as their ideal.”

“Inferior people do not even start any noble activity because of the mere anticipation of opposition. Mediocre people no doubt start their work, but, when confronted with opposition, leave it unfinished. The best type of people never leave any work unfinished. Even if they are confronted with enormous difficulties at every step, they persist until the work is successfully completed.” (2)

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Párthasárathi Krśńa – 2 (Discourse 2)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You secretly came into my heart

“Tumi je diyecho náŕá jiivaner múle prabhu…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0558)


My Supreme Entity, Baba You have jolted / nudged the very core of my life and stirred the fundamental essence of my existence with Your tender touch. By Your grace, my heart has been completely transformed. Prabhu, how can I ever forget You - I cannot. Baba, for You alone, I have adorned and decorated everything with the essence of nectar and offered it at Your lotus feet.

Parama Purusa, before You secretly came into my heart I was lying listlessly in one remote corner, feeling completely neglected, sad, and depressed - nobody was talking or listening to me. Just I was mute and dumb - absorbed in my own sorrows. I had no voice and was wallowing in self-pity. That time, You stealthily came in the depths of my being and made me Yours. Your auspicious arrival in my life has some cause. Baba, You are giving me a jolt of spiritual energy each and every moment and drenching me in bhakti. It is Your krpa.

Baba, I was in sooty garments, in the midst of the world of heavenly refulgence. In that land, Your rhythm continuously resonates all thoughts and actions. In spite of that, in that place I never heard about or saw You. After waking up, I understood Your divine liila. My Supreme Guide, it is You who blessed me and brought me under Your care.

You have filled my heart with bliss….

== Section: Topic ==

AMPS: Making buildings for squatters 


Here is an ongoing situation that demands our strict attention

#1: In this current stage of AMPS, no good person would build or buy so-called new master units; rather, the need of the day is to do pracar and create a maximum number of margiis and Wts. The vast majority of our AM society is already on or near their deathbed with regards to age. They cannot survive for much longer and a new generation is not being created. There is a drastic population imbalance. Who will take care of our existing properties, let alone new properties.

#2: Rudrananda and his stooges are rampantly and surreptitiously selling off existing AMPS properties and allegedly using those acquired funds to purchase buildings in their own name and buying “master units” - like the Jamalpur MU - in their own personal, laokik name, not AMPS. They are doing all this to create a facade as if so many great works are going on, when the fact is that they are keeping the monies and bequeathing those properties for their own laokik family, allegedly. 

#3: Nothing is being done for the propagation and establishment of the ideology or integrity of the organisation, AMPS. 

#4: One key intervention is to make a stern call to see the registry papers of this Jamalpur MU, and all other similar properties being so-called purchased nowadays. 

#5: Due to  a severe lack of Wts, our AMPS properties will be occupied by non-margiis as is happening in so many places. All in all, it is a sad situation. Those who are licking Rudrananda’s knees are ignorant.

Now is the time to alert others, make a hue and cry, and put an end to this type of cheating.

In Him, 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Misuse of intellect & materialism

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “Today the world is following either capitalism or extreme materialism [i.e., communism]. Under these systems, those who are endowed with greater knowledge, intellect or physical power go on misappropriating more and more material wealth. People have forgotten that together with physical wealth we also receive subtle wealth from Prakrti [the Supreme Operative Principle]. A member of a family who does not feel a sense of unity with the other family members and does not recognize the logically-acceptable necessity and the lofty principle of joint rights, cannot be regarded as a social being. According to a universal spiritual ideology, the system of individual ownership cannot be regarded as absolute. This is why our [Ananda Marga’s] concept of society does not support capitalism.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 5, The Responsibility of Society

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Throw yourselves into this noble task

“Despite its advent onto this earth many thousands of years ago, humanity is not yet capable of building a well-integrated and universal human society. This is in no way indicative of the glory of human intellect and erudition. You, who have understood the predicament, realized the urgency, seen the naked dance of evil and heard the hypocritical and raucous laughter of the divisive forces should throw yourselves into this noble task without further delay. When the ends are just and noble, success is inevitable.” (Ananda Vanii #42)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Uncivilised Conduct of Mao Zedong

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “We may call those human acts and behaviours “civilized” that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure.” (1)

Smoking is not healthy. Medical research has proven that cigarettes are carcinogenic and toxic. They are poisonous and cause disease and premature death. So the habit of smoking cigarettes is not supported by logic and reasoning.

According Ananda Marga philosophy, when one acts in a way that is not based on rationality, then that action is uncivilised. Thus smoking itself is uncivilised - whether one is aware about the dangers of smoking or not. Those who do not smoke are civilised - in this particular aspect of life.

It does not matter that Mao was the party leader of China; his habit of smoking is uncivilised. In other avenues of life, he may have been civilised; but on this particular act of smoking he was not civilised. This is just one example.

The overarching rule is that if any behaviour is not supported by rationality then that action is uncivilised. If the majority of one’s actions are uncivilised, then that individual is an uncivilised human being.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

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