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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hypocrisy: debauched stooge of Rudrananda


Hypocrisy: debauched stooge of Rudrananda 


In the below photo, Nabhatiitananda is giving his so-called blessing to newly married couples at Jamalpur DMS. The irony is that Nabhatiitananda's own dealing is not that of a sannyasi as he has long been involved in a debauched way of life. This is the history and ongoing tale. Write us for the details. So for Nabhatiitananda to stand there and give his so-called blessing to newlyweds as if he is the bastion of purity and dharma is total hypocrisy. 

in Him, 
Ram Sharma

== Section 2: Links ==

Contrary to Guru sakash + 2 more


Contrary to Guru sakash


The eternal truth is that Brahma is Guru, and Guru is an eternal Entity - He never dies. Those sadhakas who take shelter in Him are most blessed and realise Baba in an intimate way.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama'tma' is seated in your heart." (1)

Such a bhakta feels in their regular life and realises in their sadhana that Guru is along with them. That is the greatest blessing of all. The practice of Guru sakasha helps greatly in this way.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us that very early in the morning upon awakening, immediately a sadhaka should place themselves under His shelter. For this reason, the practice of Guru sakash is mandatory for each and every Ananda Margii. By this way, each day begins with Guru's closeness. And that continues over the course of the whole day: His closeness is felt by Guru mantra, different meditation lessons, shravan (hearing His name), manan (thinking of Him), nididhya'sana (ideating on Him), and doing His work, etc. At night, when going to bed, each bhakta remembers Him and falls asleep in His lap. That is how a bhakta passes their days - under the shelter of Baba's divine grace and presence.

How to do Guru Sakash

Sadguru Baba is always present with every bhakta. So every sadhaka should be vigilant to adhere to Baba's divine guideline from Shabda Cayanika, discourse #223, which is also printed in Yoga Psychology:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and address Him with your most loving and affectionate epithet...In what state does the Guru, endowed with two eyes and two hands exist? In the Vara'bhaya Mudra (in the posture of holding out the boon of fearlessness) He is your well-wisher, and as a matter of fact, the doer of your good. The epithet with which you address the Guru or silently speak during your dhya'na or Gurudhya'na should also be used by you at the time of this Gurudhya'na. Always address the Guru at a stretch. This is Gurusaka'sha." (2)

In one's practical life, one is to feel and experience that, "Baba is with me."

That day at the Madhu Koraka Baba Quarter (Tiljala, Kolkata) in June 1990, I was there. Baba gave His discourse in Bengali. He revealed the secret behind the greatness of Guru. That was the day Baba gave Guru sakash, which every sadhaka knows is an extremely important practice in spiritual life.

MPD is against Guru sakash

There is no scope for so-called mahaprayan. Sadguru Baba is always present with every bhakta. So every sadhaka should be vigilant to adhere to Baba's divine guideline from Shabda Cayanika, discourse #223, which is also printed in Yoga Psychology.

When the false idea is injected that Guru has left and gone to some distant land, i.e. passed away, departed, and went to heaven - vis so-called mahaprayan, then the One to Whom the disciple should take shelter in is missing. The disciple is present, but the Guru has departed to some far away place. In that situation, taking shelter in Him is not possible. One's heart will not feel comfortable taking shelter in an entity who is in some other abode, gone to some distant land, i.e. passed away, departed, and went to heaven i.e. "mahaprayan". That is the ill-effect of the dogma of so-called mahaprayan.

Surrendering fully and taking shelter in the Supreme Entity is the highest idea. Unfortunately, some misuse this theory of taking shelter in the Supreme as they are actually taking shelter under dogma. But their so-called shelter is futile because that shelter is itself baseless. One must take refuge in that Entity Who does not need any shelter, i.e. Parama Purusa.

Worshipers of MPD & idols meet same fate

Idol worshipers think that by the grace of a cherished idol they will cross bhavasagar (ocean of samskaras). But their approach does not stand the test of logic and reasoning. That inert idol cannot help them advance, rather they will degrade themselves, unfortunately. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Those who in the name of the beginningless, endless, formless Brahma worship idols, are indulging in deliberate slander. You must not give indulgence to this type of Mahapápa (great sin).” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The mind is extroverted by idol worship and is attracted towards finite objects. If the mental force is directed towards finite and crude objects, then the person is ultimately converted into crudeness. As you think so you become.” (4)

The confused followers of mahaprayan wrongly thinkl this will lead them to the doorstep of final emancipation. But here again that is a misguided idea. Those sheltering in dogma only bind themselves deeper - further plunged in the net of avidya maya.

Contradiction of MPD

The point being that making a so-called mahaprayan (MPD) program itself gives the false message that Baba is gone. At the same time at so-called mahaprayan, the organisers arrange a kiirtan program in which everybody ideates that Baba is present. So on the one hand Baba has departed forever (i.e. mahaprayan), and on the other side He is alongside us. That is the conflict: so-called mahaprayan versus kiirtan.

The entire way of dealing with these group leaders is self-contradictory and a product of dogma. Sadly, our Dadas are caught in the net of their own self-created contradiction. This hypocrisy is for no other reason than the purpose of convincing innocent people to come into their group fold and donate money to their "cause". It is just one negative, hypocritical ploy.

These days no one is befooled by such tactics. And, step by step, nearly everyone is understanding the dogma and extreme negativity of the so-called mahaprayan program and how this is just one group's hypocrisy and groupist strategy.

At His feet,
Shanti Bose

Why no mahaprayan

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days [ after death]." (5) 

Any annual program of mourning like MPD is dogma. They are blatantly disobeying Sadguru Baba.

Hypocritical behaviour

Sadguru Baba is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. True bhaktas know that there is no such thing as mahaprayan for Sadguru Baba. As the Sadguru He never passes away, He is omnipresent. So those Wts who believe in & propagate that Sadguru is dead are confused. Actually they are displaying hypocritical behaviour. Why?

When our Avadhutas acaryas give initiation, or revise anyone’s lessons, or give further lessons of sadhana, our Dadas say, “I am just a medium - Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present."

So in one breath our Wt dadas say that Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. That is both hypocritical and sinful.  Hypocritical because they are telling one thing and doing something else. They are telling that Guru is no more in their mahaprayan program, yet when teaching sadhana they are relying on Him. And it is sinful because it is abusive against Guru.

It is similar to your own children playing before you and talking among themselves that, “My mother is dead.” As a mother, how will you feel. And not only that, they go one step ahead, before your eyes they started commemorating your annual death day ceremony. 

How do you feel about their ignorance? True bhaktas never participate in the dogmatic annual death day ceremony / mahaprayan of the ever-present God. That is against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

~ In-depth study ~

Who is Sadguru

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (6)

Guru must be Mahakaola

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In order to be an ideal guru in the spiritual sphere, one must be thoroughly conversant with the minutest details of sádhaná, every aspect of sádhaná, important or unimportant. The guru must not only learn those things, but must also possess the capacity to teach those practices to others. Otherwise he should not be treated as a guru. The Mahákaola alone has this capacity, no one else. Kaolas are those who by dint of sádhaná have successfully elevated their microcosmic stance and established it in the Macrocosmic one; but a Mahákaola is one who is a kaola, certainly, but at the same time possesses the capacity to help others as well to get to that exalted kaola position. In the past Lord Shiva was one such Mahákaola. Lord Krśńa was another. To be a guru one must be a Mahákaola. One must possess knowledge regarding sádhaná, not only thorough knowledge of the shástras [scriptures]. And in order to gain thorough scriptural knowledge, one must know as many important languages as are necessary for the purpose. That is to say, it is not enough that a guru acquire the necessary qualifications to be able to teach sádhaná (that is, impart lessons on the practical cult); he must possess adequate knowledge of theory also. That is, in order to know the inner secret of sádhaná, he must possess thorough and authentic scriptural knowledge; then only should he be accepted as a perfect guru in the spiritual sphere. One who has a fairly good knowledge of sádhaná and can also help others in that realm, but is completely devoid of intellect, or knowledge of languages and scriptures, cannot be a perfectly competent guru in the spiritual sphere; for, being a guru, he will have to explain the theoretical side also. If, suppose, I say to someone, “Do this,” I should also explain why he or she should do that, and at the same time I should be able to support it in the light of the shástras." (7)

Be able to punish & love

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A spiritual guru must be well-acquainted with all the processes of sádhaná, must have the capacity to convince others, must possess complete knowledge of the scriptures, must know many languages, and must have comprehensive knowledge and intellect, plus some extra qualifications. What are those qualifications? Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiiyate – “the guru must possess the capacity both to punish, and to love, or bless, his disciples.” Punishment alone, without love, is not good. Love and punishment should go together, and the degree of punishment should never exceed the degree of love. Then only can one be called a real spiritualguru." (8)

Guru must be authority on all subjects & all realms

"I have already said that a guru must be an authority on all subjects in all the three strata:"

"As a spiritual guru, he must be thoroughly versed in spiritual science – both the theory and the practice. He must know how Parama Puruśa associates Himself with jiivas [unit beings]; and he must know how jiivas associate themselves with Parama Puruśa (they associate themselves just as the Ganges merges into the Bay of Bengal). Otherwise, how can he teach this science to others?" (9)

Brahma alone is the Guru

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "And who knows this science? Only Parama Puruśa knows it, because He Himself has created everything. He has created our sense organs, and He has created the tanmátras that our sense organs detect. He can create anything He likes. But remember, He does not do anything. His “doing” means His thinking. Things will take shape as He thinks. No one but Parama Puruśa knows how He does it. So how can people know Parama Puruśa if He does not teach to others the science of knowing Him? Only Parama Puruśa knows the science and the method to realize Him, to know Him; because He has created both human beings and the path that they must move along. So people can know the method by His grace only. Hence it has been said in Ánanda Sútram, Brahmaeva Gururekah náparah – that is, “Brahma alone is the Guru.” Through His physical structure, He teaches the actual science to the spiritual aspirants. People should clearly understand this." (10)

Guru in the physical world

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Next comes the physical world. The followers, the disciples, of the guru, are men and women of flesh and blood having physical structures. They have their sorrows and miseries, their tears and smiles. This is their life. They have their problem of food and clothing; they have their pleasures and pains, their tears of pain and tears of joy; they become elated in happy circumstances and depressed when things go wrong. It is the duty of a guru to provide his followers with the wherewithal for their progress. This is what an ideal guru is to do in the physical sphere. As a guru in the physical world, he will have to teach mankind such techniques as will solve their worldly problems – problems of food, clothing, education and medical treatment. A guru must see to it that their mundane problems are solved. So in order to be a guru, one must come onto this earth with the highest qualifications in the spiritual field, and with the greatest capacity to face the mountainous obstacles in the physical world. To shoulder the responsibility of a guru is not child’s play." (11)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion
2. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
3. Caryacarya part 1, Sadhana, Point #18
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 1, Spiritual Practice and the Cosmic Science
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
6. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #1a
7. Discourses on Tantra - The Criteria of a Guru
8. Discourses on Tantra - The Criteria of a Guru
9. Discourses on Tantra - The Criteria of a Guru
10. Discourses on Tantra - The Criteria of a Guru
11. Discourses on Tantra - The Criteria of a Guru

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

For such great people

"Ya'ra' toma'y bha'laba'se, toma'r tarei kande ha'se..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2239)


Baba, to those loving You, smiling, crying and dancing only for You, may my message be heard in their ears. Here is my note for those moving in Your divine flow.

Baba, to those loving only You, I have tremendous reverence and honour for them in my mind for bhaktas. I will always remember their greatness and dedication. For such great people, I wander and travel all around to have their proximity, with an expectation of having their satsaunga and finding fulfilment. I want their company in order to hear tales about You, and so we may do kiirtana and sadhana together. Let such bhaktas know my feeling.

Such great bhaktas are my own. They are my kith and kin, and my life is for them. My colourful dreams take shape by coming in contact with such great personalities. Baba, those dancing in Your cosmic rhythm and moving according to Your dictates are great bhaktas and the vanguards of society. My time gets properly utilized when I come in contact with such great bhaktas. They are venerable for me... 

== Section 3: Links ==

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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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