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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Not monks but workers + 4 more


Not monks but workers


In the late 1960's when the negative conduct of certain Wts came to light and margiis witnessed this for the first time, they brought the matter to Sadguru Baba.

Then Baba lovingly replied, ‘Why are you thinking that they are holy monks. They are Wts, wholetimer workers, workers, cadres, karmiis. Just like different military and police departments have their particular uniform, in the same way our Wts have their uniform. Because they are dedicated for the society, that is why they have a saffron uniform. Saffron means dedication.’ That was the essence of Guru’s message.

Baba explained, ‘To do social service, workers are needed; so these people are workers. When the society is itself degraded then we will not get thousands and thousands of very elevated souls. Yet we need thousands and thousands of Wts who will be engaged 24hrs in social service. So that is why our WT system was made.’

Colour of their cloth does not have any value

Here the point is not that none of our Wts are divine. Certainly, if someone’s conduct is pristine and dharmika then surely they are divine. And that person may be a WT, LFT, or LPT, or a family margii. In contrast, if a particular Wt's conduct is negative then their standard is lowly. The key takeaway is that one’s stature is based on the quality of their dealings, not the colour of their dress.

Ananda Vanii states, "Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your ideal." (1)

Baba's unique way to end priest exploitation

Baba has taken many steps to eliminate religious exploitation.

(a) Sadguru Baba has given the true and dharmic definition of brahmacarya. In Ananda Marga, brahmacarya has nothing to do with celibacy or adopting monk life.

Anadna Marga philosophy states, “The meaning of practising brahmacarya sádhaná is to treat the object with which one comes in contact as different expressions of Brahma and not as crude forms.” (2)

(b) He has given the proper definition of a sadhu - which varies greatly from the definitions of old.

In the past, the terms “monk” and “sadhu” were virtually interchangeable. Many monks were thought of as sadhus merely because of their dress. And, in general in India, every monk is called a sadhu or sannyasi. Baba's definition of a sadhu is unique and has nothing to do with the colour of one’s cloth or one’s social position - i.e. monk or priest etc. Rather the appellation of sadhu is based exclusively on one’s quality of mind and how they view and treat others.
Pránáh yathátmano’bhiiśt́ah bhútánám api te tathá;
Átmaopamyena bhutánáḿ dayáḿ kurvanti sádhavah.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "The life of each and every entity is very dear to them; all love their lives very much. Those who share this same sentiment of love for other living beings – that is, they feel that “just as my life is very dear, very beloved to me, so other lives are also very dear to me” – such people are called sádhus.” (3)

Wt's are not always monks

(c) Baba has also given the correct definition of a sannyasi. The meaning is the bhakta who has yearning and longing for sat, i.e. that unchangeable Entity, Parama Purusa. So this can be anyone, a family person or a monk. The operative factor is one’s mental status, not the colour of their clothes. Please see Ananda Vacanamrtam part 24 Hindi edition, Purnia DMC 1971.

(d) Baba has also created meditation teachers who are family persons. These are our family acaryas. And this is also a revolutionary step. In the past, family persons never had that opportunity in any religious organization.

(e) Plus the very name (WT) “Wholetime Worker” is after all “worker”, not sadhu, sannyasi, or monk etc.

(f)  Baba has strongly encouraged all disciples to create more and more Wts. In this process - under that pressure - many xyz type of persons got included in our WT cadre. That is to say even xyz persons became Wt. And if we look carefully over the past 50+ year history of creating Wts, then we will find innumerable cases of workers involved in negative acts - i.e. stealing, theft, looting, smuggling, attack, sexual scandal, and even attacking and murdering other avadhutas. All these things have come in the picture. Anyone familiar with the history knows this to be the case. So much has been done by Wts, in various shapes and forms.

Colour of cloth alone has no value

And our WTs have also spread the poison of groupism, falsehood, dogma, and so many negative tales including the distortion of Guru's scripture. All of which came to be known to the public, margiis, non-margiis, everyone. Certainly though not all our WTs are negative - rather most are good and sincere, and only a few are involved in all these types of affairs.

Still, because of the deep-rooted dogma of the supremacy of the priest class, this complex does not go easily from the mind. No doubt in the brain or in the philosophy, with logic and reasoning, all think that in Ananda Marga everyone is equal, i.e. there is no priest supremacy. Rather they think that priest supremacy is one kind of dogma. But in day to day life, many feel in their heart something else. They bow down and surrender to the colour of the cloth. Nowadays, however, more and more are understanding that cloth alone has no value. Conduct is the main thing.

Baba exposes those hypocrites hiding in saffron

Baba strongly condemns the person whose cloth is dyed and not the mind. Here in this following quote from Subhasita Samgraha Baba says:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Nothing will result from dyeing one's clothes with saffron colour only for show.  Dye yourself within.  People of some particular religious creeds think that dyeing their clothes or bodies with a particular colour is a part of spiritual Sa'dhana'. But remember that is all useless, unless you are dyed within as well." (4)
"Mana na' ra'inga'ile ra'inga'ile yogi ka'par'a.

Saffron and red do not a yogiis make
With mind undyed he remains a fake."
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Dye your mind with His colour. Those who have not done so cannot attain Him, for this very coloration is Prema or Divine Love...  No external sign of Sa'dhuta' or virtue is  necessary.  Become sa'dhu  within. Behind the external show of virtuousness of many so-called sa'dhus exists a pharisaic state of mind. Preserve the true dignity of the word, Sa'dhu."
"Mu'd'a mu'd'a'ye jata' v'ar'aye....

With shaven head or matted locks
And ashen body a Sadhu walks
With the swaggering gait of a well-fed buffalo.
And crude mind filled with thoughts mean and low."
Ananda Marga ideology states, "That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with His glorious colour." (5)

Conclusion: standard and future of each

According to Baba's teaching, jinanis are the lowest category of people, next comes karmiis, and then the top section is bhaktas. So karmiis are those who think that by the work they can attain Parama Purusa - whether they have love for Him or not. Such dry-minded persons are surely workers; and their standard is quite low - irrespective of which post they are holding whether they are Purodha Pramukha, purodha, or whatever post they have.

Of course there are some who are bragging that 'We are workers and we are super-most'. From a social or worldly perspective they are what they are, but from a spiritual stance it is quite clear that they are really low.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The jina'nis have no future-- they simply waste their time. And the karmiis or people of action have no fixed desideratum, no fixed personal goal, no personal God, hence karmiis have no future." (6)

Treating someone as holy because of their dress alone is dogma. Ananda Marga aims to establish respect based on conduct. If a Wt or margii is of good conduct then accordingly they will get respect. That time has yet to come. We have to bring that era as soon as possible because that is what Baba wants. So nobody should mistakenly think that because of their dress WTs are holy or divine and others are lowly.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Nasty strategy of religious leaders

Here Baba is talking about how those in power instill an inferiority complex into the minds of the masses and by that way it is easy for them to exploit the common people. This is especially done by the priest class.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If you analyse the history of the world, you will find that whenever one group exploited another in the economic sphere, they first created psychic exploitation by infusing inferiority complex in the minds of the exploited mass. You will find that in each case of economic exploitation, psychic exploitation was the foundation: if you go deep into the background, you will discover a continuous and cunning attempt to create inferiority complex." (7)

Being a Wt, a person has more scope for sadhana, service and sacrifice - because they are dedicated for that type of life. So if they are sincere in all their conduct rules, and deeply engaged in sadhana, service and sacrifice, and their overall conduct is ideal, then surely they should be given proper recognition, regard, and respect.

All-knowing Baba was well aware that if the dogma of priest supremacy continued then one section would suffer from a superiority complex and the other section would suffer from an inferiority complex. Just as the Hindu society has been getting exploited by priestocracy, the same fate would befall Ananda Marga. To root out this problem, Baba has given the term 'worker' for our Wts. So nobody should mistakenly think that our WTs are holy or divine simply because of their dress.

1. Ananda Vanii #13
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Brahmacarya
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Who Is the Liberating Entity of Human Society
4. Subhasita Samgraha part 3
5. Subhasita Samgraha part 3
6. DMC, 3rd Dec 1978
7. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, p. 47

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita  ==

Baba in the pouring rain, You have come to me

"Path ceye base chinu yuga dhare, ele áji ghan varaśáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita 3226)


O'  Parama Purusa, since ages I have been waiting for You looking toward the path of Your arrival - hoping to have Your darshan. All the good days have passed by, yet now, in the pouring rain, You have taken a lot of trouble to come to me. You are so gracious. In this rainy season, the misty pollen fragrance of my ketakii [1] flower is floating all around. Its aroma is permeating throughout this cloudy rainy season.

O' Parama Purusa, with deep yearning in my heart, in the effulgence of the day, I have sought to find You. I have looked for You in the pitch dark night, in the stars, planets, nebulae, everywhere. Baba, I have searched You in every nook and corner of the deep blue sky. In which unknown place were You hiding. I could not get You anywhere.

Through the scorching heat of the daylight hours, I searched for You until the day passed away. Then, in calling and longing for You, the tired night passed away and the new dawn [2] arose. In this way ages the have gone - and still I don’t have a trace of You. O' Parama Purusa Baba, in the course of waiting for You, in that long span, the garland which I prepared for You has become dry and withered away. Now only the thread is in my hand. Finally, in this late hour You have come. How shall I honour You and decorate You, my Dear One?

 O’ Supreme Entity, now in this situation how will I receive You. Now in this pouring rain You have taken advent next to me. Baba, You have showered Your infinite grace by coming close. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

== Section 3: News ==

Black pact: Help me in Rudrananda case &
I will help you in murder case so we will both be freed

~ Courtesy of STO Forum on WhatsApp ~

(Those who do not read Hindi can use Google Translate to get the basic idea)


Kolkata AMPS and Ranchi AMPS have secret meeting about some legal cases. Please find below WhatsApp post by Mantracetananda dada :-
यह सत्य है, और होना भी चाहिए। कि  हमारे ईस्ट और आदर्श के  विरुद्ध यदि कुछ बोलता है, तो हम लोगो को उसका जमकर विरोध करना चाहिए।  भले ही उसके लिए अपना बलिदान ही क्यों न देना पड़े। 
हम लोगो को अपनी मानसिकता,  जो अपनी व्यक्तिगत पर्सनल्टी को एस्टेब्लिश करने की है। इसकी जगह ईस्ट और आदर्श को इस्टेब्लिश करने की मानसिकता बनानी होगी।
 आज जो हम ईस्ट और आदर्श की जगह जो अपनी व्यक्तिगत या अपने गॉड फादर की पेर्सनल्टी को इस्टेब्लिश करने में लगे है,  उसी का नतीजा है, कि संस्था कई भागो में विभाजित हो चुकी है।।

सबको मालूम है , कि संस्था में जितने भी क्रिमिनल केस कोर्ट केस चल रहे है , अधिकतर कोर्ट केसो में एक दूसरे से बदला लेने के लिए, एक दूसरे को झूठा नाम दे कर फसाया गया है। चाहे वह  बंगला ग्रुप हो या नन बंगाला ग्रुप,। ऐसा क्यों?

हर कोर्ट केस में गृही मार्गियों एवम् त्यागी कार्यकर्ताओ की पसीने की कमाई बर्बाद होती है।
और गृही मार्गियों एवं त्यागी कार्यकर्ताओ को सेन्ट्रल के कथाकथित सुपर पुरोधा गण एवम् पुरोधा गण (सुपर पुरोधा के चरित्र हींन चमचे लोग) अँधेरे में रखते है। और बेवकूफ बनाते है।

जब बंगला एवम् नन बंगला ग्रुप के लोग देल्ही साउथ एक्सटेंशन और आनंदनगर में  छुप छुप कर 
मिठाइयां एक दूसरे को खिलाकर, मीटिंग कर गुप्त  समझोता करते है। कि तुम दादा रुद्रानद जी के विरोध् मत जाओ, और हम लोग दादा अभिप्रेमानंद जी के केस  को अपने गवाहों के द्वारा ढीला कर देंगे, और इसी तरीके से रेप केस में भी समझोता करने की मीटिंग होती है।
क्या इस तरीके से करके गृही मार्गियों एवम् ओवरसीज के त्यागी कार्यकर्ताओ से सिर्फ पैसे का कलेक्शन करने का माध्यम  नहीं  बना लिया है? 

क्या इस प्रकार की मीटिंग, जो अपने आकाओ, या गॉड फादर को बचाने के लिए की जाती है।
उसकी जगह संस्था को  यूनाइट करने के लिए चर्या चर्य एवम् सिस्टम के आधार बना कर एक जगह  बैठ कर प्रयास नहीं किया जा सकता,। 
ऐसा क्यों नहीं?  

बस सेन्ट्रल के बंगाल एवं नन बंगला के कुछ मुठी भर आकाओ और गॉड फादर लोगो ने गृही मार्गियों एवं जूनियर त्यागी कार्यकर्ताओ  को बेवकूफ बनाकर एवं पैसे का कलेक्शन कर अपनी ( आकाओ/गॉड फादर)  लाइफ को लक्जरी के तरीका बन लिया है।
क्या यह एक विचारणीय विषय नहीं है?

~ Courtesy of STO Forum on WhatsApp ~

== Section 4: Comment ==

Re: With a “grain of salt”

I fully support the views expressed in this bulletin. Dada K is misguiding. All the PS songs sung before BABA during DMCs were almost instanteous and translations/ purports were made in 3 languges ex-tempore. I had myself attended that DMC. The word was ABHIMA'N for which the real sense of Bangla word is totally different from English or Hindi/ Sam'skrt meaning. Baba had interrupted and stopped the English translation rendering by Dada Vijjayanandaji and in front of some 40 thousand devotees, corrected with explanation. Even now a video of that event is available at some places, possibly at Tiljala.Baba never gave the purports in advance.

in Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter - With a “grain of salt”

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© 2017 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.
For the last 20 years, this News Bulletin network has been only for committed margiis and Wts who want to explore the organisational problems to find out the solution. If by mistake someone else has been added to this forum, kindly let us know so they can be removed.

This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Not monks but workers
2. PS #3226: Baba, in the pouring rain, You have come to me
3. News: Black pact
4. Comment: Re: With a “grain of salt”
5. Links

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