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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Upcoming event also in Tiljala + 2 more


Upcoming event also in Tiljala


Here below in the photo, family, friends, and relative of a Muslim man are performing and paying respects for the 3rd annual death day / shraddhainjali / mahaprayan ceremony of the Muslim man, Marhum Kazi Anamul Haq. 

In the appendix to the altered post-1990 edition Caryacarya 1, Tiljala  publishers used the term shraddhainjali to describe their mahaprayan divas program. Since the shraddhainjali term is not used in any of Baba's discourses or Ananda Marga philosophy, many Ananda Margiis may not know what shraddhainjali is. More about that is below.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that the period of mourning is 12 days, yet Tiljala has been mourning on a yearly basis for 30 years.

In the below photo, the Islamic tomb is covered with flowers, just as is done in Tiljala. And mourners are gathering around the tomb, just as in Tiljala to pay shraddhainjali / mahaprayan to the deceased. Also, it is our Islamic tradition to wear a cap before visiting a shrine or tomb. So all our muslim brothers are wearing a cap. Those present at this Islamic shraddhainjali / mahaprayan program are: Qaisar Mahamud, Mohamed Sizan, Shahidul Islam, Mohamed Imran, Mohamed Riyad, Mohamed Nasir Uddin, Nabir Ahamed, etc. The headline of the image is: Kazi Anamul Haq - 3rd Death Anniversary. And the word highlighted in orange is the term “shraddhainjali” in Bengali script.

In the above photo, the headline is the 3rd death anniversary mahaprayan of Kazi Anamul Haq. And the highlighted term in orange is shraddhainjali, meaning mahaprayan. And in the center of each bouquet of flowers it says, shraddhainjali. Shraddhainjali is a term mainly used by Muslims in India for a death ceremony. So shraddhainjali is a death / mahaprayan / shraddha ceremony or tomb worship for any human being.

See here how our  Muslim brothers are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend - Marhum Kazi Anamul Haq. In the photo  is present a grand bouquet of flowers upon the tomb of Kazi Anamul Haq. And written inside the flower bouquet in Bengali script is the term - “Shraddhainjali”. Those who read Bengali and easily understand. If you are know a Bangla knowing person then just ask anyone who knows and they will tell you.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (2)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that the period of mourning is 12 days, yet, Tiljala has been mourning on a yearly basis for 30 years.

Many have come to pay respect and perform the last rights. Those present at this Islamic shraddhainjali / mahaprayan program are: Shahin Mullah, Rni Mirza, Rezaol Karim, Borhan Uddin Farahad, Qaisar Mahamud, Mohamed Sizan, Shahidul Islam, Mohamed Imran, Mohamed Riyad, Mohamed Nasir Uddin, Nabir Ahamed, Aminul Karim, Mozammel Hussen, Mohammed Rafat, Mohamed Zihad etc. And as you can see all our Muslim brothers are wearing cap as that is the Islamic tradition when paying respects at a shrine / mahaprayan. They are making a shraddhainjali tribute and tomb worship of Marhum Marhum Kazi Anamul Haq.

So in the above article and photo from the Bengali Newspaper, our Muslim brothers are performing the 3dr annual shraddhainjali / mahaprayan/ death ceremony for their friend / relative who died. The term shraddhainjali is highlighted in orange. That is a description of the above scene.

Ingredients of shraddhainjali dogma / worship of deceased

So the needed ingredients for shraddhainjali are:

1. Dead person (Note: Shraddhainjali cannot be done for a living person like Ac Sarvatmananda Avt, Ac Kinshukji, Ac Bhaveshananda Avt, Ac Raviishananda Avt, Ac. Vicitrananda Avt, Ac Pranavatmakananda Avt,  Ac Dhyaneshananda Avt etc. In order to do shraddhainjali for them, one must wait. Because one cannot do shraddhainjali of a living person.)
2. Casket or tomb
3. Flowers (real or artificial / paper or plastic), small or large amount
4. Toys (if the deceased is a child)
5. Scents
6. Water (optional)
7. Chants (Recited in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, or Sanskrit - or done in the local language if needed.)
8. Head priest, or mullah, or senior avadhuta, or purodha pramukha (any single one is enough)
9. Mourners (minimum one and maximum as much as possible). To show greater respect people hire or rent mourners. They do this for various leaders; those rented mourners will raise the slogan in favour of the deceased or cry out loud as requested.

The above points are inherent to any shraddhainjali dogma. So by placing shraddhainjali in the post-1990 Caryacarya appendix, the insinuation is that all these things will be done.

Note: Here it should be understood that shraddhainjali refers to both (a) the day of the actual death ceremony and (b) the annual commemoration of the death. In both instances it is called as a shraddhainjali program.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (3)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that the period of mourning is 12 days, yet, Tiljala has been mourning on a yearly basis for 30 years.

Shraddhainjali: non-existent in AMPS pre-1990

Prior to 1990, this shraddhainjali dogma was non-existent in AMPS. This was transplanted from Islam in the last week of October 1990.

Sadly, just as the above Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / death ceremony, in Tiljala this same type of event is going on. The mahaprayan organisers do an annual shraddhainjali function. Effectively, they have grabbed onto the Islamic dogma of shraddhainjali and inserted into our AMPS. First they fast-tracked it into Caryacarya and then they actively promote their shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship event, year after year after year.

That is the story how the Muslim dogma of shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship has made its way into our AMPS.

With your efforts and by joining with others, this shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day dogma must be wiped from the books - it has no place in our Ananda Marga way of life.

in Him,
(Kazi Zulfikar Ali)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (4)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that the period of mourning is 12 days, yet, Tiljala has been mourning on a yearly basis for 30 years.

~ In-depth study ~

Now see in the general society how shraddhainjali came into being. This letter reveals how the dogma shraddhainjali is performed in Bengal and whether this refers to living or dead people - as well as whether it can be used with Sadguru, Taraka Brahma, and Mahasambhuti.

Shraddhainjali dogma wrongly inserted into Caryacarya

Here is the paragraph from the appendix of post-1990 Caryacarya-1 where they have added shraddhainjali.

Post-1990 polluted Caryacarya says, "Programmes on this day shall include nagar kiirtana, devotional songs of Prabhát Saḿgiita (without dance) appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion, akhańd́a kiirtana, shraddháiṋjali, vánii exhibition, bookstall, tree-planting, sadávrata, other welfare activities, prasáda distribution, Bábá stories (satsauṋga), tattvasabhá, conferences and symposia." (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)

And see here below how those days all the purodhas approved of this bogus, dogmatic addition to Caryacarya.

Post-1990 polluted Caryacarya says, “The above appendix on Maháprayáńa Divasa - 21st October 1990 - [...] was discussed and passed as a resolution on 25th August 1991 unanimously by all members of the Central Committee of Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha, and it was decided that this (resolution) should be added as an appendix to Caryácarya Part 1. (CC Resolution, 25/8/1991, Calcutta.) –Trans.” (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)

So we can see how our purodhas were and are. Because of their “standard”, our AMPS organisation has been pulverised into pieces because of our purodhas. Their qualification was put on display in the very last week of October. Their first work was to impose this dogma and turn AMPS into a religion. That is the sad story.

As we all now know, shraddhainjali is just a death day / mahaprayan / tomb worship type of program. When any human being dies then shraddhainjali is performed for the deceased.

Since shraddhainjali is not part of Baba's discourses or Ananda Marga philosophy, many Ananda Margiis may not know what the dogma of shraddhainjali is. That is what our Purodha Dadas were hoping as they wanted to befool margiis on this matter. But, with every passing day more and more are becoming aware.

In the appendix to the post-1990 edition Caryacarya 1, our purodhas Dadas unanimously added shraddhainjali to describe their mahaprayan divas program. Shraddhainjali is done by Muslims for a death ceremony. So the shraddhainjali dogma is a death / mahaprayan / shraddha ceremony or tomb worship for any human being.

No annual shraddhainjali program

In our pre -1990 Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha there is no scope to do any type of annual death ceremony.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (5)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that the period of mourning is 12 days, yet, Tiljala has been mourning on a yearly basis for 30 years.

Dogma of shraddhainjali is death day / mahaprayan ceremony

The term “shraddhainjali” is written in the above Bengali newspaper article because they are mourning the deceased - it is a death day / mahaprayan gathering. That is the dogma of shraddhainjali.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
3. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
4. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony



Here below family, friends, and relative are performing the annual death day / shraddhainjali / mahaprayan ceremony of the Muslim man, Marhum Ziya.

See here below how these Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend - Marhum Ziya. In the below photo Lady Khaleda is present a grand bouquet of flowers upon the tomb of Ziya. And written inside the flower bouquet in Bengali script is the term - “Shraddhainjali”. Those who read Bengali and easily understand. If you are know a Bangla knowing person then just ask anyone who knows and they will tell you.

Many have come to pay respect and perform the last rights Mirza  Fakharul Islam, Alamjir Mosharraf Hussain, Mainkhan Islam Miyan etc.They are making a shraddhainjali tribute and tomb worship of Marhum Ziya.

So the below article and photo from the Daily Prime Newspaper, these Muslims are performing an annual shraddhainjali / mahaprayan/ death ceremony for their friend / relative who died. The term shraddhainjali is highlighted in the bouquet of flowersTake a look at the scene.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Ins & outs of His liila

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In His drama there will always be new characters every moment. Some will be rich, some poor, some intelligent, some foolish, some stout, some thin, some black, some white – but all are the dramatis personae of His drama. The one who is playing the role of a king today and the one who is playing the role of a subject are all acting according to His direction. Those who are playing the roles of unhappy characters are standing on the theatrical stage and shedding tears, and those who are playing the roles of happy people are laughing. But all these tears and laughter are within the drama. A devotee well understands this secret of His drama. He who is playing the role of a king in the drama may be a poor man in real life, and at the end of the play he goes home and chews on dry crusts of bread. But in the drama he was a king."

"In fact, all the people in this universe are playing the roles allotted to them, but that does not mean that they will truly become that role – they will be as He wishes them to become. Each and every living being is the progeny of Parama Puruśa. All exist with Him, and ultimately they will all merge in Him. So no one should even belittle oneself. A drop of water and the entire quantity of water in the ocean are all the same water. The difference is only that one is very small in quantity and the other is vast. When the drop of water identifies itself with the ocean, then no one will call it a drop any longer – for it has become one with the ocean." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Are the Noble Truths?

== Section 3: Links ==

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