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Friday, February 4, 2022

AMPS: ugly history + 3 more


AMPS: ugly history

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.

Before reading this please take second lesson as this is “hard talk.” Factual matters have been written. If you want more details please communicate with us. Thank you.


Those days in the 1990s almost 99.999% of the margiis and Wts did not like to talk or even psychically support ousted Wts and margiis. That is the difference between those days and now. They thought that those whistleblowers were troublemakers.

This is an important topic relevant to all who are very much concerned about unity in Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha. In the constitution, Purodha Pramukha has enormous power, but, in reality, nowadays these top postholders, i.e. PP Vishvadevananda & Kimshuka, have no power. From behind, tyrants and their bootlickers are ruling with an iron fist and giving all the commands.

Terror in that dark era

After 1990, some naive people thought that the leadership in AMPS was proper, i.e. led by true sadvipras, or godly people; but, that was not actually the case. Due to the utter lack of a benevolent leader post-1990, our AMPS faced a very dangerous situation because a so-called unity or black pact was in vogue. In those dark days even the coward purodhas of the then united AMPS were terrified. In order to save themselves, they had to support so many wrongs and injustices that went against their own conscience such as:

    (a) the adulteration of Baba’s books (i.e. printing false things in the name of Baba);
    (b) the curtailment of margii rights;
    (c)  the anti-Baba appendix in Caryacarya;
    (d) the imposition of the Fake Bhukti Pradhan manual;
    (e) as well as various dogmatic programs like holy places and tiirthas.

If purodhas of the then united AMPS opposed the atrocities of key leaders they would get victimised, vilified, and whipped. That is why in the appendix of Caryacarya Part 1, a dogma and an injustice was unanimously approved. It is obvious that every purodha of the then united AMPS was not supporting that dogma and injustice. The operative factor was that they were terrified of facing the backlash from those AMPS rulers. It was just like being part of the Soviet-era politburo or Nazi Germany, or present day North Korea, i.e. opposing the rulers means facing danger and probable death. 

In this same way, so many innocent margiis and Wts were marginalised and expelled by a unanimous vote. Those coward purodhas of the then united AMPS supported those unrighteous expulsions of innocent margiis because those coward purodhas of the then united AMPS feared that going against meant that they themselves would face punishment, even death. Otherwise, who can think that every purodha was in complete agreement with such a heinous and adharmic act. Just they were operating under the reign of terror. They were fearful for their own life. That is how the unanimous vote to expel those innocent margiis and wts was achieved.

So initially, after 1990, there was so-called unity, and if anyone raised any dharmic point and opposed Centre then they were harassed, terrorised, outcasted, expelled, and even whipped and killed. And this all happened by unanimous vote of coward purodhas of the then united AMPS due to this reign of terror.

Whistleblowers were outcasted by margiis also

Back in the 1990s, nearly 99.999% of the margiis and Wts did not like to talk or even psychically support ousted Wts and margiis. That is the difference between those days and now. They thought that those whistleblowers were troublemakers.

During the 1990s, almost 99.999% of the margiis could not believe that Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda were demons. So they were disgusted with those whistleblowers who were sounding the call and making a hue and cry by writing bulletins and circulars about distortions in Baba's books and the curtailment of margii rights. Such whistleblowers were treated like enemies by general margiis and most wts. Indeed, those general margiis were falsely accusing those whistleblowers of trying to destroy AMPS.

In the 1990s, if margiis or Wts raised any point about the curtailment of margii rights etc, then they were harassed, terrorised, outcasted, expelled, and even whipped and killed. During this reign of terror, these inhumane repercussions were all sanctioned by the unanimous vote of cowardly purodhas of the then united AMPS.

Conclusion: difference between then & now

Verily, most in the organisation treated those whistleblower Wts and margiis like the plague, and did not want to talk to them, support them, or be associated with whistleblowers in any way-- not even to the slightest degree. Whistleblowers were treated as slime and branded as enemies of the organisation. That is the stark and vast difference between those days and now. Back then, everyone thought that those whistleblowers sounding the call about the distortion of Baba’s books, Bengalization, or the curtailment of margii rights etc were the enemies of AMPS. Whereas, today, it is more or less common knowledge that those at the helm are off the mark, and it has become more accepted, and even “fashionable”, to raise concerns about those so-called purodhas and their dealings. 

in Him,

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.”
   “So your duty is three-fold. Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this you cannot have mental determination. Your next duty is to unite the moralists of the world, otherwise Dharma will not endure. The exploited mass who do not observe Yama and Niyama – the cardinal moral principles – cannot fight against their own sense of frustration. It is therefore necessary to unite the moralists. This will be your real Dharma. You will become great by doing this, because ideation of the Great makes a person great. At the third stage, you will have to mercilessly fight against sin wherever it has taken root in this world.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Revolutionary strategy

The following is a revolutionary tale from Baba’s story book: 

“O prince ! Now there is no way to recede or retreat. Now we will have to fight with him face to face. Don’t worry at all. We four will create a stir among the young people 14 and they will help you in large numbers. Though the demons are powerful, they are very few in number. If human beings have a proper understanding of their rights, and unitedly stand to establish these rights, all the strength of the demons will disappear just like a piece of straw before a current!”

The four friends of the prince then set out on their respective duties. They sent the message of a famous poet of the Kingdom of Light to all the young people of that country. “Awake, brothers and sisters! Today you will have to awake and stand up against the tyranny of the demons! You will have to stand unitedly to fight against them. The hollow message of peace is meaningless today. As long as the demons are alive, the message of peace is sweet to hear, but is of no use to the society.

“The forces of destruction are spreading venom in all directions. The sweet gospels of peace have been reduced to mockery. Before I depart I send my clarion call to those who have been preparing themselves, in every home, for the battle against the demons.

“The huge wastes of the villains will never add any glorious chapter to human history.”

Young people joined the struggle in large numbers. They said, “We have promised our everything to bring an end to the reign of the demons. We have borne tyranny for a long time – but no more! Wearing ragged clothes we have supplied the commodities of enjoyment for the demons – but no more. We want to lead a life worth living. All the wealth of this universe is the common property of all living beings. We won’t tolerate deception any longer! We want food, clothes, shelter, medicine and education. We want to lead an honourable life.”

The prince said, “These are the very words I wanted to hear from you. We want the end of the Demonic Rule. But before discharging the final blow, the opponent party should be given a chance to amend itself; that’s why we want to give the Strange Demon a chance.” (1)

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Honour everyone’s mother tongue

Prout philosophy states, “”For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”

"There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated…..Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed."

“Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. If a mother tongue is suppressed, the consequences are most dangerous. Take the example of Pakistan. When Pakistan was formed, Urdu was declared the national language. But the actual language position of undivided Pakistan – that is, East Pakistan and West Pakistan – was that 60% of the population spoke Bengali and 40% spoke Hindi, Baluchi, Punjabi or Urdu. When Urdu was declared the national language, East Pakistan revolted and this led to the division of Pakistan. There was a famous song at the time.” (1) 

Note: In this above teaching only the third socio-political principle has been addressed - the first two are: Not retrenched from their jobs and not forcibly converted to another religion. 

Here it should be understood that the term retrenchment means losing one's job. The worker has been dismissed, fired, or let go whereby they no longer have a job. The term retrenchment is commonly used in Australia and South Africa. People from other regions may not be familiar with this usage of the term. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Human & monkey: common attribute

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Monkey”. On the slightest occasion, either due to fear or excitement, a monkey grimaces with clenched fist. So it is called kikhi. This habit of the monkey is prehistoric. Although the ancestors of human beings and monkeys are the same, they were separated at least one million years ago. So a human being also, when frightened or excited, clenches the fist and grimaces. A small child keeps its fist clenched most of the time, and the habit of grimacing also remains predominant in childhood." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When people become agitated they clench their fists and gnash their teeth. These are examples of the traditional legacy or structural legacy of human beings. They have been passed down from preceding stages of evolution. Grimacing and grinning are other examples, but these can be gradually controlled." (2)

Even today, one million years later, still humans carry those same monkey characteristics and instincts. For instance, monkeys bite and scratch when they are angry or fighting one another. That's why infants keep their fists clenched. And some humans also bite and scratch as their chief method of attack / self-defense. Hence the proverb: Fight tooth and nail. Because those days humans were using their teeth and fingernails as their primary weapons, just like monkeys do. And still today some humans resort to these monkey tactics.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Kálii to Kikhi (Discourse 25)
2. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Psychology

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