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Friday, January 2, 2015

Satirical Story of Corrupt Kingdom + 4 More


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Satirical Story of Corrupt Kingdom
2. Comment: New Year's Wishes
3. End Quote: You Can’t See Or Hear Many Things Going On Around You
4. PS #917: O' Parama Purusa, Without You Everything Is Meaningless
5. Links


In a short story / satire given by Sadguru Baba, one goat appeals to the higher authorities for help but his appeal falls on deaf ears. Instead, those higher authorities want to exploit that goat.
This entire email parallels this goat story. Namely, one Dada makes a similar appeal to his higher authorities and is met with a similar result, unfortunately.

Please read below to get all the details. Learn who is involved and who is like that goat etc.


All are aware that recently Dada Iishvarakrsnanandji - hereafter known as Dada IK - of NY sector issued a plea against the sale of NY sectorial office.

Dada IK heard that Ranchi NYSS Dada Vimalanandji was taking aim to sell the NY sectorial office (NYSO). So Dada IK appealed to his saviours of Ranchi Administration to put a halt to the sale and rescue NYSO. Alas, those top Ranchi officials like GS Dada Citsvarupanandji were also greedy for the sale of the sectorial office.

Dada IK quickly realised the futility of his plea and approached even the highest organisational authorities - PP Dada Vishvadevanandji and Dada Rudranandji. Yet, they too were keen on selling NY sectorial office and reaping the financial rewards.

Thus, Dada IK is just like the goat in Sadguru Baba's below short story. Both Dada IK and the goat are made aware of their miserable plight and appeal to higher authorities for help - yet it is all in vain.

This following goat-ghost story from Sadguru Baba serves as a perfect allegory for Dadaji's condition. Actyually, Guru’s story is a satire of the social milieu: How all authorities - from the lowest post to the highest post - are wholly corrupt. Some naive citizens are unaware about this so they appeal to those authorities for help, only to find those authorities have some other agenda in mind. That is what the goat-ghost story is all about; it is a satire.

So please read the below goat-ghost story and then see more about which character is whom in real life.


“Don't you know the story of the goat-ghost from hell?” asked Aklmand.

“No, not at all,” I replied. “If you know it then tell it to me.”

Aklmand began telling the story. “Once there was a chubby, jet-black goat-ghost. He used to stay in the raorava section of hell [the lowest stratum of hell], in a seventh floor flat which often gave him trouble due to a lack of water. He used to quarrel and feud twice a day with the other tenants and the owner. One day the ghosts from the building approached the other ghosts of hell and informed them of this. Hell's ghosts thanked them many times over and said: ‘We haven't eaten goat-flesh for ages. Since we've become ghosts, we've lost count of how long we've been here in hell. We haven't had a single chance to eat goat-flesh since we've come to hell, because even though cow-ghosts arrive now and then, not a single goat-ghost does. The goblins in the wood-apple trees on the road that leads from earth to hell reach down and pull them up and cook them in the portable stoves they keep in the tree branches, so they can have goat-meat curry simmered with Ganges water along with their rice and ghee.

“‘You won't find a single goat-ghost who has had the chance to make it all the way to hell. Now that we've learned that a goat-ghost has come to your place, our joy knows no bound. Shut off the tap-water in your building. Cut the electricity. When he comes downstairs to quarrel with you we will pounce on him and take him away with us.’

“While the ghosts were discussing this among themselves in the building a cow-ghost overheard them. He went to the goat-ghost and informed him. The goat-ghost didn't waste any time, but ran breathlessly away until he had crossed heaven's border. There was some dispute over his passport and visa, to be sure, but when heaven's border-guards heard his sad story, they were overcome with compassion and let him enter heaven. After entering heaven, the goat-ghost approached the gods and lodged a complaint against the ghosts of hell. He said: ‘Tell me gods, how can one possibly remain in hell with such worries?’

“‘Everything about the ghosts is a mess,’ said the gods. ‘They conspired to eat you without even considering the day or date, didn't they?’

“‘Yes they did,’ replied the goat-ghost.

“‘Therein lie our differences with the ghosts,’ said the gods. ‘If we are going to eat you we'll choose an auspicious day for it. We'll bathe you in the Ganges on the new moon, apply vermilion to your forehead, that is, you understand, we'll do everything according to the rules.’

“The goat-ghost smelled danger and rather than waste any time, he fled to the Creator, Brahmá. With great trouble he slipped the security net and entered Brahmá's chambers.

“‘What is wrong, goat-ghost?’ said Brahmá. ‘Why are you panting so hard?’

“‘Look sir,’ said the goat-ghost. ‘I was in hell but the ghosts didn't let me stay there. They plotted to cut me up and eat me. Fearing for my life I came to heaven, but when I arrived here I also saw the gods looking at me and licking their chops, so I came here to ask you for shelter.’

“‘Leave my chambers at once,’ said Brahmá.

“‘Where can I go if I leave your chambers?’ asked the goat-ghost.

“‘Do what I say,’ replied Brahmá. ‘Leave at once. My mouth is also watering seeing your lovely succulence.’”

(From Shabda Cayaniká Part 3: Disc 16)


Thus, Dada IK is just like the goat-ghost. Both he and the goat-ghost are made aware of their miserable situation and appeal to higher authorities for help - yet it is all in vain.

SS Dada Vimalanandji is like the ghosts of hell. Dada Vimalanandji wants to sell the jagrti just as those ghost in hell wish to devour the goat ghost.

GS Dada Citsvarupanandji is like the ghosts in heaven. When GS Dada hears the appeal from Dada IK, GS has no interest in saving NYSO, rather he is eager to sell it and gain the profits, just as those ghosts in heaven have no interest in saving the goat-ghost but relish the idea of eating him.

Finally, PP Dada Vishvadevanandji and Dada Rudranandji are like the Brahma ghost. Because they are the final authorities and they too have no concern about the sale of NYSO - rather they are greedy to secure that money, just as the Brahma ghost has zero concern for the goat-ghost and wishes to eat him.



The goat-ghost is fearful of being devoured so he complains to his higher authorities - but in each case those higher authorities have no empathy for his situation. Instead of saving him, they wish to kill and eat him.

Likewise, Dada Iishvarakrsnanandji is blowing the whistle about the upcoming sale of NYSO and he appeals to his higher authorities to intercede and stop the unlawful and sinful sale of NYSO. But at each and every turn - at every level of the administration - those higher posted Dadas like GS Dada, PP Dada, and Dada Rudrananda hold no concern about Dada IK's plea. Rather they are against and strongly advocate to sell NYSO. That will satisfy their greed for money, just as the ghosts in heaven and the Brahma ghost refuse to listen to the goat-ghosta appeals and instead wish to eat him. 

That is the unfortunate situation and that is why we say that the plight of Dada IK is just like that of the goat-ghost.

If you have any questions about Guru’s satirical goat-ghost story or how that applies to life in AMPS, just let us know.

in Him,


This same type of situation is occurring with margiis of Mexico also. They are very concerned about the rampant selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. Margiis have raised this matter repeatedly with the higher authorities. Those concerned margiis followed the system and wrote letters to sectorial and central Dadas. But each time, at each level, their pleas have not been heard. Still the properties in Mexico continue to be sold - and more are in jeopardy of being sold soon. Allegedly those higher authorities are using the large profits of those land sales for their own merriment and enjoyment.


Whenever any margii confronts and questions these top Dadas about land sales in Mexico or in other places, then those higher authorities blatantly lie. They shamelessly resort to falsehood. They think that nobody will fact-check them and they want to keep their prestige. So they lie. They tell that the land was not sold. When in fact, they themselves approved the sale that Ananda Marga property and that the profits from that sale are allegedly in their own bank account. This is the degree of their hypocrisy. When a genuine point is raised about a particular land sale, then those top Dada blatantly resort to falsehood. This is their standard operating procedure - deny and lie.


Here is the for sale sign on fence in front of New York sectorial office.

== Section 2 ==

New Year's Wishes

New yeara mangalamya ho, hama sabhII milkara buraaion ke saath lara kara vijay saksama bon. dharma aur nyaaya ka saamraajya sthaapita karane men saksama ho saken.

Translation: Happy New Year! Together, we will be victorious in fighting against all sorts of evil forces. We will establish the kingdom of dharma and justice.

in Him,
Bk Tantia

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

You Can’t See Or Hear Many Things Going On Around You
“Living beings receive the vibrations of tanmátras according to their respective mental and physical constitutions. Take, for instance, a very tiny particle like an atom. From this also form tanmátras or vibrations emanate, but human eyes normally cannot perceive these extremely minute vibrations. So human beings have to bring them within the scope of visibility of their sight organs with the help of a microscope or other such instruments. Thus apprehending the vibrations of these minute entities is beyond the capacity of the human sensory organs. Remote sounds or inarticulate vocal expressions may not be normally heard by your ears; for this you will have to take the help of a microphone or a loud speaker, because perceiving these sounds is beyond the range of your ear-organ. There are several tiny creatures that produce faint noises: they are hovering all around you, yet you cannot hear their sounds. You cannot hear the sounds of Calcutta with your crude acoustic power, but through a radio you can receive them very easily, for your radio receiver has a far greater power than yours to receive distant sound-waves. You receive from the aerial vibrations what had been received by the radio receiver and then transmitted by it again into the ocean of air. So it is clear that there are distinctive differences in the vibrational reception of different instruments, and humans and animals receive tanmátras according to the respective capacities of their different sensory mechanisms.” (SS-3, Vibration, Form and Colour)

Note: Commonly people think that they can see and hear everything in their own personal room or office etc. They think that everything is unfolding before their eyes. But that is not true. Actually what they see and hear is limited. There are so many things they cannot see or hear etc. The human organs are limited in scope. In comparison, animals see and hear so many things which humans cannot. If the room is too dark for any human being to see, there are so many creatures that thrive in that environment. Similarly, there are numerous animals that can hear sounds that are inaudible to humans. Not only that, if somebody speaks softly it often cannot be heard, and if one is exposed to loud noises then they will become deaf. Verily, this limited capacity of perception applies to all humans in all places.

Only ignorant people think that all they see or hear everything. There are some philosophers like Carvak who think that the reality is based in sense experience, and that nothing exists beyond the senses. Yet there are so crude things which humans cannot grasp, what to speak of subtler things. To perceive those subtler things, one’s indriyas are incapable. To understand others feelings, one must use the mind - not the organs. Those who are not mentally developed cannot understand others feelings. So to perceive subtler events, one must refine the mind.

Parama Purusa is subtler than the subtlest. To realise Him pointed intellect is needed - agreya buddhi. With the help of sadhana, that quality develops. 

== Section 4 ==

~ O' Parama Purusa, Without You Everything Is Meaningless ~

"Toma're besechi je bha'lo, a'r ki bhulite pa'ri..." (PS # 917)


O' Parama Purusa, by Your grace I am completely ensconced in Your love. How can I forget Your divine attraction for even a single moment. All my hopes, longings, and inspirations are revolving around thoughts of You. They are floating around You, all the time.

O' Divine Entity, by Your grace, I have intense desire for You. Due to this, everywhere I look I see only You. There are flowers in the garden, but I do not see them. When I look in their direction, I only see You. O' Lord, for me, everything in this universe has become tumimae [1]. In the flower garden there are no flowers. These flowers have turned into You. Everything has become one with You. All the nectar of the flowers has been collected for You. Their existence is because of You.  

Baba, the Divine Entity, the firmament of my heart, life remains moonless, dark, without You. My every desire is focusing on You. In my mind only You are; without You everything is meaningless. You are the full moon sky of my heart. Every single ounce of effulgence and brightness in my heart is blissful because of Your presence. Each and every iota of my existence is dancing in Your rhythm. Baba, You are my Polestar. You are my everything...


[1] Tumimae (Brahma bhava): This is the state when everything in the world becomes the personification of the Supreme Divine Entity - Baba. Due to intense longing, the bhakta contemplates, "Wherever I look in this world, I see only You."

Here is one crude example. Suppose someone lost a large amount of money, then no matter where they go - even if they are in one spectacular garden full of flowers - they can only think about and see that lost money. Because their mind is so fixated on that.

In a positive case, when any devotee has intense desire for the Lord Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, then they experience and see Him wherever they look. And that deeply devotional state is known as Brahma bhava, i.e. 2nd lesson.

== Section 5 ==


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