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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sexual Plague in AMPS


Sexual Plague in AMPS

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology. This letter is not for LGBT hard core people and their supporters. This letter is only to protect innocent people from degeneration.

Deepest Namaskar to all,

And i apologize to have to be the bearer of such bad news. Unfortunately AMPS has been under attack by a new groupism, and our lack of action is allowing this groupism to grow larger and larger everyday.


This new splinter group is forming in a very similar way to which the ASM splinter group formed. If you can remember how the ASM movement formed, the person by the name of Maetreyii declared herself as a new "channeler" of shrii shrii Anandamurti, and started attracting new devotees, telling people that their perverted agenda was the true representation of AMPS on this Earth.

Pranakrsnananda was gay clan-father

Unfortunately another groupism is forming and they already have hundreds of followers all over the world. i will be referring to this groupism as the "pseudo-culture gay clan", however they like to call themselves "fake Margiis for Gay Rights".

This movement began when the late Pranakrsnananda performed his treacherous "gay union". The reason i use the word treacherous here is because he did not have any permission from his higher authority in order to perform such a union, in other words he had a total disregard for the system which Baba had created. According to Baba's system, if someone has a new interpretation of AM philosophy, then they must present that new interpretation to the Central Committee and have it approved before they go around telling people that their new interpretation is correct. To disregard Baba's system and to go ahead spreading their new interpretation of AM philosophy without anyone's permission is certainly treachery.

Fake margiis pro-homosexuality perverted agenda

Regardless of the fact that Prsnankrsnananda had no permission what-so-ever, several fake Margiis started flocking to his cause, and began spreading his new perverted agenda to as many people as possible. For them, AMPS had all of a sudden become a pro-homosexuality perverted agenda, and they created a facebook page, which now has hundreds of members. It is not necessary for me to list all the members of their groupism, but i would like to point out who a few of the leaders of this new pseudo-culture gay clan are.

Aberrant sister Jane Gatt (Jaya)

The second gay-union took place in Malta by the sister Jane Gatt (Jaya). Here i am going to use the word "sister" loosely, because i am not sure if she identifies herself as a "sister" or a "brother" or just what she identifies herself as.

Debauched Jyoshna LaTrobe and her young lesbian lover

The third gay-union took place between sister Jyoshna LaTrobe and her young lesbian lover who is much much less than half of her age. Unlike the Jane Gatt situation who remains in Malta where the local Acaryas condone her actions, the Jyoshna clan has attracted a large following as she travels all over the world spreading her perverted agenda of a pro-gay AMPS.

Lecherous Didi Ananda Arpana’

This new groupism also has their own Acaryas now, and i am not only speaking about the Acaryas who simply just allow it to happen in their local units, but are actively promoting dissolute homosexuality to everyone they can. Here i am speaking about Didi Ananda Arpana, who by the way, is not only openly promoting dirty homosexuality, but is also promoting abortion. This Didi appears to be running some kind of a "Russian dating service" for lesbian fake Margiis, as both of the two above unions found their lesbian lovers through her.

And now the new attack against AMPS has taken place. Not only has Berlin Sector become a hot spot for homosexual activity, it appears that Brazil has also become a hot spot for this type of activity as well, as the Acaryas there have allowed it to spread there. In fact, the fake Margiis of Brazil have even organized their own conference in which they boldly announce to the world that AMPS is a pro-gay organization. For those of you who can't read Portuguese, their conference flyer says, "The first meeting of fake Margiis who are pro-LGBT", and this conference took place between the dates of the 11th and the 15th of November last year.

Libidinous agenda "playing the victim card"

For the remainder of the email i would like to examine some of the claims made by this groupism, and i would like to suggest what we can do to prevent it from spreading even further.
The first and most obvious claim they make is that, "anybody who does not subscribe to their groupism is full of hatred.” This trick, which is also known as "playing the victim card" has been a successful strategy employed by the Vaeshyans for many centuries. First of all, i should mention that i don't hate anyone. The sisters who i have mentioned in the above sections are not evil people, they are a bit misguided that is all.

The second claim which this groupism makes is "nowhere in Baba's books does He speak anything against dirty homosexuality" and hence the reason why they feel justified to announce to the world that Baba was pro-homosexuality. Baba did however speak about dissolute homosexuality in the Prout books, and He used the name pseudo-culture to define it. The pseudo-culture gay clan movement will of course deny this, and they will claim that when Baba speaks about pseudo-culture, He is only referring to pornography, prostitution, beastiality, pedophilia and other such sexually depraved acts, but it does not include animalistic homosexuality. According to them, homosexuality is done by animals also.

Quandry: In retreats, seminars where should gay people sit-- left, right, or middle?

And this comes to my third point, the point about gay-bathrooms. As we all know, during the Obama administration, gender-neutral bathrooms had become a huge issue on the US political scene. So now what is next for AMPS? Are we going to suggest these new changes for our Master Units and Jagritiis? Should there be 3 bathrooms, one for brothers, one for sisters, and one for "its"? And the dormitories? Should there be 3 dormitories? Brothers dormitory, Sister dormitory, and a third dormitory for people who are somewhere in between? And how about Dharma Cakra? Baba said brothers should sit on the left and sisters should sit on the right. Now should we have people who are not sure what they are to sit somewhere in the middle?

Please, i urge you to take a stand against this non-sense before this new groupism is allowed to spread itself even further. If you see an Acarya in your local area who is allowing homosexuals to go around telling people that AMPS is a pro-gay organization, tell them to stop. They do not have permission from their higher authority to speak on behalf of AMPS in such a way. And if you see a Master Unit that allows homosexual brothers and sisters to sleep together in the brother's dormitory or sister's dormitory, tell them that you are not comfortable with that.

Thank you for your attention,
In Him
Brother Rasaviharii

Paralyzed, spineless people
And this brings us to their fourth claim, that "animalistic homosexuality is something normal and natural", and they even go so far to claim that "some people were just born gay". This stands in clear contradiction to what Baba said in the Prout books. Baba has stated in the Yoga Psychology book very clearly that sexual thoughts can not arise in the mind of a young child before a certain age when various glands have started to develop, therefore how could the thoughts of "maybe I am a homosexual" arise in their minds? In contrast, Baba said clearly in a discourse entitled Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture given on March 21, 1982 in Kolkatta that, "if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters’ spines and they will become paralyzed. And those paralyzed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation." Here Baba is stating implicitly that this type of behavior has been imposed on them by something they saw either on the television, movie theater, or internet. This can be seen very clearly by the fact that if you go to a third world country, where people do not have access to television, cinema, or internet, the chances of animalistic homosexuality are very very low, almost non-existent, whereas in so-called first world countries, where young children are given television and internet from a very early age, the chances of dissolute homosexuality are growing very high.

Died from AIDS

The fifth claim they make is that "Baba told one gay Margii who came for PC to,’do what is natural’." Of course, according to their interpretation of this story, to continue go on being gay is what was natural for this brother. Needless to say that this brother died from AIDS a few years later. And regarding the second PC story, which comes from the book Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru, where Baba clearly stated that dissolute homosexuality was a "mistake of a sexual nature", the only response from the pseudo-culture gay clan is that Dada Dharmavedananada jii is a liar, and that he must hate all gay people to have written this story in his book.

There is no such homosexual gene

The sixth claim that they like to make is that, "science is on our side". Ok, so let us examine this so-called "science". The first attempt by the Vaeshyans in order to convince the public that decadent homosexuality is something normal and natural was when they start looking for a "gay-gene". That is, after scientists had already mapped out the entire human genome, they started to do research into the question whether or not there is some particular gene which gay people have that normal heterosexual people don't have. Their results came out negative. There is no such gene which homosexual people have that heterosexual people don't have. But then the Vaeshyan pushed on. Now comes the point of hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a person who was born with the sexual organs of both male and female. It is a very rare case, but sometimes it does happen. The Vaeshyans sought to exploit on this point. They came up with a new category called "partial hermaphrodite". This partial hermaphrodite means that although the person was not born with sexual organs of both sexes, there are certain cells inside their body which contain chromosomes from both sexes. This is true, many people are born this way. However, this does not mean that a person born this way will necessarily turn out to be gay. In fact there are many normal heterosexual people who have cellular chromosomes from both sexes in a few of their cells in their body. It is a natural occurrence that when cells replicate their DNA in order to divide into new cells, that genetic mistakes are made during the cellular reproduction stages.

Bribe politicians in order to pass pro-gay legislation

The seventh claim that the pseudo-cultural groupism likes to make is that "dissolute homosexuality has always existed in human society". This is also not true. Although it did exist in isolated cases previously, it was not until the sexual revolution of the 1960's and the feminist movements of the 1970's that it became a popular political movement. i would like to refer people to a few Wikipedia pages if they would like to research more into this point.
The first Wikipedia page is called "LGBT history in Russia". It was during the Communist revolution of 1917 and the founding of the Soviet Union in 1922 that decadent homosexuality essentially became legalized.
The second Wikipedia page is called "Paraphilia". In the year 1974, the American Psychiatric Association removed the condition of homosexuality from their list of paraphilia disorders. This was during the heights of the feminist movement and the sexual revolution.
And finally i would like to direct your attention to a Wikipedia page called "Pink Money". It can be seen here that the gay community is a multi-billion dollar industry. By 2012 the pink industry had already reached a value of 790 billion dollars, and by 2015, that value had already increased to 917 billion dollars. Part of this money is being used to bribe politicians in order to pass pro-gay legislation.

A Few examples of gay orgy and deadly habit
“Thrusting gonorrhoea bacteria into this environment through oral sex can lead to super-gonorrhoea.” [courtesy BBC]
"In the US, resistance [to an antibiotic] came from men having sex with men because of pharyngeal infection," she added. [courtesy BBC]

“The Vatican police showed up to find an orgy in progress, with an untold number of naked men allegedly writhing around the floor with Capozzi and his cohorts, who were apparently under the influence of hard drugs according to the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano which broke the story that a host of Italian and international media have since picked up.” [courtesy thedailybeast]

“Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI, during the years he served as prefect of the CDF. This confirms the allegations of the neighbors (all high prelates of the Church) that the building is reserved for top officials of the Roman Curia, not for monsignors like Capozzi. Capozzi was also entrusted with a luxurious car with Holy See license plates, which allowed him to transport drugs without harassment from the gendarmerie or the Italian Police. These unusual benefits suggest he's protected by very powerful clergy. (courtesy

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