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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Avt spreads dirty dogma + 3 more

Avt spreads dirty dogma


One Avt. has uploaded some objectionable dogmatic images of Lord Shiva into videos of their Youtube channel. Some of the images portray the mythological picture of Lord Shiva which is blatantly against Ananda Marga ideology.

Lady in Matted Locks, Crescent Moon & Butterfly Tattoo

Here in this posting, two images are presented which are screenshots from a video uploaded to one avadhuta’s Youtube channel.

The first image falls prey to the following dogmas:
(i) A crescent moon on the left side of Shiva’s head;
(ii) An image of a lady inside the matted locks (jatá) of Lord Shiva; and,
(iii) A butterfly tattoo engraved on Shiva’s forehead. This portrayal is blatantly against Bábá’s teachings;
(iv) The wrong skin complexion has been depicted. He is not dark skinned but rather of fair complexion.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Shiva was white-complexioned. His immense purity of mind was in perfect harmony with His white complexion.” (1)

Now look here at this below image:

~ Image #1: This is of a fake and dogmatic Lord Shiva ~

In the above dogmatic portrayal, the face of a lady has been carved in the matted locks of Lord Shiva; this dogma stems from a picture painted in Puranic texts, which are fictitious tales supporting Hindu dogma. In the above photo, see the butterfly engraved on Shiva’s forehead. That is another myth or falsehood that ritualistic worshippers ascribe to Lord Shiva.

Here is a summary of the dogmas related with the above photo:
1. A butterfly tattoo on Shiva’s forehead;
2. On the top of Shiva’s head one lady is residing, and her face is visible;
3. On the left side of Shiva’s head there is a crescent moon.

Now let’s focus our attention on the below photo:

~ Image #2: A fake and dogmatic portrayal of Lord Shiva ~

This #2 image from the video is also a dogmatic representation of Lord Shiva. For instance, there is the portrayal of Parvati in a lewd way, and see the moon on the left side of Shiva’s head. Verily here are the main objectionable points from the above photo.  

Here is a summary of the dogmas related with the 2nd photo:
1. Parvati’s dress is like that of modern filmy dancer;
2. In the historical Shiva’s age, in those days there was no cloth; people used to wear animal skin so Parvati’s dress is fake;
3. To satisfy the vulgar, animalistic lower propensities, someone made this crude image;
4. About this fake Parvati’s image: A person dominated by animal propensities chose to put this in order to spoil the teachings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, and to ruin the image of Ananda Marga;
5. Altogether the person who has collected this in the name of Sadguru Baba / Ananda Marga is an enemy of the society and our Ananda Marga ideology.

Crescent moon hair-clip dogma

Lord Shiva is always ensconced in the divine nectar (soma-dhárá / soma-rasa ) of the pineal gland - which is related with the moon. Thus the moon is purely symbolic. But Hindus think that the moon is physically adorning Lord Shiva’s head. This is evident in the pictorial representation of Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology wherein Lord Shiva’s picture is made with the moon above His head, as if really the moon is there. Many people do not know the reason behind this. Ánanda Márga ideology does not appreciate this type of literal depiction - which often leads to dogmatic thinking. But we see that in the above photo, the subtle concept of soma-rasa is reduced to a very crude pictorial representation of a picture of moon on Lord Shiva’s temple-- which is completely against Ananda Marga teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The hormone secretion of the pineal gland (pineal plexus or sahasrára cakra ) is partly controlled by the moon, hence its nectar is called somarasa or soma-dhárá (soma means moon). This pineal secretion invigorates the lower glands of the human body and intoxicates the spiritual aspirant with divine joy." (1)

Dogma: Lady resides above the head of Shiva

Further, the picture shows a picture of a lady’s head in Shiva’s matted locks. This is a ridiculous representation. Common sense cannot allow us to digest the veracity of the claim that a lady can make a house in the matted locks of anyone, be it Lord Shiva. This is a Hindu dogma that the river Ganga who is a lady lives in Shiva’s matted locks. The whole idea of a river being a lady and that lady living in matted locks is preposterous.

Licking Hindu dogma

Instead of fighting against the prevalent dogmas for the welfare of the mankind, the maker of this video is joining hands with dogmatic Hindus by aligning with their irrational and outdated dogmatic beliefs. Bábá spent a huge part of His time in His physical body dictating thousand of pages of Ánanda Márga philosophy as a guideline to enable us fight the religious dogma. Instead of propagating this legacy certain misguided people in our own Márga are destroying His divine teachings. These misguided people are afraid of Hindus and to align with them they are even willing to compromise on the central tenets of Ánanda Márga’s teachings, to not support any dogmatic beliefs.

Misuse of pracara

Information technology is very powerful and can connect millions of people. This advanced tool of technology is being misutilized by the dogmatic video maker, to an extent of abuse by uploading misleading pictures in the name of Ánanda Márga. Millions of people view these images and begin to either get the wrong teachings or to feel that Ánanda Márga teachings are faulty. Both of the aforementioned consequences are disastrous and undesired.


The videos uploaded on this person’s Youtube channel have misleading pictures depicting a dogmatic representation of  Lord Shiva. These dogmatic images have been included by this person to align Ananda Marga with Hinduism to gain Hindu sympathy. This is done at the expense of compromising with Ánanda Márga ideology. Further, the use of pervasive information technology tools like Youtube is propagating these images rapidly. This must be stopped or else either the viewers of these images will get misguided, or they may think that the Ánanda Márga teachings are flawed.  As disciples of Lord Shri Shri Ánandamurtiji we should not be supporting any dogma and therefore must oppose this. Readers are requested to write to the video maker and let them know of these misdeeds. Please request that they rectify these as soon as possible.

In Him,

Maker of this youtube movie:  slur on AM

Here below is a screenprint of the link. The title of the video is “The seven secrets of success as stated by Lord Shiva”. And the main culprit has given his code name as AMPS0521, which is also seen below in the screenprint.

It is unclear who has made this video. But the person who made it, is a slur on the name of Ananda Marga. Baba wants to remove the dogma from human society. And this fellow i.e. the youtube video maker is perpetuating the rotten, outdated, stale Hindu dogma. So watch out for such pseudo artists.

Here below is the misleading title given for the Youtube video that was uploaded by one avadhuta:

  • “The seven secrets of success as states by Lord Shiva”

This above title that is very concerning because instead of presenting the dharma of Ananda Marga teachings the images in this video are filled with Hindu dogma. There are millions of dirty videos but those are less problematic than someone telling false things in the name of Sadguru Baba and Ananda Marga philosophy.

Note: Please paste this entire posting in the Youtube comment section of this video in order to open the eyes of the avadhuta who is immersed in Hindu dogma.

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva in the Song of Shiva (Discourse 19)
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 9, Tantra and Sádhaná

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your name is everything for me

"Toma'rei priyo na'm, tumii parin'a'm, toma'kei niye jato a'sha'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3576)


O' Parama Purusa, Your name is most dear, most sweet. You are the destination; You are the Goal. All my hopes are related with You; I do not have any mundane desires. All the 24 hrs I think about You. Your beauty floats In the beautiful sky. My coming and going, life and death, is only to serve You.

Baba, I do not know anything about “cause and effect” theory. This much only I know: You are the Creator and the creation; You are the maintenance; and You are the culmination. Baba, You are everything. O’ Ever-blissful Rhythmic Entity who has a heavenly flow of spiritual nectar. By Your divine knowledge, You destroy all hopelessness.

By Your grace with the melody of the sound of omkara, my mind is dancing and revolving around You, with the tune and melody of consciousness, beyond the horizon. In this super charming psycho-spiritual realm, with the sublime vibration of three worlds, my mind is immersed in You. That ecstasy is beyond my description; there is no language to describe that endless joy.

Baba, I do sastaunga pranam at Your lotus feet again and again and again...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

What happens at the time of death

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When the physical body no longer remains, that is, when one passes into a bodiless state of existence, then the mind remains just as a seed, modified into the form of saḿskáras. There being no brain or nerve cell attached to it, it cannot perform any function. It commits no sin, nor can it acquire any virtue. It is completely good for nothing, a worthless entity. The cultivation of rationality is as much beyond its capacity as is mental work. Its existence thus is meaningless. Its only destiny is to carry the burden of saḿskáras over and over again. There is nothing else for it to do; it is a completely helpless being. It is only when it is privileged to have a physical structure that it is in a position to cultivate dharma; that is not possible under any other condition whatsoever. Even the feeling that “I cannot do dharma sádhaná” is absent there. Because mental functions are not possible without nerve cells. When there is a physical body, there is scope for the mind to think of higher things, and dharma sádhaná is possible for human beings." (1)

1. Discourses On Krsna and the Giita, Dharmakśetra – the Human Body

== Section 4: Links ==

Legal Notice: ©2018 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Avt spread dirty dogma
2. PS #3576: Your name is everything for me
3. IT: What happens at the time of death
4. Links

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