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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Example: Rudránanda is wicked Thief - #1


Example: Rudránanda is wicked Thief - #1


For every bhakta, áptavákya, the teachings that come directly from Parama Puruśa, is immensely valuable and elevates one's mind to subtler spiritual realms taking the mind closer to Guru, our beloved Baba. Áptavákya is indeed, one of the many ways in which Baba communicates with His devotees. All of Ánanda Marga philosophy is áptavákya. It is Baba's way of guiding humanity forward in the path of all-round progress.

Every sádhaka feels a connection to Baba when he reads Ánanda Marga philosophy, which Baba has graciously bestowed upon humanity. Many non-sádhakas are drawn towards Baba through the strength of this philosophy. There are examples of people who waited for many years in their lives to find their Guru and embraced Ánanda Marga sádhaná because they were deeply touched when they first came in contact with Sadguru Baba's philosophy. This is the power of áptavákya.

Petty attempt at self-glorification

Guru's words are precious and have a transformative power on every being that comes in contact with them. By this, we all understand, how important it is to preserve the authenticity and sanctity of Guru's words by not distorting, misinterpreting or plagiarizing them to achieve one's own selfish motives, for the sake of earning prestige and accolades or to misguide others.

The subject of this letter deals with how Dada Rudránanda is blatantly plagiarizing Baba's discourses in an article published in Prajina Bharati, a magazine published by AMPS. Here below with the help of numerous examples from Rudránanda's article published in the Sept 2018 issue of this magazine, and corresponding references from Baba's discourses, one can clearly come to know the lowly mentality of the Dada Rudránanada of Ranchi. He has copied words from Baba's discourses verbatim with no credit to the Originator of all this knowledge, i.e Baba Himself. This is just a petty attempt at self-glorification. Sadly, these are the kind of people at the helm of affairs at AMPS, Ranchi. This glorious organization, which was founded by Shrii Shrii Anandamúrtii ji in 1955 for propagating Ánanda Marga ideology throughout the world, is unfortunately now in the hands of these mean-minded, vile ego-maniacs who have no reverence for the Guru or His words.

In Him,

Along with Rudrananda, the following persons are also culprits in deceiving Ananda Margiis and plagiarizing Baba's articles, printing them in their leader Rudrananda's name so as to gain more prestige and reward from Rudrananda: Madhuvratananda, Hariishananda, Satyashrayananda, Kalyaneshananda, Nabhatiitananda, Rakeshananda, Amaleshananda, Puspendrananda, Pranaveshananda.

This plagiarism should be stopped. To that end, if Margiis can write to the below email address and express their view on this, it will be deeply appreciated:

Prajina Bharati Magazine Editor <>

~ In-Depth Study ~

Plagiarism = Stealing: Against Asteya

As we know, Ásteya is one of the tenets of Niyama and it must be adhered to at any cost to stay on the path of Dharma. Non-Stealing does not just mean not committing physical theft; it also means not to mentally think of stealing what belongs to someone else. It also means not stealing the intellectual property of others. It also means not claiming ownership of knowledge emanating from other people or sources. This type of stealing, i.e. copying others works without giving them the due credit is plagiarism and goes completely against Ásteya. This is exactly what Dada Rudránanda has done in his article.

Juggling words will not help social progress

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Asteya” means “non-stealing” – not stealing physically or mentally; not cheating physically or mentally." (See Ref A)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The artist or sáhityika who assumes the responsibility of leading humanity along the path to light from the caverns of darkness will have to heed the road signs on that path. It is not possible to guide others with mere cheap, superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate by plagiarizing others’ works. Rather it is necessary for the sáhityika or artist to have a keen and vigorous insight, without which all their endeavours will prove fruitless. Merely juggling words or depicting defects in society will not satisfy the hunger of the human mind – and such creations of art are indeed valueless for social progress as well. ” (See Ref B)

Rudránanda stole out of greed for prestige

In Rudránanda's article, he has stolen paragraphs after paragraphs from Baba's discourses without quoting the source and has presented them as his own work, emanating from his limited mind. Is this what a sanyásii in orange robes entrusted with the responsibility of the welfare of an organization and upliftment of society should be doing? Is this not an unconscionable crime? Moreover, is this not an act of disrespect to Guru? Rudránanda's thievery surely is a sign of cheating psychology. Common thieves in the society sometimes are forced to steal out of a dire need to satisfy a need. They may steal food to satisfy their hunger. They may steal money to provide the basic necessities for their families. These acts also go against the code of Ásteya. However, Rudránanda's act of stealing from Baba's discourses to present them as his own work, to enhance his own prestige is a bigger sin, a bigger pátaka, than the act of common thieves. It is very evident from the pictures shown below that Rudránanda has simply copied Baba's words, changed a few sentences here and there, interspersed them with a few of his own words and presented the article as if he had great thoughts to share about Ananda Marga teachings. Common thieves steal out of need, Rudránanda stole out of greed for prestige.

Thievery in Prajina Bharati

The paragraphs within the red box, with markers (1), (2) and (3) in the picture highlights the plagiarized paragraphs. Please carefully read the contents of the highlighted paragraphs and compare them with excerpts from Baba's discourses marked (1), (2) and (3) below the picture. Plagiarized sections in the excerpts are also highlighted in yellow. It will be abundantly clear that the contents of the article and the excerpts are very similar. Rudránanda stole them for his article. All are stolen from the discourse The Process of Human Progress published in Ánanda Vacanámrtam-7.

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "Behind the human endeavour to progress towards perfection lies one motivating factor – the desire for permanent happiness. Urged on by this desire, people start to tread the path of advancement. Early on in their journey, they discover hundreds of personal and social imperfections hindering their progress and resolve to overcome them to reach their cherished goal. Those early humans, goaded on by their instinctive urge to attain happiness, also battled against these imperfections. However, having no systematic method to achieve progress, they were greatly handicapped.  Human existence is trifarious: physical, psychic and spiritual. In the initial phase of their march, in the dark age of the distant past, the humans progressed in the physical and psychic spheres alone. Not having the key to enter the spiritual world, they were unable to advance spiritually. When they tries to establish their physical supremacy in the external world, great pressure was exerted on their nervous system, resulting in a mutual conflict between their innumerable cells. This inter-cellular clash caused a marked development in human consciousness which, in turn, led to corresponding changes in the external human structure.(1) Ánanda Vacanámrtam-7, The Process of Human Progress   

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "How did change occur in the psychic world? When human beings started fighting against imperfections in the physical world and psychic sphere for the development of mind, psychic changes began to occur. Their internal attempts to remould their psychic world resulted in considerable clash among the nerve cells and nerve fibres which led to subtle changes in both the psychic and physical structures. Although the nerve cells and fibres are related to the mind, they actually originate from subtle physical stuff. When they become more subtle, therefore, there is a corresponding subtle change in the physical structure.  Thus those early human beings battled against psychic imperfections to bring about a change in the psychic world. The same fight is still continuing and will continue in future as well. This phase on the path of human progress can be called “Jiṋánayoga”. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, change in the psychic world can be termed “Jiṋána yoga”. It is also a change, not of absolute significance, but of relative significance."
(2) Ánanda Vacanámrtam-7, The Process of Human Progress  

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "When, in the distant past, humans realized that karma yoga and jiṋána yoga would not help them to attain true progress, they readily embraced bhakti yoga. They realized that devotion is the only path. Human beings today have advanced even further due to their developed karma and jiṋána yoga, and thus will realize more quickly than their ancestors the need to follow the path of devotion. This is the bright side of karma and jiṋána yoga. That is, these two yogas will strengthen the path of devotion, will make it more solid."
(3) Ánanda Vacanámrtam-7, The Process of Human Progress

How to illustrate Guru's teachings

Sadguru Baba's teachings are precious jewels, always to be safeguarded, never to be distorted, nor misused to achieve individual glory or to misguide others. First class disciples of Baba use the Guru's words to spread Guru's glory. It is Guru's words that bring eternal glory to humanity and to the person who utters them. Of what use are words, if not used to proclaim the greatness of Parama Puruśa! With this feeling in his heart, a first-grade bhakta spreads the Guru's glory throughout the world by telling the world "this is my Guru's teachings". In this process, the individual who glorifies the Guru is ensconced in Supreme Bliss. Such a devotee will never find the need to satisfy his small self by stealing or plagiarising his Guru's words. All glory belongs to the Guru and this thought brings eternal bliss. It is only a third class disciple, who steals Guru's teachings and claims them to be one's own to glorify one's small "I". Baba's teaching should always be presented with full reverence to Sadguru by citing references carefully. The source of the teaching, the name of the discourse, chapter or verse from which the teaching was taken, everything should be presented in detail. One must always be careful not to misquote the Guru. Guru's teaching should be explained to the masses by giving full credit to the Supreme Source of all knowledge, Shrii Shrii Anandamúrtii ji. One should never use the Guru's words to portray one's own self as a so-called intellectual or jiṋánii. It is a sin to use ápta vákya for anything else but to glorify the Lord and to bring everyone to the path of bliss.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Your fundamental basis should be prapatti. “Everything happens as per His desire and not a single blade of grass can move without His permission”. By the Grace of, by the compassion of Parama Puruśa, you have received the ápta vákya guidelines, and it is your duty to adhere strictly to the teachings and gospel of ápta vákya. A jiṋánii has no future." (See Ref C)

(A) Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 6, Ten Wonts of Dharma
(B) A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
(C) Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 2, The Excellence of a Bhakta

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