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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Faux wts + 3 more


Faux wts

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Ananda Marga Philosophy says,  “Householders have to care for two families whereas the renunciates have to care for only one. The householders’ two families are their own small family consisting of father, mother, brothers, sisters, husband or wife, sons, daughters, etc. and the larger human family, that is, the entire universe. The householders will have to maintain a balance between both these families.” (1)

Ananda Marga Philosophy says,  “The householders will have to look after the larger family as well, but for that they may take the assistance of the sannyasins. Sannyasins do not have a small family of their own – their family is the entire universe. In order to maintain that family they, in turn, may take the help of the householders.” (2)

Wts (proper, bad, worst)

Note: True Wts strictly follow all Guru’s teachings - all Wt conduct rules. That means that when they become a WT, they are to cut all ties and relations with their laokik parents / families. They keep zero connection with them: No phone calls, no talking, and no correspondence - period. This is the way that true Wts conduct themselves - they are A-grade. Nowadays, in our AMPS, such WT workers are in the extreme minority. On estimation, we can say that they comprise less than 24%, conservatively speaking, as the percentage is probably even less than that. That is the unfortunate state of affairs.

2nd grade WTs

B-grade WT workers keep connection with their laokik parents - writing and talking on a regular basis, or less frequently. They are pseudo-Wts as they wholly contravene Guru’s guideline by keeping in contact with their laokik family etc. However, although they communicate with their laokik parents - and are mentally and emotionally attached with them - which is against the code of conduct, at least they are not giving organisational money to their parents. They are 2nd grade WT workers.

Within this B-grade level of Wts who are in attached with their parents, there are two subdivisions. The first thinks that it is wrong and unethical to give money to their laokik families, and that is why they refrain from doing so. They are comparatively better than this next group. Because this next group wishes or would divert organisational money to their parents if their laokik parents needed money. But the fact is that their laokik parents have sufficient financial resources, thus there is no need to give them money. But should the time come that their families needed money, then these Wts would readily give them organisational money etc. These Wts are worse, and all credit goes to the parents for not needing or accepting money because the tendency of such WT workers is to steal money from the organisation for them.

Some are coloured jackals

Lastly, we come to C-grade Wts: They are in attached with their laokik families and funnel huge financial resources to them. We cannot call them as sannyasis - they are coloured jackals. Many of them are holding high posts and wearing avadhuta dress, but they keep attached with their parents, and steal money rampantly from the organisation in order to support their laokik families. They embezzle and co-opt huge funds for their laokik parents and construct large mansions for them. And sometimes those Wts go and stay there as well - and even plan on inheriting that house in the future.

Verily, such degraded Wts do so many favours for their laokik families. They  pay bribes to officials to get jobs for their laokik family members; they  purchase luxury homes for them; and they visit and stay with them as well. Some of these Wts leave their Wt-ship, but then they can no longer reap the benefits. So they are foolish. In contrast, those who are “smart” and cunning remain. They never leave and just treat AMPS as a milching / milking cow - constantly stealing and diverting monies from the organisation. They  keep huge bank balances, walk around in avadhuta dress, have a big post, but internally they are completely black and live deceptive lives - fully engaged in laokik family life, perpetually stealing money from the organisation. And they may keep a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Some wts lead deceptive lives

But do not be surprised. Such C-grade, characterless Wts are rampant - they are everywhere. Certainly you have seen them many times and you will continue to see them again and again. But you may not recognise this fact. However, if you dig a bit deeper you will come to know about their antics. And you will understand that what I am expressing here is 100% correct.

This type of Wt is not limited to a particular group or faction like Kolkata, Ranchi, EC, etc. All factions are involved in this - across the board. Your duty is to find out where their laokik families live and then go and visit or send someone to spy on them and then the truth will be revealed.

Reminiscing about laokik / worldly life is anti-dharmic and against the Wt conduct rules. Because at that time their name and personality were different and they have since gotten a new name and their father, mother, everything has become Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Thus if they reminisce in their writings, talks, and discussions about their ex life then it means they are outrightly disobeying Guru’s spiritual commandments. That should always be condemned.


Ananda Marga is akin to a chariot which has two wheels. One wheel is the wt, and other wheel is the family person. The wt has one family, and that is the entire world. The Margii has two families: their unit family, and the entire world. In this critical juncture when our AMPS is not functioning properly, the duty of family Margiis is increased. It is the duty of Margiis to know and have a chart of wt conduct rules. And to constantly watch whether wts are following Guru’s conduct rules. If they are not following, then according to Caryacarya one must bring them onto the right path. In this way, the whole society will be benefitted, by Baba’s grace.

in Him,

Note 1: One sub-standard Wt
One sub-standard Wt recently wrote like this in their blog. Here substandard means not following Guru’s guideline which they have taken the vow to follow. And based on that vow they have been granted the sannyasi dress whereby margiis of the whole universe respect them for their dedication and following Guru’s commandment. But this Wt betrays Guru and fellow Ananda Margiis as well by not adhering to the acarya, Wt, avadhutika / avadhuta rules. Here purposely the name has not been mentioned.
This is a moderate, anecdotal example of contravention of WT rules. There are many severe and extreme cases which are not enlisted here. Directly below is what this Wt wrote:
I now treasure the countless experiences with my father, who took me nearly every weekend, sometimes alone and sometimes with my siblings, on adventures in nature. Sometimes we rode our with bicycles through cranberry bogs, sometimes we drifted silently in a boat through a cypress filled swamp, sometimes learning to recognize deer tracks in the forest. We rarely spoke during those times, as my father was

1. AFPS-4, Let History Be Rewritten
2. AFPS-4, Let History Be Rewritten

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Feelings of A-grade bhakta

"A'mi toma'y keno bha'loba'si..."  (Prabhat Samgiita #1891)


O' Parama Purusa, when I ask myself why I have fallen in love with You - and why I cry for Your proximity and smile in joy when I get You - and when I pose all these questions to my mind, then I do not get any answer. Just this loving feeling for You is beyond my capacity to explain. It is Your liila.

O' Parama Purusa, I love You - even then You do not look towards me. And when composing Your love songs then You do not use those songs to communicate with me. Why I love You, I do not know - neither You look towards me nor do You share the feeling of Your heart through the medium of Your songs. Indeed You do not do anything that touches the inner feeling of my heart. I am unable to make the bouquet of flowers blossom that resides in the inner core of my heart. It is so painful.

In the pre-winter evening I think about You; in the moonlit night of the spring season I see Your image. In that way secretly and silently I go on painting Your glory. And at the same time I listen to Your flute in my heart.

O' Parama Purusa why I love You I do not know. And when I ask myself why I have fallen in love with You, I cannot find any reason or logic. Just by Your grace it has happened - my heart is longing for You & and I laugh and cry for You. Baba Your liila unfathomable...

Note: It is the common human experience that when anyone comes across anything beautiful, then they like to share that with those whom they love. That is why in those attractive seasons pre-winter and spring, when the weather is perfect, then automatically the bhakta wishes that such beauty could be shared with their beloved.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

আমার ঝণ্ডা হাতে নিয়ে, আমার পিছনে-পিছনে ছুটৰে

“আর তৃতীয় জিনিসটা হচ্ছে কি ? না, সেবা | মনকে নির্মল করতে গেল, নিস্বার্থ ভাবে, সেবা করতেই হৰে | যারা মনে করেন যে---“মানুষের বিপদে, মানুষকে সেবা করৰ না | আরও ৰেশী  বিপদের মুখে তাকে ঠেলে দেৰ | বিপদের মধ্যে ঠেলে দিলে, সে মরিয়া হয়ে, আমার ঝণ্ডা হাতে নিয়ে, আমার পিছনে-পিছনে ছুটৰে |” তারা মানুষের শত্রু | কারণ ? তাদের আচরণ সেবা ধর্ম বিরোধী | মানুষকে কেন মরিয়া করে তুলৰ ? মানুষকে কেন বিপদে ফেলে তাকে মরিয়া করে তুলৰ, আমার ঝণ্ডা বহন করৰে জন্য ? কিছুতেই এটা করৰ না | তার সামান্যতম দুঃখ দেখলেও, ওটাকে সেবা করে, তার দুঃখ দূর অরে দৰ | এইটাই মানবধর্ম সম্মত জিনিস |” (1)  

1. MGD 28 November 1970 Kolkata, not published

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #1891:  A'mi toma'y keno bha'loba'si
2. Posting: Faux wts
3. IT: আমার ঝণ্ডা হাতে নিয়ে, আমার পিছনে-পিছনে ছুটৰে
4. Links

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