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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Crowd vs society + 3 more

Crowd vs society


Society is not just a random collection of people. In our Ananda Marga, the 'term' society carries a special meaning.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is society, what makes it up? What is Samaj?" 'Samanam ejati iti samajah...'Here 'moving together' does not mean march or double march, here 'moving together' means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead." (1)

Moving together does not mean holding hands and going to the cinema theatre. Nor does it mean attending the Olympic games where several hundred thousand people are sitting next to one another. Because in neither case are those persons moving together: They all have their own independent plans and programs. No two are moving in the same direction. Their thoughts are different; their goals are different.

So in the real sense of the term, 'society' is a high ideal that means collectively moving together in one direction towards the Supreme Goal. Society is not just a random collection of people in one area etc. Baba has specifically given the special shloka, "Samánam ejati iti samájah" wherein a true society is based on everyone moving towards the same ideal. That is what is meant by moving together and the ideal, unified human society. And verily that is what Baba teaches us in His discourse "The Spirit of Society" - reference quotes below.

So only those assembled together with one Goal and moving ahead in one direction are a society. Otherwise, any group of people is nothing but a crowd. Anyone who has visited the Howrah (Kolkata) railway station or the kumbha mela know that such places draw a huge number of people - a massive crowd. But you cannot say they are a miniature form of a society.

Crowd not a society

And the same can be said of any such public spot in a nearby city. And the same can be said of all those pictures that got glued up on the cover of our Human Society book, which is discussed in greater detail down below. The main idea being that there is a vast difference between an ideal society and the gathering of one crowd. The crowd is not a society because everyone in a crowd has their own set of aims and agendas. They are not moving together in a unified manner in the psychic and spiritual realms. Just they are temporarily huddled together physically.

That is why in Ananda Marga we say that the term 'society' has a special meaning and in countless discourses Baba has beautifully depicted how a human society should be and what steps should be taken for its formulation. Verily our Ananda Marga mission is inherently linked with the creation of one unified humanity.

Here below Baba reveals the fact that in all of human history a society has never been made and that only our Ananda Marga teachings hold the requisite approach to manifest this high ideal. Failing that, humanity will merely spin in its downward trajectory.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Society in the true spirit of the term is yet to be formed in the world. So our primary duty now is to form a society. The seed of social consciousness is inherent in our 'Sam'gacchadhvam Samvadadhvam' Mantra. Where there is no such Mantra there is no ideology, and where there is no ideology, life is a goalless voyage." (2)


So when Ananda Marga ideology holds the special key for formulating a great society then our each and every expression should be pointed in this direction. However, the very cover of the Human Society book veers off in a different avenue.

In Him,

Negative photos on cover of Human Society book

Here in this letter we discuss and examine the cover of the Human Society book and investigate whether this cover is consistent with the content and ideals of this very publication. Let’s proceed in a stepwise fashion.

Unfortunately, the cover of our very own "Human Society" book parts 1 & 2 ('99 Edn) is beset with photos that do not properly represent the idea of one human society. Instead of depicting people who have rallied together under the grand banner of one universal ideology, they have selected photos of people involved in their own individual, selfish or dogmatic pursuits, such as: Islamic Mullahs (back cover), fashion models, Buddhist monks, corporate sponsored athletes, ritualistic followers etc. These people are just a crowd.

So the perfectly dharmic pages of Baba's grand book about the ideal human society has a dogmatic cover made by the Publications Dept that is leading in an entirely different direction. That is the irony. The in-depth study sections appended below provide vivid and graphic details about the photos displayed on the front and back cover of the book, "Human Society" book parts 1 & 2 ('99 Edn).

In the true sense, human society is one seamless dharmic movement of the people. Yet here on this book cover they just glued up various faces and images of people involved in their own religious dogma, or pseudo-culture, or gross capitalism etc. There is not a single picture of someone engaged in dharmic activity, nor is there a picture of a collection of people working wholeheartedly towards a common ideological goal. Just they show photos of people immersed in their materialistic, dogmatic, and selfish occupations. These individuals comprise one crowd - nothing more. So altogether this cover to the English edition of the Human Society book is one poor showing.

By seeing the photos on the cover of the Human Society book many common people and seekers will surely think that the "Human Society" book is just a collection of dogma or that we Ananda Margiis are ourselves dogmatic. Because the Human Society cover gives that feeling. The cover of the book does not represent our dharmic, universal, neo-humanistic principles. So really our publishers and editors should be careful.

Book cover should be changed

Prior to '90 Baba did not allow such things and when His name was signed on any book cover then it was sure that everything was done in a proper way. Yet with this edition of the Human Society book, something else is going on. Because on the one side Baba is the Dharma Guru Supreme whose teachings are the guiding light for humanity and on the other side some few publishers etc are pasting negative, dogmatic photographs all over the front cover of Baba's book - Human Society.

So Baba is giving the dharmic principles for building up one human society, and side by side the publishers are giving the impression that a crowd-mentality is enough. Baba is giving light, and these publishers are spreading darkness. Such is the sad and intolerable position. The cover of the book must be changed to reflect the true ideals of one universal humanity.

A few years ago when I visited DMS then I saw some beautiful covers of various Ananda Marga books that did indeed represent the dharmic spirit of Ananda Marga. In particular on the front cover of one of those books there was a wonderful drawing or picture of a near endless line of colorful & diverse people from all the four corners, who were all marching together in unison - everyone carrying the triangular saffron flag with the white swastika emblem, and simultaneously raising the Jai slogan.

The whole scene depicted on the cover is one glorious sight that nicely represents Ananda Marga ideology and the spirit of a universal human society (samajam). Indeed it was an inviting and attractive cover for one of Baba's books. So creating a proper and well-suited book cover is a task well within our reach. So I have hope that the next edition of the Human Society book series collection will be up to the mark.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Moving together with the people they will continue to sing their marching song-- they will go on filling the human mind with the sweet nectar of eternal life." (3)

How far the editors and publishers of this edition of the Human Society book fall into this below category is for you to decide. In this below teaching Baba guides us that any person who does not have a proper understanding of the meaning of society (samajam) will allow negative tendencies of the past to continue. In such a terrible condition society will never advance, rather it will sink.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If those who have not comprehended what the form of the society will be allow the trends of the past that have shaped the present to proceed unchecked, then they can never lead the society to the path of perfection. They will indeed thrust the society into darkness." (4)

~ In-depth study ~

Example of ideal society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What is society like? It is like a group of people going on a pilgrimage. Try to imagine the scene! Suppose one of the pilgrims is struck down by cholera. Will the rest of them continue on their way, leaving the sick man behind? No, that would be inconceivable for them. Rather, they will break their journey for a day or two, and cure him of his disease. If he is still too weak to walk they will carry him on their shoulders. If some people run short of food, others share what they have with them. Together they share their possessions, and together they march ahead, singing in unison. In their eagerness to move ahead with others they forget their trifling differences which might have led to angry exchanges and court cases in their families, even down to three generations. It is because of the petitions of the complainant in a land dispute that some people go so far as to spend ten or twenty times more than the piece of land is worth. The essence of cooperation resulting from this collective movement aims at expanding a person's mind by striking down the barriers of meanness. I repeat that a true society is like such a group of pilgrims who attain a deep psychic affinity while travelling together which helps them solve all the problems in their individual and social lives." (5)

Description of wrong photos on cover

On the front cover of the Human Society book (1999 Edn) - which is the most recent edition - there are 14 photos (+ five more back cover photos) - and none of them are appropriate because they are all mere faces in a crowd. They are not neo-humanists but rather people absorbed in their own selfish outlook.

In Ananda Marga, human society means an ideologically based humanity, yet on our very own Human Society book there is one close-up picture of one Buddhist monk in full clad when in no way does our AM supports their dogmatic, negative behaviours or their defective teachings like nihilism, emptying the mind, eating meat etc. So this photo does not at all depict the ideal society - neither in letter nor spirit.

In Ananda Marga, human society means an ideologically based humanity, yet our very own Human Society book displays one close-up picture of an astronaut wearing an American flag. When in no way does our Ananda Marga condone the rampant exploitation of American imperialism and capitalism. So this photo also does not at all depict the ideal society - neither in letter nor spirit.

In Ananda Marga, human society means an ideologically based humanity, yet on our very own Human Society book there is one close-up picture of a fashion model decorated by so many poisonous cosmetics in order to appeal to the opposite sex. Indeed the model is drowned in materialistic pseudo-culture. This photo displayed on the cover of the Human Society book gives the wrong impression that we appreciate pseudo-culture. So this photo also does not depict the ideal society.

And also on the cover of the Human Society book there is a picture of one dogmatic Muslim Mullah (back cover), plus one runner showing off the Nike logo. Yet Nike is one negative international corporate power that is infamous for its labor sweatshops in the third world and other appalling business ploys.

Photos based on narrow interests not AM society

And not only these above photos but the entire cover - front and back - of the Human Society book is filled with numerous such photographs of people engrossed in old dogmas while others are working like oxen at the hands of exploitative rulers. So these photographs which they placed on the cover have nothing to do with the dharmic buildup of society. Rather these photos represent the dark forces clutching at humanity's heels.

The photos displayed on the cover of Human Society (1999 Edn) are marred by selfish exploits, narrow-minded interests, communal sentiments etc. And below Baba strictly warns us that that type of crowd mentality cannot be called a society. Yet the publishers placed such photos on the cover of our Human Society book.

Baba says, "If going ahead in mutual adjustment only out of narrow self interest or momentary self-seeking is called society... it will not suffice." (6)

Numerous dogmatic religious professionals are portrayed on the cover of our Human Society book yet Baba fundamentally warns us that the various religions increased disunity and mutual conflict in human society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are a variety of religions in the world formulated by different propounders. But instead of enhancing the spirit of unity in the human society, these religions have actually increased disunity and mutual conflict. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion? So, far from being a unifying force, religion should be seen as a cause of disharmony." (7)

Plus in Tattva Kaomudii Baba says that the unification of the various dogmatic religions is impossible and can never lead to a true human society. (8)

Cover photos must be magnanimous

Any photos chosen by the book publishers to appear on the cover of the Human Society book must imbibe the following universal principles and guidelines as given by Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "All human beings must attach themselves to others by the common bond of love, and march forward hand in hand, then only will I proclaim it a society." (9)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The entire society of A'nanda Ma'rga is thus founded on a common ideal, the goal of becoming one with Brahma...the unity in a society founded on the ideal of Brahma will be everlasting." (10)

Note: Human Society parts 1 & 2 1998 edition of this book highlighted on the AM Publications website contains proper covers of these books, while this posting addresses the 1999 edition of these books. Thus the 1999 edition is problematic wherein they combined parts 1 & 2 into a single volume. - Eds

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Interplay of Culture and Civilization
3. Prout in a Nutshell -1 , The Practice of Art and Literature
4. Prout in a Nutshell -1 , The Practice of Art and Literature
5. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Spirit of Society
6. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Spirit of Society
7. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
8. Tattva Kaomudi, Q & A, #49
9. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Spirit of Society
10. Tattvika Praveshika, Social Psychology

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Money is not the solution

Here is an English summary of Baba’s original Hindi teaching from Allahabad, DMC 1984: 

If money or wealth would have been the solution to all the problems then in that case rich persons would have always enjoyed being in a state of bliss. But in society it is not like that. The suffering of the rich is more than the poor. (English summary, Allahabad, DMC 1984)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human desire knows no end. Millionaires want to become multimillionaires, because they are not satisfied with their million. Ask the millionaires if they are happy with their money. They will say, “Where is the money? I am somehow pulling on.” This answer indicates their ignorance of aparigraha. But such feelings have another adverse effect on body and mind. Out of excessive fondness for physical or mental pleasures people become mad to earn money and amass wealth. As money becomes the be-all and end-all of life, the mind gets crudified. Constant hankering after money results in negligence of one’s health, and this makes the body unfit. Therefore, santośa sádhaná lies in being contented with the earnings of normal labour, without any undue pressure on the body and mind. To remain contented, one has to make a special type of mental effort to keep aloof from external allurements.” (1)

Note: In some of our western countries nowadays, and wherever materialism reigns supreme and money is more free-flowing, the number of psychic diseases is multiplying day by day. The "haves" are coming under the grip of mental ailments like depression, frustration, hopelessness, and melancholia. Many are conflicted and suffer from a degrading psychic flow. That is why so many westerners, buckled by materialism, go to psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and other counselors for their mental health issues. And the number of adults being treated with antidepressant medications / drugs has more than doubled since 1999 to an alarming 15% of the US adult population. Without medication and counseling etc, they fall into a tailspin of moderate to deep depression. Even then those two therapies (i.e. counseling and medication) are just band-aid measures. They do not address and resolve the problem in a meaningful, permanent manner. The only true cure is psycho-spiritual practices like sadhana etc. Only then may one develop a balanced mind and achieve equipoise and peace.

1. Guide to Human Conduct, Santosa 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How they manipulate BP elections

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The sadvipras (those who are well-established in Sixteen Points(1)) of a bhukti must elect one bhukti pradhána from among themselves. The bhukti pradhána may or may not be an ácárya/á or a táttvika, but must be an educated family person.” (1)

Question: What is one of the key differences between the pre-1990 BP Manual and the 1997 Fake BP Manual?

Answer: Please know that the system is that margiis will elect the bhakti pradhan (BP) as per the guidelines of the original BP manual. Wts have no role in suggesting or voting in the BP election. But the Fake BP manual states that Wts select the candidate and then margiis will elect that person as BP. And if Wts don't like the outcome they will arbitrarily remove the BP and put anyone else, without margiis having any input.

1. Caryacarya Part 1, Bhukti Pradhána

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Whose existence is sweeter

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who seek to attain the permanent cessation of afflictions in their lives, have no other way than to follow this path of sadhana. Imagine that a certain person had accumulated vast wealth due to his life long's diligent labor. It may be that the person, in the days of his prosperity, was a central figure in the society. But at the end of his life he may suffered a wretched  existence, bemoaning his losses in the arid desert of his heart. The reason is that the person had an insatiable thirst for material objects and never tried to identify his individual flow with the cosmic flow. On the other hand, a person living in a thatched hut may not forget Parama Purus'a even in the midst of abject poverty and never deviates from the goal of his life. Such a person's life can never lose its charm. Every dust particle of this earth will seem to be as sweet as honey to him. Likewise, his existence will acquire the sweetness of honey." (1)
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Individual Rhythm and Universal Rhythm

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे  मेरे बाबा ! मैं कभी भी अकेला नहीं हॅूं, तुम हमेशा हर स्थिति में मेरे साथ ही होते

प्रभात संगीत 0146 आयुत छन्दे एशे  छिले तुमि...


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम, लय के साथ एकसमान होकर आए । मेरे  हृदय के चिन्तन और मनन से मिलकर अनेक  तरङ्गों से बजती हुई   घण्टी जैसी ओंकार ध्वनि में मुस्कुराते नाचते आए।  तुम लय के साथ गूँजती ध्वनि  में आए।, तुम हृदय के मनन में आए, तुम घण्टी   के स्वर जैसे ओंकार में आए, हे प्रभु ! तुम आये,  हे प्रभु ! तुमआए।

हे परमपुरुष ! बाबा, यदि मैं  पेड़ की शाखा में फूल की तरह खिला तो तुम उसमें सुगन्ध  बनकर हमेशा मुझे उसी में   डुबोये रहे  । यदि मैं दूर दिखाई  देनेवाला  आकाश हो गया तो तुम उसके नीलेपन में आकर मुझमें हमेशा बने रहे। मेरे प्रभु ! तुम मुझे हमेशा  अपने में, अपने नीले रङ्ग  में लपेटे रहे।

हे  मेरे बाबा ! तुम मुझे सभी दिशाओं से घेरे रहे। तुम अनेक लय और तानों  के साथ गाते नाचते , मुस्कुराते आए   । बाबा ! मैं कभी भी अकेला नहीं हॅूं, तुम हमेशा  हर स्थिति में मेरे साथ ही होते हो, तुम सदैव करुणा से भरे होते  हो।
मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में पूर्ण समर्पण करता हॅूं।

बाबा! मैं कभी भी अकेला नहीं हॅूं, तुम हमेशा हर स्थिति में मेरे साथ ही होते हो

मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में पूर्ण समर्पण करता हॅूं।

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