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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bogus things in H group mag.


Bogus things in H group mag.


In our AM central magazine Prajina Bharati issue #4-41, preposterous things have been printed about theists and atheists. Before reading about the outrageous and false things they have printed, first of all we should know Sadguru Baba’s definition of ‘theist’. Baba has given in His discourses, that those having the following three qualities are theists:
1. AM says theists have faith in God (The Cosmic Entity who loves His entire creation, and hates none)
2. AM says theists have faith in unit consciousness
3. AM says theists have faith in spiritual scripture. 
4. That is all.

The above guidelines Baba says in the AV13-10 chapter, “A Yogi Must Certainly Be a Theist”.

Now see below PB has printed false things about theists.

Blindness of Satyashrayananda & Madhuvratananda etc.

In the yellow highlighted list below, P magazine has printed false things about theists that are 100% contrary to Baba’s above teachings. Those who read this H group Central magazine will be misguided. This magazine is akin to some contaminated, poisonous food which is very detrimental to one’s health. 

PB's Bogus list about theists

Here below is the list of characteristics of theists, as printed in Prajina Bharati. This list is opposite to Baba’s teachings:

(1)...(2) theists have faith in the caste-system, 
(3) theists are communal and dogmatic, 
(4) theists are followers of temples, mosques, and churches, 
(5) theists are idol worshippers, 
(6) theists are crude-minded, 
(7) theists are blind followers of dogma, 
(8) theists are narcissistic, 
(9) (same as #7) theists are blind followers of dogma, 
(10) (same as #6) theists are crude-minded, (11) ..., 
(12) theists are ritualistic, and 
(13) theists are narrow-minded.

So it is very clear that Baba says one thing, and H group PB magazine propagates just the opposite ideas. Baba says, “Go North!” And these people are telling to go South. Baba says theists are good people; and PB has printed that theists are bad, dogmatic, narrow minded, caste believers. So PB has printed just the opposite to what Baba says. This is the lowly standard of PB and its in-charges like Rudrananda, Satyashrayananda, and Madhuvratananda. 

Confused wts propagate garbage in Prajina Bharati magazine

Looking at articles like these we can know how degenerated is the state of the Prajina Bharati magazine. After reading such articles, people will become more confused. Articles like the one presented by Rudrananda, Satyashrayananda, Madhuvratananda, and Pravedananda are like the plague virus and all Margiis should be alerted to stay away.

Reading such articles will only pollute one’s mind and what to speak of learning about dharma one will even forget what one already knows. According to Baba’s system only Purodha and Avadhuta should write in Prajina Bharati as He wants only those people who are familiar with Ananda Marga philosophy to write in these magazines and all others can read to get deep spiritual knowledge.

However, it is unfortunate that the so-called avadhutas like Rudrananda, Satyashrayananda, Madhuvratananda, and Pravedananda do not read Baba’s books and propound their own imaginary theories and corrupt the readers’ minds; this garbage article is the proof. This is an earnest request to the readers to alert everyone of such wrongdoings and protect vulnerable readers from learning nonsense.


The so-called main in-charges Satyashrayananda, Rakeshananda, Madhuvratananda -- these are a few of the key stooges of Rudrananda. These worthless people do not know anything about AM philosophy, so they printed this preposterous article.

These people are a blot on the name of avadhu’ta because instead of propagating Baba’s teachings, they are concocting their own defective theory and propagating it in the name of Ananda Marga teachings. According to their PB article, those who worship idols and engage in dirty dogmatic rituals like dowry are a’stikas / theists. This is just the reverse of Ananda Marga teachings.

In Him

Detail about AM Prajina Bharati magazine

In this posting you have read that an article entitled “A’stik aor Dha’rmik” (theist and dharmik) got published on page 14 in the fourth issue of volume 41 of the Prajina Bharati magazine. The article is written by Ac. Praveda’nanda Avt with the support, help, and approval of Satyashrayananda, Rakeshananda, Madhuvratananda -- these are a few of the key henchmen of Rudrananda.

~ In-depth study ~

Flawed teaching in H group magazine

At the outset, Rudrananda, Satyashrayananda, Madhuvratananda, and Pravedananda have proved their foolishness and ignorance about Ananda Marga philosophy by propounding a new and of course flawed philosophy and penning the symptoms of a’stikas / theists. The aforementioned thirteen symptoms of a’stikas penned by Ac. Pravedananda have never been given by Baba.

True meaning of a’stikas / theists

According to ancient Indian philosophy, there are three symptoms of a’stikas / theists namely (1) belief in a’tma’ (unit consciousness), (2) belief in Parama’tma’ (Cosmic Consciousness), and (3) belief in Veda (spiritual knowledge). Lord Buddha’s philosophy was basically na’stika (non-theist) and thus in Buddha’s time it was wrongly assumed that if anyone satisfies at least one criteria even then one can be called as a’stika. However, when Baba gave Ananda Marga philosophy then he mandated that in order to be an a’stika one must satisfy all the three criteria.

Baba says, “A yogii can never be nástika, he must be ástika.” (1)

  • Religious people are not true a’stikas / theists: According to Baba, a’stikas should believe in a’tma. Most semitic religions believe in spirit or ru’h. However, spirit/ru’h is not the same as a’tma but is rather atima’nas kosha. Many mistakenly think that believers of spirit are the same as believers of a’tma. However, a’tma’ is immortal and mind is a metamorphosed form of a’tma’. Mind gets rebirth until mukti or moksa happens. Here, an example can be given. Let us say that Mr. B asks Mr. A, “Do you know Bhagwan?” A may think that B is asking about the driver whose name is Bhagwan (in India, Bhagwan is a common first name) and may reply, “Of course I know Bhagwan, he is my driver.” B’s intention, however, was to ask about God (God is also called Bhagwan). So, B may begin thinking that A is a knower of God. So, we see that often semantics may completely change the discourse. In the case of religious people, their understanding of a’tma and parama’tma’ is flawed and unscientific. Even if they say that they believe in God, we must examine what exactly they mean.
  • Religion’s god is a resentful old man sitting on seventh sky and punishing all: According to semitic religions, god stays in the sky and has no direct connection with common people. That god punishes severely if anyone commits a mistake or does not treat him with respect. That god indeed is a resentful old man and is so ungodly! The definition of god in almost all religions is invariably flawed.
  • God is the infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, loving Entity: God is actually an infinite, omnipresent, and omniscient Entity. He has made the universe. He is all loving and is connected to every being in this universe via His ota and prota yoga.
  • Religious people actually do not believe in the true God: Religious people believe in some fake god not the true infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, loving God or Parama Purusa. Hindus have to go to temples to worship their idol of god, which essentially means that they do not believe that God is present everywhere including the temple. The semitic god is furious most of the time. Hindus may believe in a god Ganesha who has a trunk like an elephant. All religious people believe in some fake gods. How can we say then that religious people are a’stikas / theists?
  • True knowledge: Knowledge of the system of sa’dhana’ is true knowledge or veda. The knowledge about how mind will merge in Parama’tma, and how to control mind is veda. Veda is not the four vedas. If one has memorized thousands of verses but has not understood the aforementioned then one is not a knower of veda and can’t be called an a’stika. One who earnestly practices first lesson is an a’stika.
  • Only Ananda Margiis are a’stikas: Ananda Margiis believe in a’tma’, Parama’tma’, and veda in true sense and are thus true a’stikas / theists.

The below screenshot of  Prajina Bharati magazine shows the page of the article written by Ac. Pravedananda with the support, help, and approval of Satyashrayananda, Rakeshananda, Madhuvratananda-- these are a few of the key minions of Rudrananda.

In the above screenshot of Prajina Bharati magazine, the page of the article written by Ac. Pravedananda, with the support, help, and approval of Satyashrayananda, Rakeshananda, Madhuvratananda -- the so-called characteristics of a’stikas / theists are shown.

Main in-charges of Prajina Bharati magazine

Here is where you can email Dada Rakeshananda ji and Dada Amaleshananda ji and alert them about the situation.

Dada Rakeshananda (editor) - or

Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) - or of

Request to Márgiis: In order to make our AM magazines pristine, please forward this posting to the editor ( of Prajina Bhartii Magazine.


The editorial members of Prajina Bharati are listed below.

Editor: Ácárya Rákeshánanda Avadhuta; Sub-editor: Ácárya Amalesha'nanda Avadhuta; Subscription Incharge: Ácárya Pus'pendra'nanda Avadhuta; Circulation manager: Ácárya  Pran'avesha'nanda Avadhuta.

Here below is the full page of the misguiding article in which dada Pravedananda has promoted his false theory about astikas / theists:

Here above is the full page of the misguiding article in which dada Pravedananda has promoted his false theory about astikas / theists.


(1) Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 12, The Spirit of Yoga

The name of Ácárya Pravedánanda Avadhuta can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Pravedánanda, Dádá Pravedananda, Pravedánanda Dada, Pravedananda Dada. Similarly, Satyashrayananda, Satya’shraya’nanda, Satyáshrayánanda, Rakeshananda, Ra’kesha’nanda, Rákeshánanda, Madhuvratananda, Madhuvrata’nanda, Madhuvratánanda. 

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