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Saturday, July 31, 2021

False & abhorrent story by wt + 2 more


False & abhorrent story by wt


Here below is a false story portrayed in one Dada’s book. See the below red underlined words about Baba’s actions and their effect on the other party: “stunned silence”, “cringed in fear”, “Baba’s torrential fury”, “severe thunderstorm”, “Baba thundered” etc. However, as we know Baba is the personification of dharma so one of His inherent qualities is non-anger. So to describe Him as having “torrential fury” etc undermines Parama Purusa Baba’s stature as the dharma Guru.

The above excerpt from this false story (p.497) is entirely fabricated and employs bogus  and despicable language to describe Baba’s demeanor. Only a devious-minded person could manufacture such a fraudulent and cynical account. But that is what this Wt has done. 

Part II: Gossiping and talking behind someone’s back

In this next sequence, the Wt takes the situation one-step further along the scale of negativity. As we know, Sadguru Baba always does for everyone’s welfare, at all times, in all situations. And during Field Walk, Baba would speak about universal tenets or local history etc, i.e. topics of interest for all of humanity. Moreover, as the tantric Sadguru, Baba never speaks ill of anyone behind their back, especially about their past misdeeds etc. Yet, Pranavatmakananda is slanderously portraying Baba as someone who talks poorly of others when they are not present and exposes all their nasty sins to others - as if during Field Walk Baba is just walking around and gossiping etc. See the red underlined line below. 

So the above excerpt (p.498) is a baseless accusation against Baba’s supreme standard of conduct. Sadguru Baba would never graphically discuss a person’s past misdeeds and sins in this manner, i.e. behind their back. Especially, when the person had already rectified themselves of any wrongdoing. On the path of tantra, if a person has atoned for their misdeeds then there is no question of again reopening that case and digging up those ills. This is further evidence that this entire account is nothing but a smear campaign against Baba and AM.

Part III: Utter disregard for violent crimes against women

As we know in Ananda Marga, crimes against women are of the worst nature. And of those crimes, rape and murder are the most heinous. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Activities harmful to the Marga, [[hypocrisy]], theft and the persecution of women are the greatest crimes. Such criminals should be categorized as mahápátakiis (great sinners) and severe measures should be taken against them from the beginning.”

And in this account, the Wt prints that a woman was raped and murdered, which is far worse than persecution, which could mean not being allowed to vote, or not given access to a particular job etc. Verily, rape and murder are unspeakable and repulsive crimes and sins of the highest order. As told in the red underlined section below, the guilty party “would have been sentenced to death”. But according to Dada’s book, the rapist and murderer only had to pay “the education and marriage expenses for three poor girls as part of his atonement.” 

By reading his false account, the public will think…

Indeed, by reading this false account, we can only imagine what horrible thoughts will cloud the minds of margii and non-margii readers. 

If margiis and non-margiis read this above false and bogus account, they will think Sadguru Baba and AM have no respect for women, and that AM is like Islam. Muslims can rape and kill women, and the woman is blamed. That is why the whole world is turning against Islam. And this below fraudulent account paints AM in a similar vein. No right thinking person will have a shred of respect for AM; rather, they will think we are misogynists who rape and murder women without fear of any real retribution. Verily, the above account is a gross betrayal of the welfare of women.


The person who wrote this book has unfortunately fallen and the end result is that they are undermining the stature of Baba in the eyes of the common people. Such a book will be embraced by all our enemies as a way to show intimate details of how AM is completely vile and off the mark. What to speak of following AM and Prout, those who read this account will want to banish AMPS from this earth. 

In Him, 

Note: The person who wrote this false and heinous account is Pranavatmakananda and the name of his book is “Advent of a Mystery”. 

~ In-depth study ~

Here is the fake and vile story by Pranavatmakananda on pages 497 and 498 of his book, “Advent of a Mystery”. 

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

3rd class bhakta

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

This song is for 3rd class bhaktas that call Him “Master” and refer to themselves as banda’, or servant. Prabhat Samgiita is the heart expression of all kinds bhaktas, low or high. Whatever the bhakta thinks and is the proper expression of bhakti is in Prabhat Samgiita.
Prabhat Samgiita is the inner feeling, and emotional and loving expression of the bhakta - i.e. the voice of the bhakta to Parama Purusa. Third grade bhaktas have a master-servant relation with Parama Purusa. They feel very natural relating with Him as Master and their own self as banda’ i.e. servant. They feel uncomfortable thinking of Parama Purusa as their own family member. That is why 3rd grade bhaktas see themselves as banda’ (servant).

So in Prabhat Samgiita the bhakta is talking with Parama Purusa. In lower class bhakti, they see Parama Purusa as their Master and they are His banda’. They feel very natural relating with Him as Master. If they were barred from addressing Parama Purusa as Master, they would not like to sing or associate with Prabhat Samgiita. Because they would not be able to express their feeling.

Over time, naturally by practicing sadhana, asana and Sixteen Points their mind becomes more elevated and they gain a higher relation. And they will no longer like to have a banda & Master relation with Parama Purusa.

"Jamin ásamán tumhárá, tumhárá jahán sárá..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4335)


O’ my Parama Purusa, Baba this earth and this vast blue sky, this entire universe belongs to You. Everything is Yours. You are my most reverential Master, and I am Your banda’ (servant); You are my Owner, and I am your attendant; You are my Master, and I am Your slave, and You are my ma’lik. You are the “Conqueror of the universe.” You are my everything. My Master, I will obey Your order always.

O’ Supreme Entity, my Master, You are the source of all energy. Whatever radiance shines from the sun is coming from You. Whatever fragrance emanates from the flower garden is coming from You. You are the divine Entity which resides in my heart. You are that star. Baba You are my Owner, I am your slave.

Baba, O’ my Master, You are always with me - in my  sorrow as well as in my happiness, equally. You are situated on the holy altar of my unit consciousness my a’tma’; in Your longing my eyes are showering tears with bhakti. Baba, my Master, You are the controller of everything. This entire created - and uncreated - world belongs to You. You are my Owner. I am your slave. My Master, You are mine and I am Yours. Please be ever-gracious...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4335

[1]  Alamgir means “conqueror of the world”. It is made up from Alam (Arabic for “world”) and the Persian suffix -gir (“conqueror”).

कोई बन्दा-वन्दा नहीं है

Here below is the definition of an A-grade bhakta.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि “जीव, परमात्मा का बन्दा है |” बन्दा-वन्दा नहीं है | बन्दा क्या है ? यह पारिवारिक सम्पर्क है | कोई कहते हैं कि—”परमपुरुष का मैं तो दास हूँ |” दास-वास तो नहीं है | दास काहे ? पारिवारिक सम्पर्क है | दास काहे ? दास-मालिक का सम्पर्क नहीं है | गुलाम-मालिक का सम्पर्क नहीं है | विश्व ब्रह्माण्ड की सृष्टि उन्हीं से हुई है | सब उनका है | सब उनके मन में है | तो, तुम जिनके मन के भीतर में हो, तुम तो उन्हीं के हो | और, वे तो तुम्हारे सबसे निकट हैं | एकदम अपने हैं |” (1) (11/24/79, Delhi, V16-16)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “One then feels that since Parama Puruśa is so great and loves one so much, it is one’s duty to serve Him and fulfil His desire in every possible way. One feels, “Since He is earnestly seeking human welfare it is my duty to do His work.” This is the spirit of dásya bháva. “He is my Master, my Lord – I am His servant.”” (2)

1. 11/24/79, Delhi, V16-16
2. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 9

== Section 3: Links ==

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