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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?


This email contains three sections:

1. Posting: Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?
2. Proof of stolen / plagiarised material
3. Links

Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?

Respected Readers, Namaskar.
As we all know, theft is against yama and niyama. A person must not claim something that does not belong to them as their own. In the field of literature, that means one should not take another person’s original writing and attach their own name to it. If done, it is known as plagiarism, or theft. But, unfortunately, that is the wrong one person has committed.

On their private mailing list, one senior person sent out an email and placed their own signature at the end, as if it was their original writing. But the reality is that he stole it, deleted the writer’s name as well as the name of the network, and put his own name. Please continue reading to get all the details.

Lifted (stolen) from others

The main issue is that Goenka posted stolen material on his email list and signed it as his own. The story in his email does not belong to him - it is not his. Goenka copied every sentence, deleted the writer’s name, removed the name of the network , and attached his signature / name to it, and sent it to one and all. This all occurred on 05 June, three days after it was originally published on another network.

Stealing and hypocrisy

Remember, circulating dharmic letters & Baba stories is to be appreciated and encouraged.

The problem here is that this person (a) had the chaorya propensity to steal someone’s original work, (b) deleted the writer’s name, (c) erased the name of the network, (d) signed his own name, and (e) bragged to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.”

It is a case of both stealing and hypocrisy. If he had stolen someone’s writing, signed it, and placed it in his own personal diary then it would only have been a case of thievery. But this is not what he did.

Instead, he stole it, deleted the original writer’s name, removed the name of the network, pasted his own name as the writer, and then circulated it to his entire list to show his greatness. Thus, all those readers were led to believe that it was his own writing. They had no idea he stole it from somewhere else. And G ji did all this to enhance his own prestige. So it is a double sin: stealing and hypocrisy.

The correct way to publish someone else’s written work

Remember, one must never circulate any letter or story by (a) stealing someone else’s original work, (b) deleting their name, (c) removing the the name of the network, (d) signing one’s own name, and (e) bragging by circulating it to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.” Doing this is sinful - it is both thievery and hypocrisy.

When posting any writing or story from another margii network then it must include: (a) the original email header (subject, date, from, to), (b) the signature, (c) all related notes and references and (d) a link to the original letter.

The standard is to introduce the letter as "Courtesy of such and such email forum or journal etc". Or if one wishes to partially reproduce, edit, adapt, or update someone else’s original material - as G has done - then one must write that person / network ahead of time and get their permission.

Then everyone will clearly understand from where you got the letter, which network it was posted on, and who the original writer is. This is the accepted standard. And so long as one adheres to this standard, then they may forward as many letters as they wish to as wide an audience as possible.

Margiis should be above non-margii standard

In the general society, it is well-accepted not to plagiarise or steal another’s original work / writing. Even elementary school kids are taught this. Most often, in our Ananda Marga, the ethical standard is above that of the general society - but, unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case with G.

The problem here is that G (a) stole other’s original work, (b) deleted their name, (c) removed the name of the network, (d) signed his own name, and (e) bragged to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.”

Under such conditions, when one has contravened yama and niyama, by committing theft etc, then Sadguru Baba has directed us to take action:

In A Guide to Human Conduct it is written, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly.” (1)

Because of Guru’s above tenet I bring this matter to the fore today as this one senior margii has grossly violated the code of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga is against plagiarism

Here is how this type of theft / plagiarism is against the ethic of our Ananda Marga and basic human values .

It is the accepted standard and our way not to steal another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism.

Why is Baba against this type of plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.

3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargy, thievery, and hypocrisy. Because people who will always wait for others to create something new - or they will simply steal from others and publish it in their own name. The impetus to generate new, original work is absent. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen and do not cook. Instead they just they wait for others to prepare food and then they eat. Or they will even steal that food and serve it to others so they can brag and say, “See what an amazing cook I am.”

5) Countless stories of devotees need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever.

6) The sole motivation is to publish the maximum amount of Baba stories. Everyone should work hard and try to contribute original material in this respect. All unpublished stories should be written.

7) In addition, by following this code then fake stories will not be circulated as everyone will be responsible for demonstrating the authenticity of each story.

8) All should abide by this ethic and code as that is Baba's given system. Failure to do so is sinful.

Baba says, "It is not possible to guide others merely with cheap,  superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate degree by plagiarising others’ works." (2)

Like a snake in the house

Guru’s following teaching about the danger of having a snake inside the house perfectly suits this incident.

अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (3)

"If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him, do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. Why? If there is a snake outside it is dangerous, but if a snake comes inside the house it is more dangerous. Therefore he [our close person] should be opposed more strongly." (4)

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them - oppose them. Thus when Goenkaji is resorting to theft and plagiarism, there is no question of sitting idle. G’s misdeeds must be opposed.

Who stole

I think now you know the name of the senior margii who violated the code of yama and niyama and & went against the Sixteen Points and conduct rules of Ananda Marga.

in Him,

Note 1: Baba’s guideline about thievery / plagiarism

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Activities harmful to the Marga, [[hypocrisy]], theft and the persecution of women are the greatest crimes. Such criminals should be categorized as mahápátakiis (great sinners) and severe measures should be taken against them from the beginning.” (5)

Sadly, when someone steals a Baba story from others and places their own name on that work, then that person merely invites their own degradation.

Note 2: Link to original letter

Here is a link to the original letter by Advaeta as it was posted in its entirety on 02 June 2015 on the Ananda Marga Universal Network.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct
2. PNS-1
3. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
4 Taking Shelter in Satya is the Essence of Sadhana, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai, Trans: Dr. T.R.S
5. Caryacarya-2, Society, Point #20a

== Section 2 ==

Proof of stolen / plagiarised material

Here below is the stolen material which one senior margii has stolen from others. This is the material that Goenka stole from Ananda Marga Universal network. The letter was originally written by brother Advaeta (see above link), but Goenka deleted the Advaeta’s signature and placed his own name:

Here is Goenka’s Actual Email

On Friday, June 5, 2015 6:03 AM, Sgoenka <> wrote:


In 1978 at Patna, after one famous General Darshan, Baba, in a loving & smiling way, addressed all the WT & acaryas who were sitting there. Baba said, "You workers (WTs), will you allow margiis to work side by side with you in coordinated cooperation?"

All the WT Dadas responded collectively and said, "Yes, Baba."

After that, Baba again in a smiling way asked all the margiis who were present there in that general darshan, "Will you, (margiis), be able to work side by side with WT Dadas?" Then all the margiis responded with joy, "Yes, Baba."

Then our Beloved Baba was in a very blissful mood & He said, "My sons & My daughters are My two hands & have equal rights. The role of family persons is from bottom to top. And I, (Baba), have made such a system that family persons are on the Purodha Board also."

After this general darshan, Baba asked margiis to sing bhajans. Then Baba graciously blessed all present with His varabhaya mudra. In this way the general darshan blissfully concluded.

Yours brotherly,
S S Goenka.

== Section 3 ==


Here is a link to the original letter by Advaeta as it was posted in its entirety
on 02 June 2015 on the Ananda Marga Universal Network.

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