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Monday, December 19, 2022

Wrong & offensive story by dada + 3 more


Wrong & offensive story by dada


Sadly in Dada Pranavatmakananda’s following story, Baba is portrayed as an avidya tantrika who harasses His enemies and vilifies them with his avidya powers - and all the while brags about His own greatness and success. This type of narcissistic personality is falsely depicted about Baba in the below story. It is absolutely disgraceful.

Here is the larger section of this fictitious story:

In Him,

Note: The above is printed in Pranavatmakananda's book, "Advent of a Mystery" (2017).

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “On seeing someone in distress, they think: “Rightly served. As you sow, so you reap. Let their troubles augment.” Such human-shaped animals are prowling about in many fields of life.” (1)

~ In-depth study ~

What is needed to write a proper Baba story

- #1: It is important for us to consider what is needed to write a proper Baba story. First and foremost, one must ensure that the Baba story is itself true. After carefully making this assessment, these following criteria are needed: (a) deep bhakti for Baba, (b) pointed understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, and (c) literary skill.
- #2: Bhakti allows a person to write with proper flow and prana. Ideology brings the right direction and philosophical consistency. Literary skill brings artistic value and beauty.
- #3: Of these three characteristics, if one has only bhakti and lacks philosophical understanding and lacks writing skills, then sometimes their story will not have philosophical support. And in some cases the story may even be dogmatic. And, certainly without literary skill, the story will be rough and jagged and will lack proper expression. If one has only philosophical understanding and lacks bhakti and is shy on writing skills, then their Baba story will be dry and poorly expressed.
- #4: So if there is a proper degree of bhakti along with ideological understanding, then one's literary skill will help make that story shine. While if one uses all their literary talent in writing a story that lacks the inner feeling of bhakti and philosophical understanding, then that story will be a mess - i.e. useless and poisonous.
- #5: Unfortunately, nowadays there are some who fall in this last category. They may or may not have the writing skills, yet utterly lack proper spiritual, heartfelt feeling and ideological understanding. In that case, the intimate component of the story is ruined or left out entirely, or one will write something contrary to the ideological fundamentals of Ananda Marga teachings. If one has bhakti then that literary skill gives a proper spiritual flow to the story, but if one does not have bhakti then that literary skill is meaningless. So when those lacking both bhakti and philosophical understanding write a story, then the outcome will be like applying cosmetic make-up to a dead person - there will not be any charm. It will be useless and dogmatic.
- #6: Best is to cultivate or have all the qualities: (a) requisite bhakti, (b) understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, and (c) literary skill. Then one can write a beautiful and loving account that will inspire so many readers across the ages. And again, the first and foremost point is to ensure that the original material - i.e. the Baba story itself - is true and accurate.

The above scan is a false story printed by Dada Pranavatmakananda.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

For non-margiis

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This following Prabhat Samgiita composition is for non-margiis. So we Ananda Margiis should learn these types of songs so that we can present and teach them. The Ista of Ananda Margiis is not Krsna. So committed and dedicated Ananda Margiis know that using these Krsna Prabhat Samgiita compositions for their own personal, spiritual practices is very detrimental and harmful. To know the details why it is harmful please click this link:
"Kánu binu, tháká náhi jáy, se je marmer májhe jhalakáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3355)


Without Kánu, Lord Krsna, my life is very miserable. I can’t live without Him anymore. He is that shining Entity of my heart, so when He is not present with me I suffer from the pain of melancholic longing for Him. Without Him, my existence has no charm.

Day and night, every moment, all the 24 hrs, I hear the sweet, melodious notes of Krsna’s divine bánshi in my core. With the sound of that flute, Krsna is letting me know that He cares for me by telling me, “I love you - that is why I am calling you.” I hear His d́ák (call) always. He is so gracious.

The river of my life, the Yamuna, the spiritual flow of my journey, is ensconced in Krsna’s ideation and it is fiercely fighting against the deep mist. It is rushing with the high tide in countless ways towards Krsna, by Krsna’s grace. In my mind there is nothing but Krsna.

My life is very painful and empty in the absence of my Lord Krsna…

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3355:

[1] Kánu: This is one of the names of Lord Krsna.

[2] Bánshi: literally meaning flute: Bánshi / Flute: Ananda Marga Ideology states, “The rhythm in which the vibrational flow of the cosmic mind vibrates the annamáya kośa of individual microcosms – veins, nerves, arteries, blood, lymph, etc. – is the initial stage of the divine cosmic sound. When this sound is heard in the anamáya kośa it resembles that of a cricket. When this cosmic sound vibrates the kámamaya kośa it resembles the sound of ankle bells. In the manomaya kośa it resembles a flute; ... in atimánasa kośa, the resonance of a gong; in vijiṋánamaya kośa the buzzing of bees or the rolling of ocean waves; and in hirańmaya kośa, a prolonged oṋḿ sound. Thus the cosmic sound is expressed in various ways according to the degrees of crudity or subtlety in relation to the fundamental factors. There are various physical and psychic expressions centring around the various degrees of cosmic sound. When one’s mind is confined to a particular stratum one hears the sound peculiar to that stratum only. A person who lacks concentration of mind cannot hear any expression of the cosmic sound. In the field of spiritual practice the divine sound is expressed in a spontaneous way.” (1)

[3] d́ák: This refers to the call of the Supreme.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an inert being and waste your time by clinging to old skeletons and bemoaning them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of lightning, in the meteor’s flaming fires. Nothing good will come from idleness. Get up and awake the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. It may be that the path is not strewn with flowers and that inferiority complex will be attempting to hold fast your each advancing step, but even then you have to proceed onwards tearing the shroud of darkness. You will tear the thick darkness of despair as you advance in the racing chariot radiant with the Sun’s brilliance towards the attainment of the Supreme state.” (2)

[4] Yamuna: Here Baba guides us how the Yamuna river does not just mean one physical river in India. But in Prabhat Samgiita the Yamuna river represents that flow of mind where one is blessed to come in contact with Parama Purus'a.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Yamuná. Just as there is a Yamuna River in the physical sphere, in the subtle psychic sphere also there is a certain flow which leads microcosms towards Parama Puruśa." (3)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 6, The Expansion of the Microcosm
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Appendix

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to start the day

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “Everyone may perform the practices below if they wish.”

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utksepa Mudra: This Mudra should be practised in bed immediately upon waking. While lying on the back, one should flex both the arms and legs, bringing them over the chest, and then return them immediately to the extended position. After doing this three or four times, sit up in bed and drink a glass of cold water without allowing the water to touch the teeth. After this you should expose the navel area to the air, and walk up and down in this way for some time in the open air.” (1)

1. Caryacarya - 3, ‘Different Yoga Practices’, Point #1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Penance vs fruitless ritualism

Ananda Marga ideology states, “People’s life becomes mechanical, if they are overwhelmed with the sentiment that they must do such acts, must perform such yajiṋa, must rise in this manner and sit in this manner and get up in this manner and so on. Such a person is not happy and this type of ritualism cannot be called real Karma. To serve others at one’s sacrifice is called penance. In the absence of love any service or penance is for show and is therefore fruitless.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha -1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why such rules are in Ananda Marga

Baba says in an older edition of Caryacarya that Ananda Marga is the path of human beings. The greatest excellence of this Marga is that, after knowing the needs of human beings and understanding their feeling, this "marg" (path) has been propounded. About this, that is the most significant thing. That's all. (1)

Note 1: The above is and English summary of Baba's own handwritten Bengali guideline.

Note 2: Baba’s above teaching is present in many old editions of the Bengali, Hindi, and English versions of Caryacarya - II.

Note 3: In contrast, the various religions are based on a selfish outlook whereby they infuse dogma and exploit followers and the common people.

Note 4: If someone is not aware of some of the rules of our Ananda Marga such as why a particular rule has been formulated then the answer is embedded in seed form in Sadguru Baba’s above guideline. For example, suppose someone does not know why we always wear our pratik on the body 24 hrs per day, or why we repeat Guru puja and samgacchadhvam 3 times and not 2 or 4, the answers of these types of questions are also hidden in the above guideline.

Note 5: In our Ananda Marga nothing is dogmatic, but nowadays a few people are trying hard to establish or implement various dogmas such as: the dogma that PP is an angel, so-called mahaprayan, Fake Ananda Vaniis, fake holy lands, tiirthas etc, and other types of things which do not have any logic to stand upon.

1. English Summary of Caryacarya - 2 (Bangla), just after copyright page

== Section 4: Links ==

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