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Saturday, January 4, 2025

Not sa'myava'd but communism + 3 more


Not sa'myava'd but communism 


The teachings of Prout will lead society along the path of social justice and progress.

Pragatishiila upayogatattvamidaḿ sarvajanahitárthaḿ sarvajanasukhárthaḿ pracáritam.
[This is the Progressive Utilization Theory, propounded for the happiness and all-round welfare of all.] (1)

That is why it is so unfortunate that even some Prout leaders are not aware about Prout Propounder Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s system. In that case, how are they going to preach and guide the common people. Here is one example from a Hindi Prout pamphlet for the common public in Hindi-speaking areas. In particular, we are commenting on the first word of the second line of the Prout pamphlet. The term is underlined in red.

Sa'myava'd: This Hindi term, underlined in red above, has been rejected by Baba. The word should be communism because the original philosophy is based on commune. In the Marx Manifesto, the commune and communist terms have been used. Communists introduced the commune term, which refers to a group of people living like animals. They share with one another and only think about their physical existence, and they venerate their leader as a god. This is an animalistic way of living, and that is called communism. So when humans live like animals, i.e. on communes, that path or ism is known as communism. That term cannot be translated into any other language. Just as the terms “Veda”, “Hindu”, “Torah”, “Bible”, “Koran”, and “Harijan” etc are not translated in order to preserve the spirit of the word.
In Samskrta, the term sa’my means “ideal balance” or “right balance”; and vada means “theory” or “ism”. When put together sa'myava'd  literally means “ideal balance”.

The communists adopted this term - sa'myava'd - for themselves to hide and take shelter because they knew the name of communism was mud. 

Usage of term: communism

So communism should not be translated as sa'myava'd, rather the term communism should be written in Devanagari script. Communism should not be translated as it is being used as a proper noun.

Here is the origin: "The commune is a model of government that is generally advocated by communists, revolutionary socialists, and anarchists." (Wikipedia)

From Quora website: "Indeed there is! In The Civil War in France, Marx praised the Paris Commune, and in fact, in light of the experience of the Parisian proletariat in the Commune, stated in the Preface to the 1872 German Edition of Manifesto of the Communist Party"

Sa'myava'd is not communism. Baba told this, and it was introduced in all Prout literature but gradually people lost the idea. So communism should not be translated as sa'myava'd rather the term communism should be written in Devanagari script.

Sa'myava'dii is wrong. Use the term communist and write it in Devanagari script. Because it is related with commune. In communist rule in USSR, people were forced to live in communes. And commune does not mean sa'mya, i.e. balance.

Story: Prout rejects sa'myava'd term

When Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar was in Patna, He saw that the Prout newspapers were using the term sa'myava'd  for communism. Seeing this fatal flaw, He ordered them to stop printing those newspapers until the error was fixed. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar wantsus to use the term communism. And here is more of the logical support.

In Samskrta, the term sa’my means “ideal balance” or “right balance”; and vada means “theory” or “ism”. When put together sa'myava'd  literally means “ideal balance”.

The communists adopted this term - sa'myava'd - for themselves to hide and take shelter because they knew the name of communism was mud. Sadly, our Prout Dada also got caught up in the communist propaganda. And they started using that term and glorifying those communist exploiters. When all along the Prout Propounder’s guideline is that the term communism should be used. It can be written in different scripts but the name communism must be used.

The teachings of Prout will bring a veritable revolution in all spheres of life and hasten society’s advancement. In contrast, communism has been an unmitigated disaster for humanity.


When the Propounder of Prout is keen that we should use the term communism, not sa'myava'd, then we should be strict in adhering to this guideline. Otherwise in the name of propagating Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings on Prout, one will be doing something antithetical.

In Him,

Note: In India communists do not like to be called communists as they know well that the term commune has become poisonous all over the globe. So although they are communists inside and out, they call themselves as Sa'myava'diis (believers of equipoise) - and they want others to do the same. This is their befooling tactic as they are fully aware that their entire approach and philosophy is communism. As Ananda Margiis, we should not fall into that trap and call them Sa'myava'diis (believers of equipoise). Rather, per Baba’s guideline, we should call them communists in English and in Hindi as well.

1. Ananda Sutram, chapter 5

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Sadhana seat

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Since the beginning of yoga practice, yogis have sat on various kinds of materials which are by nature non-conductors of heat and electricity. The yogis of olden times mostly sat on animal skins, and in many cases they also used animal skins as their outer garments. Later, for lack of animal skins, people started using blankets as ásanas [meditation seats].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Song of Shiva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recipe to be reborn as animal

Note: This teaching (appended below) has four distinct aspects. 

(a) The river of the mind flows either from the mountain peaks to the valley basin or from the valley basin to the mountain peaks. It goes both directions. 
(b) Human thinking has extraordinary power and works both ways. If one’s thinking is proper then they become Parama Purusa, and if one’s thinking is bad then one can be turned into stone.
(c) Most of the population has come directly from animal life. That is why they indulge the whole day in animal works: eating, drinking, procreating etc. For this reason, they will return back to animal life in their next birth. 
(d) As a human, if we utilise the potentiality of our thinking power we can become elevated and become one with Parama Purusa. Intelligent people progress towards life divine, while foolish people degenerate and revert back to animal life due to their mean thoughts.

For more about this please read Baba’s below teaching: 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In human society there are many people whose mentality is somewhere between that of forest primates and that of humans. Some have just evolved from animal life to that point, in the process of pratisaiṋcara; while others have reverted to that point from a more developed human level, due to their mean thoughts. If they continue to allow mean thoughts to dominate their minds, they will degenerate to the even cruder stage of inert matter, becoming bricks, stone or wood. Just as animals have no scope to elevate their thoughts or practise spirituality, similarly human beings who make their minds animal-like through animalistic thinking are unable to pursue spiritual practices. Even after receiving spiritual initiation or receiving an education, they behave like ignorant fools. But those who are by mentality undeveloped human beings, but not animals, will if they receive initiation carry on spiritual practices, and will if they receive education behave like intelligent people.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dharmacakra: spiritual zeal

Ananda Marga Philosophy states, “The indomitable mental force aroused as a result of collective Iishvara-Pranidhana will help you in solving any problem small or big on this earth. It is for this reason that you should always have a zeal to attend the weekly Dharmacakra regularly.” (1)

Dharmacakra Means ‘Family Of Dharma’

Note 1: In His Encyclopedia – “Laghu Nirukta” – on page 191 Baba explains that one of the meanings of ‘cakra’ is family, society, collection, or body. Thus the real meaning of dharmacakra is ‘family of dharma’. Similarly Brahmacakra means ‘family of Brahma’. We all know that the family of creation is the entire family of Brahma.

Note 2: Baba is the Propounder of Ananda Marga philosophy and in that philosophy He has used various Sanskrit terms. To clarify the meaning of those terms Baba has given His own grammar books and encyclopedias etc. So those who want to learn AM philosophy indepthly should study Baba’s teachings on grammar also. Otherwise many concepts will remain beyond one’s grasp.

1. A Guide To Human Conduct, last page

== Section: Report ==

AMPS: what demons did

What happened in 1990, 91, 92 in such a special manner that created a wind of change to topple the ruling class at center?

What were the reasons which instigated to remove S Dada from the position of GS? This was a successful event.

Actually, ideological movement started in 1990 itself :-
90 - Voice against distortion of scripture,
91 - People started to oppose MPD
91 - Monks and Margis were completely against the torture (beating), unideological punishment and air of hate towards pious and junior WTs,
A revolt started against the above in 91 itself.

S Dada ji was being blamed for Bangalization of organisation & it's activities.

He was also blamed for supporting Bangla speaking workers and he opened a new system to sideline the good and nonbangali workers with the help of Hindi speaking Margis also.

Dada S ji neglected the development of non Bangla areas, and became involved in enhancing the quality of work in Bangala speaking areas.

Bangalization was his main tool to propagate his dream to suppress others and to establish his glory. In this effort he shamelessly tried to undermine BABA.

It was ironic that due to Dada S ji mayajaal, many non Bengali senior & intellectual workers and Grihi Margis also forgot their BELOVED SADGURU. These people could not smell the crooked motive behind bangalization issues. They fell into the line of unideological activities.

Gradually our above mentioned Dada started to break Margi institutions. He dismantled BP, ACB, LFT and PKB structures. Present Hindi group leaders also helped him with full energies.

In between some bhaktas were busy to oppose these Gurudrohi activities and were educating others about the righteous path. This group of ideological devotees were branded as terrorist, traitor, and Gurudrohi by selfish institutions and their elite Margi friends. This group of Bhaktas were gradually sidelined.

The opportunists leaders were moving towards the ditch on the shoulders of selfish or ignorant Margis.

The second lot of leadership captured the throne progressed on the path of Dada S, but with a higher speed. Dada R is moving with more speed to the ditch. The ideological issues have been sent to the dustbin. This Great brother has brought a new edition of Gurudroh.

Now, the Chariot of Gurudroh has many arrogant horses - Bangalivadi, land grabber, characterless Wts, and many more cunning activities.

In between we are observing that many sycophants are being insulated by leadership. Due to this, these insulated sycophants ( converted Vikshubddh Shudra ) started criticising their bosses. Now, what is happening? The leaders are using the age-old, time tested tactics to tame their disgruntled slaves - SAM - DAM - DAND - BHED.

Can anyone dare to ask about BP rights in K?
Can anybody shake the Indrasan of Dada S & Co.?
Has he changed his attitude toward the distortion of scripture?
Has his evil motive against Carya'carya, BP rights, MPD, Tomb, Ash puja been reversed?

Tirtha, Ash puja, Tomb parikrama and MPD are Gurudroh.
He still is standing strong on the fake concept of translation from ORIGINAL BANGLA.

The SUPREME FATHER, the CONTROLLER of Universe has been limited to be a Bangala speaking.

Still, at the end of his life, Dada S ji is the same. New group leader R should be cautious of selecting wrong path or they will be toppled by Prakriti or Bhaktas or by Both. What will his stooges do after the fall of their boss.

Finally, what was/is the fault of the early whistleblowers who fought to save BABA's mission? Why they were punished for zero fault? Those who were tool to

Mythologically, it is that Ram had liberated Ahilya. But who will bring back these deserted sadhakas in the main fold of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha?

at His feet,

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