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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Ridicule them + 2 more


Ridicule them


This whole report depicts how seniors are destroying the sadhana and spiritual life of our junior workers.

Baba's story about the young Dhruva

Here below Baba recounts how since ages and ages jealous people have undermined true spiritual seekers.

Baba states, "Dhruva had been sitting in prolonged meditation. As Dhruva was but a young boy and was making steady progress on the spiritual path the other… became alarmed. Indra, Barun and Agni were concerned that they would lose their prestige if this continued so they began to conspire against him." (1)

Unfortunately, this same type of negative scene has taken shape in our AMPS.

Lack of spirituality brings taunting etc

If we seriously think about the reason why this negative situation has surfaced in our AMPS, then we will find that, for the most part, it is due to negligence of spiritual practices. Because of lack of proper sadhana, the mind got degenerated. And, in result, mean thoughts, lowly ideation, and selfish desires like post, power, and prestige etc are dominant.

This is not to say that spiritual practices are neglected by everyone in our organisation. But if anyone sincerely tries to do sadhana, then they were discouraged, demoralized, and abused or tortured. If one thinks seriously about why these terrible things are happening in our AMPS, then by understanding human psychology one will easily reach the answer. So-called authorities / seniors are thinking that if juniors start doing better sadhana or long sadhana then the respect of seniors will be punctured. Because so-called senior authorities have neither the mind nor will power to do long sadhana or regular cemetery sadhana or following strictly 16 Points etc.

So when brahmacariis and fairly young WTs have an ardent desire to engage in deep sadhana then they receive no support. Rather they are subjected to victimisation, leg-pulling, or taunting from their seniors. Plus circumstantial pressure is created by giving them useless projects and demoralising them by various reports and reviews.

Who gets victimised

Here I have to add one thing. I am not talking about those who are lazy and do not want to do any work and instead want to close their eyes and sit. But I am talking about such Wts whose out-turn is good, better than average WTs, and they are engaged in social service projects sincerely. In spite of all this, if they follow a strong routine of sadhana, instead of gossiping and sleeping more and snoring (even in daytime), then all sorts of problems come that I am narrating in this letter. If you misuse the time in sleep, snoring and gossiping around then there is no problem, you will not be victimised for that because the majority is doing like that.

But if you use the little leisure time you have for doing sadhana, then jealous so-called authorities will create countless problems for you. They will lash out with taunts, “Oh great yogi, always lives in samadhi”, “look a yogi advented from the Himalayas, we should sit around and get blessing.” And when you are doing sadhana they will sit nearby and talk loudly that, “We will also catch his tail and reach salvation.” And some say, “Hey smell the sweet aroma and fragrance that permeating all around, we are fortunate to pass by.” And various types of taunting they do. In that poisonous atmosphere, then what concentration and what sadhana can one do.

And when you are not doing sadhana even then they will taunt you, “When are you going to get realised.” And some will say, “Give me some grace.” So many things like this. Mostly this happens in WT meetings. In this way, the whole atmosphere of WT gatherings and way of surviving is just extroverted and degenerated. The central idea is that deep motivation towards sadhana is not at all appreciated by today’s so-called Wt authority figures. Rather doing deep sadhana creates big problems, whether in the field or in the meetings / gatherings.

What is the outcome

So you can imagine in this harsh atmosphere what is the standard of our WT brothers and sisters. The entire point is that in so many ways victimisation occurs to young, sincere WTs. And in result young WTs, whether brahmacariis or avadhutas, stopped doing sadhana out of fear. That is the tragic outcome. Those idealistic young Wts lose their flow. And this is all caused by the duplicity and hypocrisy of those big Wts; they have created a poisonous environment. That is why avadhutas and acaryas are moving around with saffron robes, but in real sense their mind has remained stained and stained.

Stems from authorities

Here again it should be clarified that mostly so-called authorities fall in this category of not doing sadhana and terrorising those Wts who sincerely engage in their spiritual practices. And so-called authorities does not just mean just a few highly posted purodhas, but rather so-called authorities refers to so many so-called supervisory workers across the globe who are in positions of leadership-either in their sector, region, or as a global worker. Hence those enthusiastic WTs who want to do sadhana always face a big crisis.

Because the so-called top posted workers create this negative scene, and the vibration then shoots throughout the organisation-- from top to bottom. In contrast, if the so-called top posted WTs are ok then the whole organisation will be alright. And this is not an unusual trend that negative people create hindrances in the life of sadhus. Wherever or whenever anyone starts doing sadhana then selfish minded forces / so-called authorities start opposing.

In our organisation, AMPS, so-called senior authorities are disturbing, terrorising and threatening those who have a deep desire to be sincerely involved in meditation.


We have to understand that without giving importance to sadhana there is no chance of reaching Parama Purusa. Moreover, the propagation of ideology or the establishment of Prout cannot be done without proper sadhana. Because degraded minds have no capacity to manage anything. If you try to touch gold it will turn into cow dung. That is why our golden organisation AMPS made by Baba has become completely different.

Each and every problem should be solved by getting the solution from Baba's guidelines. And in this case the answer is that in our personal lives we must give importance to the practice of sadhana because this is the goal of life.

Baba says, "The sooner human beings realize this Supreme Truth, the better it will be. Some understand it in youth, others in old age. The earlier one understands, however, the better it is." (2)

at His lotus feet,

Human life is for sadhana

Below Baba is further narrating the story about the spiritual aspirant Dhruva. And how the young Dhruva gave a firm reply to those who were creating problems in his sadhana.

`Kaomara acaret prajino dharman bhagavataniha Durlabham manusam janma Tadapyadhruvamarthadam'.

Dhruva replied, "It is very difficult to get a human life. Only after living life after life as an insect or a worm etc. does one attain a human body - and only then if one is very lucky."

Dhruva continued, "Those who utilize this body for noble deeds are few, and those who utilize this life for spiritual progress are even fewer, so as I have attained a human body, the more I utilize it for noble deeds from an early age, the better it will be. As it is difficult to attain a human body, and even more difficult to attain a body which can be utilized properly one should start a life of spirituality from the age of five."

Finally Dhruva exclaimed, 'Oh Narada, I may become decrepit, I may even die tomorrow. Why should I wait until I'm old? Besides, the sooner we do good deeds [sadhana] in our life, the better it is for us. Why should we delay?" (3)

Cycle of human life

Human life is a result of crossing so many lives of animals and plants, and in the last we get human life. After crossing the path of saincara and pratisaincara, by the grace of Parama Purusa, we achieve human frame. In human life, there are many shortcomings. Generally we see that so many drawbacks are there; the reason being because in so many previous lifetimes human beings passed their lives as animals etc. And those inherent samskaras are overpowering sometimes.

To overcome them Baba has given the path of spiritual practice. So tantra is the path of liberating oneself from all those bondages, by His grace. When sadhana is good, then those crude desires gradually get controlled. And when sadhana is not good then animal instincts take over.

On the path of sadhana there are various kinds of obstacles we face, including opposition from the general society, friends, relatives, and dogmatic-minded people. Verily there are the 6 enemies (sadripus) and 8 bondages (asta pashas). So many negative tendencies pull the mind in a downward direction.
So if sadhana is not done properly, then human beings start conducting themselves like sub-humans, animals, or worse than that.

People were thinking that AM ideology is for others, not me. Those in power were misguided and proclaiming loudly that, “Baba's teaching is for the future society - we are exempt.” Because Baba's teachings could not come in the practice of one’s personal life, they could not grow properly. And a few others in power were thinking that they were perfect and qualified. The fact is they could not carry the responsibility to establish that very ideology which they themselves did not like to follow.

And because they were not following then if other workers showed any inkling of interest in sincerely following Baba's guidelines, then those sincere workers were harassed and tortured. Especially all these misdeeds started happening after 1990. So the atmosphere of AMPS is that the ideology is something very lofty, very high-- "A'tmamoks'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca", but in practical life the standard of so-called top Wts is not like that.

So this is the overall experience unfolding these days.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Endless aspirations

Note: Those who don't do 6th lesson sadhana cannot understand this song.

"E dhúlir dharańiite,shudhu bhálo lágá ár bhálobásá..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3183)


My Parama Purusa, now everything of this dusty earth is exquisite and charming. You have transformed my mind. It is Your kindness. All the dullness and frustration has been turned into the joy of sweetness. Divine Love and only love is saturated within everything. This entire creation feels very close and intimate. You are the embodiment of bliss. All the jiivas are centering around You; they are crying and laughing in the ecstasy of Your divine play. Everything is blissful. You have showered everyone's mind with Your infinite grace. 

My Lord, You keep pouring refulgence in the minds of all. The garden and all the blossoms have been filled with the nectar and are emanating a sweet aroma all around. You have decorated the wilderness using flowers as ornaments. O' Parama Purusa, You are within me - in a smiling and charming way in my heart. You have filled my whole being with happiness and hope. Smiling, You float ahead filling my inner core with endless aspirations. Everything is very beautiful and meaningful. 

Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba, You are moving fast ahead in Your chariot of golden brilliance. You are floating on the unknown path, journeying on a path which cannot be understood by the human mind. With Your endless sweetness, You are showering Your grace, providing language to the exploited mass, and giving a voice to the deaf and dumb - those who are depressed and voiceless. You are helping suffering humanity, bestowing Your knowledge and perfection to those who are timid and speechless. It is Your mercy.

Baba, by Your divine krpa, everything of this dusty earth has become sweet like nectar, so blissful...

Note: The above song represents a very deep personal relation - madhur bhava - in His rásaliilá. This type of bhakti occurs when one is blessed with an exalted state of mind.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When one is ensconced in the exalted state due to the grace of Guru, what stage does ones intuition reach? What sort of realization does one attain? One discovers the divine play of the Infinite Entity in each and every finite manifestation. One realizes that the Infinite Entity who is ever-present in His vast Cosmic stance is also ever-present in every molecule and atom. One experiences that the entire universe is vibrated and invigorated with His unending Cosmic flow. Every entity of this universe, big and small, every minute expression of pain and pleasure of the numerous microcosms lies within His vast Ocean of Cosmic Bliss. In this ever-playful universe He is the Supreme Arbitrator. One realizes that the Supreme Cognitive Faculty resides in His tumultuous Macrocosmic creation, and is thus the Supreme Desideratum of every finite entity. Sádhakas realize Him as manifested in His many forms, and merge their individuality in Him." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is another expression of bhakti which occurs when devotees realize that all beings are created from ánanda, exist in ánanda and return to ánanda. This realization causes a radical change in their outlook – no longer can they differentiate between rich and poor, highborn and low-born. They observe an ocean of ánanda flowing within and around all created beings. “Rasa vae sah” – all are flowing in the same rasa, the same ocean of bliss. In that divine flow the devotees see Parama Puruśa dancing with each entity. In philosophy, this dance is called “rásaliilá” [divine play in the flow of bliss]. It does not mean that someone is actually playing a flute with all the humans and cows dancing around him. Rather, it means that all the entities of this beginningless and endless universe are floating in the ocean of cosmic bliss. There is no place for sorrow since sorrow only exists where petty interests clash and vie with each other. When the devotees clearly understand this they become established in “bhaktiránanda rupáca”. When all humans are dancing in the same rhythm of Parama Puruśa." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology philosophy, "O Parama Puruśa, grant me devotion – that devotion which will enable me to love you every moment in newer and still newer ways. For you are endless and your expressions are also endless. If I learn how to love You, I will be able to love You in endless ways. My life will become effervescent with the sweet rhythms of the infinite. My life will attain its highest fulfilment.” This very urge on the part of jiivas to become one with the Cosmos is what is called mysticism. Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to find a link between the finite and the Infinite.” (3)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Devotion Is the Life-Force of a Devotee
3. Namami Krsnasundaram: Disc: 26

== Section 3: Links ==

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