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Monday, July 11, 2022

About Prophet Mohammed + 3 more


About Prophet Mohammed


On one occasion Baba supported and appreciated Prophet Mohammed on a very small, particular point. That happened in Gorakhpur DMC January 1984 - and also in His book "Human Society". There Baba appreciates that Prophet Mohammed told his disciples that one should not rely on fate but rather utilise their given energy and abilities to shape the future. This point Baba values as it is consistent with Ananda Marga ideals.

Praised Prophet Mohammed

Side by side, throughout Ananda Marga ideology, Baba has exposed some of the many dogmas and defects of the Islamic religion. In numerous discourses, Baba has torn down Prophet Mohammed's dogmatic teachings: 

  • three women equal to one man
  • forced conversion
  • not listening to logic, i.e. illogical doctrine
  • religious riots
  • circumcision 
  • worshipping in one direction
  • animal cruelty
  • veil / burqa etc

All of the above dogmas are rampant in Islam and stand as pillars of Prophet Mohammed's religious teachings. Naturally, they are all antithetical to the dharmic, rational philosophy of Ananda Marga. Here below Baba directly addresses a few of those dogmas. 

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If there are continued conversions to Islam, women will become second grade citizens, because they are not given equal status with men in Islam. Consequently, there will be further degeneration. Thus, nobody should be forcibly converted from one religion to another." (1)

So, just because Baba has appreciated Prophet Mohammed in one limited point does not mean that we Ananda Margiis should follow Prophet Mohammed's teachings of Islam. Rather we must stand on our Ananda Marga fundamentals and continue to expose the exploitative ways of the dogmatic religion, such as extreme manipulation of women etc. Only on that single point related with fate should we support them since that is in sync with Ananda Marga ideals.

Cause of cruelty in Islam

Here below Baba points out how Islam’s rejection of music and aesthetic science leads to cruelty and violence. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (2)


In a line we can say Baba appreciates someone when their guidelines are rational; and, Baba criticises those thinkers when their teachings are irrational. That is the sole reason behind Baba's praise and condemnation of any person.

at His lotus feet,

Above formula: AMPS corrupt Wts

All are aware that on certain occasions Baba openly commended or praised a particular worker or family margii. But that does not mean that Baba wholly supports their each and every action.

Example of Sarvatmananda & others

For instance, in the case of Dada Sarvatmananda, Sadguru Baba gave Dada a very high posting for years and years. That itself is a type of praise or commendation etc. Yet that same Dada Sarvatmananda is the one who exploited wts and margiis, eliminated of Bhukti Pradhan rights, imposed so many dogmas unto our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, balkanised AMPS, and altered Baba’s discourses etc. So Ananda Margiis should not think that just because Baba appreciated any particular Dada in some sphere of life that therefore we should think that that Dada or Didi is truly great and blindly accept whatever that particular Dada or Didi says etc. And this same theorem applies to our various margiis also.

In other cases, Baba praised many senior margiis for a particular one work etc, yet some of those very same margiis later on ate fish or supported caste marriage etc. In our eyes we should not hold that margii as exalted and divine simply because Baba appreciated that margii on one given matter. Because that praise was reserved for that specific event, and was not a blanket statement about the totality of that margii’s character etc.

Central wts became cowards

Verily, many purodhas and seniors became cowards and executed the sinful orders of Sarvatmananda in order to save their post and allowed the organisation to be hijacked by selfish persons. There is a long list of those who acted in this way, unfortunately.

It is very easy to understand all this once we bear in mind that Guru’s praise of any particular person is limited to a given point. It does not mean that the person is pure and dharmic in all matters or that Baba fully supports that individual’s each and every action. One baseline approach is that when a person lives in accordance with Ananda Marga ideals then we should support that person on those points; and the degree to which they swerve from the path we should use our rational mind and guide them away from dogma.

Bhaktas: protest against all tyranny, injustice, & exploitation

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who have attained Iishvaraprema, can never and will never exploit others. They will raise their voice against all sorts of tyranny, injustice and exploitation. Those who do not possess that kind of honest courage to oppose all wrongs are nothing but fakes – they are never genuine.” (3)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

They were wailing

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This below song describes the scene just prior to and during the divine advent of Parama Purusa. Those days the whole humanity was being exploited, tortured, and choked. In response, right-thinking people tried to solve the problems; but, they could not get victory over those wicked, demonic forces. That is why they began desperately calling for that Divine Entity - Parama Purusa - to come immediately and rescue them from those demons and establish dharma. This song is the expression of the heart of those bhaktas when they were desperately crying for His help. Upon hearing their call, Parama Purusa Baba takes advent as the Taraka Brahma; He then creates a tremendous psycho-spiritual vibration whereby all the problems are resolved. In the very near future, in the coming hours and days, we will see this manifest in the physical sphere.

"Duhkhe kleshe kátar hoye, d́eke chilum báre báre..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3290)


O’ my Parama Purusa, due to extreme suffering and misery, helplessly I cried out for You again and again in desperation. But You did not give any response, as if You were deaf. Why did You ignore my call. By seeing the plight of suffering humanity, I felt utterly powerless and called You to come and re-establish dharma in its proper place, my Prabhu.

O’ Divine Entity, due to injustice, oppression, and torture, their golden dreams withered away; everyone crying loudly. They wanted to remove the dogma of caste, creed, and racial differences, and establish one human society. But those demons in human form were creating havoc all around. The righteous people were harassed  and beleaguered so they were wailing with loud lamentations. The situation was bleak. 

O’ my Parama Purusa, Baba, in the end, You came in the form of Rudra. You burned the devilness with intense fire and the thundering sound of Your viśáńa. You instilled bhagavad dharma on this earth. All the sinners were destroyed. You saved humanity from the vileness of those demons and spread Your brilliant refulgence of bhakti. You inundated this whole creation with Your love. People realised the importance of human life; they understood it is not for carnal satisfaction, but for supreme fulfillment. Everybody’s eyes were opened. You are so gracious, You are the Saviour...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3290:

[1] Rudra: Parama Purusa has many forms - one of which is rudra, meaning horrible or terrible. This is when He punishes wrongdoers of their sins and forces them to mend their ways. That is one key aspect of rudra and that is how the role of Parama Purusa is depicted in this song. Another meaning of Rudra is when He blesses someone with overwhelming joy and in that blissful state they cry. So one of the countless names of Parama Purusa is Rudra wherein He makes others weep. The demonic forces get annihilated and cry out while the good people shed tears of joy - divinely intoxicated in His bliss. Here below it is explained furthermore.

  Ananda Marga ideology says, "Why call the Supreme Being 'Rudra'? The word Rudra in Sanskrit means 'weeping'. But the Supreme Being not only makes all weep, He also makes them laugh! In both the circumstances, that is, of extreme pain and pleasure, there are tears in the eyes. In pain the tears come from the middle of the eyes, in pleasure they come from the corners of the eyes. A mother weeps when her daughter goes to her in-laws' house. She also weeps when her daughter returns from the house of her in-laws. In one case she weeps for pain, in another she weeps for joy."
  "If living beings were to live in one state always, there would be extreme monotony and no one would want to continue life. If in a drama we know the end in the very beginning, there would be no interest in the play. We need suspense, ups-and-downs and eleventh-hour surprises to keep life interesting. God, that is, Rudra, is a first-class dramatist. He keeps life floating within the two extremes of joy and pain; hence His liila', His play, goes on." (1)

[2] Viśáńa: The literal meaning is horn - such as when a bugle is blown to call and inspire the masses. In the case of Ananda Marga, the viśáńa symbolises our tri-shastra the social, philosophical, and spiritual scriptures containing the teachings of Prout, neo-humanism, and all spiritual guidelines. By coming in contact with Ananda Marga philosophy, people awaken, rise up, fight against dogma, and establish dharma, by His grace.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 25, Rudra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Harmful effect of parents arguing in front of children

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other’s  opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy." (1)

Note: In this guideline Baba is teaching two things. Firstly, if parents have to quarrel then they should not do so in front of children. Rather, if there is no other way and they must quarrel, then they should do so when the children are in school or away from the house. If parents argue amongst themselves that is one thing. Whereas arguing in front of the children and harming their growth is another. The children will emulate such behaviours and start quarreling in school with their classmates. In result, they will be punished by the teacher. Yet all along the problem was created by the parents. The best parents do not quarrel. Next are those parents who fight, but not in front of the kids. And the absolute worsts are those who fight in front of the children. They are a burden to society. Instead of becoming productive member of the society, their child will undergo much heartache and hardship - and even get arrested - due to their quarreling nature.

Secondly, in many countries there is an age restriction on harmful vices like smoking and drinking etc. If parents drink and the children are aware about it those kids will develop the desire to also drink. At the first opportunity they get - in high school etc - they go and drink. When the parents themselves do not drink then the kids are less inclined. So best then is not to drink at all. But if one must drink then at least it should not be done in front of the kids. The absolute worst are those parents who drink in front of their children.

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! लंबे समय के बाद मैंने तुम्हें अपने कुंटिया में पाया है, तुम मेरे पास आये हो ।

प्रभात संगीत 1932 अनेक दिनेर पारे, तोमारे पेलुम घरे…

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! लंबे समय के बाद मैंने तुम्हें अपने कुंटिया में पाया है, तुम मेरे पास आये हो । कृपा कर  अब मेरे पास रहिये । तुमने मुझे बहुत आशीष दिया है, अब मैं तुमको दूर जाने नहीं दॅूंगा।

 हे परम सत्ता बाबा!  मैं नहीं जानता कि कितने सालों की तपस्या के बाद मेरी अमावस्या खत्म हुई, और तुम आये ।  मैंने कोई भी न तो अच्छा कार्य किया है, और न ही विशेष पूजा परंतु तुम अहैतुकी कृपा कर  मेरे पास यहाॅं आये हो। रात्रि की साधना, मेरे दरवाजे पर अरुण प्रभात लाई है, बाबा तुम ही वह अरुणिमा हो। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरे मन का सब अंधेरा नष्ट हो गया है। बाबा! तुम्हारी उपस्थिति से अमावश्या  का अंधकार पूर्णिमा की चाॅंदनी में बदल गया  है ।

हे बाबा! यह मेरे मन की गहन इच्छा है कि आज  सबेरे तुम्हारा यहाँ आना और आनन्द लुटाना, ऐसा दिन सदा बना रहे। तुम्हारा आगमन मेरे जीवन का अरुणोदय है अन्यथा वह तो अंधेरे से ही भरा था । अब तो मैं चाहता हॅूं कि तुम मेरे साथ हमेशा  ही रहो और  मुझे आनन्ददायी अवस्था में हमेशा  बनाये रखो। तुम्हारे दिव्य स्पर्श  से मेरा मन नित्य  आनन्द में बह रहा है। हे मेरे परम प्रिय बाबा! तुमने मेरे  झोपड़ी में आगमन कर मेरे ऊपर अपार कृपा की है । हे बाबा! मेरे मन  में अनन्तकाल तक बने रहो। 

== Section 4: Links ==

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