Vultures’ feast was arranged in Delhi
At the death anniversary of Gopal ji in Delhi, a vultures’ feast was arranged wherein a Wt and many margiis swarmed onto the scene like vultures. It is the nature of vultures to gather round and gorge upon a carcass; verily, those vultures show up in droves wherever there is a corpse. Similarly, there was a sinful death anniversary feast in Delhi, and various Wt and margiis flocked to and hovered around that occasion to indulge and feast, just as vultures do.
First let’s review Baba’s core teaching about shra’ddha / death day feast ceremonies.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is...not to be taken.” (1)
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (2)
Abominable food served
Now let’s take a look at what transpired….
The yearly death ceremony (पुण्य तिथि), i.e. on the occasion of the the anniversary of Gopal ji’s death, was arranged at the Prout Bhavan (Malviyanagar, Delhi). In addition to dogmatic death day activities, they prepared a feast of abominable food that was served to various vulture Wts and margiis who eyed the feast with great anticipation and greed. Yet observing the death day and eating at a death day ceremony is a violation of Caryacarya and automatically makes that food sinful. That is Baba’s strict guideline.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is...not to be taken.” (3)
Those vulture Wts and margiis flocked to that event in order to gulp down and devour those dainties and delicacies at that vultures’ feast. They were indulging in sinful food and disobeying Guru’s order. It is worse than a drunkard or drug addict who knows that alcohol or heroin is a horrific vice, but spellbound by that addiction they indulge anyway. Far worse than that is the case with those vulture-like Wts and margiis who descended upon the vultures’ feast at Gopalji’s annual death day ceremony.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (4)
Look who attended sinful feast
Some of the key attendees were:
1. Ac Santoshananda Avt
2. Didi Nidhi Joshi, A PBI women activist and
3. Husband of Didi Nidhi Joshi
4. Ravi Singh, A PBI Core committee member
5. All PBI activists of Delhi NCR
Hence Ac Santoshananda Avt and his chelas participated in this dogmatic death day ceremony and tamasik feast. They plunged themselves into this anti-Caryacarya event.
So they are steeped in sin and multiplying various religious dogmas that Baba harshly condemns. There should not be any dogmatic annual death day ceremony or tamasik feast. That is forbidden. That food becomes soaked in sin when done as an annual death day event. Yet that is the terrible act that occurred at Gopal ji’s death day anniversary. Sadly, they went against Caryacarya.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (5)
In Him,
Satya Deva
Annual death day feast invitation
Here above is the invitation to the dogmatic death day anniversary of Gopal ji who died on 15 Sep 2020, and now one year later they arranged this an annual death day gathering and feast which go against Baba’s teachings and order from Caryacarya.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (6)
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is...not to be taken.” (7)
So they are going against Caryacarya as they have created the sinful, dogmatic, abominable annual death day ritual.
Islamic mullahs indulge in similar things before killing animals. They repeat some chants and so-called blessings as if that purifies the death and gutting of that animal. And not just the Muslims, Christians, Jews--- some Hindus also do this. However, Baba staunchly opposes such dogmas in numerous discourses. So those margiis doing this have really immersed themselves in sin; verily, they are deceiving themselves and betraying Sadguru Baba.
1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
2. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
3. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
4. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
6. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
7. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
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