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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Five dogmas of MPD exposed + 5 more

Five dogmas of MPD exposed


Many know that Baba is not shy about talking of leaving His physical body. This point is important because some mistakenly say that Baba is hesitant to talk on this issue - as if it is too sensitive or too delicate, and therefore He did not include it in Caryacarya.

Answer of Dogma #1

Some mortals thought it is their duty to include the mahaprayan program of an annual remembrance in Caryacarya because in their confusion they concluded that the Supreme Entity Baba forgot to add it.

All know that Dada Sarvatmananda invented mahaprayan and inserted it into Caryacarya Part 1 as the appendix. But this is all based on a fundamental delusion.

The fact is Sadguru Baba clearly has discussed leaving His physical body. He has mentioned this in the Acarya Diary (Guru Puja section) and in other places as well. In those instances, Sadguru Baba clearly guides us how to proceed, including how to do Guru puja when He is not physically manifest as Mahasambhuti on this earth.

So it is not that Sadguru Baba is too shy or too hesitant to include so-called mahaprayan in Caryacarya. Rather deliberately He has not put the dogmatic program of mahaprayan into Caryacarya.

All know Sadguru Baba is along with us always - Sadguru has not left and He is not gone. Still today acaryas perform initiations and state that “I am just a medium - Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present."
Thus, it is utterly sinful to add the so-called mahaprayan appendix to Caryacarya part 1 because how can we say that Sadguru is gone. Rather, He tells us the opposite. In thousands of discourses, Sadguru Baba has said that He can't leave - His relation with us is beyond time and space. Sadguru Baba is always with us.

Answer of Dogma #2

The inventors of mahaprayan preach that just as worldly family members do not wish to discuss their death with their family, Sadguru will also not like to discuss this.

Remember though that Baba is not just our family member, He is Guru and more than that - and on a practical level He has graciously given everything that needed to be told. So Caryacarya is complete.

If one needs further proof, consider this. As a precedent, Baba Himself has written two books about Taraka Brahma or Mahasambhuti. Those books are Namah Shivaya Shantaya and Namami Krsnasundaram. And in neither of those two books has Sadguru Baba mentioned the commemoration of so-called mahaprayan of those two Great Personalities, Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna.

Answer of Dogma #3

In our Ananda Marga, there is no such thing as a festival or annual program that is sad or sorrowful in nature. All our festivals are full of joy and bliss. Yet the dogmatic mahaprayan program has been described as "a solemn occasion" when certain leaders wrongly added the mahaprayan appendix to Caryacarya Part 1. Thus, the notion of observing mahaprayan goes against the very essence of our Ananda Marga festivals.

This stands as yet another factor how the so-called mahaprayan occasion is unideological and against the spirit of bhakti.

Answer of Dogma #4

Observing so-called mahaprayan annually is not a good idea. Sadguru is not gone. The truth is that Sadguru is an eternal Entity and He remains in our heart - always.

Can any sincere sadhaka really believe that Sadguru Baba is gone?

In Ananda Marga, Sadguru always lives with us, we are His thought projection. We margiis and Wts do not believe that Sadguru has gone away etc. This is not some dogmatic religious conception where God lives somewhere else and you cannot communicate with Him. In Ananda Marga, God lives everywhere - as well as in the innermost portion of your heart.

This is what Baba has shown in personal contact, reporting sessions, and so many demonstrations. He is our nearest and dearest One who watches over us constantly and remains with us each and every moment to help us.

Answer of Dogma #5

Here are a few more points why it is to our disadvantage to remember and observe so-called mahaprayan each and every year.

Let us remind ourselves that Ananda Marga teachings are complete. Sadguru Baba deliberately avoided marking the so-called death day (i.e. mahaprayan) as a festival day in Ananda Marga. Our scriptures are complete and He purposely did not include the dogma of mahaprayan in Caryacarya.

Plus in countless discourses Baba has guided us not to believe that Sadguru is distant or far from us. Otherwise we will invite our extreme degeneration and follow the path of negative pratisaincara. It is just like some horrible scene of your life - such as when your baby drowned etc - that you do not want to remember again and again. Otherwise it will steal away all your happiness. Baba avoids degenerating programs like mahaprayan because Ananda Marga is the path of bliss - not the path of extreme sorrow or sadness.

Thinking that Sadguru is gone is most terribly detrimental, and will crudify one to stone and dirt. Our mantras all give the same idea: Sadguru is with us. Only avidya maya, viks'epta shatkti, says that Sadguru is far.

Dúrát sudure tadihántike ca pashyatsvihaeva nihitaḿ guháyám.

Baba says, "If someone continually thinks, “Parama Purus'a is far from me”, then He will seem to be truly far from him...If in their ignorance people think that Parama Purus'a is far from them, then He may indeed remain far from them – so far that in future, even if one cries oneself hoarse, one’s cries will never reach Him... Some people think, “No, Parama Purus'a is not far from me. He is quite near. He is everywhere.”" (1)

It is our duty to always remember and cultivate the supreme truth that He is always with us. His presence is our sadhana and this creation is His thought projection. He is the nucleus, He cannot be missing, thus it is philosophically and emotionally wrong to have a program like mahaprayan that dictates that Sadguru Baba is gone.

To those who worship the mahaprayan program and have started thinking that Sadguru is gone, here is this last reply.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You spiritual aspirants, you should remember that Parama Puruśa is always with you and His grace is always with you, and you all are His loving children." (2)

in Him,
Nalini Sarkar

Our Dadas say, “I am just a medium -
Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present"

Sadguru Baba is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan.

True bhaktas know that there is no such thing as mahaprayan for Sadguru Baba. As the Sadguru He never passes away, He is omnipresent. So those Wts who believe in & propagate that Sadguru is dead are confused. Actually they are displaying hypocritical behaviour. Why?

When our Avadhutas acaryas give initiation, or revise anyone’s lessons, or give further lessons of sadhana, our Dadas say, “I am just a medium - Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present."

So in one breath our Wt dadas say that Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. That is both hypocritical and sinful.  Hypocritical because they are telling one thing and doing something else. They are telling that Guru is no more in their mahaprayan program, yet when teaching sadhana they are relying on Him. And it is sinful because it is abusive against Guru.

It is similar to your own children playing before you and talking among themselves that, “My mother is dead.” As a mother, how will you feel. And not only that, they go one step ahead, before your eyes they started commemorating your annual death day ceremony

How do you feel about their ignorance?

True bhaktas never participate in the dogmatic annual death day ceremony / mahaprayan of the ever-present God. That is against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

Answer of Dogma #6

The Indian dogma of Shraddhanjali is that a tomb is made for all deceased leaders - political, religious etc - and every year on the anniversary of their death a big function is held. That is named shraddhainjali. It is a Hindu dogma for the followers to remember their fallen leader, i.e. a unit being or worldly person - not Mahasambhuti.

So on the anniversary of the death, each year, thousands or more reach to that tomb to pay their respect. That is a Hindu dogma and now it has become widespread in India. The classic example is that of Mrs Indira Gandhi. Here below is a short video from a newscast which depicts how followers offer a garland every year on the anniversary of her death.

In that way all such leaders have their own tomb. And, since 1990 some started doing the same for Sadguru Baba. Some have dragged the shraddhainjali dogma into Ananda Marga in the form of so-called mahaprayan.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Path of Salvation

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Action-reaction explained

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Action, whether good or bad, causes deformity in the mind, and in the process of regaining its normal form one experiences as reactions good results for good deeds and bad results for bad ones. After death mind takes the shelter of unit consciousness as reaction in its potentiality (saḿskára). The unit consciousness, in order to have those potential reactions expressed, will have to seek a body suitable for the expression of these reactions. For instance, Rama dies, and his mind takes the shelter of his unit consciousness (átman) as reactions in their potentiality (saḿskára). Rama according to his actions in this life should experience as reaction (karmaphala) the pain equivalent in mental measure to a fracture of an arm at the age of eight, the happiness of getting a fortune at the age of ten, and the suffering of becoming fatherless at the age of eleven. He will have to experience all this as his deformed mind regains its normal form.”

Not “an eye for an eye”

"It is important to clarify here that the actual form of suffering is not predetermined. It cannot be said what might be the actual reaction of a particular action. For example, it is not preordained that if one commits theft his things of the same value will be stolen as a reaction. The suffering is measured in terms of mental suffering to the extent which was inflicted on others by stealing their property. Thus the measure of experiencing the result of an action is mental and is in terms of pleasure and pain, and the actual form of experience has relatively no importance. Rama has to experience the pain and pleasure of all these happenings, and so his unit consciousness will have to seek a body on rebirth, where an opportunity to experience all this will be available. In order to suffer the mental agony of loss of his father at the age of eleven years, Rama has to be born of parents where the father, according to his own actions, has also to die when Rama attains that age. If it is not so, Rama will not be able to experience his reaction (karmaphala) of the suffering of the loss of his father. Thus it is seen that unit consciousness and the potential reaction (saḿskára) cannot take shelter in any body for rebirth indiscriminately. A suitable body where the opportunity and field for experiencing their reactions (karmaphala) is available will have to be sought out. It is only in such a body that unit consciousness, along with total reactions in their potentiality, will seek shelter and be reborn." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

 हे परमपुरुष! मैं सोचता था मेरा कोई नहीं है, उसी समय तुम मेरे पास आये और मुझसे बोले कि तुम मेरे हो ।

प्रभात संगीत 1516 तुमि एसेछो , भालो बेसेछो मन जिने नियेछो ...


 बाबा, हे परमपुरुष! तुम  कितने कृपालु हो। तुम आ गये, तुमने मुझे प्रेम किया, और मेरा मन चुरा लिया है। तुमने मुझे बहुत स्नेह दिया और मेरा मन ले लिया है। तुम स्वयं लय और ताल के साथ आ गये ।यह तुम कैसी दिव्य लीला कर रहे हो।

 हे प्रभु!  तुम्हारे शुभागमन के पहले मैं तुम्हारे संबंध में कुछ भी नहीं जानता था । मैं यह समझता ही नहीं था कि तुम कौन और क्या हो। हे परमपुरुष ! तुम मरे पास आये और मुझसे बोले कि तुम मेरे हो । यह तुम्हारी कृपा है कि तुमने मुझे यह समझने योग्य बना दिया है कि तुम मेरे हो। बाबा! तुम आये और अपना प्रेम बरसाया।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! मैं तो अपनी ही निराशाओं  में घिरा हुआ था। अपनी करनी पर मैं रो रहा था। मैं सोचता था मेरा कोई नहीं है, कोई आशा  नहीं, कोई प्रकाश  नहीं । पर, तुमने कृपा कर मेरे मन के  अंधेरे घर में प्रकाश  का दीप जला दिया। तुम मेरे निकट बड़ी ही आत्मीयता से आये, और मेरा हृदय भक्ति की आभा से लबालब भर दिया। अब मैं समझ गया हॅूं कि केवल तुम ही मेरे हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम मेरे पास आये और मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व चमका दिया।

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Destined to be illuminated

“The night of cimmerian darkness is bound to disappear seeing the advent of the dawn. That which is ever-true, which is eternal, is destined to be illuminated with the rise of the crimson dawn. Be ready for the grand ovation to that new crimson dawn in every house. Be prepared physically and mentally, armed with the force of righteousness, for the auspicious moment of the enthronement of the ever-new. Be ready to respond to the supra-cosmic trumpet.” (Ananda Vanii #69)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Illusion: religion is a uniting force

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are a variety of religions in the world formulated by different propounders. But instead of enhancing the spirit of unity in the human society, these religions have actually increased disunity and mutual conflict. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion? So, far from being a unifying force, religion should be seen as a cause of disharmony." (1)

1. AFPS-2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Who is that arrogant Wt...


It is very simple. If we really love Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, then we must impress upon this Acarya's mind with force since he has already ignored the Margiis' pleas to cease and desist from any further disrespect of Baba.

So, it would behoove all Margiis to hold back any monetary donations that would end up in hands of this individual. If we are truly genuine devotees then we must act now. Do not wait even for the death of this dada or for natural selection for his replacement.

By taking serious action now will send a message to all of those in leadership-current and in the future, that they cannot unilaterally do whatever they want especially if it goes against the rules of Sadguru without consequences.

Actually, doing everything and anything we can responsibly do is in the long term beneficial for this acarya. Letting him (or any other acarya or Margii) continually go against Baba's teachings or dharma will irreparably cause karmic harm for themselves.  Our interventions will protect them from any pending unnecessary negative samskara.

Let us not be a part of the problem with our inaction. Act now like a true courageous tantric of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji would do. It is one way we may demonstrate our love for Baba.

Brotherly Yours,


Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Who is that arrogant Wt...

== Section 3: Links ==

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