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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Bengal: mahaprayan term & Islam + 4 more


Bengal: mahaprayan term & Islam 


See the below image - although it is in Bengali. If you understand Bangla then for you it is very obvious that this is from the Google Search engine for the term mahaprayan. There are countless hits and here is a small sampling of three sites. Actually the image has been cropped to show just these three entries.

The first site is the 4th annual mahaprayan of the Islamic follower, Humayun Ahamad, which was observed.

The second listing is the mahaprayan of the Islamic follower Chadaruddin Ahamad from Silet.

The third site is an Islamic follower named Selim Aladin who also had his mahaprayan. 

Mahaprayan = death of common folk 

Following are three anecdotal examples from a Bangla newspaper about how on a regular basis in the obituary column there are numerous mahaprayan listings. This mahaprayan term is not something reserved especially for Sadguru, Mahsambhuti, or Taraka Brahma etc. In our Bengal, the mahaprayan term is used for common folks, especially in Islam.

Don’t be misguided by dogmas if you want any progress

Mahaprayan (MPD) is a dogma.

 Baba says, “The status quo is so many irrational theories, so many irrational ideas, so many ritualistic weaknesses, and so many dogmas which are nothing but ideas having no legs to stand upon. These ritualistic weaknesses, or say, these irrational theories, they are also parts of “dogma”, they also come within the bigger field of “dogma”. So if one wants progress on the psychic level, one must be ready to change the structure of dogmas. Suppose there is one dogma – just change its structure by psychic hammering, by logical hammering, by intellectual hammering. We should always be ready to hammer those old ideas which are dogmas in the proper spirit of the term, because they have no logical legs to stand upon. And in the realm of rationality, in the psychic realm, in the psychic sphere, if one idea comes, and if you see that that idea has no logical support, no scientific support, no support of rationality, just give up that idea, and be ready to welcome newer ideas, novel ideas. Don’t be guided by dogmas if you want any progress on the psychic level.” (1)

In Him, 
Zalaluddin Ahamad

1. What Is the Philosophical Interpretation of Progress?, 23 May 1981, Kolkata

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Posting ==

20th mahaprayan


The below photo depicts how mahaprayan is done by all kinds of communities to observe the death of a normal human being. The gentlemen in the below photo in my area are followers of the Jain religion. In that tradition, in their dogmatic belief, they cover the mouth and they think that by this way they will keep microbes away from them. But here we are reviewing how Jains also do mahaprayan. The fifth word of the banner is mahaprayan in Hindi. On this occasion, the 20th anniversary of the death of a common mortal, Shrii Tulsi, is being observed.

Naturally then, when the mahaprayan function is embraced by all as a death ceremony, then when it is done in Tiljala every year in October, the locals think that a death ceremony is being convened. They think it is in honour of the death of the Marga Guru. Taken altogether, the situation is quite pitiful. Beloved Baba is the eternal Parama Purusa yet the mahaprayan organisers are treated him like one ordinary mortal who died.

It is just like how Lord Buddha was against caste dogma, but the moment Lord Buddha left his physical body then his own disciples were quarreling over which caste gets to keep his ashes. How ironic. And now in a similar thing is unfolding in Ananda Marga . Sadguru Baba is against the annual shraddha dogma, yet certain Wts have imposed this shraddhainjali annual death day in Ananda Marga.

Mahaprayan (MPD) is dogma

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You boys, you girls, you the spiritual aspirants, must always remember that you must never surrender at the altar of dogma. In the past, dogma committed so many nuisances, dogma created so many fissiparous tendencies in this human society. Your slogan should be “Dogma – No more! Dogma – No more!” Establish yourselves above the boundaries of dogma, and be established in the excellence of human glory.” (1)

In Him,
Kaushal Jain

1. 23 September 1979 morning, Kingston

And here is a previous such gathering. 

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Fundamental spirit of Prout

Prout philosophy states, “The universe is the thought projection of Brahma, so the ownership of the universe lies with the Supreme Entity...Everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma…We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation.When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?” (1)

Note: So long as one does not feel this above teaching in the inner core of their heart then their understanding of Prout remains nothing but a dream. Only when this teaching is deeply embedded in one’s mind will a person be able to strongly oppose economic injustice and establish the ideals of Prout.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Proper life outlook


Those of a materialistic mindset think that power, post, money, and worldly relations are the base of life. They think, “I live and die for this - i.e. power, post, & money etc. For this, I have come on this earth to live happily and enjoy.” In this way, due to avidya maya they pass their whole life in drowsiness. They cannot comprehend this basic fact that what they are depending upon is not permanent. Those things cannot last forever. 

In this universe, everything is moving and the speed of movement also varies. So when two people are moving at a similar speed then they are called a family. But no two persons can maintain a similar speed for long. Either one moves away, dies, divorces, or their liking or disliking changes. What they formerly cherished has now become useless in their eyes.

That is why nothing in this created world can be the base of life. None of those things can provide permanent happiness. Animals cannot comprehend this simple truth - but humans can understand it. Those who fail to comprehend it are worse than animals. Only that Eternal Entity Parama Purusa alone is the base of life. He was with you, He is with you, and He will always be with you up to eternity. So when you have one Entity who always remains with You then why not cultivate a close and intimate relation with that Supreme Entity. That will signify the start of gaining real meaning and fulfillment of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "That which is finite cannot be the base of your life, because it will be used up and will leave your mind unsheltered. Thrusting you in the abyss of darkness, it will pursue its course on the unending path. Therefore, no one except Brahma, the beginningless, endless and infinite can be the object of your mind and the base of your life.” (1)

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Base of Life

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Needs special eye to see behind the curtain

Baba says, "How one person sings melodious songs, how another dances beautiful rhythmic dances, how another delivers wonderful discourses, etc. But we cannot see the entity who pulls the strings from behind and runs the show. And the funniest thing is this: the speaker, the singer, the dancer thinks that he or she is the agent, the doer, and takes the entire credit for the performance. People do not care to think of the entity that pulls the strings from behind, or if they are even more foolish, they think that others see them alone, not the entity who pulls the strings from behind." (1)

Note: In the world, many people are in awe by seeing the work of others. But those who feel this way are very shortsighted. They think with their own merit XYZ is doing. But the reality is that on the world’s stage whatever people do, their energy comes from Parama Purusa. Those who have spiritual eyes see that nobody is doing anything. Rather Parama Purusa is supplying the energy. So all credit goes to Parama Purusa. So they never get wonderstruck.

The worst among all are those who stand on the stage and brag about their own merits. They forget that if Parama Purusa does not give energy for even a millisecond they will cease to exist. Because of their extreme blindness, they glorify themselves up to the moon. Watch out for such ignorant people.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, 97 Edn, p.181

== Section 3: Links ==

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